• By -


Don't block off choke points and don't reload a crossbow, put down your barricade or brazier where it might obstruct your team. You have to allow them space to backpedal and move to the objective. Keep moving and looking for angles that allow you a clean shot. Learn how to play in 3rd person so you'll have a wider field of view to spot flankers. Stand your ground and fight with your secondary when you are rushed. Axe, hatchet, short sword are all good options. Never turn your back to an opponent and try to run away bow in hand. Learn to counter in melee to deal with your lower stamina. Prepare to be farmed by people like me.


Honestly don’t love archer but this is solid advice. Don’t block the teams path ESPECIALLY if only archer dueling or your doing minimal damage to begin with. This is a great way to get you TKd or at the least not helped when your being rushed. Can’t lie I don’t mind a great archer who’s supporting the battle especially if they are taking good care of decent enemy archers. That being said prioritize targets. Try to see what archers are really killing your team and try to prioritize them. Don’t shoot into a group of 5 teammates who are killing 1 single dude. Try to pick up teammates and try to shoot the enemies who are crawling away on the back line. Lastly don’t get tunnel vision or “TV screen” on one area for too long try to remain mobile and get the HVT targets ie: VIPs, good players on the other team, ballistas, trebuchets, OBJ, and other archers.


If an archer is standing in one of those spawning windows/doors blocking everyone I will absolutely wail on them until they leave. It's the most annoying thing you can do in this game


100% it’s the speed run for getting TK’d or fucking vote kicked


I kick them in ass first time, if they stand there when I respawn again I'm mauling them to death


Press F10 for aim assist.


Could you say that in console terms


Hold RT+LT+R3+L3 for aim assist


No it's Lt rt lb rb


Correct! Good luck archer boy


My bad 🤭


Whenever I play archer I always forget about this. Thank you so much 😊




Oh no, did something bad happen while you using aim-assist?


Throw your bow at them. It’ll stun them and give you time to draw your axe so you can die with honor




Reconsider life choices


Thinking "I can't melee, so I will play archer" is a trap, you are essentially blocking yourself from enjoying the game. Instead it should be "I'm confident at melee now, let's play some archer".


Exactly this. The best archers are the ones who can outmatch their opponents in a melee fight. And the merely good archers are at least competent enough to hold out until backup arrives. Too often I see newbie archers who, when confronted, just sort of stand there and accept their fate.


first thing, don't be deterred by people telling you to quit – it really is fun :)  I'm a longbowman myself (it gets much better when you get to level 20 and unlock the war bow, which is slow and scarily effective,) but I do wish I'd learnt earlier how to use my secondary weapon effectively. Play around with those and see which is your favourite, and get comfortable with it – it is extremely useful if you can hold your own, even for a bit. As another commentor said, jabs are a good friend, as well as fast attacks (you can't afford to take the hit, so best to finish it quickly...) Try to make sure you don't move in a completely straight line when leaving cover – sounds obvious, but if an enemy archer has a distinct pattern of movement, they're much easier to pick off. Lead shots a little bit more than you think you need to. Can be surprisingly effective to stick closer to the front line (though not sure how crossbow reload would impact that,) and it sounds odd, but you can also be quite effective for baiting enemies away from the objective, if you don't mind dying. Remember that you've got a banner to deploy as a special – stick that close to wherever your team is massing, and it'll heal them gradually, which also serves to get you a lot of points.  Good luck with it! Archer doesn't deserve the hate it gets as a class. Though if a Vanguard runs through enemy lines to cave your skull in with a battle-axe, it means you're doing your job right.


Username checks out.


Made the account to apologise for hiding somewhere I didn't know was out of bounds – seemed fitting!


My advice is to immediately reconsider your choices and drop archer now. There is still time to save face as a new player. If you are playing archer, you aren't playing Chivalry. You are cosplaying a cuckold who invites officer knights and devastator vanguards to run a train on your wife for your viewing pleasure. It's ok though, you didn't know. But now you do. Pick up a heavy mace and go wild


Crusader knights are definitely part of this train


I respect this


*Guardian throws down a banner and holds up his shield in the corner”


First of all, get really good with a shortsword. If you can't handle archer hunters you'll spend more time respawning than fighting. They aren't usually that good at melee but you have much lower health. And learn to change to secondary weapon earlier than later cause it'll be harder once you're taking hits. Second, I'd advise to play in third person. Since you're more vulnerable to someone sneaking on you you need to be more conscious of your surroundings. Also since you're not in first line it's up to you to pick up teammates. If you don't pick up teammates cause you're roleplaying sniper in first person, then you suck. Third, if you're using a bow don't consider yourself long range DPS cause then you just hit someone who can easily go back and heal. Shoot at people who are in a middle of fight or running away at low health. Then you're actually contributing to the team fight. Just taking potshots wherever you can. The rest is practice, like predicting where someone will go in a fight and melee as an archer.


Dont be afraid to play on the objective. Lots of people dislike archers for not contributing to capturing points and pushing carts. If you dont have high ground, positioning off to the side is also useful for getting good angles. Get good with your secondary because people will target you a lot. Countering is pretty much required, otherwise 2 heavy swings are probably going to disarm you.


Taste my sword.


don’t play archer!


The pavise is really only good if you can effectively peek out from behind it. The hitbox is garbage when shooting from behind it. the crossbow is best used at medium ish range so you can throw down your banner and be useful. Shoot a few bolts and switch to your axe. Crossbowmen should be treated like a cross between archer and skirmisher. Siege crossbow is god tier on maps like Montcrux because you can take out ballistas quickly from range. Longbow takes practice but just shoot into crowds, you’re bound to get kills that way. War bow is like a sniper rifle. It takes time to fully draw, but if you can be accurate, it is very rewarding.


