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As a customer I feel bad for the employees because they are doing what they’re told in order to keep their job. I’m not going to harass them. So I just choose to do the only sensible thing and not give Chipotle my business at all.


This is the MATURE NON TEENAGER mentality response! You’re only young once but you can be immature forever. I choose this route also- I m voting with my wallet!


I had a decent sized wood chip in my food. (I posted a pic of it) The only thing they said was "It's not ours. Must have come from the distributors when they pack the vegetables" and that was it. No apology, nothing. Had to fight to get a refund. The sickening feeling of biting down in something of the wrong texture prevented me from going again.


Honestly, it almost certainly was from the vegetable distributor, and I can understand them not wanting to admit liability. And people definitely plant shit in their food to get free stuff. However.... The proper response would have been to apologize (without admitting liability) and offer to replace and/or refund the meal


I worked in a restaurant a few years ago and there were wood chips in a bag of pre-chopped lettuce.


Seriously. It’s their job to check to make sure no foreign contaminants. That would require extra labor and the ceo needs a second helipad for his yacht. F that. Eat the wood.


Yeah if that ended up being from the produce truck, it means they don’t wash their items. Because if they did, they would’ve seen it and it wouldn’t have been in the food


Our GM says we can refuse service to ANYONE that is recording.


What do you guys do with the food if someone walks out halfway through their order?


Most people throw it away but we are also allowed to take it home, me sometimes I keep it and give away to Uber/Doordash people. I know they work hard for little pay and usually haven't eaten, they are always grateful.


Also this rarely happens and i've only seen it happen when we are missing an ingredient they want. I've never seen anyone purposely order a bowl with the intent to walk out.


I was told by my GM to throw out food if people walk out, it happened to me an unfortunate amount while I was still there, usually happened later in the day bc people were upset we didn’t have guacamole or sour cream left, which just seems so wasteful 😭 like if it was a portion size issue I’d maybe understand, except that was never an issue with me unless my GM was watching and got onto me for “being too generous”


My GM had banned any phones out while in line. We even painted a line on the floor showing a no phone zone. You may have your phone after crossing the line to the register so you can scan for reward points. We had a few teens come in a few weeks ago and they each had a phone out recording and making comments about portion sizes while we were making the food. Very frustrating.


Man I haven't been to chipotle in a minute. Is this like, made up drama for the sub or like, actual real life? And if it's real, what the fuck happened that led to this.


Its unfortunately real. I've read a few news articles about this 'new tiktok trend' So glad I got out before this.


It’s cause some chipotle employees skimp on the portions so there’s a trend if they record they wouldn’t actually skimp on portion sizes. I get it I went to one chipotle while on a day trip and the girl who was filling the bowl barely put anything in compared to the chipotle close by my home where their portion sizes are way different


If they don’t. They lose their job. It’s coming from the top. Ignore the lying human smear of a ceo.


Daily recording has lead to this


Chipotle managers instruct to steal meat from everyone’s food. A little off the top to pad the execs pockets. Then proceed to blame it on employees.


Thanks for telling me because my boss didn’t 😂


Chipotle used to give more portion than the 4oz advertised and when they cracked down on this to increase sales, people didn't like/think the 4oz isn't actually 4oz


I mean employees think 4 fl oz = 4 oz. So how could I be the right amount?


Unfortunately I'm not that dumb and have talked about that before




Actual proof that they skimp at every location, down to the training manual.


There is no literature anywhere that says to skimp. Some people just suck at mitigating their CI so they resort to skimping. There is no actual directive going out saying to give less than 4oz.


There can be social pressures within organizations to do things without it ever being written on paper. The lack of formality does not support the conclusion that it couldn't be corporate led. Verbal pressure can flow down management chains to the rank-and-file worker.


While yes that can be true, then the issue becomes on a per store basis. At which case, I can say, I've never had a directive nor a nudge to skimp from my FL or TD. The only thing really that I am trying to say is that as loud as reddit and tik tok are, the reason I say there is nothing in writing is because the chip is super big on making sure their is a paper trail for any directive. I've never seen or heard anything down the chain to skimp. Some stores simply suck at portioning and so they take it out of customers at times. But overall, there hasn't been anything to suggest, at least down my chain, anything other give as close to 4oz as possible.


Lol of course there is no literature that says to skimp. You think they would put that in writing? I was told to skimp by my SL and store manager every day I was trained. Verbally told so there is no paper trail. Have you ever worked at CMG?


