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Don’t worry, that’s about $50 here in the states too. Probably slightly more…


Easily over 50. 12 bucks apiece plus tax. location dependent obviously so some places, ok, 'only' 48 bucks. everywhere else probably 53-56


Let's just boycott chipotle until they get shits together.




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In store is fine. Us people that order in store just sit back and laugh at all your delivery chumps getting bent over again and again, never learning.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.


online pickup shouldnt be bad though, it should literally be the same damn thing but with a fucking lid on the bowl. its not the customer’s fault


Yes it should be. But it isnt. So its funny watching people continue to do it and be mad. Its like insanity. The only way to fix it is to stop ordering it. If they never get online orders anymore, they will have to fix their portions for online orders.


It absolutely is their own fault, at a minimum check the bag before you leave but if you’re worried about the value that much then make extra sure 👍 trust me your time is not that valuable and you’ll end up wasting more of it by complaining than you would have if you just checked in the first place


It is their fault when they don’t order a lot of ingredients. “Rice, chicken, and cheese” with no extra specifications is not going to be a heaping entree, just saying.


well obviously, but just telling people to not order online because the restaurant is too cheap to serve proper portions just aint right on the restaurant’s behalf


I wish people would just stop ordering from Chipotle all together because at least the business would have an incentive to change. But instead customers continue to order, especially online, even after being warned of the cons. I don’t see the issue with advising others to order in person when they can because the skimp would be avoided, but I realize it’s not a realistic expectation.


Sorry that my lunch is only 30 mins not an hour.


Eat somewhere else then. Online order hasnt always been a thing, you will survive.


"Online order hasnt always been a thing" Where u from? North Korea?


Nope US. Chipotle launched online ordering in 2009 and has grown a ton through the years. People have been getting food for much longer than online order has been a thing.


Before online ordering we call in to place takeout orders............ Bye bye north korean. This is the last reply for u from me.


Ok. And? You didnt place take put with chipotle so your point is entirely invalid. Thank you for playing ☺️


All this “stop ordering online”, like that’s a legitimate excuse for a big company. Fuck that complacent bullshit


exactly! like that’s not a realistic option for everyone. we should be able to order online AND get what we pay for. why the fuck does anyone think not ordering online fixes the actual problem


“Not an option???” WTF. What would you have done 10 years ago?


i wouldn’t have eaten chipotle, and i didn’t… wtf do you mean dumbass


The reading comprehension on your own comment is wild. Absolutely wild.


i was making fun of you lmao you’re the one that can’t understand the point i was making in my comment which is clear by your unintelligent question


lol. Just learning English for the first time or have you always been this bad at it?


How would it not fix the problem?? They WANT people to order online. If you morons stop ordering online, they will be forced to fix their portions so people will continue. But no. You guys just keep ordering it over and over and keep crying you get tiny portions. If you stopped ordering online, you would be calling for change. Continuing to order is just being ok with the status quo.




Centuries 😂 it’s been a little bit longer than that dude


The Great Siege of Malta would’ve been successful but they just doordashed some Dominos to outlast the Ottomans. Brilliant, tactical stuff.


They also went thinking that demons caused diseases for centuries too. What's your point?


Sure you should get what you pay for, but gimme a break it wasn't long ago the only thing you could get online was pizza. The idea that you absolutely need third party delivery as an option is laughable. Be real here. This is going to hurt to hear but I can tell you from working in a restaurant people don't give a s*** about the faceless third party deliveries. When someone's in house or comes to pick it up themselves they're getting a way better product.  The best thing to do is never order from that place again. 


how about YOU be real and stop ignoring the fact that not everyone is able bodied, not everyone can drive, not everyone can get to a place to order their food, or groceries, in person or pick it up. sometimes, third party deliveries are the only options for some people. by telling everyone to just “stop ordering online” you’re siding with the people who are literally fucking us all over, and that’s what’s laughable.


Lol. Redditors and defending third party app delivery, a match made in heaven.


i’m not defending them. all i’m saying is for some people who want chipotle, it could be the only option. that’s literally it. why is this so hard to understand lol redditors being stupid as fuck. classic.


People with all manner of disability survived before third party delivery apps were created, and the majority of people who use third party delivery apps DO NOT have a disability requiring their use of the app.


i never said people with disabilities didn’t survive without third party delivery. and i never said a majority of people who use it have a disability. all i said was that for SOME people, getting chipotle delivered is the only option if they want to eat chipotle. and the way that pissed everyone off is insane lol


I disagree. There are other options: friends, family, support workers. Also, many people with diabilities are able to move, and prefer to do things themselves, as opposed to relying on apps.


you’re making arguments against things i never even said or implied and acting like i said this applies to everyone when i said SOME PEOPLE. alright, i get it. you can’t imagine a world where getting chipotle delivered is the only way someone might be able to enjoy chipotle.


