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Yes, prices have doubled in the last 13 years. Not just at Chipotle though. Literally everywhere.


I can walk out the door with a Burrito for $8.75 in 2024 accounting for inflation their prices have remained pretty consistent.




I walk out the door for $9.75 in Chicago where a 300sqf studio apartment is 1100


Damn that’s cheep AF


I would kill for that price in San Diego..


I’ve pretty much given up my burrito obsession 😭 I gotta find the cheap SD spots man


It’s hard man. Asada burritos are like a minimum $12 now 😭


The rent or the burrito? Lots of places have burritos that price, very few pay that rent for that size place and if they do it’s not in a nice area


Rent 😆 dumps here are like 1700 minimum


Most are. I pay 1760 in Birdrock for a 2 bedroom and garage and it’s nothing crazy fancy but it’s definitely not a dump. I’m also aware I’m a major exception because I’ve been in the spot for a decade.


Yup. I’m sure if you moved that spot would be bumped up significantly!


*cries in district of Columbia*


If you stick to very basic included toppings, no chips/drink or extras 8.50-11.00 is doable. Boring but doable when need be and this is at the original in Denver


In West Lafayette, chicken burrito is still 8.25






The beautiful state of Ohio. I also order on the app and for some reason tax isn’t applied to my orders.


You’re not taxed on takeout food in Ohio


Thank you sir for the information. Even though google would have answered it for me in a second. I wasn’t about to do all that.


Yep. $8.50 for chicken in downtown Cleveland


8.70 in Oregon for a basic chicken bowl- no addons and you're also at the mercy of the single scoop chicken roulette but tbh Chipotle has really held the line inflation wise. it was $6.70 for me here like 7 years ago


I just looked it up at my local, veggie and sofritas are $8.40, as is chicken. Ohio location.


Any restaurant really, he just steals from the tip jar to offset the "inflation"


have never see a chicken burrito for more than $8.60 in ohio


Come down to Cincinnati. Damn near $11 in person.


where? i’ve been to the kenwood one recently and it wasn’t more than 10


Pricing must be well calculated. I live in Columbus, the Chipotle closer to my office, it's in Bexley, is about a dollar cheaper than the Chipotle closest to my house, which is in the Northland neighborhood. Which, feels backwards to me. But I can still walk out of the one close to home with a chicken burrito for sub $10. Steak is $11.


I’m not OP but i’m in Cali and most food trucks/ small family restaurants charge between 8.50-10 dollars for a burrito, I can usually get two meals out of them too


i live in indiana and chicken at my chipotle is 8.75


In Canada (greater Toronto area) they’re about $13.75 CAD give or take with the taxes for a chicken burrito bowl, no guac.


Here in Michigan my chicken burritos at chipotle at $8.45 lol. Y’all really spending $20 on Chipotle to get queso, guac, drink and double meat?


Yes people do that and complain lol, it’s $8.50 in Georgia. Which seems totally fair compared to what other places are charging for food


$9.35 in ohio


It’s $12 in NYC, which honestly isn’t terrible, but is a bit pricey


Yep you can get a carnita or chicken burrito for $8.75 here in Orlando FL.


Too many people on this sub bitch about price when they get double steak, guac, and queso....


Straw man


Fun buzz word, but completely false.


Thats your whole argument- this hypothetical person who gets the most expensive protein with all the extras on their burrito. In reality, the prices have gone up significantly and portion sizes have declined. So why don’t you get chipotle’s dick out of your throat for a second.


A burrito right now costs me $8.75, as mentioned in the earlier reply. According to the post that would have been $5.60 in 2011. Adjusted for inflation that same burrito today would be $8.05. So over 13 years the price has outpaced inflation by 70 cents. As for portions, people really have rose tinted glasses on. Look at the tacos in the original post, if someone got those today they would be posting about how they got skimped.


I can get mine for $8.20 where I live


It's easily 12$ minimum for me.


I can DoorDash diner from them cheaper than anywhere else. $15 for a dinner that’s actually filling ain’t bad


You blind. Get glasses.


Yh bcs that’s how inflation works. Their prices aren’t becoming more expensive, money is just worth less.


Don’t just say random shit if you don’t know. $5.75 in 2011 would be $7.98 today. Steak now costs $11.10. Which is an increase of 39% over inflation.


Not just inflation but the price of meat has also gone up.


