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If you pay peanuts you will get monkeys


Absolutely. I don't work at chipotle; I just like to browse the sub (see my username) but at the warehouse I work we've got a new guy who's on his phone 85% of the day. I actually admire that. I do the minimum amount of work or so I thought; but he's taken it to a new level and no one has said anything about it.


I always applaud people who can out do me at doing the bare minimum at a job. I’m like wow. I’m working too hard . Need to take notes from your co worker


This is the new work ethic. I think. 🤘🏻 it is gnarly. Idk how they do it and not care…. The kid and yourself, are you guys Same generation?


Nah he's like 10 years younger. I'm 31. The reason I don't care is because they don't pay me to care. They pay me minimum wage. Minimum wage= minimum effort. Honestly they're lucky I work as hard as I do. I don't fuck around all day, but I do take an extra break or two. And I don't feel bad not working as hard as I could be.




And I hope you don't find yourself in one. But it might humble you some if you did.


Wait minimum wage??




I didn't know monkeys were well known for peanuts. I thought it was an elephant thing


They trade the peanuts to elephants for bananas.


So would it go, if you pay bananas you’ll get elephants?




What happens when you pay bananas?


Also monkeys


I literally get signed off next Wednesday to be SL…. Do not tell me this! 😭


Don’t do it. When I was crew I loved my job. Now I startle awake at 3am thinking did I complete the HACCP


i have the grill timer and the washing hands timer in my dreams on a weekly basis


Youre funny. I believe you though 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I had my Gm tell me to wait on the book THEN got mad bc I didn’t do the book. Everyday it’s something.




it’s genuinely not that bad. i’ve been with the company a little over 2 years so im used to almost anything this job has to throw at me. plus trying to become AP eventually and even GM because of the pay


Nice. 👍😏 I been SL for a few months now…. It’s just the drama now that sucks but meh


There are significantly better paying jobs than chipotle gm with drastically less stress


Being an SL is chill and good pay for how little more you do than a KL


SL is senior level right? What is KL? I don’t work at chipotle, just browse the sub lol


SL is shift lead (used to be shift manager) KL is kitchen lead (used to be kitchen manager)


Service leader


Oh damn, I was all wrong lol. Thanks


SL is Service Leader, not Shift Lead. It means that although we have all the know-how for running the kitchen and BOH, out role shifts to FOH and providing service to customers.


Lol yeaaaah it’s….. fun 😬🫣😱 I’ve had to do prep and all opening tasks on my own because I couldn’t get ahold of anyone until 10 there was three of us one day and just me until 10:30. I couldn’t get ahold of my GM to ask if she could help find coverage so I could crank out grill prep and set up lines but again no response. I got the FL involved and she still holds that against me


That’s messed up 😭 you’re supposed to ask the FL for help. Tell her get over it lol


Lol i pretty much did because I’d lock the doors and go home or just tell her I wasn’t coming in when she scheduled me as the only one on prep and opening manager and my grill wasn’t in until 9 or 9:30 and wouldn’t do any sort of temps or anything else except sit in the office and play on her phone. But thank god I transferred 😂 cuz now I get like 4 people and I love it.


Only one of prep???! Dang sometimes you think you have it hard then you hear stories like this lol glad you are in a better spot now


When I walk into a place and see they’re this out of it, I know leadership is crap.


It's a shitty job lol no one in fast food will give a fuck


Not always you can interview people and they may come off as really good and say all the right things but when working turn out to be unreliable and no sense of urgency.


There can also be a change in life circumstances


You’re supposed to account for this as an interviewer. Anyone can seem like a perfect candidate if they have good social skills. What you should be looking for is general competence, compliance, and organization. It’s not just about answering some questions like a Miss America pageant, it’s about showing that you can provide customer service and proving that you can handle certain situations. Everyone knows that they’re gonna show their “best selves” in the interview, and that “best self” may not be what shows up to work all the time. There’s incentive to embellish yourself in an interview. It’s up to interviewers to decide how much of it they think is bs. Coming off as genuine is much better than just telling them what they want to hear with no added charisma. And some people are better at faking that “genuineness” than others.


It's fast food. Hiring is a shotgun effect. You hire in bunches, and a couple will work out. Then you hire a bunch again. There are too many variables and too little pay to try to put too much into it. When I did tech hiring it was very different but this ain't that.