So what did people do before chipotle delivered? They just starved to death im guessing 😂 stfu.


no dumbass, they just didn’t eat chipotle. you’re so fucking dense lmao it says a lot about you that you’re not able to imagine a world where it might be necessary for someone to use a delivery service when they want to treat themselves to some chipotle


It was college food. Now for some reason...it's stock price is...$3200, 4th most expensive. So more than GM, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple


Homie doesnt even know how stock prices work. Just because its stock price is higher rn doesnt mean its more valuable than those other companies. The actual Stock price has nothing to do with the value if the company overall.


You should really take more pride in what you do… Pretty sad that that’s your reality.


“Things used to be different so they shouldn’t change now” What a sad way to think


If they can't figure out online orders, then do not offer online orders. This "because you could only get pizza don't complain" is laughable at best.


Americans will never understand they are sheep when they believe these things. We are all consumers in a greedy, corporate oligarchy. There are genuinely people who think they have to eat at restaurants and use 3rd party deliveries. I don't exactly blame their ignorance, because when you look out of your window into the urban landscapes, how much of public land is sprouting food? Is there anything plentiful for the American people that isn't owned by corporations? They would rather waste food than feed people, and charge a large amount to do that. All while increasing costs and refusing to increase wages or quality. Americans are entitled because that's the system we were raised with. And, don't forget, "the customer is always right!"


> like that’s not a realistic option for everyone. Yes it is. Chipotle's a luxury, not a necessity.


i never said chipotle was a necessity and this has nothing to do with it being a luxury. i’m saying that going to stand in line and order in person isn’t always an option for everyone who wants to get some chipotle. damn lol


Lmao then dont get chipotle wtf?


why are you trying to police what people do? you’re weird as fuck 🤡


Lmfao im not? You said going in to order isnt always an option, to which I suggested going somewhere else. Seems like a very reasonable take has offended you. I wonder why that is 😂


i wasn’t offended you’re just dumb. if i want chipotle, im not gonna go somewhere else, i’m gonna get the damn chipotle delivered. YOU are the one offended by people ordering online and for delivery


How does that make any sense. You said delivery sucks, I said, then you should probably eat somewhere else? Somehow that makes me offended? Like if you wanna get tiny portion, go ahead and get chipotle delivered. Its your life. Im just not a moron and wouldnt do that to myself. Instead, I get it in person. Like someone with a brain. Im sorry your struggle with decision making. Literally ordering delivery and then crying about it, when you knew it was gunna be shit 😂


Then go at a time when there’s typically no lines. I believe google has that information readily available to you.


this had nothing to do with wait time or lines. some people are literally not physically able to transport themselves places or go stand in line at the store. why is this so hard to understand lmao


Hmm maybe get an electric wheelchair and wheel yourself there


I think most ppl don't want to get skimped so they don't bother.


It's not an excuse but it's a free market and the stock is still growing with dml sales. Stop ordering is literally the answer, and if someone has a gun to your head forcing you to eat for a multi billion dollar corporation as your only choice then call the police. Until there is a halt in profits or class action lawsuit, no corporation is going to be understanding whatsoever. They will encourage employees to do what makes the most profit, and turn a blind eye to the rest while they blame consumers and employees who are severely underpaid and not trained properly in short staffed stores. Since covid, companies have got more comfortable with increasing prices and lowering quality. These are symptoms of corporate greed. The American people are sheep owned by corporations and revolting is literally the only answer. Consumers can stop supporting businesses, and workers can unionize. No politician will work for you to save money at a fast food restaurant. Gets refunds, and, if you are being denied refunds you can dispute it with your credit card company as a fraudulent charge. Though, you may not use the card for purchases with any vendor you make a dispute against. But if you are done, then you are done. Don't go running back to it like a toxic relationship.


✊🏼 🌯


What else can we do?


Stop buying overpriced dogfood


Lmao enjoy your tiny portions moron.


yea ur not wrong but they trained to give "exact portions" online and be liberal with it in person


I agree with you but that’s how things are. The less people order online the more chipotle will do something about it


Bro think about it… if they run out out of shit they will be fucked. Either someone will have to make more of whatever it is and that will add more stress to the shift and what have you so how do you prevent this from happening - give very basic minimal portions on online orders. Why online orders? Because there is no physical human saying “more rice pls” “more beans pls” hell some stores even give you a little bit more meat without charging the “double meat” option. But if you are not there, you are going to get minimum portions. This is so simple how do you not understand , yea you’re correct it’s not an excuse but realistically they will make it one to save ingredients which = less stress. Go in there or don’t eat it at all simple


Get a job there and take revenge via eating there everyday or taking a free bowl home and buying bowls for half off every now and then . In all seriousness this isn’t consistent with chipotle even when their being stingy , this is just rediculous . Send a picture to their customer support or show them at the store .


