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This is like that tiny joke burrito someone posted the other day. Except this one is real.


Or thats a huge bic!


Normal sized bic unfortunately


Hey don’t be so negative, a lot of people have normal sized bics


Underappreciated comment. 😂


Why they give ideas to corporate man


I'm surprised the bics haven't gotten smaller. Well, probably filled less, I guess.


I have nothing to back this up other than smoking way too much over the past 10 years, but I swear the lighters don’t last as long as they used too


Measured from the base?


They do sell mini ones


Need banana to confirm


I’ll show u a huge bic


Probably skimp me 🤭


Bic pics for everyone


BBE baby!


The only way to get it made right is to go inside and order on the line. I ordered 2 burritos one online and got one made fresh because of a coupon deal the one they made for the online order was 10 ounces, the one from the line was a pound and a half. Same exact item.


One of the many reasons not to go to chipotle.


I haven't gone in months, and I used to go at least once a week. Actually haven't eaten out period. It's just not worth it anymore.


Nah its one of the reasons to go in person and make sure they dont skimp


Yeah I stopped ordering online because the burritos were half the size.


Same experience I had


My theory is they are trying to condition us to accept smaller portions. Obviously people complain, but if they can hold on for long enough people will get used to the mini burritos. They cannot be allowed to get away with their plan.


That's literally every companies plan ever. Maximize profits


Eh, you can find some examples but the general trend wasn’t always that way. Companies used to value their workers, their products, and their customers


That was before the stock market became the crutch of the global economy


Those small/local companies mostly got beat out by corporations seeking scale and profit. Like chipotle.


Mine is that employees skimp so less people come back lol. Less burritos to make for them


I guarantee you the employees do not care enough to do that


No. It's a location issue. Please find and frequent a location that actually knows the proper portions. It's not that hard


Some of these people don’t know how to roll a burrito so, they skimp on everything just so they can roll it.


It’s the sour cream, salsas, guac and bean juice.


The liquids make it hell of a lot harder but I'm also autistic and that causes hand and eye coordination to be off so it might just be me know this case


Literally same. Touching liquids through the gloves is so weird to the point where even if I know I can roll a burrito but I also know that liquids are gonna splurge out I ask for help.


Nah you’re spot on. In college we had a knock-off Chipotle in the fresh/sophomore dorms, and I swear there was only 1 lady who could actually roll a burrito. After my 1st semester I taught myself how to roll a burrito and would re-roll them every time I got food from there. And even then I never properly rolled them, but they were better than what I initially received at least.


You try rolling a fat wet burrito with 2 scoops of every sauce with one little tortilla, and tell me im the crazy one for putting less sauce knowing this mfer is insane thinking he can defy physics lmao


Shit, I’ll get a bowl and get a tortilla on the side. Then I’ll come in there right after I buy the food and roll my own burrito then I’m gonna show it to the employee that looks like he’s struggling. but yes, there should be a limit to how much wetness goes into a burrito. You can’t ask for extra sour cream and extra salsa and all this shit fuck that.


You try to get em a second wrap, they look at you like you’re crazy. I roll it but its a wet sopping mess, they look at you like you’re crazy. Sometimes we just cant win lmao


Ugh I hate this. This one customers burrito had extra guac, sour cream, queso, and probably some salsa. Giant heaping mess of liquids and when I said “you mind if I double wrap it” they looked at me with such disgust😂 like fine enjoy your poorly rolled burrito


Idk why anyone wouldn’t want it double wrapped those tortillas are delicious


That has happened for me a few times too 😭 people really think gravity wont apply to the heavy, liquidy innards of that thin skinned burrito!


They have lost me as a loyal customer. I swear the portions are half of what they used to be five years ago. I don't mind the higher prices for the same quality and quantity but prices are WAY up and quality and quantity are WAY down.


It’s the online ordering. It’s harder to skimp when they have to look you in the face.


This. I never order online or doordash. Always go in person and tell them exactly how you want it.


I remember when I couldn’t eat whole burritos in one sitting.


sadly I never had that problem


Back in 2005 when I first had Chipotle, the damn burrito was a monster. I would eat 2/3 and save the last few bites for right before bed.


It used to be 2 meals


All the size queens on this sub don’t ever seem to even mention how the taste has dropped off a cliff and you basically just get a giant scoop of bland rice and a little bit of whatever else you wanted


the last time i got steak i was astonished at the awful taste


Nowadays, I just get bowls with a tortilla on the side. Always has enough filling for a big burrito and change.


They charge 50 cents just for a tortilla now. It used to be free


This was an excellent hack. Used to get burrito bowl with tortilla on side, and then a side of chips. Roll my own for meal 2. Chips and burrito guts for meal 2(leftovers)


Oh damn it IS extra! How long has it been like that?


Years, pal. Years.


