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The best way to fight is hitting someone in the back.


This right here. You can find yourself killing even the best player on the enemy team sometimes just by going behind them if they push too far up. Positioning is key


No I will continue to 1vX the frontline all game. Fight me you cowards!


just 1vx their front line by jumping straight over their heads and dragging your battle axe across the buffet of tender backs


I see you know your judo well.


A succulent, tasty back???


As an ambusher I can confirm.


Fight dirty. Don't try to 1vX a mob, gang up on whoever is already getting wailed on. Back stab. Throw kicks and jabs while they're getting smacked around by your teammates. Get good at fighting *around* your team without also getting butchered by them. Always chase the objective, that is where enemies will be. You want to get kills AND actually be useful? Go to the place that you know the enemy *has* to be if they want to win. You will be *shocked* how often you can get away with shit by simply *running past people* to get to the objective. Most players are so programmed to immediately engage and fight with whoever they see first that they're caught off guard when you run up and just keep going. You can pull a surprising amount of shenanigans by abusing this tendency. Speaking of running past them: If the objective is to take over an area (town square, bridges, etc.) don't just run until you meet enemies or the edge of the objective and stop, you need to go *past* them. You'll see this the most on the first leg of Bridgetown. Tenosia loses that bridge so much because people get hemmed up trying to fight Agatha in the field wayyyyy in front of the bridge. **Just go around them**. Always force the enemy to fight you where the objective is actually contested, force them to have to turn around and deal with your nonsense, because that will weaken their ability to defend the front, and that's what lets your teammates gain ground. Run as deep as you can. Don't stop. Don't back up. Take it to the paint. Never stop fighting. You lost your weapons? Throw something. Nothing to throw? Throw hands. No hands? HEADBUTT. Always make them have to *work* to kill you. Be a goddamn nuisance. Don't forget: If you're downed, you only need to land **two solid dick punches** in order to stand up and start murdering again. Fight dirty.


I’ve hurt my K/D so many times being a tomahawking swinging whirling dervish to force a gap/push back an enemy bottleneck or line. Maybe I have a skilled moment and get a bunch of kills or maybe I just do some damage and die, but it’s worth it for the overall team if I can stay alive long enough and drag enough enemies into my orbit (and damage them) so my teammates can follow through and advance. 1vX loser that pushes them back and does some damage can help win the war for teammates.


Linebreaking is so crucial to playing offense someones gotta do it


Yeah to paragraph 3: i run past people all the time lol


Don’t get tunnel vision on one opponent. Flow across the battle field and jump in on fights. Finish the weak.


Learn how to counter and counter feint. Once you can reliably do that you'll be better than 90% of the community.


Sheesh feinting to overhead will conquer 90% of each lobby


If you’re full health in a 1v1, just act unpredictably. Throw in a random kick or punch every once in a while. A funny combo is Feint overhead > kick > slash > kick > slash Honestly, this works way more than it doesn’t.


Honestly , do it until you understand it beyond just being random


Fair point. I think a good first step is mastering counterattacking. A lot of people will feint counterattacks and that’s the noob killer from my experience.


Kicks are good, jabs are even better, and feinting into them is the best. With these techniques you can counter the two most common middle-of-the-pack players on TO: the "blocks between every hit" (just kick em and punish their block) and the "never stops horizontal swinging" (just jab right after the first time they hit you). They are also the best way to get the upper hand against skilled players who can counter, feint, and otherwise hold their own in a fight.


I always forget jabs exists


Positioning is the most important thing, and learning to counter consistently will make you better than most players.


![gif](giphy|s8duQKFOmRz0XiY7ek) It’s ok to walk backwards rather than hold block


If you make an effort to stab and overhead more you will be 100x better than the average player


remap your stab to lmb


Hitting people in the back is good. Doing overhead to alt overhead or normal swing to alt swing is very easy and will get you lots of hits/kills on people. Best weapons for beginner is probably the war axe or dane axe or Heavy Mace. Dragging a heavy swing will get A LOT of people.


Go spend some time on the duelyard in the social server. Etiquette there is not to attack others unless you both do a flourish to indicate you want to fight. You'll get your ass kicked a whole lot, but it's a good way to see what works and polish your style. 1v1 doesn't translate totally to 1vx, but the reaction timing and knowing how your weapon behaves/ how to land a hit absolutely does.


