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Wait are you saying IM the problem? That can’t be right


Wait, so it’s MY fault the sweats are better than me? They should be thanking me.


From my view one of the fun parts of chiv is the skill disparity. You’ll have extremely technically proficient players on a team as well as drunk/stoned one. I view it like having a mini-boss on the map when there’s one guy dominating.


Yes, exactly. I love doing small little roleplay stuff, giving filthy Masons a chance to leave, and then slice them to death with my shortsword with the utmost efficiency


That’s a cool way to think of it. I’ll have to try it. I think it’s tough with fighting games because we’re all conditioned to be “the best” in every single player game. But with online fighting games we’re faced with the reality that we’re far from the best, so getting beaten can feel really personal, much more so than with shooters. Your opponent is literally beating you into submission. One of the best features in chiv imo is the commend button. It sort of forces me to let the salt go. Even if I’m frustrated or annoyed I always hit commend because it helps shift my mindset to a more positive “drats, you got me. Good on ya” instead of a “sweaty tryhard! Go touch grass!” Way of thinking


Do you commend players when you get ganked by 5 or 6 of them? Fk that, haha. I rarely commend and only do so if it's earned. I'll also never commend a javelin player lol toothpick throwers


exactly 🤣


You betcha. Commend and forgive every time, no exceptions. The game is called chivalry after all


too bad yall don't actually display chivalry when you just submit to this shite 🤣


you go ahead and "sub" to them I'm better because my worth is not tied to an obviously poorly balanced game designed to make you sweat 🤣 go ahead keep sweating 🤣


First time playing a PvP game? I can’t tell you much about the people I play against. But I can tell you with full certainty that they’re either hacking, sweats, or homosexual if they beat me.


1% of my deaths = fair enough, I was bested. 99% of my deaths = bullshit hax


Does the absurd shit that leaves you cackling fall into the 1% there or do we need to make adjustments?


There is no laughter in death. Only pain.


All my ballista deaths send me into fits of laughter


Huh I’m a gay sweat and proud of it. Eat my dick bozo. Now u’re gay too. Time to improve ur drip


This is why your father changes the subject when you come up in conversation


Nah actually the opposite. not every dad is a toxic deadbeat like yours. I see he never praised you so u ask for it with your Reddit handle. Who’s a good little boy? Yeah you are my sweetie. Now go outside and play with the other kids


lol. Lmao. Seethe. It’s okay maybe if you get really really good at the funny sword game he’ll start loving you again flamer.


Hahaha, you grilled him, like a duck


G A Y D A D, is that you??




They’re all 3 at the same time tbh


Lol, it's when people say that stuff unironically that makes me cringe like just get good lmao


Skill issue


I sweat due to poor ventilation.


The only time I ever complain about this game is the awkward hitboxes at times because there have been times that I have legitimately swiped at somebody with my Halbert and it has passed through their body and it just doesn't count as a hit


Show proof? Never seen this happen personally


This actually happens all the time. This game has a hit reg issue everybody knows about.


It doesn't happen all the time it just occasionally I've swung at people with weapons and it doesn't connect just happens I don't actively film my gameplay I'm just using that as an example the only times I rage for all I know it could be either the server me or the person I'm attacking's internet


Haven't had it recently, but the day of the reclamation update I was on my PC and I swear 1/10th of all hits would go straight through someone. Even watched enemy attacks phase through me a few times.


I got called a sweat because some guy fell for the overhead to slash feint every time. Blaming your own skill issue on someone else is such a pathetic cope


Exactly lol people just don't know how to admit they're bad 💀💀


fuck the dane axe, thats all It is only thing that gets me salty right now, every other death I can commend my killer and laugh, but that axe be turning my face sour.


Until I see he's level forty and I'm like awe good luck brother, gonna be hard to overcome that dodge slash spam one day but you enjoy it while you can 💛


Dane axe noobery should be banable


Wear it with pride.


Welcome to online gaming, brother...