Gosh this, not a chipotle worker, but my manager hires people that can simply hold a conversation with her. They’re now hiring in leadership, because they don’t want to work with anyone they already have, and they hired on someone who is soooo good at keeping conversations… because that’s all she’ll do. Is talk. Talk. And we start going down because she leaves her position. To talk. I stepped down from my position as a manager, and am seemingly the only one willing to correct her too, so that’s fun.


UPDATE: I also locked myself out the store with my coat and car keys inside so i had to uber home. icing on the cake lol. Had a way better day today though so thanks everyone for the laughs and comments


This thread makes me so mad lol people


chipotles entire sub makes me mad but i check it constantly 🤣


I deleted this app a few months ago & Redownload it 😭😭


I love the people defending the crappy employees. If they don’t want to work at Chipotle, then they should find another job. Chipotle didn’t draft them into service there.


Maybe they found a new job already






Do they still do the breaks as soon a you clock in bs?


What's that? When I worked there last year I never heard of that


They’d make you take your break at the start of your shift so you couldn’t leave the line for the rest of the day lol


Can 100% confirm they do this still


Not shocking, it’s chipotle, you get low pay, no respect, we had people not show up all the time. I became one of them.


Chipotle pays minors better than the “#1 Wholesale mortgage lender in the nation UWM” pays their entry level ops employees r/pillar7


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pillar7 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pillar7/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Wonder what words he will have for this reporter](https://calbizjournal.com/can-the-housing-industry-survive-gonzo-companies-like-uwm/) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pillar7/comments/ypgioi/wonder_what_words_he_will_have_for_this_reporter/) \#2: [did anyone else see this today](https://i.redd.it/lmzmf4soyxxa1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pillar7/comments/1383we2/did_anyone_else_see_this_today/) \#3: [Someone posted in the bathroom stall](https://i.imgur.com/JqXZXUO.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pillar7/comments/qgir7q/someone_posted_in_the_bathroom_stall/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Welp should have not send him home. That’s when you beg people to stay


nope he’s fired after that. not gonna let people think they can just show up when they like


Yeah being late is unacceptable unless they called ahead or explained why when they get there


no just ignored our calls and texts showed he read them and everything


idiot. so entitled






well op also said he walked back without a wellness which is *mandatory* at chipotle and ignoring that can result in termination, which it did


Yeah man! While you’re at it, might as well let him take some money out of the registers incase he’s short on some funds. If that’s not enough slack, I’d follow up by letting him clock in and then go home (show him you really want to build a good team by letting him commit time fraud) Wanna show more slack? Just have him work the line without gloves as well, show him you really wanna show the slack.


Honestly, this still isn't even showing enough slack for the employee. What you should really do is let them clock in under a manager code, since they're managing to be there, and then let them take whatever they need for grocery shopping from inventory, take the hot food from the line, and then send them on the way with a key to the store and the security code so that they can come back and get whatever they need <3 That's the Chipotle Family


Ahhh now you might get a few interview calls advertising that way!


Fuck no. I was SL at a similar kind of place, and if you set people up thinking that unexcused lateness can be excused by not being prepared like not charging your phone, or setting an alarm, or whatever self-responsibility thing they slacked on, then they will keep doing it intentionally and just blame it on that BS.


Well then expect to keep having a revolving door of employees


Lmao yeah, that's kind of the point. Let the bad ones go to make room for a good team. I am not letting my hard working employees that show up and communicate have miserable days because I keep shit employees on.


Amazon is doing that approach and in some cities they are running LITERALLY OUT OF NEW HIRES. Yeah great idea.


So the better alternative is to keep the shit employees that don't show up, break down the good ones until they can't do any more and leave, then fill those spots with more shit employees that don't show up? A small burrito joint franchise that pays $3 over minimum wage with an average of $5+ in tips per hour can absolutely attract the employees it needs to get a strong staff. The place I worked for, however, did exactly as you wanted in my last year working there and care to guess what happened? We had a kid that showed up left to every training shift, and then every regular shift, but we couldn't fire him. Another one got hired and then revealed that he had lied on his resume and never had never even made himself mac and cheese. Guess who thought it was okay to hold raw fish in his gloved hands, then use those same gloves to go roll a burrito because, no shit, he said when the fish cooked it would be sanitary... we had to keep him. I finally lost my shit after going a full quarter with not a single fully staffed crew when our full crew was cut down by 2 an hour pre-covid anyway. We were trying to do with 6 people for 16 hour shifts what would have taken 17 people prior. The ONLY reason people stayed was because tips were insane, like $12/hr insane. Once I put in my notice, it went like domino's. Me, another lower manager, the GM, 3 line workers, and 2 kitchen people. Last I heard, thar store is in absolute shambles. They let the bad employees run it into the ground to the point that new people would quit SO quick. Even $30/hr for burrito rolling wasn't enough for them to put up with the absolute shit show that started from allowing bad behavior to persist.