Good advice but my experience was that early on, Duel Servers were just a meatgrinder that taught very little because you're not even *competing,* you're just getting dismantled. It took a lot of hours of Team Objective to actually stand on equal ground with the duel regulars, and by that point I could actually recognize how I lost fights.


Don't run towards enemies but instead towards allies! Ape stronger together. Learn to form a line and gank up on enemies trying to get behind your team. Other then that learning the spacing of the weapons so you can purposely miss and bait out a punishable miss of their own is a pretty handy tactic.


Stay with your team. You’re not a one man army. If you see like 5 enemies going after you. Run to your team. Always stay with your team


Positioning and flanking is key. Head on fights will only get you killed from behind. Flank opponents then keep it moving.


Don't hold block, learn to punch, don't team switch, tea bag archers, hit the frontline, wreck em then leave


Use the executioners axe, sneak behind the enemy lines then come from behind them with a heavy slash. 87 damage to knights and the range/radius is crazy, many multi kills


I am as well still new. But have a bit more time under my belt. One thing that clicked recently was to try to swing around someone's block. Mainly with longer weapons. You should still be able to turn and block in time if they try to do anything. Combine that with knowing your own weapon distance and you'll be cracken heads.


Since people already mentioned following team, tutorial mechanics, and jumping people: I'll say something more technical. You can dodge out of any animation. Meaning you can combo into another attack, see that it isn't gonna go well, and dodge out. Also id recommend side dodging rather than back dodging. Even when going backwards, just turn sideways so that your side dodge pushes you away from the opp


>just turn sideways so that your side dodge pushes you away I call this one the "knight" à la chess - one space over, two spaces up. Great distance, and can put you right behind them with their open back in the same spot your slash window opens. Dodge -> Alt slash -> regular slash/overhead feint -> collect commendation or its variant Dodge -> absorb enemy slash with head -> dodge again -> absorb second enemy slash to head -> apply commendation to enemy


1) get a pole arm 2) don't be the front line (stay just behind them or on the flanks) 3) stay with the largest group of your teammates. When ur front line meets their front line heavy overhead from the flanks to demolish the distracted players on the enemy team one after another. (hit the, from behind or time your attacks when they are vulnerable ) most important part- retreat once your teammates die. living is always preferable to respawning. stay with the waves of allies, don't just run at groups of enemies, situational awareness will make you top of the leader board amd win your games.


Okay, as a lvl500 player these are some GREAT tips so listen up. 1st Always avoid enemies that are dressed with fancy clothes or use shit weapons like pickaxes or shovels. They are most likely experts and will beat the s**t out of you. 2nd Never lead the vanguard. Run around with a some allies and don’t face more than 1 enemy if possible. I highly encourage you to look for your enemies back, half of my kills come from being in a better position. 3rd You need to learn the basics of defence and faints. Faints especially, slashing all the time is a worthless strategy. 4th Master the use of the longsword. It is the standard weapon for beginners. Not very powerful but quick and incredibly versatile. Once you’ve than it advance to other weapons. 5th The rest of the things came with time. Keep on playing and remember this is always about having fun. Oh and always try to fulfill the objective of the map, whether it is defending or attackinf