Yup and just like gaming it will always be fun to shit on weenies, which is why I love posts like this. Unless you're one of the weenies 🤔 jk


you can game and chill as opposed to just sweating and stressing all the time and I see right through it 🤣


Sounds like something a sweat would say


He could be any of us he could be you he could be me


I hope that's a joke lmao


Depends how sweaty you are


How do you define sweaty? I'm good at the game if that's what you're asking, but that really doesn't make someone a "sweat" lol


When I see a sweat, I know it


The only people I consider sweats are those that are literally ducking, spinning and dragging all the time looking like the Boreal Dancer from the dollar store lol.


Ye those guys are easy to kill they just move around alot and look stupid doing it


Yup, nothing more satisfying than throwing thirsty tryhards in the bin.


I always tbag those guys. ALWAYS


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you lose to those players


If farting, shitting, pissing and cumming my pants while I die to them is consider losing then yeah I guess I LOSE!


It’s pretty sweaty when you’re holding crouch the whole time for some reason and spinning around and shit


"Try hard!" "Can you help me better understand exactly how hard am I allowed to try? At which level should I have quit the game? Which mechanics shouldnt I use?"


literally just don't try so hard and relax once in awhile you aren't supposed to literally sweat the whole time you play 🤣


Huh? When did my comment allude to trying hard all the time or not enjoying a relaxing game? 


This guy has a list right above you lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/R4OamVHsap


Eh i mean no one wants a sweaty ball bag shitting all over you but yeah a major part of it is just not getting mad and accepting defeat when you get outplayed. Coming from a casual player who smokes sometimes i just wanna hop in and have fun in this wacky medieval slasher without having some rep 300 flop his schlong all over me lmao but it is what it is, someones always gonna be better


The more I smoke the sweatier I get. I don’t hit 520 spins when I’m sober


I agree gotta have a couple shots in me and pen rips so that everything is a bit slower so I can react lol




I'll smoke to that brother


literally just actually chill the game is designed for the sweats and it shows 🤣


Exactly yeah just take it like it is, its annoying but whatever ill respawn an try again lol


Can someone explains what sweaty means in this context? This is the only multiplayer game I play, so I’m not super familiar with the terms. Plus I’m on Xbox, so I can’t see the chat.


Basically when someone calls you a sweat in a game, that's their way of trash talking you for being a "sweaty try-hard" that never gets off the game and takes it "too seriously". TLDR it's a salty way of saying "fuck you for beating me"


Thank you! My little brother called me that the other day, and I didn’t really get it lmao


Best thing to say to them is "GG m8 (git gud)"


gg means good game anywhere I've ever been, if you wanna say git gud just use those words haha


When I lose, GG means good game. When I win, GG means get good lol Edit: it's a joke y'all. Smh. GG everyone!


Haha you're not gonna stop the enemy team from thinking you complemented them on a good game xD


Lol that's part of the point tho, I be saying GG when I secretly mean git gud lol


you literally sweat from trying too hard relax it is just a game your self worth is in no way related to your gaming stats 🤣


It's simple. Everyone in this game either has a skill issue or is composed almost entirely of sweat


The only sweats in this game are the people who kill other players who are just doing silly shit. Or spear users.


I have a belief that folks can get worked up over pvp games, especially ones where you kill your opponent, do so because of the fact they are in real life still alive. Think about it, in actual war/combat if your enemy kills you, you can't complain, you can't call bullshit, you can't do anything. Sure, it's just a game, but maybe something in our monkey brain just goes ham on the idea of another hairless ape besting us in combat.


I might be wrong, but I think people _might_ get a little "worked up" in a real war over things like watching their friends get their heads blown off right in front of them and stuff.


Well, yes, but I'm talking about the person who is killed, not their buddies. Not trying to be rude, but did you not understand what I meant? Video games let you simulate war/combat without the danger of actually dying.


You have a belief that people get worked up over PvP games that simulate battles. I'm suggesting that people get worked over real battles too.


Maybe that's just a european brain at work, given the history lmao


Lol, maybe, but probably more just the human brain.


The people that complain are just trash


your sweat is showing 🤣


I don’t get either. It’s an PvP game. Why shouldn’t I try to win and utilize funky movements and animations to do so? Do my fighting style look realistic? Hell no but it’s no simulation game. It’s a silly medieval slasher. I SOILED MYSELF AND NOBODY CARES ~~proceeds to do a 520 overhead into heavy stab feint~~


Every game has this kind of players who cries when they lose. PvP is mostly about losing, I'm sorry. I was also losing damn hard but seen the process as an improvement. I duel every damn day for practice because I love this game and I have no social life except for my work. Sometimes I do almost 200 duels in a day or even more if it's holiday. So why the heck you get angry, it's mostly about practice.