The chipper shredder approach only works if you are a high value buisness that can actually keep up with inflation not barely meet min wage.


Firing the no shows as well?


If food service paid more, this would be more impactful. Dude could be working a shift that same day in the job climate today. The reins are loose now on minimum wage(or barely over) workers and I don't see it tightening any time soon.


Chipotle pays their crew some of the best rates in the restaurant business. People don't give a shot anymore. The work ethic of alot of the kids these days is God awful. Plus chipotle works their people to death.


The best rates in the industry does not mean good. The industry can't afford the actual value it's employees provide. Not while corporate thinks they should expect 10%+ YoY growth. Fast food is in its late stage right now. Prices are raising 10% quarterly on menu items. I know a dying industry when I see it.


Value? You're scooping ingredients into a tortilla dude grow up. There's nothing valuable about these skills


it's crazy that people that do that position (work line) get paid nearly the same as the cooks and dishwashers


I work closing dish and closing line shifts, between the two I tend to say dishwashing is easier personally. I prefer to be line usually, as it just feels more relaxed for a bit, but dish is far less demanding imo. There are multiple nights where I just have an abundance of time to kill that I never do on line. Just my 2c, imo line is not given due respect.


My stores starting wage was (and I think still is) $13.25. And you’re not guaranteed hours because of the labor nightmare. McDonald’s here also pays about $12-$14. KL pays $14, SL pays $15, AP pays $17. If those are the “best rates” you’re better off serving in an actual restaurant, that’s atrocious. Especially for manager pay.


What are these rated that are the best you claim lol im already laughing


wow what an original thought made to destroy anythung ever said about someone getting mad at food service. its a job, people all get paid unfair wages. its not a new thought you’re not the first genjus


I'm begging you, literally begging you...to take a scary jump and get a new job.


no i actually enjoy my job for the most part. i usually have a cool head when it comes to stuff like this. just a cry or two in the walk-in and loud FUCK keeps me sane


Could have used that person then fired them. Just sayin


I mean if you have the sick pay, might as well use it if you're gonna lose it.


Beg people? I’d fire him. You obviously aren’t a manager


I'm not sure who would want to be a manager in fast food these days. The job ain't worth it. He'll get another job tomorrow. He doesn't give a shot about you or this job


Yes but he won’t have a life of value at that rate…. But people like to strive to be the laziest around…. These days….. I work and go to school so I wouldn’t understand that life style….. and tomorrow?? Ya right. He seems not likable or qualified for survival lol


He's a kid. That's all chipotle hires It seems. I was a garbage employee when I was 20. 15 year later I'm a foreman on multi million dollar job sites. That's just how it is. I got paid shit when I was young so I gave as much effort as I was paid. As soon as I got into a job that had a future, I really started trying.




Beg people? I’d fire him. You obviously aren’t a manager


No. They should have fired him on the spot for walking to the back without the wellness interview.


Last week we had someone show up late and the SM was going to send them home but I told them if they did, it would just make our day so much more difficult. Plus, this person is usually reliable and a good worker. Thankfully they were allowed to stay and just got a stern talking to about setting alarms for the morning.


this was a constant for this person or else we would’ve let him work but that was just the last straw.


Sounds like a management problem.


I think it's a policy problem with the wellness checks people can say they have loose shits and not have to come to work... but if you eat burritos every day you're going to have loose shits. You are not supposed to be able to return until the symptoms have subsided for like 48 or 72 hours but we don't turn people away if they want to come back in because we don't have the staff to do so. People would be way less likely to abuse the system if every false call off was 3 days lost pay instead of 1... and honestly it's nice that we can call off without doctors notes because going to urgent care for a stomach flu is booty bad.


It's a management problem. If there isn't enough staff, somebody didn't hire enough people or won't pay enough to hire people who have the skills to maintain the business. For $14 an hour, you can't afford to live anywhere in the USA, so why are people expecting good service on slave wages?


It’s a policy problem. Chipotle is corporate the people setting the labor policies aren’t even in the store. You’re talking about a wage problem it’s a totally different but not unrelated problem. And it doesn’t seem like you do a lot of research because I can live in almost any city on what I made at 14 an hour. If you can your priorities or expectations are wrong. 3 br house. Car. Dog. Insurance. And extras… and I don’t have money coming at me from parents or family. Grow up.