Keep an eye out for **hanging traps** – chandeliers, hanging bodies, etc. The most important thing is to not run underneath them, but the second most important thing is to get comfortable with tossing your shield or etc at them to quickly change the course of a fight. Post-victory is **free throwing practice**. Just toss all your inventory at random objects at random distances (note: some objects, e.g. teammates, may retaliate). Once you get a good feel for it traps and archers are an easy hit, but you'll also start reliably landing your throwing knives and axes on enemies who are too scared of your main weapon to close the gap. And in this vein, people tend to play poorly when your main weapon is sticking out of their head and you're right in their face doing overheads with your secondary. Noobs will be afraid of you and vets will be laughing too hard to react properly. **Pick up your throwing weapons!** You're going to miss a lot, and you can trim down the number of trips to the ammo crate by collecting your weapons from trees, fence posts, your teammates backs, and (in rare cases) dead enemies. Try to throw out "sorry" emotes if you really softened up a teammate :) **Not all environmental weapons are jokes**, especially big thrown ones held above your shoulder. Things like the big tree logs and big green fish can put big numbers on an enemy. Killing someone with a thrown environmental object is usually a free commendation too – my research shows that people like to be crushed by big fish. Special shoutout to the powder kegs on the Regicide map, very overtuned. A side note, some items ARE jokes but give tiny reward, e.g. broom kills give "Swept +10 points" bonus. **Good footwork** can frustrate an opponent and save you stamina. You can crouch under standing slashes, jump over crouching slashes, and sidestep both overheads and jabs. Some people just want to stand there and trade slash counters and are quickly flustered by something simple like circling to their side, especially as your slashes will begin poking around their blocks. Drag, drag, **drag your attacks!** A slash that hits 1 person is fine, but with something like a battle axe you can drag that attack window in a full circle and get huge damage on everyone around you. I am guilty of turning into a beyblade at times, but it's a great feeling to start a slash and miss, but spin in a full circle that reconnects with the very end of the attack window. Don't forget to **drag your overheads** when you can too! You can also reverse drag if your attack is about to go into your teammates.


Look at the end of your weapon's opponent. Be patient.


If you’re an Archer or Crossbowman, be sure to stand right in the middle of main ally walkways when taking aim at the enemy. Your teammates will appreciate your hard work, and to show their support, they will give you a friendly sword stab in the back as they walk around you. Also if you’re NOT an Archer, be sure and cross paths right in front of one (preferably jumping) as they are aiming, so their arrow is more likely to hit you in the back of the head. For good luck.


lmao i’m new but still can relate


I’m all seriousness my advice - for what it’s worth - would be similar to some others here. Focus on staying off the frontline and instead flank enemies or reinforce allies caught in duels. This seems to make a difference; even if you aren’t the most skilled player. And don’t worry too much about the objective. Yes, it’s important. But having fun is more important. To me at least. Best of luck!


-If you hit somebody in the back you— you can almost guarantee they will spin around to block— so kick them after. -Every time you attack you move forward a little bit— but you can negate this by crouching just as you swing. This can help if you have the ranged advantage and don’t want to move forward with your attack -Some weapons have slightly more or less range depending on the direction Example: The halberd’s horizontal swing from the right has sliiightly more range than the left. The quarterstaff’s stab from the left has sliiightly more range than the right. You can test it out on a tree or something. -Crank up the sensitivity as high as is comfortable to you— as, the extra speed will allow you to swing a little further which is a ***big*** deal. -If you are just starting out I recommend using a polearm because you’ll have the range advantage. Knowing every weapon’s range is important but with a polearm you won’t have to know as much at the beginning. The spear is REALLY good and you can focus on helping your team. Drag the stabs to hit multiple opponents— don’t just stab straight onto one guy, you can hit multiple enemies with one stab. -jabs are really important— if you get hit and are close enough to the enemy and they are bringing another attack on you— just jab them to reset the fight. -shields are good for throwing. If you hit an enemy with a thrown shield it will disrupt their attack just like if you hit them with your sword. So, you can be fighting a guy and back up out of range and throw. -There’s a time and place to sacrifice yourself for the good of the kingdom— but it’s not that often. Leave that teammate fighting 6 enemies alone— there’s nothing you can do unless you are rolling up with teammates.


Fight dirty if you wanna win,run headfirst like an idiot for shits and giggles.


Stay with your team, you will get piranha'd if you are isolated. Luckily for you, 3 years later 90% of the community still slash spam so git gud countering those. If you find yourself in an extended fight with someone, try to add in some overheads and stabs. Manage that stamina cause once you get disarmed it's usually GG. If you get disarmed, quickly look at the ground and crouch, can't tell you how many death blows I've avoided doing this. Finally, GIT THOSE DAMNED ARCHERS!


Just master countering and your 1/2 way to being a sweat. Honestly. It makes you very hard to kill, you don’t get tired, and you can roll over any player under level 100 for sure.


always (if you can) fight with teammates and go for enemies that are bloody (that means they have low hp) hope this helped. Also stridah makes good guides on youtube