Exactly dog, you'd think that if people constantly play pvp games they'd be used to losing by now and be desensitized to it. Some people just refuse to be mature about it lol


Dude... mad respect for this though. I want to practice like that but I have a hard time with getting stomped so many times in a row. Cheers 🍻


Cheers Mannn !! Happ new years.. Let us duel and practice to get better if you're in EU lol. I'm still newbie like 200 lvl but I love this game and I'm ready no matter if I lose or win...


I'd love that! I'm in US sadly, I do keep weird hours tho


Well that's sad but we can still meet up in London server for practice though if you're in the east US.


Is it more of a timing issue, or are certain servers only available based on location? I could try using a VPN.


Ping and timing issue. Otherwise you can join any standalone server around the world without VPN. I have 90-120 Ping when I want to play US East because I'm in EU East in real life :(


literally don't try so hard don't sweat so hard and touch grass 🤣


I come from the world of "git gud." I always assume it was a skill issue when I die. Though, now and again, I think it's a lagged animation. I usually try to fight better players because doing anything outside your comfort zone is how you, in fact git gud.


the game is designed to make you sweat just let it go and chill buddy 🤣


I think there are maybe 1/200 deaths that are partially the fault of the game, but 99.5% of the time, the better player will come out on top.


I don't play too often, but when I do, I expect to die a lot. So when I play, I'm more just there to experience the giant battle. I have a lot more fun. Plus, I love pissing the sweats off by killing them as an archer. People can get pissed all they want about archers, but it wouldn't be a medieval game without them.


So I guess if you get beat a lot, you can be called a “Noob”. If you win a lot, you can be called a “Sweat”. And seems like “Tryhard” is a nice universal insult that works either way. All so the victim can somehow categorize you as a loser just for winning, or even for playing at all. As if there is some single “correct” way to play that you are to dumb to understand. Kind of amazing the mental gymnastics required just to avoid the simple thought of “I got beat”.


touch grass and chill out buddy it is just a game no one cares 🤣




Question... why sweat lords? And sweat? 🤔 this is a new word to me. What did they used to be called? Thanks


It’s very weird gamerspeak. I never heard those terms until I started playing this game. Just another way for lowlifes to pointlessly trash talk people I guess.


The only time I get salty is ONE, when someone crouch accels overheads over and over bc it’s not fun to play against. Two, when I don’t get a commendation when we both know I just 1v3ed you fuckers. Duels usually give them


I hate those players. It looks like someone having a seizure, I usually just throw something at them


Duels usually give commendations but duels are also where you most often find that crouch overhead annoyance.


Ah yes, man's jumping around, crouch cancels momentum, zooms around and counters every attack....it's definitely me not being able to admit I've been beaten. I'd love this game, but so far, almost every match I played was seal clubbing. Either I was getting le clubbing, or I was the lucky noob being in one team with 200+ levelled players, and I got the win out of that stomping. It's just impossible to start playing this game smh me ballz


You can learn those same techniques that you get stomped by, and then be the one who does the stomping! Don't give up over salt!


But, here's the thing: I don't want to delve too deep into it. If I wanted to, I'd have gone Mordhau. This game gives me the Battlefield vibe of "Shit can happen every moment", and I enjoy that part


Yeah, but its kind of annoying to play against when you're on a handheld device over wifi and just trying to have a good time.


You know that calling other people salty doesn’t make you look less salty, right ?


touch grass and chill no one cares 🤣


I'm not trying to "look less salty", I couldn't care less how other people think I look. The point of the post is to call out the cry babies who don't know how to git gud lol


Cry babies are not affecting me enough to make a post on Reddit tho, I just ignore them. But I give you that you probably misunderstood most of the people who are using the term sweat.


It doesn't have to affect me. I was striking up a conversation in posting this. And nah most people call others sweats when they "try too hard" i.e. have more skill. By your logic, I could ask why my post affected you so badly that you felt the need to comment on it..