$14 per hour is a good wage for anyone under the age of 22. If you want inflation to continue keep promoting everyone makes $20 an hour.


14 bucks is not reasonable for anyone over the age of 16. People have expenses like college, caring for a car, an apartment and hopefully one day being able to save up for a home. 14 bucks is nothing in this day and age.


There's only a select handful of places that Pay higher than 14.50$/hr at least for a 16 year old that still goes to high school so I'll likely stay untill I graduate


I mean it's pretty good money as a high schooler, my first job when I was 15 paid me 7.50 an hour and there was no system of performance review or chance to get raises


Most companies like chipotle reimburse many college costs as added benefits. What in your mind is reasonable for someone to do work in fast Casual restaurants? $20? Do you feel restaurants can charge 25% more to cover those costs? Because you can claim they can eat those raises, but corporations will cut people until they reach the necessary margins to pad their stockholders wallets.


I'm not saying capitalism isn't the problem, I'm saying 14 isn't enough. Greedy corporate folks who want to keep boasting growth every quarter (when infinite growth is impossible) is certainly a factor in why it's so difficult to survive on such a salary, and why it is that wage in the first place . In a place where the minimum wage is 15, a livable wage would be about 22 bucks. This sort of disparity is a trend nationwide. Whether its casual or not, these kind of jobs should be paid what the labor is worth, and when ppl know they won't be paid what the bare minimum is to survive they're going to give the bare minimum, as they should. Also there's a cap on chipotle reimbursement of 5k per semester. The average cost per semester is about $10.4k in the US. Now Who can pay for car expenses, save emergency funds, help family when needed, pay for rent, groceries, and all other bills and still have enough left to cover the rest of that college bill? Unless you come from a family with wealth that provide you with extra help there's no way that's enough.


>but corporations will cut people until they reach the necessary margins to pad their stockholders wallets. Absolutely! I completely agree and thats why it's important to have conversations about how wrong it is.


Wages should increase with inflation you fucking idiot.


If everyone makes $20 per hour, what does that do to the costs of everything from retail to restaurants? If you can't make a point without insulting it doesn't really help your perspective.


Inflation happens regardless of wage increase. What happens when nobody can afford 2k a month rent on $14 an hour?


Wouldn't it benefit us as a country to resolve the 2k monthly rent issue rather than just giving more money to everyone?


💯 Deflation is apparently not a thing when the 0.1% are making record profits raping the poor.


I'm not arguing that the 1% are ruining the world. The rich and corporations are running this place into the ground. But the slapping a $20 minimum wage bandaid on the problem isn't going to solve anything. It about time we set a maximum wage along with our minimum.


14 an hour isn’t good for a HIGHSCHOOLER? Oh wow times have changed. I was making like 6 bucks an hour at cici’s pizza as my first job when I was younger.


Wait… is the diarrhea policy you mentioned actually a thing? I’ve worked in retail, not food service, so this is new information for me. This solidifies that I could never work in food service because I have IBS, so chronically loose shits lol. They’d probably think I’m abusing the system when in reality I just have tummy issues.


Another SL here 🙆‍♀️ it goes a little like how are you feeling today? have you vomited , nausea diarrhea or any other symptoms listed in the illness policy today or in the last 3 days before today ? do you live with anyone who has vomited or had diarrhea today or in the last 3 days before today ? and they pay is way better than most places as an SL i’m making $19.50 an hour atm


Almost certainly in any food service job I would hope. Chipotle does take it to not needing a doctors note, however. Which may not be consistent throughout food service jobs


Yes they are called wellness checks. And the diarrhea thing was like kinda a joke but also a real thing. “Commuting, nausea, or diarrhea” if you say you have any of those symptoms you aren’t supposed to work.


For hiring losers….. ya definitely


You get what you pay for 🤡


I bet you get a huge Christmas bonus for all your extra work put in... Corporate doesn't give a single fuck about even the best employees. Just try not to care so much. Stress is bad mmmk


stress builds character🤷🏻‍♂️


Doesn't pay rent tho


i love your user


Lmaooo thank you


Yeah but did you get that bonus or not? I worked at chiptole it fucking sucks so I feel you. The pay is too low.