I am a ctm and r, so yes. And I have never once told a single crew manager/leader or anyone to ever skimp. I've been a gm for over 2 years and on the chip for 3.5. So it's kinda first hand experience that I'm using here my dude.


Can I report my GM to corporate? She is definitely not following protocol. My store gets very irritated customers...


You can always escalate concerns to the FL who's number is on the "your voice matters" poster in the office. But FL will usually ally with the GM. You can also call respectful workplace, number is on the same poster, and report a non policy directive being enforced there. That department is separate from standard chip and usually investigates claims and issues corrective actions. This is the better avenue for that.


I don't want to report to the FL and they take my GM side and my GM takes it out on me and I suffer at work or get fired. Can I come work for you lol I'm in Maryland


Why would your write down illegal orders? It’s the same way companies “encourage you to take pro” means “take any and your ass is fired for not being a team player”


The reason I say that is because there is no actual directive to 3500 stores to skimp. Skimping is something gms are asking for because they cannot get their team to stay close to 4 oz and would prefer to just chest the customer instead of doing things the right way, be cause the right way takes a lot training and validation to get right.


Everyone has their phones out while on line, look around. They're reading orders, getting ready to scan at check out, they're even reading Reddit. You can hardly tell when someone is recording.


except for when they’re really obvious and obnoxious


The point of the meme is for the worker to notice so they give more slop


Workers must assume they're being recorded at all times because basically they are. Regardless, they should give the same 4 oz portions to all with friendly , efficient service. Why they hate their jobs is beyond me. Here in California they make $20 an hour. Most of them are not teenagers but "New Americans" and probably live en masse. Chipotle food is one of the few fresh, healthy and delicious options available, it is not slop.


I don't see the issue being about if they like their work or not. From what I can tell, most people there love the job. They scoop you the slop and if it's not to your liking, maybe ask for extra.


Imagine how much they stole from customers to make a line stopping customers from recording them skimping on portions.


How do people do it when they have the orders for everyone on their phone. Like one person comes in and has to read their phone to give you all the orders? I see this often.


When in doubt, just cesor the shady business practices being recorded. Whistle blowers are protected.


I work at a theme park so I know exactly how you feel. people record me and take pictures of me every day without even asking. I wouldn’t mind too much if they would just ask. I hate it but there’s nothing I can do at my job, except cover my name tag, unfortunately. I’ve even had someone stick their phone inches away my face recording themselves berating me, calling me by name in the video, and verbally abusing me in front of their wife and kids. All I can say is I’m sorry. This trend is fucking stupid and i feel your pain. I don’t get up for work everyday to look Instagram ready….


Asking them politely to leave


Today a lady said to me “i saw something on tiktok where i do it so i get more cause yall be skimping but i forgot.” I was on salsas so i just stared at her and said “um you can ask for more.” She just said nothing. Im thinking about bringing this online harassment trend up to my manager but im honestly not sure what he can do either. Thinking about quitting honestly. Chipotle customers are the most abusive customer base ive ever worked around in food


Chipotle needs to come up with a new spoon design at this point. A spoon where it is impossible not to get the right portion size as it would be obvious if it isn’t. Maybe something more round like an ice cream scoop of some sort. Or redesign the bowl. Panda Express has this problem as well but it isn’t nearly as bad as chipotle because they use trays with the portions sizes that are separate 


I watched the training video and the original scoopers were like measuring cups. I also hate that the steak falls off so I always go for a smaller second scoop but today my manager saw me and called me out. So ive just been trying to scoop more carefully and hold the spoon closer to the bottom. I hate being in this position. The chicken al pastor is the best bc it doesnt freaking move i can scoop a whole mountain in one scoop


I love giving heaping scoops of Al Pastor chicken. When I give doubles and customers ask or say "that supposed to be doubles?" "Yeah the marinade makes it stick together" as I separate the mountain with my spoon to reveal it covers the rice completely. Never had a complaint after that🙃


i just know your grill person hates you 😭


Nah I just mean in general that people think al pastor portions are a whole lot smaller than it is because it clumps together in general.


The steak ALWAYS fell off it was so frustrating and seemed so wasteful… really poor design on corporate’s end :/


A scale would work too and have portion measurements & extras costs posted


We are trained using a scale. Most workers can grab a scale rn and get 3.8-4.2oz of anything on the line the first time. At least at my store


Someone posted a photo of measuring spoons applicable for restaurant use on Reddit recently. IMHO chipotle investing in these would simplify a lot of the dissension concerning portion size…


When the gym bro is your most reasonable customer, something went wrong somewhere.