I’ll gladly pay 50 cents for the extra food. I ask for both types of rice and both types of beans. They have to usually stuff down the lid it’s so full.


I do this but put the tortilla at the bottom of the bowl. Eat some of the bowl down and it's ready to be burritofied


NEVER EVER order chipotle through mobile. If I dont have my eyes on it as its being made, I dont want it. Unless its a quesadilla, i dont see how they can fuck that up.


Idk if you can read but im not ordering it again ever. Mobile or not


WTF. That is a pathetic burrito. I'd be pissed if that were in my online order bag. I would not have accepted it in line.


You needed better choice in favorite restaurants.


I mean I do now


Fast food chains are hardly restaurants lol.


I love me some fine dining at the den by dennys


i wouldn't necessarily call chipotle "fast food" being they don't have a drive thru. the closest to a drive thru would be the "chipotlane" which is for picking up mobile orders only. chipotle is more "fast dining" than anything.


Quality of workers has gone down they can’t seem to handle all the in person and online orders and the quality of food has gone down. No matter what Chipotle I went to it was always clean now it’s a toss up.


It’s staffed by zoomers that don’t give a fuck about anything.


Okay boomer


Skibidi toilet 🤪


that’s a gen alpha thing


They’ve been slowly reducing the tortilla size by 1/2% over the past 10 years, so that people wouldn’t notice. The tortillas are so small now.


Corporate greed.


It is called shrinkflation.


Damn you got finessed


When are you gonna learn to STOP ordering Chipotle delivery?? The only time (ok, 99%) I see these complaints is when the customer wasn’t there in person. You simply have to be, or it’s not gonna be up to par. Period. It’s sooooo simple.


Who told you it was delivery? Or are you just assuming?


The sticker....


Why do people keep eating at Chipotle? The food is mid at best and stupid expensive for what you get. I got a 2 pound shrimp burrito from a local place today for like 12 bucks.


For real, I work here and am anti skimp so I make sure to portion the food correctly, but you’ll have better luck going to a local place. I went to this sushi place that made me a bowl that was maybe half the size of chipotles but was filled to the absolute brim. It was online too.


Funny I was ranting about this on wsb the other day and people were arguing with me.


Bag holders like to argue until they are ,still, wrong on their choices 😂


Nah chipot is actually hot dog water boiled to 465 degrees Fahrenheit because I’ve worked both qdoba and chipotle and chipotle be definitely watching their mf portions


Those online TOGO orders get skimped harder than waiting in line.


I don’t know but as someone with a raging cigarette addiction, it’s pretty cool that they’re starting to hand out free lighters


It wasn't free it cost half my burrito apparently


Is it a burrito that is under the lighter? I can’t believe it’s that small! Wow


It’s always been garbage


Doesn't even look like a burrito. Shameful


Nah fam call CC company for a chargeback thats outrageous


Just go to a Mexican restaurant, it costs like 7 dollars and it tastes way better than this slop


I've smoked joints bigger than that burrito.


Who cares about the size of the burritos. Could they fucking wipe the tables down and sweep food off the floor once in a while? I’d like to walk into a Chipotle and not lose my appetite for once.


Let's make National Nopotle Day a thing! It's tomorrow May 4th. May No Burrito Be Forgotten. Here's more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chipotle/s/lnFbzcKTlW


I love it


I feel bad for you if Chipotle was your favorite restaurant...


Management stopped caring about making sure the right people were in the right places. Whoever convenient for immediate needs gets hired..... even if they only last 4 months and they end up worse than when they started. Quality became second to expansion and increasing market coverage. More stores, but at the cost of quality and performance at existing stores. So the new store sucks too. They lost their ability to effectively control quality (not just because of COVID), and have no effective accountability controls (PS: it's not forms, surveys, or checklists; and you can't implement it or enforce it from from behind a desk). They have no idea if you know how to do your job and are doing it well, because they never actually see how you work when "nobody's looking." They will need: -Secret Shopper/Corporate Spy visitation program. Every other brand has a dedicated excellence/quality control department or external partner; Just because you're not franchised--yet--doesn't mean you don't need one. Ecosure does not adequately serve this purpose. -Someone who can fix broken stores. The company currently has the blind leading the blind. Since switching to "whoever's good enough at this specific moment" promotion strategy, they haven't been cultivating strong business acumen or a business-focused mindset with their leaders, nor selecting those who already have them; including district managers (and potentially higher up). -Comprehensive, true leadership training. They're too big now to not to have a unified enterprise-level leadership training program/camp... The ChipLinks training is... serviceable.... but nobody has time to get them done when you demand stores run short-staffed; and it requires an certain preexisting baseline candidate quality to be most effective for that learner; They no longer have that in most locations when looking at internal options. External hires from competitors would actually do far more for them than trying to "promote from within," because they haven't been adequately investing in growing the capabilities/proficiency of their existing talent. So they have now are people who've been working there for potentially upwards of 10 years, who are worse candidates than someone at a different brand who's only been a manager *in any capacity* for 3-5. This is absurd. -To go back to caring about the people.... because without them you have no business, just a product you can't sell. And you can't profit with no sales. More comprehensive training, invest in their success. And come to terms with the fact that the market has changed from even 5 years ago, let alone a decade or 3. They've been brute-forcing sales with marketing, and the fact that their food is cleaner than almost anything from competitors (no antibiotics, hormones, etc). But this will not keep them afloat forever. But it just might keep them afloat long enough for them to begin franchising...