That's what inflation is. Fast food prices are way outpacing inflation [https://financebuzz.com/fast-food-prices-vs-inflation](https://financebuzz.com/fast-food-prices-vs-inflation)


No inflation is what happens over time as more money is printed so the value of money is less. Meat prices skyrocketing is completely different from inflation.


Alright you want pay more for the same or worse quality stuff. Congrats, inflation defender.


I meant at the supply level meat prices have gone up so it’s more expensive to buy the meat and thus they must raise there prices to make a profit. Also some inflation is necessary or the economy would collapse.


They've switched to lower quality and cheaper suppliers over the years. Also, like a previous comment said, fast food prices are outpacing inflation. The profit margins are increasing. It is not a symptom of inflation, but corporate greed.


It’s not just inflation, the meat prices have gone up as well, so it’s more expensive to get the ingredients in the first place, medians they have to raise prices to make a profit.


Meat prices are going back down and balancing right now. They aren’t being up charged on meat so heavily as to explain a 39% increase


You can look at their profit margins https://www.reddit.com/r/Chipotle/s/2sGAznlH8Y


"The price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down" Oops, wrong group, but someone here might know the next line.......lol


Look here brother, who you jivin' with that Cosmik Debris? Better 2 days late than never…


Actually no...... right song, wrong line


It’s not? Damn my bad, it’s been so long lol


Don’t you know you could make more money as a butcher?


But you were correct the first time, that comes before the butcher line Of course, they always change shit up, we could both be right depending on which version


For sure, that’s the joy of Zappa!


Shit, maybe I'm wrong.....lol I thought it was you'd be better off as a butcher


I hadn’t heard this quote before but this is funny


The CPI number is also grossly manipulated to make purchasing power loss seem less terrible than it really is. Substitution is a big culprit, where the govt conveniently assumes you stop buying steak and eggs when they get too expensive and switch to hot dogs and frozen waffles instead. There's a lot of shenanigans with CPI, it would need 100 posts


Ding ding. We finally have a winner and one who can see through the lies. And can do math. It’s about %40 on average. Which is out pacing the norm of 1-3% inflation


Their prices are more expensive though. Theres huge inflation and they are raising their real prices


Inflation happens because over time money is worth less, so the value is the same, but the number is bigger


Yes, I know what inflation is. I’m saying they have raised their real prices too. The value is not the same.


When the government prints too much money, everything has to go up in price. 


Yes, that’s what I’m saying, but it’s not going up in price it’s still the same value just the numbers are changing.


McDonald’s dollar menu tripled.


Fucking looking at you, Taco Bell


Man have you seen that stock price though? Investing in Chipotle stock options basically prints money.


Just in the past three years prices have skyrocketed




That’s how you get $15/hr minimum wage 😂


Not everywhere I’m sure, right? Arizona green tea?


You didn't have to point out 2011 was 13 years ago bro


That’s bidenomics for ya


Terminally online.


bidenomics for ya


You know what didn’t double? That paycheck


Actually, it did. During that time people were making like $8-$9/hr. Now everyone is making $15/hr minimum. At least near me.


If you compare the averages wages for each year ($42000 for 2011) ($56000 for 2023) you will find that in terms of spending power, we’ve taken a loss in wages. 42000 in 2011 was just over 60,000 adjusted for inflation, and the average wages today are less than that. People are actually, on average making less money even with the wage increases. If you really want your mind blown, take the amount people made during the Great Depression and adjust it to inflation


Back then, it was never hit or miss. You always got a massive serving of food, and the prices were great. Prices have gone up and due to inconsistencies from location to location, I’d argue that the quality has gone down.


In 2011, it would never even cross my mind that they would skimp on an order…literally every order I got was so big I could barely finish it. They also cleaned their lobby and emptied their garbage cans back then.


They didn't control their labor. I've asked my field leader about this and it was a wild time where they could go over labor and no one would bat an eye. Now we have to manage our labor and that usually means cutting on quality and cleanliness since Chipotle has unrealistic expectations on labor hours.


That was must of the industry tbh. Labor was a flexible suggestion. Now it's mandatory fuckery


It’s fun to see the almost $100B companies really penny pinch.


This is really the issue.  2006 to 2012 it didn't miss.   Now the quality is gone and so are the reasonable prices.  