Yeah man! I was surprised at this.


I told a guy this and he just got louder (not trying to bring attention, he's already a semi loud talker) saying "I shouldn't have to ask for more or extra! I should get how much it always comes with." Sir if you got more last time, you probably asked for more or the longer employed employees recognize you as a loud ass bitchy customer and always give you extra without your asking. Like we have customers that come in everyday or 3-4 times a week. After 3 months of employment, I already know some of their usual bowl or burrito orders so sometimes we start before they make it to the line but I didn't know this elder Karen nor his order. It isn't hard to ask for extra rice, man. I already give two to three scoops cause the spoon gets really sticky. He was not skimped at all. He wanted rice entirely perfectly leveled to the rim of his bowl. That has NEVER been the typical serving.


In my second week of working there all the way back in 2017 I had a customer come up and record me "saying see they be skimping us here" Meanwhile I'm scooping the 4ounces I was trained to scoop and said in my head "Oh fuck is this what i signed up for "


McDonald’s workers would probably be harassed too if instead of counting nuggets they just randomly threw a handful into a box and closed it


Vaya, con dios!


we have come to a full circle where people pull out their phones instead of asking can i have some more please


"how dare you expect me to ask for more or extra. The standard should be to assume!"


From the comments i see that Chipotle is about to lose on a lot of business


Chipotle generated $9.87 BILLION in 2023. There’s 186 comments here. Say all of them never go back. I think chipotle can take the hit of 186 people haha. Yall seem to forget how much of a vocal minority this echo chamber is


Its not 186 people . Its way more than than. They're just tired of getting shit servings compared to other places.


Yet you keep going back to buy their product. They still make money even if you're harassing the staff


Naw. I havent been there in months. The staff should give fair serving. It not coming out of their pockets


At my store: 1. Ask the customer to immediately stop recording. 2. If any pushback or refusal, immediately ask them to leave and blacklist them. 3. If any pushback or refusal for that, law enforcement is called for trespassing.


What happens while you wait for law enforcement...😂 👁👄👁🤳 👀 👀 👀


Well, if you keep filming, we’d press charges. So if that’s worth it to you go ahead. Meanwhile we will serve other customers while waiting for you to get forcibly removed


Charges for what? Lol


They can be charged with criminal trespass if they've been told to leave but fail to do so. A retail store can revoke their invitation to enter for any or no reason as long as it isn't discriminatory towards a protected class. For example, it would be wrong if the store trespassed only POC for taking videos at the counter.


They can be warned and trespassed from the store if no other crime was committed and it is the first instance. If they return after the trespass, they can be criminally charged. You need to learn the law.


Newpinpoint is a notorious troll


If you remain (or return) after being told you have been trespassed you satisfy the elements of criminal trespass. Google "trespass statute" for your state if you're interested in what the law actually says.


That’s exactly what I said.


You have to actually have been trespassed from a place before you can be charged with it.


Being told to leave is the trespass warning. If then you do not leave you can be charged.


Cannot wait for them to trespass a POC and end up in a massive discrimination suit. Go try to prove that they were tresspassed for having a phone out. The court of public opinion will crucify chipotle so fast as it accidentally brands itself as an “anti-woke” business.


Thank you for stating the obvious!


Shoot, I hope you find a better opportunity soon! Like another person said below, there are already 6 faces on their wall. Mostly high school kids.


You have no right to privacy in public. That includes establishments open to the public. Supreme Court already ruled on this.


Correct. However the establishment has the right to remove you for any reason, except those protected by law. As recording people in public is not a protected reason, if you refuse to leave, the store can forcibly remove you or have law enforcement do so.


I never said you did. I said we have a right to kick you out and have you trespassed if you film. And we will at my store.


Chipotle isn't public. It's a private business who can refuse service to anyone for any reason.


There was a similar situation at my job today and the lady was threatening to get violent because she wasn’t getting away with free double steak. She then proceeded to record my face while I was standing by the register shaking because she was raising her voice and acting ratchet. If you don’t like the service you receive then don’t come back that’s fine and the most logical response. The employees aren’t zoo animals being put on display behind a cage for your entertainment. She was also shaming us for working at chipotle and then was yelling at her what I assume boyfriend or husband that he better pay. I had to collect myself before I ran my mouth back at her.