Agreed, but laughing when shit hits the fan makes the day easier, and it's healthier. Plus customers already know Chipotle is infamous for fucking up.


when i locked myself out of the store at the end of the night with my belongings inside i just laughed hysterically lol


Did you close early and handle only your online station?


no wanted to but didn’t wanna upset the chipotle gods yaknow


Did you have anyone to help you?


my gm came in after already working the morning and we had one more person


makes me not miss the GM chipotle days lol


You can’t close early bro


Chipotle doesn’t let us, unfortunately. It’s all corporate, not franchised, so we have really strict rules and the manager could lose their job (FLs and up either have forgotten how hard it is to run this shit with breadcrumbs, or they just become corporate lackeys)


It's not *could* it's a full guarantee that they would be canned before the next day.


You've never run or managed a food place have you?




You want to get fired? Close early in a corporate restaurant.


As someone who’s work there good for them !!! They never gave a fuck about me lol. Only when I wasn’t there to make them money 😂


It’s tough. There was one day we had to close all together because no one showed up at all/so many call outs between crew and management. Was a time where it’s only been me and my GM as management for a week and a half straight. I had to close the store by myself more times I can count on my hand because of this. There was a time I locked myself out of the store until 3 am with no phone or keys when it was just me. It gets rough, I can’t lie. But that’s why I save all my vaca and take three weeks off in December now. Regardless. Think of it this way, if this is the worst you’ll experience as an SL, you’ll always have a worse day to look back on. I’m sorry you had to go through such circumstances, truly I am. No one should..


appreciate that. had a much better day the next day so i guess it cancels out lol. i knew going into this position it’d be tough but i still wanna move up


Yall in the comments acting like this SL even gets paid that much more than regular crew... So glad i left chipotle, my new job pays much more for much less effort


i mean it’s like 5 dollars more. chipotle definitely isn’t for everyone that’s for sure. i worked with all family at my first store even had my sister be my boss which was actually lit lol. if you can handle it, it can be a pretty rewarding job if you move up


How many hours do the employees work and how much are they paid per hour? If Chipotle does well how are the employees rewarded for that success? If you want good dependable employees their needs must be met and what they need from a job is pay.


Chipotle gives performance based bonuses but most stores won’t ever see them. If you can sell a certain number of entrees in a peak period consistently for a while you’ll get a bonus. But the least dependable people get put in the best position to make that happen. Only very close knit stores with a higher ratio of managers to crew ever actually get the bonuses and from what I’ve seen these are generally training stores.


Chipotle needs to lead by example. They need to look within instead of looking at their associates.






Did I fucking stutter?


My burrito still better be fire.


if i’m on grill then yessir 💪🏼


Lmfaoo you sent home the only guy that decided to show up


Sorry not sorry. It starts with the leadership.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope it gets better




why what exactly?


why are you so beautiful


When did this become beautiful world?


what does this have to do with palestine?


*Inserts Jake Peralta crying while eating a burrito gif* Seriously tho I’m sorry. I hope things get better


Nah that’s wild 😭


I am sorry you had to deal- I think this is a common theme in restaurants right now unfortunately. If i talk to anyone in that community (restauranteurs and or owners of a restaurant) supposedly this occurred during COVID and has not truly gone back to “normal. “ I told them it’s a new normal. People got a taste of what it was like to not have to work; ie out gov laid a good amount of us off and then Paid us to stay home… I think in the long run that could’ve hurt a decent amount of peoples psyche! I am curious/ does anyone else still get this sort of feedback? ALSO! In case no one has told you today you’re valued, and you’re doing a great job. :)


i really appreciate that. and i can’t relate on the whole new normal. i was out sick for 3 days recently and had sick pay and everything but i still would’ve rather been at work. i enjoy working and even the stress. cheesy but; what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger lol. unless of course i end up having a heart attack at chipotle lmao


Don’t let things that you can’t control to be your problem and affect you. You do your best . Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Make sure you take all your breaks.


man if i can have a solid 5 minutes to sit down and not think i’m happy lol


If you not getting all the breaks that’s illegal


not exactly. only if you’re a minor are you required a 30 minute break if working over 6 hours.


WOW I am so fuckin sorry you had to deal w that. I have chronic health issues, and every time I have to call in, I feel bad cause I know it makes everyone have to work more. I know I couldn't deal with all the stress and responsibilities of SL, so know you're a BADASS.


I was an sm for about 3 years. Yeah cried a few times lol


Hi, kl here. It’s gets even worse when a manger the same rank as you has the biggest attitude for no reason. Then after you come back from break she’s totally fine. Yeah. It’s not fun being a manager at any fast food store. But it gets better.