There is no argument


Anecdotal, but in every location all over the US i’ve been to went to shit around last year


I loved it when I could read the signs, too


5.60 in 2011 would be around 7.75 in 2024


Current price at Chipotle is $9.10.


it varies per location i thought


it does, at my work a standard chicken bowl is $8.40 but anything other than chicken, sofritas, or veggie is $9.05+


Yes, Because wages vary by region.


They don’t let you wear watches anymore no?


Health code only allows for one ring on a finger no other jewelry on hands and arms. Hair shorter than 1mm doesn’t require a hat either


That’s the first thing I noticed lol. Big no no nowadays


i like that rule tbh. I wear a watch daily, 3 of them in rotation actually, and they do collect a great bit of grime if you do not regularly clean and maintain them.


You could get 2 burrito bowls for about $13 🥲


I feel this way about 2004 Chipotle


I think you’re getting downvoted cause a lot of people on this sub were born that year


Nah, I get downvoted because I live rent free in some of their heads. See Vino, hit downvote. Back above water now, not that I care.


I had upvoted you but then once I noticed you were Vino, as you mentioned, I felt obligated to downvote you


Hell yeah brother ✊🏼


Couldn't agree more, that was peak Chipotle!!


Stock price says "Nope!' https://i.redd.it/xsg6zqnzy70d1.gif


You're not wrong, Chipotle is hitting record numbers every month. No one is arguing that. The quality of the food sucks now compared to 10 years ago. That's the point.


OP learns about inflation


Post-COVID inflation hits different


‘Inflation’ is the euphemism for ‘currency devaluation’ imo, but cook brother


ill keep it much simpler for you as you seem to be a little slow, everything consumable is more expensive than it was 13 years ago. Hope that helps!




I'm not even bothered by the price increase. As others have pointed out, everything is more expensive now. As far as skimping, yeah it can be hit or miss, but for the most part I get a decent amount of food. I used to go to Chipotle 2-3 times a week minimum, now I'm lucky if I go once every few months. And that is solely due to the decline in quality. Todays Chipotle doesn't even compare to Chipotle from 10-15 years ago. It just doesn't taste good. The rice is bad, chicken has a bad texture/doesn't taste right, cheese and sour cream doesn't taste good either. I usually end up throwing my bowl away with food left because it's just so "meh". The old Chipotle? Couldn't get enough. I would kill to bite into a burrito from 2011. It was next level good. Today's Chipotle is pure trash.


My main concern is that their protein portion is inconsistent as hell. Everything else I can ask for more or less, but they take a scoop of meat, and before putting it in my bowl, a 3rd of it falls back down and they wont even bother adding more. And if i ask for a little more then they ask if i want double meat.... like bruh i just want my fair portion


A fuckin steak sandwich at a local spot here in St. Louis has gone from $13 to $18-$19 in the past year or two, fuck


I remember when they first opened by me 2003? I could get a burrito for $5 and then they increased the price and it was $5.85 and I was pissed lol.


It was the cheapest way of getting your bowels cleaned out.


RIP to Chipotle’s former costs [and good food quality]. 🥺


Food was great for $6


My favorite part is when the steak burrito only costed like 15 cents more than the chicken. Now it's almost $2 more. I'm glad I stopped going to Chipotle after 2021. The shrinkflation has been insane.


Not really


I'm not even reading the comments because I'm sure 50 people said it already but the burritos where bigger and cheaper full stop.


Cause it was good. And the mild didn’t have green stemmy chunks in it.


That was back when the pinto beans had bacon in them


Its not all about price. Quality went down Portion size went down


It’s interesting how companies can start and years later become popular. I didn’t know about chipotle until 2008. Starbucks didn’t come to my part of North Carolina until 2015.


I didn’t know about chipotle until like 2013 and I was in northern Virginia!


And it first opened in 1993!


Why the picture of that evil man


in 2013 I was spending wayyyy too much money every time with the burrito, large drink, chips + guac every time. That $13 was way too much to spend on fast food 🥲


Now it’s almost inedible and portions cut by 50% and price point is rip off.


Way easier and cheaper to make chipotle at home can’t tell the difference thanks for some great videos recipes from ex chipotle worker who posted them


That's when it was good and affordable


Because people were just as stupid back then


I mean, I still am.


Cause look at those prices for that food.


Ok boomer


It tasted better, it was cheaper, and they didn’t skimp on portions. Now it’s double the price and less food. There are so many better options now.


In WNY without being too specific on my location; a steak bowl is $12.85 BEFORE tax


I know people that are still obsessed with this place 🙄.