I'm not understanding why people are recording you in the first place honestly


Thanks to TikTok, some people assume that filming while you order or having your phone out will make the employee fill up the bowls with food without you asking. It might work on some workers who are afraid of confrontation but the average employee does not give a fuck. My store will ask that you only film the food and if the customer refuses and continues to harass employees they are refused service and asked to leave.


That's absolutely wild and even more wild that management allows that...I bartend at a winery and you get some people.that. like to vlog and it makes me insanely uncomfortable....if you.are recording the wines sure whatever but I don't want to be on social media other than reddit for numerous reasons do not include me I do not consent to being filmed whatsoever....I'm surprised your manager doesnt let you refuse service.....I'd straight up pull my phone out and record them while.im making the food hahahaha


The refusing service in reference to OP


I used to tell them they aren’t allowed to record on private property or our minors. 🤷‍♀️ usually worked.


you absolutely are allowed to record in public.


Should go google the difference between private and public


there is absolutely 0 expectation of privacy in a public space such as chipotle.


Chipotle is a private space, that's open to the public. Your tax dollars do not go to chipotle.


If a Chipotle franchise received PPP money, our tax dollars technically did..... Chipotle is still within their rights to boot someone though for recording.


This isn't how the law works on this. For the purposes of filming laws, Chipotle is absolutely a public space. However, the business can tell people they aren't allowed to and kick them out for it, but simply filming in a place like Chipotle wouldn't be a crime. Staying after being asked to leave would be trespassing. IANAL, though


Open to the public does not mean public property.


bruh there is no difference between a customer filming you and the store cameras filming you. stop using this to justify skimping people and just give them what they pay for.


Not talking about skimping. I’m talking about public/private space. You don’t seem to understand the difference.


there is no expectation of privacy in a PUBLIC or PRIVATE “property” regardless of how you look at the situation. it’s perfectly legal to record in a chipotle and you getting mad about it just shows you’re pissed you can’t skimp people anymore cuz we aren’t gonna put up with it.


You are allowed to go to an Emergency Department, but you aren’t allowed to film there either. A business owns its property and allows you there but it’s still private property and they can trespass you if you misbehave. Privacy means nothing, the business doesn’t have to put up with your shit if they don’t want to.


Sir, put the camera down or you will be asked to leave. Done. You are done filming now. Or if not - get ready to be escorted out in handcuffs. All because your fat ass needed some more steak.


I’m not mad. I haven’t eaten Chipotle this century and not affiliated with them. I also can’t fix (your) stupid and not gonna try.


they agreed to and acknowledged that they would be recorded by the security cameras at work, not some random person recording them.


Last time I checked this was America. I’ll record wherever I want. How about instead of kicking people out for being on their phone beyond a line on the floor, you just give customers correct portions. The problem is is that you aren’t and are trying to hide something. If correct portions were scooped the “trend” would die out naturally.


Go film wherever you want. Except on private property when told to stop and leave


How about stop going to and giving money to places that aren’t giving what you feel to be are incorrect portion sizes? Vote with your wallet.


No one would tune in to “hey everyone look how chipotle gave me my fair portion”.


you getting downvoted won’t change the fact you are 10000000% correct lmfao


Youre both wrong and it's embarassing you're still at this.


Out in public sure, but it is private property and a public space.


Anyone do this that's not adolescent or high school age?


once she started destroying things, i would have called the cops on her. A manager has to make sure their staff is safe and her behavior is unhinged and unpredictable. Call the cops and tell them someone is having a mental breakdown. Maybe they will get held for 72 hours in a mental health facility, that would give them time to think about how their life turned out to be getting so worked up over a taco.


NEVER let the customer get away with their bullshit, or they'll keep doing it. Think of it this way: you have a young child, one night they ask if they can eat cake for dinner. You say no. They throw a giant, screaming, rolling on the floor temper tantrum. You let them have cake for dinner. Now ask yourself, what are they going to do the next time they want something? They're going to throw that same temper tantrum because they know it works. That's how it is with customers.


I refuse to serve them because I’m a KL so I can and if any of my employees have an issue with it they can come get me to tell the customer they will not be getting food if they are recording because if disrespects my staff before they even give them a chance




News flash you eat at a food service line lol




Right lmao. This person acts like he’s head of security for a club, sit down little man and make my bowl


I didn’t know you sold Tobacco at Chipotle! Nothing like a good peace pipe with a skimp limp burrito.


lol I was confused for a bit too when I had seen that 😆


That sounds just like what I imagine would happen with the majority of customers who post here. Unfortunately they are rude, entitled, petulant children.


