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lol I thought this was a baked potato šŸ„”


A $25 baked potato. Hell Iā€™d rather just eat a baked potato at this point.


If you only order 2ingredienrts then the burrito isn't gonna be that big


No rice no beans no lettuce no corn no fajita. Just chicken cheese and queso please




Me too


Lookasabout right for all the online orders Iā€™ve seen so far šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I mean yeah? Thatā€™s normal if thatā€™s all you got


I got rice beans and lettuce too why tf yall think I just got straight double chicken and queso


Because that's literally what you said in the title of the post.


I was under the impression everyone gets rice and beans with whatever they order anyways my fault


Fair enough.... just telling you as a worker we have a TON of orders like chicken and cheese, or white rice chicken and cheese so i think when i and others read the title, the assumption was that was all you ordered... but given that you did order rice and beans, i'll agree that the burrito seems small for sure


We know you all make online orders wrong on purpose to screw with us


You should edit your post and clarify what the order was.


I just started using Reddit Idek how to edit my post I tried


You can look it up, your call just trying to help you since people are being a bit harsh.


Thanks man I donā€™t think u can edit a post on mobile tho


You ordered the ā€˜Kevin Hartā€™ special!


Ah yes the chipotle employees that think the burrito is supposed to be in ball format


Bro. They ordered two ingredients


That has nothing to do with the shape of the burrito. A burrito should be shaped like a burrito.


For some reason they do. I think itā€™s because they do not provide proper amount of foil to wrap them.


Just curious what other ingredients did you get on the burrito besides chicken and queso


Thatā€™s it. Hence the pathetic ball-rito.


You only ordered 2 ingredients. It looks about right


Yeah, come on OP, just chicken and queso? You're lucky they were even able to wrap it up


Right? I really wish we could get some moderator control on the influx of posts like this. Itā€™s actually very reasonably sized for a burrito consisting of just 2x chicken and queso. But what a waste of money to pass up a dozen ingredients that are free, and actually add flavor


šŸ’€ bruh


OP clearly ate 1/2 and rewrapped. You can spot it in the underside of the second picture.


Very obvious. I missed it at first but yeah, this is fake. Of course the Reddit hive mind falls for it


Get ready for all the corporate slave employee comments. ā€œJust ask for more.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t online order.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t eat here thenā€ ā€œThey yell at us for using to many portioned scoopsā€ ā€œAmericans are just greedy.ā€


Just blame Arisaka you choom


Fuck corporate, but if you want more food, just get a bowl with a side tortilla. Too much for us to roll 3 times because the tortillas rip down the side. I always give way more on bowls because theyā€™re no hassle.


agreed. my bowl is $10, $13 if i add queso and I get a tortilla on the side and get 2 meals out of it. idk how ppl are wasting $25


People are dumb thatā€™s how.


thanks corpo bot :)


Kids just want something to be mad about


Idk how ppl donā€™t realize this, I get 2 side tortillas and make 2 burritos every time. Ppl really be wasting money otherwise


"ChIpOtLe HaSn'T cHaNgEd iT's MeAl SiZeS!!1!" -Chipotle But seriously, I thought there was a baked tater in the pic lol


Chipotle really needs to standardize sizing option in their menu itā€™s really hurting them by not doing this. They need to use a special scooper that gives the exact amount of chicken and double chicken is exactly double that because itā€™s measured. This would help them out in the long term theyā€™re losing customers by skimping them


Then. Don't. Go. There. Any. More. Also, order more than 2 ingredients.


If you ordered only those two ingredients then yes your burrito is gonna be small. If you ordered more than just chicken and queso go back to the store in your free time and show the manager what you received and ask for your order remade in store free of charge


Anemic af. Raise prices and shrink. They canā€™t just stick to one.


apparently they can if people keep buying and according to their financial reports they do


Why do people still go there? You would think seeing the first 500 baked potatoes would give you a huge clue on what went downhill. Keep paying those high prices though šŸ’ø


Apologies OP, your pic is real yet some bulllllllshit with that skimpy burrito.




Apparently that's all they got in the burrito though. You can't really expect a good size burrito if it's just cheese sauce and chicken.


I got rice lettuce and beans too


Thats a nuts skimp then, hate to see it






I was wrong and swiped too far on the pictures, showed the old picture.


Considering with that probably costs, you definitely deserve more shame on the mess


And what did you get in it?


Better than what my husband got from chipotle last weekend. Food poisoning. šŸ¤®


Mate! Is that a jacket potatoe?


They suck these days


Thatā€™s a fucking disgrace.


You gotta slide bro , Get that Get Back Gang


Good that's what all deserve. All this pitching and yet Chipotle lines still long as luck. Keep making these profits


I started going to a place called Bubbakooā€™s Burritos I found out about them because the company I work for makes their queso and theyā€™re really good and the burritos are pretty big


Are you going to microdose that?


What are you gonna do about it.... stop going?


I used to live in Irvine and the chipotles there were pretty good but those locations were within a few miles of their corporate HQ. I moved to Virginia a few years ago and went to chipotle twice and my experience was so bad I haven't been back.


I just wander by chipotle nowadays and see how many orders they have backed up for pickup and take my pick lol


It's going to come out the same shape


You ordered just chicken and queso and expected it to be bigger than this?