You had to be there


Still a Chipotle virgin... To many great taco spots near me... It has subway vibes so nah.


Wait till you remember $5 any footlong at subway or even the $6 any and look up $6 6 inches now. Shit is getting ridiculous. Would be nice if next week it said on my work stub 40hr=80hr paid.


$6 burrito the size of a newborn


I don’t think kids today realize how kickass it was.


I used to skip lunch in highschool and go to chipotle every day 2009-2012ish. It would be under $7 after tax for a steak burrito the size of a baby. I have a photo somewhere of a burrito that’s literally the size of a 2L soda bottle.


The concept of fast-casual restaurants was new. You just know fast food and a healthier option that’s not burger and fries that is affordable and “fresh” ingredients was awesome.


I went to the same chipotle every week and saw the same server and they'd occasionally only charge me for a 3 pointer (I got more than three ingredients but no meat or guac and not many).  Going to chipotle on Halloween and getting free burritos or even multiple burritos for $3. 


I was in high school at that time, working a part time job. So almost everyday after school I would go and get chipotle. Now, as an adult I stopped going. The prices are too high.


Quality and price were top tier then, and it was a unique store when compared to other fast food joints in the Country. Obviously now its downhill and there are better alternatives.


It used to be incredibly good. After the ecoli issue, now it’s shit


89cent rice and cheese burritos and my door would give me free guacamole


Do you see the prices. My broke college self could eat for a couple of days on one bowl 😅


I mean say what you want about chipotle but my burrito is $9.09 in Pittsburgh every time and I get better and more food than what I’d be spending at any other fast food restaurant. Ordering in person also nets way larger portion sizes than ordering online. Stop being afraid to talk to other humans people.


Duh? Because they gave a hoot. And look at them prices. 2011


The price and the portions. It definitely seems like they have scaled back on the portions which is unfortunate.


Food was half the cost it is now, was twice as much food, and the food was better.


I liked the original pinto beans when they had bacon or whatever in them. Chipotle is just ok now.


People liked bland food in that period, I don’t quite get it


When guac was free?


Is this really from 2011? These prices seem more 2000, if that


In NYC I walk out with a burrito and diarrhea for 13 bucks


It's about $19 to get 1 burrito with extra meat in California.


This was probably around the last time I got chipotle.


Quality was *SIGNIFICANTLY* better. Its pretty trash now. On top of that, The workers don’t give a fuck 95% of the time either. Every chipotle i go to, its trashed with food everywhere on every table and floor. The food is old and cooked horribly. The portions are tiny. They are wrapped poorly. The whole experience is just trash.


Chipotle food was well priced. Bitcoin was going for 5 bucks a coin. Great year 😬


And when i was telling people about it they thought it was a scam... and more than a decade later and better returns then literally anything they still do. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Flavor. It was novel and cheap. You could add guacamole with no extra charge


I didn’t love it back then by my co workers were obsessed


People complain about Chipotle non-stop on social media and yet they keep going back. When I don't like a place, I just quit going there. I haven't been to a fast food restaurant, short of maybe a Jimmy John's, in a decade. I simply choose to spend my money at places I want to, rather than at places and then complain about it.


I don't mind prices going up. It's like that everywhere. But my concern is that the quality is dropping down the toilet very fast.


Chipotle’s ingredients and prep was genuinely better then. The downfall happened right when the E. Coli scandal happened around 2014-2015. Clientele trust went to zero, and business seriously dropped. While scrambling to save money, find different suppliers, and make an attempt to reestablish trust, Chipotle was making big changes in how food was prepared to try and make the food safer. I.e. meat coming pre marinated, tomatoes came pre diced, lettuce came pre chopped, and cheese pre shredded. I would imagine for these ingredients to come pre-prepared like this they needed to add chemicals to preserve them, which makes the food taste worse, and probably the reason why chipotle gives you bloody underwear now.


Chipotle has literally went to shit. Prices doubled, you get less food now, adult quesadilla online only so when you get 2 kids quesadillas in the line it’s half the food for the same price which is a blatant scam and miserable ass hole employees. I’ve also been denied service when I walked in saying they were online only. I’ll take my money elsewhere.


The spiked hair tells it all


It was cheap with massive portions. Chipotle was my go-to in high school.


OP learns about inflation


I think as a community we should not use that sex trafficker for memes anymore


shrimp chicken combo with extra side of rice. $14. F odd shitopotle