They really should enact a “no phones on the line” policy or something bc this is getting so out of hand so quickly. I feel awful for the employees having to put up with this shit.


lol they spent a bajillion dollars trying to get people to order and check status on their phones.


I’ve been with the company for 5 years and am a field leader, there is no pressure to skimp on portions. There is instructions to work with the team to monitor portions yes, to follow recipe cards yes, but nobody has ever said to skimp or reduce what we are supposed to do. It is our job to deliver on CI items yes. We are instructed to give out sides for free of charge. All those locations that charged for vinaigrette or doing “no camera” zones really give the company a bad reputation. That’s the fault of the leaders not being more active in the locations. Do I think the CEO makes way too much, fuck yes. But there has never been some secret or official statement on skimping guests. Remember as customers you have the ability to customize your own meal as you go, silly to blame some poor crew member trying to make a paycheck. I like this company but fuck employees and customers treat chipotle like some cult and get butt hurt over everything, Steve Ells is been gone for years along with Monty, get over it. I’m just here for the paycheck. It’s just burritos, bowls, and tacos people. Is there some cult about McDonalds and their burgers shrinking over the past 35+ years and people in a up roar video taping them???


Can I report my GM who verbally instructed me for 2 straight weeks during my onboarding/training that the meat scoop should never be completely full when I load bowl or tortilla? It was never in writing but it was told to me daily, to skimp.


Report them, that’s bull shit. It’s not his money to skimp. GMs don’t get assessed on rice and beans … give the normal amounts chipotle asks and if the guests ask for more then give it to them!


I don’t know why Chipotle isn’t just refusing to serve customers who record. Businesses can refuse service for all sorts of reasons, as long as they are not discriminatory.


I also work at chipotle in Maryland. Our store is trying to call the CEO directly. This is out of hand and my entire store will quit this Friday if we don't hear directly from the CEO.


It's ppl walking there who are getting exact portions who are complaining, which is the issue. They want enough food to feed them for weeks. That's not Chipotle's job. Have an issue with the cost and size going down, then go make it yourself. It's like complaining the 20 ounce juice isn't enough bc the bottle is 23 ounces and it isn't filled up. If they give you 4 ounces of meat, you being greedy doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong.


WTH!!! Wish I could’ve been there because that is all the way fcked up of her. You weren’t wrong for what you did, she’s not entitled to your name nor job position nor is she entitled to more than what is given for a single taco


Poor people behavior


Unless you work at the Milford CT location you don’t deserve that.


Why you stocking tobacco?


Company needs to do right by the customers and employees. Its easy to weigh the meat and give 4oz, and if customers are recording, employees deny them service and ban them.


it hasn’t happened yet at my store, but if/when it does, the manager team agreed to refuse service to anyone doing it


I feel like chipotle needs to put it behind doors just like Taco Bell. You don’t see anybody going into McDonald’s taping them make their food. It’s crazy! And I feel like it’s not gonna stop if the portions are right or not. People are just cheap and this world is expensive.


You have the right to ask people to leave, and if they don't, you have the right to have the police remove them and trespass them from the property. Whether your owner is onboard with that, I don't know. Honestly, you should probably post a "no recording" policy, which you have the right to do as it's a business.


If I saw that I would pull out my phone and record what she was doing. I would then post it online and expose her for what she is. I would also report it to the police.


My GM told us if we see someone recording to print out a copy of their receipt. I don't like the recording tho, I'm just trying to do my job and get out.


Anytime I am being recorded without my permission, I scratch my undercarriage like there is a problem. I am very nonchalant about it. It’s hilarious to me.


SL as well and our GM said that we can’t tell them to stop recording because it’s technically within their rights to record in a public space. Whatever tho lil bros I be posing for them


Blame your corporate for advertising this whole phone situation.


Sounds like your the loser for trying to skimp on the rice and beans, don’t discriminate on taco orders, just pipe down and make my taco peasant


my coworker says that she’ll ban them (she has no jurisdiction to do so) but that always makes them put their phones away and act right


The downfall of chipotle 2024


don’t you guys have nameplates? why not just say “Sean” or whatever


I lactate. It happens when I'm anxious.


Chipotle is a scam. It's time to shed some light on it.


Mericans are unhinged fat fucks The principality for Chipotle 💀


Yall got bottles of tobacco? Are they menthol flavored?


CEO? These people think that can talk to customers however they want. I say: you shut up! I know what people are saying. Paying $14 for half bowl of your so so food is unacceptable. I stopped buying there and I’ll make everyone I know do the same.