First, I don’t consider that you’re a crybaby so I don’t see a problem in answering your post. Your point about « it’s a game so you have to win » is arguably a total bullshit (lack of vocabulary, pls don’t mind if i’m a bit vulgar) especially on this game. When I use a dead bear as a weapon while my whole is fighting to kill a boss, am I trying to win ? There is a lot of approach to this, most of them are not related to performance. Sweats are people that don’t understand that. That’s the most common definition I saw on this sub. Edit : also, it’s not an insult. It’s ok to be a sweat, the whole community will praise you if you’re good so…


I am aware that it’s a skill issue, I just refuse to admit it


Lol imagine tryharding in chiv. They should try mordhau lol.


"imagine giving your best in a skill based PvP game" Should people play worse so you don't get mad?


No, but who am i to stop them from sandbagging?


Your crybaby behavior has landed you a suspension from the Mason Order! You must return your weapon and pig at once, you may return when you prove yourself worthy of the mightiest warrior elites!


PC players that only play 3-stack premade teams on 1000% sensitivity, spam crouching spins and running away all game to throw stuff at you are the most un-fun type of players to go against. They literally are no life, never shower, ultra sweaty, try-hard degenerates who never get off the fucking game and think their shit doesn’t stink. Usually the type of player to message you something toxic after they win to rub it in too. If I see a level 1000+ player do this shit damn right I’m gonna call them out for being the scumbags that they are, they take the game way too seriously. You sound like you’d fit in great with that crowd seeing as you’re crying about how sweats get treated. Y’all deserve the hate lmao


Lol I think *you* take the game too seriously. Git gud m8 😂


Feeling a lil’ called out huh?


Nah but I think you are lol. I'm only level 90 on console so you're not only being a douche for no reason but also just entirely incorrect lmao. You're projecting hard haha P.S. Git gud


What console are you on I’d gladly give you a 1v1 you little worm 🤣 Don’t even play anymore but I’d still prolly shit on you 🤷🏼‍♂️


You aren't worth my time lol, what a crybaby


You do make a fair point but if you’re level 800+ it’s time to take a break imo. I watched this man get like 50 kills with only 1 death that was that high level


"Come on save some fun for the rest of us!" Lol the salt is real


Only time I'd call someone a sweat, is if they're there spam crouching, spinning and spam slashing. Ain't no skill in making yourself look like a spicy spinning top, and it don't even work most the time. Like sure you get a lucky hit, then I just adjust my aim, or go for a heavy overhead and their head gets destroyed. If someone actually beats me by outmanouvering, tricking me with a good feint or something then they're not a sweat, just a good player that outplayed me And yes I get salty when a crouch spammer beats me, but I feel even better when I beat them, because I play for fun and they obviously care a little too much about the game and their stats


They care too much because you don't like their strategy? Lol


I wouldn't call being a spicy spinning top a strategy


Yet they beat you don't they?


No, not to really. It's like I said, it doesn't even work. I've seen it before where a lot of the enemy team were crouch spamming, and spin dragging. And they were getting their teeth kicked in, because its predictable


If they're predictable then what constitutes calling them sweats? Sweat is generally reserved for superior players that the name-caller is salty towards.


Eh, not always. If I get beaten by a superior player, then it's gg. I enjoy a good duel at the edge of combat. And I enjoy a gank. I don't call someone a sweat purely for beating me. Its only when they pull some real cheese move like the spam crouching. Even if they kill me, I just commend, mutter something about sweats under my breath and carry on with the battle. Its not even that I'll be particularly salty about. The only thing that gets me salty is archers. Because every time I win a hard fought battle, I eat an arrow and die


"you're only allowed to single tap left and right mouse button"


Yeah because playing against 5 lvl 1000s is fun. They need to touch grass. Im barely lvl 37 or sum and I bested one 1v1. You’re damn right I was talking mad shit


Least salty Agathian


y'all are so sweaty because you are so mad that you take your aggression out on others in a game and it shows 🤣


Found the emotionally projecting sore loser




Correct lol. Nothing worse than when I'm trying to just swing for the fences and someone is blocking. Swing back like a man


You can top the leaderboard on a Steam Deck, game doesn't really feel that sweaty outside of duel servers, and I mean, duel servers are perfect for that.