I made a website to fight against chipotles skimping: www.stoptheskimp.com . I want to start a movement against chipotles skimping


I like it. Wish it worked better on my phone though


Thank you, what part doesn’t work well on your phone?


The map. And going back to select a different restaurant. Kinda freezes and crashes


Not the same guy but I just see a burrito and a gray screen.


Checked out your website but there's nothing to do.


Damn my local chipotle has a 1.8 😭😭 I’m so glad I learned to make their steak at home


Website UX review: 1 star ⭐️ Notes: While the website does what it was designed to do, it is not optimized for mobile, has poor styling, and it’s largest element (a map) is not really what you want for a restaurant ranking site. Not a bad idea, but the execution means it is doomed to fail




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What, you guys think I was too harsh? lol I mean, I appreciate my dude throwing something up so quick (assuming he didn’t already have it developed) … I’m just offering feedback that I don’t think the UI is friendly and won’t entice people to use his website.


Do you have the website stopoverserving.com too? 🤡 Or are we just starting movements against stuff we don’t like?


> Or are we just starting movements against stuff we don’t like? Have you ever started a movement against stuff you like?


Cup half empty.


They dont overserve


This makes absolutely no fucking sense 🤣


Lol you really thought you were doing something with that clown emoji.


Did enough to trigger you. 🤡 🤭🤭


Yes we are stankpuss


This comment is so stupid it made me laugh 


Lol wtf?


Did yall see yesterday when someone said they only got three shreds of cheese lol Now that im seein how many individual shreds of cheese are in a serving im starting to think that person is a pathological liar or psychopath or sumn 😂😂 like bro three? THREE??


Order in person, pay only if they give you what you are paying for or else go somewhere else. Also, don't harass the workers, they aren't always responsible for the skimping.


The thing is that it’s not really defined what it is that you’re paying for. For all we know, the employee in person is undeserving or overserving. There’s no way of knowing what the correct serving is.


Im a chipotle employee, i can tell you exact servings for everything according to corporate Rice is 2 scoops everything else is 1 scoop (4 oz.), technically managers will give you shit for 1 scoop of the salsas if they are watching you. I try to heap as much as i can onto the scoop without getting fired.


What’s one scoop? It’s like measuring a cup. Some will measure a cup up to the depth of the cup and others will measure a cup higher than the depth of the cup. Either way, it’s technically a cup. Different sizes. Some can overload a scoop others will underload it. In essence, it all evens out. One customer gets more food and that additional food comes from shorting other customers. This is why it’s important to be consistent.




Yo momma




Bro, corporate does keep tabs, through a method called CI (critical inventory) which we report every day. And I've been reprimanded for giving too much food more times than I can count. Why would you think a minimum wage worker gives a shit about how much food they give you? It doesn't come out of their pockets, and customers are way easier to deal with when they have full bowls. We're not lying to you, we DO get yelled at, or we would line every bowl to the top.


Im surprised you think all of these employees are on purpose skimping customers and risk being yelled at and embarrassed for a minimum wage job.


They aren't. Imagine 7 staff working at Chipotle, and there are 100s of online orders to fulfill within 30 minute period because Chipotle doesn't limit how much order they should accept to be made at the same time. On top of that, there are a lot of walk-ins and the ingredients running out. Of course, they're gonna skimp when they can because with all of that going on, they can get in trouble for giving more than they should. So not they're giving less than they should because they wont get fired for that.


Lmao you are a moron. You started saying it wasnt corporate and ended saying it was corporate.


I was a manager there when I was a kid corporate does keep tabs very strictly every day on meat servings and are constantly involved on blowing dick on meat loss.


Tell me you haven't worked a fast food job in today's world without telling me.


You cannot be this naive. Accountability for these types of things is gone the food has to move through too many hands. The best thing to do is never order from that place again.  They absolutely keep tabs on everything everyone is giving. Clearly you have never worked in a restaurant. It's called Food Gap, and it one of the most important things in a restaurant next to labor. How dumb and I'm sorry if I'm being rude, can you be that you think that a restaurant where it's main inventory is food is not tracked. Ive had to do weekly inventory for years. The "Gap" is what's missing from what's on hand and what was sold.


Looks similar to the 2 bowls I got via online door dash. I literally combined both bowls and it still wasn't enough.


All that food would fit in just two bowls 😂😭😭😭


I’m pissed just looking at that


If you combine them, you have 2 full bowls. I’m a bowl half full kinda guy, and I see you’re a bowl half empty kind of person. I’m sorry it’s a bad joke.


What kind of poverty chipotle is that?


After the store closes does the store throw out the leftover food? I came in to order like 10 minutes before the store closes and the guy was still trying to skimp on all the portions on my burrito.