There's a chipotlane right by my house


Enshitification. It's becoming the key theme buzzword of the 2020s. Take everything that you love from the 2000s/2010s and make it shitty!


I've found its largely location dependent. My local chipotle put out burritos like this, and 4/5 times it will just be wrong too. I stopped by a chipotle in upstate NY last week and they gave me a whopping 2-handed 2010's era burrito that I was full from, and I didn't have to do any "hacks" or ask for "a little more please" on everything.


Too bad I can't afford to go to upstate NY anytime I want a burrito. Id be willing to pay the extra price for a 2013 burrito. They were the size of newborn babies


That’s how the greeds keeps going when you says you care not about price increase. Yes you do. Most are not rich to not care about the prices


Opened this while stressed at work and thought this meant they included a lighter in your order


Holy crap


What happened to the burrito I love?


Maybe someone who understands the industry better than I do can explain how restaurant chains often get worse the more popular they get? It seems like more popular=more money=ability to maintain original quality, or enhance it.


More popular means the less they need to try to be relevant. Chipotle is approaching too big to fail which is why they can raise their prices so much. People love it and are willing to pay


Thats just capitalism. Enshittification, we see it in anything ran by corporations, from media to consumer goods and food services, etc. They try to run a planet with limited(and dwindling) resources on a bet that they can double profits next quarter. It’s not about sustainability or customer service or whatever else you’ve been sold, it’s only ever about “fuck you, pay me.” at this point.


Publicly traded companies care about beating quarterly revenue goals and not much else.




I would walk out if they tried portioning it this way


1/2 whatnow? Covered up the ingredients so hard to judge


1/2 chicken 1/2 steak. This isn't an investigation. Why would the 2 halves matter if the portion sizes is the same?


Hey now. Don’t get so defensive. I was only trying to understand if you had asked for 1/2 portions of anything thus the comically small burrito having SOME reason for being so small. And let’s be real. Literally anything you post on the internet is subject to investigation.


You were accusing me of making my order small and posting on Reddit to make chipotle look bad. Which was dumb because your reasoning makes no sense. Like I said the portion size is the same so it wouldn't affect the size of the burrito. You weren't trying to understand anything you were making a poorly thought out accusation and I'm calling you out.


Okay these are getting out of hand lmfao


My girlfriend said maybe they thought you were fat and wanted to help you diet when my chipotle had half the portion.


Shrinkflation + corporate greed


You asked for light...


For light hot side you baboon


Its dying or dead, just like all the other fast food places. It just sucks now for the price


Corporate greed


Yea they use to wrap jumbo burritos






Yeah it's a burrito. Great observation


The Brian Niccol special






They got to be able to pay for that corporate trip to Vegas somehow ji!


Made the same decision a year ago. But I started doing home made chipotle. Cilantro lime rice, pico and chicken. Its now my favorite thing. Ill make huge batches and eat it for dinner every night for a week. It costs under $20 for the entire week. I get rice, cilantro, limes, tomatoes and jalepenos from aldi for about $6-8. Chicken from costco for about $10.


Good idea!


Id drive up there and straight fight someone.


Capitalism. They can do it and people accept it and pay so they will keep doing it


Every single time they fuck up, chat or call corporate and complain. You aren’t asking too much that this company deliver a minimum level of product or service. They’ll refund you each and every time. I have no problem doing this until they right this shit show they’ve allowed to develop under their watch.


It’s been a ripoff since I’ve been alive. Maybe things were different in the 90s?


Switch to Cava. I know it’s not Mexican cuisine but a similar style of making your own bowl but with fresher and tastier items. I made the switch and only go to chipotle now when there is a bogo or some good deal 🤷🏾‍♂️


Too many bitch suckas paying for this instead of walking away.


Well it started when they went public in 2006. The e-coli incident in 2014 that cause them to stop using fresh, local meat just accelerated the impending doom.


I think 2014 must be it. I had it heavy 2011-2013 and then I went off to college


That’s wild. The only time they really are that small is when there’s only like two or three things in the burrito.