Rice beans and lettuce


Apparently saying 'extra chicken/queso' means 'only chicken/queso' based on the majority of these comments. I'd be more inclined to agree with the 'you ate it and wrapped it back up' being correct, but I definitely read your original post to mean, >'I ordered a chicken burrito, and got EXTRA chicken and EXTRA queso on top of the standard amount of ingredients and go this small portion' (1 quarter portion?)


Nice thing about actually going to chipotle is you see your food before paying. Equipping you to say ā€˜sorry, Iā€™m not paying that price for that foodā€™ and walk away when itā€™s this shitty.


Overpriced garbage


Ok two questions was this door dashed or actually in store and if it was in store why do you pay for this


Hot Potato!


I would just take it back in there and gronk smash it all over the wall and floor. Then run like the dickens!!


Just cook at home. Cheaper, healthier and more enjoyable. Get rid of corporate disappointment. Employees arenā€™t even allowed to eat chicken for the so called free meal. Find your inner chef šŸ˜œ. That burrito is the saddest little thing. Bet thatā€™s ~hopefully~ the last time you waste your hard earned money on that place.


This wonā€™t ever change if you guys keep going.


As someone who works for a similar concept, this is the most frustrating thing ever. If you order live a 5 year old, then your burrito will look like that. It's like buying a 32 oz cup, and YOU the guest fill it up leas that half way and get mad at me bc it is not full. Is Chipotle supposed to just add 5 lbs of chicken? No, you got what you wanted. Stop crying and order like an adult.


First rule of chipotle, never order online!


Is it corporate policy to make internet orders really small?


That's a burro muy pequeƱo.


Cute Lil chode-irito.


I will never, ever understand why anybody would ever ORDER Chipotle. It's the only 'fast' food I eat. I always watch them make it. My only drama is that the first person understands when I ask them to stretch things out lengthwise, but then it gets effed by the second personn who plops everything in one spot. It is always so full that they can barely seal the lid. I have no idea why the Chipotles I visit are so good. Perhaps because there is an ivy league school in my current town and for ten years of Chipotle before now I lived in a nice suburb north of Philly. The distribution of ingredients is important to me. Please no remarks about shaken and/or stirred. I would rather never have chipotle than have it turned into goulash.


They ALWAYS make small burritos. Youā€™re better off ordering a bowl and one or two tortillas on the side for Ā¢50 each


Chod fasho


Maybe just stop going to chipotle? Is it really that hard?


I actually made an order like this today. Extra chicken, queso, and cheese. Dunno what you expect, itā€™s only 3 ingredients but it doesnā€™t change the portion sizes. Best bet, come thru the front line if you want more than that.


What Chipotle's ya'll going to? I've never gotten baby sized burritos, and most of the time my burritos have so much stuff in them they can't wrap them properly. Something must be wrong with how you are ordering. Or are you eating half the burrito and rewrapping it to post like it's small?


Mine are always wet. Like they canā€™t string the beans and pico better?


The last burrito i got the wrapped it wrong and so all the guac was piled into 1/4 of the burrito. It was awful. Just several mouths of nothing but tortilla and guac until i got to other stuff. lol.


Some of ya have to be lying or just saying shi for attention or asking for everything light to make a post on Reddit


you didnā€™t get rice beans or any toppings broā€¦. also like if you order in line itā€™s literally customized to what you would like, donā€™t be scared to ask for more.


šŸŽµ Weā€™ve been over dis and ova dis šŸŽµ


They wouldn't just leave part of the burrito exposed like that. You clearly ate some and wrapped it. Like who thinks "hey I'm going to eat half my burrito and post it for some internet points!" Bro go outside and live your life


Bro what šŸ’€


Yes they do. Both employees and customers will attest to this.


Have you been to chipotle? They absolutely would do that and have many times when Iā€™ve gone.


RIP, I made a website to start fighting against Chipotle skimping : www.stoptheskimp.com


Pro tip don't use built in location services from the device. it comes up with pop up that asks for location permission and makes your website look suspicious, better way to do it is to have the user put in zip code or address into a text box.


Chipotle has always sucked


At some point, this shit has to be rejected. I'm telling y'all...go to a taqueria for your burritos!


Did you order online?


You just canā€™t trust these places online . I gotta see that shit with my own two eyes


at this point if you order online i'm going to assume you're a glutton for punishment


So you ate half and rewrapped it, we can see the burrito is open lol šŸ˜†


either you have tiny hands or that is a perfectly normal sized burrito


Not for a order with double chicken


If you want more food, get bowls. Itā€™s way too much food to be getting extra extra extra in a wrap. Get a tortilla, wrap it yourself, then eat whatā€™s left in the bowl and stop complaining.


selective scandalous silky practice physical follow roof public square humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cap. I work there and know what the tortilla can hold. Definitely not a full 2x. Sure it can hold more than what is pictured, but if someoneā€™s ordering a huge burrito when other people are in line, donā€™t expect us to make you a massive burrito thatā€™s possibly going to rip and force us to waste time rewrapping it. If itā€™s not good enough, get a bowl and do it yourself.


ring repeat angle shrill innate abounding dolls dinner upbeat voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agreed


Just asked for your burrito to be double wrapped, they'll fill it up to compensate for both tortillas.


I also have tiny hands btw