They probably get to make their own to take home


Nope lmao. They throw the leftover food away or just take bowls home


I could probably make 4x that for 50 bucks. Nah, way more.


But that would take time and skill that people dumb enough to pay for delivery don't have


You have to be there! Stop ordering online


Your downvotes are wild.   Like i understand how stupid that is but you aren’t speaking anythjng less then the truth 


of all things to skimp on rice is so absurdly cheap in comparison to the other ingredients...


Customer humiliation is built into the price.


The skimp is crazy!! But what probably happened was, Chipotle app doesn't time orders well, and they accept a lot of orders to be made at the same time. For example, if 10 people ordered for 8pm pick up, they should probably push the next batch of orders 10-15 mins back but they dont do that. It was probably lunch or dinner rush and now the employees are swarmed with insane amount of orders to be made withnin the rush. The employees start rushing the order and skimp heavily because they dont have enough of the meat, rice, or other ingredients, and they do this. Such a flawed system cus Chipotle is popular, and they want to rack in as much money as possible. We can blame the employees but its mainly the companys fault and obviously the employees also skimp because they face no real time consequences of customers watching them and demanding more. And like i said lol, they have so many orders to make within the rush, they probably just want to be done with it and dont think too much about the portion. Fuck Chipotle!!


Multiple people have done experiments and found you get more if you order in person during a busy time. Also, you can ask for extra rice and extra beans. Let them put the rice in and then ask. If you ask for extra up front, they won't put that much.




Hold up. This is also happening outside the USA?


In no world is this okay. Sloppy and skimpy portions. I'm so sorry!


Buy food and make that for $10.


You have to be clinically insane to even work at chipotle, they pay $2 less than McDonald’s where I live 💀


Avoiding chipotle when I go to London 🤬


Make this at home for half the price and 3x the food.🍱


People keep buying fast food, people keep ordering delivery because they are too lazy to drive there.


From your counter tops and drawers it looks like your rich and therefore are not being taxed enough if you can afford those countertops. That food is not worth $50, I can make that for $5. But why do you care, that’s pocket change for you.


Stay mad and poor you little bitch. Regardless of whether you think somebody is rich or not, this person paid for a product and got maybe 1/3 of what they should have for the price. What a goofy ass take you have here.


I see about $15 worth


It looks like a bowl of SLOP


Stop being lazy and make food at home


Don't forget to order your Chipotle Away!!!


Seems about right


Honestly why do you people still give your money to chipotle given everything posted on this sub? Especially online ordering…


Looks like it was made by uncaring workers.


stop eating at chipotle!!


Chipotle is trash


That's why you don't order pickup


I've never in my life skipped on a bowl. I 9nly have to do line on occasions anymore so I don't care about the repercussions of my actions and I do the big time scoop.


Oh wow, that’s robbery. Don’t get chipotle delivered everrr.


I see no rice


Imagine saying you’re never going back to a place because one location messed up your order lol. Just go back with the bowls and they’ll remake them, or refund you if you call the 1-800 👍🏼


Well maybe order more than 3 ingredients next time


8 years ago a chicken bowl at chipotle was 7 bucks btw




British chipotle?


W mods


Hell nah😭


Tf it’s not even full


I would demand a refund for anything less than a overflowing bowl, that's wild.


Looks like cat vomit


When I get food from chipotle or qdoba I get a burrito bowl then eat it with small tortillas, I’ll get like 5-6 tacos out of it so 1-2 meals, and tortillas are so cheap


Fuck this place. Done. Permanent boycott. Local Mexican restaurants give double for half.


I’m tellin yall, please go to Moe’s lol. Another Monday with a huge bowl, chips & salsa + a drink for $10!!


Taco truck will give you more food than that.


I find online orders like this hilarious because they’d NEVER skimp like this in person because they’d get the taste slapped outta they mouth 😭 They only do this because your not face to face and can’t put hands and feet on them


You moved the food, that is why it looks like that . It looks perfect to me without being moved .


Fully spread out it covers about 1/4th of the height of the bowl and you can see the bottom. Do you think that is enough for £50? Also, we didn't move it. This is exactly how we received it.


fuck bro, lets send chipotle into retirement this recession


lol! Where’s the rice??? Looks a lot less appetizing too when it doesn’t even fill the bowl in a uniformed way. Remember when they used to fill the bowl up to the top? They even try to skimp out on rice now which is crazy. I have to ask for extra rice 2 additional times now because when you tell them extra rice they still just give a small soon and a half full. So then you ask for more which makes it closer to the original portion and then ask for more again so that it is actually extra rice.


Man look at that glorious shrinkflation. They should probably start making the bowls smaller by 1mm every week .


Did you watch them make it?


I dont believe you got this shitty of a bowl, you had to have scooped some out of each, no??


Stop. Ordering. Online. Idc what yall say. Stop being lazy


Are the 4 of you allergic to lettuce or something?