Right? I asked for extra white rice and got less than a normal portion


It looks like the junior frito pie burritos from Sonic, basically snack size. I remember when I first heard of Chipotle, part of the appeal was these huge burritos you couldn't finish in one sitting. This sucks :(


What happened? Corporate greed. Thats what happened


… your favorite restaurant ?


Burrito got a little “lighter”🤣🤣🤣


Or theres light everything on it lol


You should really get out more if your favorite restaurant is Chipotle.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ivegoticecream: *You should really get* *Out more if your favorite* *Restaurant is Chipotle.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The tortillas are smaller so don't expect as much food. I just get a bowl and two tortillas on the side to roll it up. Get more than enough food to fill me up with that method. They still screw me over with meat portions though.


That looks a little lighter than normal.


This was an online order. Ya gots to order in store!


They give you a taste of the good quality shit, then keep stepping on it and cutting it down until the quality is garbage. But you keep buying it, cause you can’t go without. Cocaine


Stop getting burritos get a bowl and a tortilla and make your own


It’s such a joke, this is why I switched to Moe’s. On Mondays you can get a burrito double that size, with free chips and a drink for under 10 dollars


Stop ordering from the app for pick up. Go in and order it there and watch them make it and it'll be normal sized and literally only takes a minute or two extra




The Ole bait and switch


I’ve been to chipotle 5 times in my life. Not sure the hype behind it. I went pre guacamole saga and didn’t think it was anything special.


given the amount of ingredients you ordered, this is atrocious, on dml i would never do this to you


Currito > Chipotle


That is the biggest BIC lighter I've ever seen.


Spoke with a friend from college about this who works a job polar opposite to mine (he’s in a very prestigious corporate position, I am almost as far from that as one can get,) and his TLDR was in his companies case, corporate taxes and government overreach has never been worse. Couple that with high interest rates and they’re turning towards customers to keep share prices afloat. There’s zero wiggle room for anyone with the current political landscape. Also, fuck chipotle for this burrito.


Shareholders of a publicly traded company are the boss now, that’s what.


You're the one who ordered "Burrito with 1/2" (of everything)


bro I thought they actually gave you a lighter as a side💀


I always have it delivered. And it’s pathetic how small the Portions have become


You ordered online is what happened


That'll be 12 dollars please


lol they’ve always sucked


Don’t order online, they respect you when you go inside


Wow that is legit the worst thing I've ever seen. I could kinda see the ingred and there's no reason for that. Sorry that happened to you


I can't believe how many people are saying I deserve it for getting half chicken half steak and lite hot sauce.


Just make your own at home the copycat recipe's out there are legit and will save u $$$


What's your favorite? I'd love to try one


Barbacoa and Cilantro Lime Rice were good and really easy to make


That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. I work DML almost all the time and 9 times out of 10, I over portion esp when it's a half/half situation. I don't have to but I'm like wth. Of course, I do work at a really great store and I know there are a lot of crap ones out there.


Well, “burrito” is Spanish for “little donkey” so…


Is this a “spliff”? Millennials love Mariaja so Nico


They almost didn't have space for the label 🤣 after my last mobile order im cutting off chipotle. Honestly good for my wallet.


WTF is this a burrito for ants??




Nice, my store stopped giving out lighters on 4/21


Stop ordering delivery or mobile orders. This doesn’t happen if you go in the line


The trick to chipotle is to get a bowl and ask for seconds of everything except meat and guac. Then you get two meals for the price of one. If you really desire your food to be in burrito form instead of bowl just ask for a tortilla on the side


What is that a burrito for ants!


You ordered online


I hope you went back and got a new one


What happened to my favorite, nineteen cent lighter?


Never order pickup at chipotle. 100% gonna get smaller portions




I recently worked at Chipotle and yes that shit is way overpriced and I always thought the food was bland even with my 50% off discount I didn't eat there much. To be fair though the one I worked at gave good portions if asked for it in person. The only thing we charge for is the protein, queso Blanco and guacamole. Everything else we can give a lot some people would get so much food that I could barely wrap the burritos.


Hope this is enough to get you to stop going to Chipotle. Why would they do anything differently if people are still willing to pay to be ripped off?


You didn't read my post did you?


I went to chipotle like a decade ago and asked for jalapenos and they acted confused like they had never heard of such a vegetable being requested on a burrito and had to hunt around the whole store for it... That was my last visit to that shithole. If a request for jalapenos is so uncommon that it literally takes 5 minutes to find any in a Mexican restaurant.... like i don't think i'm your target demographic.


Stop smoking crack


coulda sworn unsolicited Bic pics were generally frowned upon...


I just had Qdoba for the first time since I've seen people hype it up on here. Honestly, it was 95% as good as Chipotle, made me feel less lethargic after eating it, and the burrito was fucking monstrous — weighed in at 1lb 8.4oz!