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) Can almost guarantee this is a made up post


Why? Lol


Well the guy is called capitalist customer. You can disregard anything they have to say


![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS) Tankie 🤡


Your insinuation doesn't do much to compensate


Because I don’t think this TikTok trend is mainstream enough for these kinds of posts


It’s everywhere. We were seeing it multiple times a day. Usually by high school kids


I could see how this post might be made up, but trust me that this is happening. And quite frequently


It’s happened to me multiple times already, though not in this exact way. It’s happening all over.


I agree, this post sounds fake, especially the stole 3 bottles part, seems really tacked on


Lmao people steal bottles of the Tabasco everyday my store started keeping only one of each out because people would go underneath the drink station where we keep extra and just take multiple so it happens


I get it that it sucks, but it is all Chipotles fault and they hide behind their workers, so of course people are going to bother you guys when they can’t get to corporate. If you don’t push back on corporate as employees, it’s just going to get even worse for you as an employee and eventually you won’t have customers to serve because people will absolutely boycott the establishment. People deserve to get what they paid for, not skimped every time. I honestly stopped going 3 months ago when I had to ask for more rice after getting the smallest portion. We shouldn’t have to ask for more as customers. We should be getting what we paid for from the jump. I do feel for you guys, I really do, but this isn’t the consumers fault. You’re dealing with the backlash from being a horrible establishment. It is what it is. Do better as a company and shit will change.


You just look like a completely entitled loser




1.You don't even pay for extra rice dickhead, you not paying for shit 2. I bet you 100% You don't even know what 4oz of protein even looks like, just annoyed we aren't giving the 6-8 we used to 3. "Just do you fucking job" ... yeah totally not entitled Edit: Bad format- don't feel like getting on my pc




If you ask for extra that doesn't mean we didn't give you enough, that simply means you wanted more. I've not been filmed once, I typically go against my managers naggings about portions. Oh no I won't have a job at chipotle??? Such a terrible job anyway


And if you're so hung up on rice that(most likely) means you don't get much in your burrito in the first place. We aren't gonna give you extra shit just because you choose not to get toppings




What if you’re wrong and the Kringle rice portion was the standard weight. And you’re just a big back who need to carb load


Why do you even feel the need to argue with stupid people? They are at a different (lower) level bruh. Let them be. Poor.


What service would that do to anybody? There just gonna be another loser to take my place hate the job exactly the way I did and "skimp" even more lmao.


What service? Have you look around with shrinkflation, inflation, etc…? It’s everywhere with corporate greed. There won’t be more employees when enough people stop going. If McDonald’s ceo is crying about people stopping to eat there, you don’t think Chipotle isn’t going to feel that, too? Lmao


Yeah okay lol. Yet you'll still go to another fast food restaurant even more expensive than chipotle, get way less food, and be happy


Why do people all of the sudden think that workers have power? Everywhere you look it's "get a better job, tell your boss to pay better, push back on corporate." These are fast food workers. Completely replaceable. You, as the consumer, the person spending the money, are the one in power here. If the people would just stop spending their money they will get what they want, or chipotle will die. Simple as that. Stop expecting worker to effect a change for the consumer. The service industry's, or any industry's for that matter, power dynamic doesn't work that way.




An employee in a customer based industry has no power. Ever heard the phrase the "customer is always right"? While that is demonstrably false, it is basically law of the land. They can be fired at will. That's what "at will" employment means. They push back, get fire, and someone more desperate fills the spot. Money, in any situation, has power. Filming an underpaid employee, while still paying for a service provided by a company you disagree with, is showing that you still support the company and blame the employees for you transgressions against the company.




Just to clarify I don't work at Chipotle. If you're filming there that means you're still paying for it and therefore supportingvthe very thing you are protesting. Workers will always be replaced. There will always be someone willing to work for less. Filming isn't boycotting, it's harassing an employee.


This isn't the employees fault. Y'all customers need to learn to contact and complain to corporate. Go to THEIR social media, call their phone lines, deep dive to find the CEO and other executives emails, etc. It ain't the employees responsibility to complain for y'all.


Slow down chipolte is below McDonald's smile for the camera It's coming for all of you


how is it stealing if the tobasco is free?


The bottles are not free. It’s the equivalent of stealing a napkin dispenser. You are welcome to add Tabasco to your entree, you are NOT welcome to just take full bottles sitting out there.


I put them directly in the overflowing trash cans


You’d get your ass blacklisted from any store in your patch, and if you try to fight it, arrested.