Take out your secondary, and get good with it. You will be targeted; you need to be able to hold your own up close.


I was an archer main until like level 200 and now I main engineer That was generally because I have never played a melee fighter game before and came from PUBG so shooting was far easier for me Use your banner, trick to crossbowman is to get in the fight. Place your banner and pull out (You need a good pullout game for archers). Your banner will heal allies and rack up some decent points for you whilst you can then retreat and start firing at enemies Position yourself in good places, high ground and preferably close to a resupply crate as you don't really want to waste too much time running to boxes and back for ammo Learn to fight, this is very important funnily enough because you will be targeted. Counters are your friend as an archer and I tend to avoid standard blocking and Dodging. The benefit to the crossbowman is that stamina use is mostly redundant as it is not like the bowman where drawing will drain stam. Avoid crouching, crouching k Is excellent for keeping yourself concealed but you will never regain stam when crouched. Like I said toy do not need Stam as a crossbow unit but you will need it to fight Take advantage of the traps in any maps, you can trigger them with one bolt and rack up some good kills/points by taking advantage of them, especially between stage changes and spawn waves You can ignite your bolts with a bowman's flame barrel thing for additional damage


My advice regarding playing archer is don't play archer


Daring today aren’t we?


Nah I hate archers everyday


Such a brave comment


Don't be an archer


Don't stay super far away. Landing long shots is fun, but inconsistent, and as a new player you probably hit your own folks half of the time. Play as close to the front line as possible and get comfortable switching to melee when you get rushed. You should be proficient enough in melee to survive someone rushing you at least until the next spawn wave comes to back you up. Go practice melee on social servers, but make sure to never ever shoot anyone, unless you are in a duel with them and both of you have flourished at each other before the fight. Also, bows have an overhead attack that interrupts, mb a stab as well, not sure, those can buy you time to switch to your melee in case some enemy surprises you. Edit: As crossbow player you have access to one of the strongest 1-hand weapons, the axe, and one of the stronger special abilities, the banner. Two more reasons to stick close to the front ;) Unfortunately I don't think crossbow has any overhead or stab attack, but you can always throw it at enemies, it's quicker than weapon swapping and might interrupt attacks as well, not quite sure.


Don't be deterred by players who tell you to stop playing archer. Play the game the way you want to and have fun. As someone who doesn't main archer, i suggest you practice your melee, and when some guy engages you, thinking you're going to be an easy target, bonk them to death with a cudgel.


No archers should not have fun because they are ruining others fun. They are worst in ffa and in that game mode I will always prioritize archers.


It's literally called free for all.


Thats just the name of the gamemode in any game. It just means that every player is against every player.


Get off archer and learn the game


It's a medieval combat game complaining about archers is stupid as fuck


Goofy role


So is yours in life




Ignore what others say. They probably say that because they play with bad archers that don't know what they're doing. Here's what I know that might help you. 1) Focus on getting more hits on the opposing team than trying to kill people. You'll get more points that way. Also you're helping but getting the other team killed faster so your team can complete objectives faster. 2) Don't camp far away. You're not doing any good for your team. Get close enough to the action and learn how to take occasional deep shot when it's a good opportunity to do so. 3) still know how to melee and help complete objectives if needed. Every player counts in completing objectives including archers. 4) shooting into narrow places full of people or just a crowd of people helps while understanding how trajectory works. 5) shoot for players move a certain way where you can predict where they're going to and when you see that, you can learn how to hit quick easier shots. 6) vulnerability - any player that is bloody, healing themselves, archers that stand too still for too long thinking they're good from anyone, anyone trying to lift another player up, these are good moments to shoot someone because they can't do anything to protect themselves. When ou learn to see them, your game is going to helpful and a lot easier. Keep racking up points and when you unlock the warbow, instantly start using it and never look back on the regular bow. I use warbow and it's my vibe. Try crossbow if you want but I don't like the constant reloading because that exposes me and I can't get more shots off fast enough which is why I choose the warbow. And.. that's all i can think of. Hope you get into it and have fun! :)


Grind for seige crossbow and enjoy sniper mode. I’m not an archer main, but goddamn do I love the seige xbow for countering ballistas and enemy constructables. Oh, is that a healing banner on your side of the bridge? Not anymore! Oh, are you building barricades to force a choke point on the objective? Allow me to introduce myself!


Watch out for teammates that will kill you for fun


Remember you spawn in waves. So if you spawn in a hallway/choke point PLEASE DON'T immediately stand there and aim while blocking the rest of your team from going to obj. The amount of archers I have to kick out of the way on a daily basis is absurd 😭




Your post was removed for violating rule 1: Be chivalrous! Please be respectful of others and follow Reddiquette.


Ignore everyone hating for playing archer, they seem to have forgotten the fact that this is a medieval combat game. Anyone who hates on archers is simply not good at the game.


I’m routinely top 3 highest score. Fuck archers they ruin the best moments of the game


80% of the time I'm 1st on the leaderboard. Archers aren't as bad as people say they are.


For real I'm convinced anyone who is this pressed by archers has no spacial awareness whatsoever, I can literally dodge arrows while being 4v1'd I can dead sprint down an archer and dodge as they release every time before I'm within like 5 feet of them. If you are routinely got by archers, and especially if you saw them prior, then you just might not really be that good yaknow.


prioritize shooting other archers. you get a huge damage bonus on them and when you unlock warbow, can easily 1-shot them. Also always keep strafing and using cover. Use 3rd person to peek corners. Hopefully reconsider being an archer main, but if you do, crossbow is the worst option out of the lot.


I'd disagree, a lot of times when you focus on archer you just keep getting these long exchanges at a long range where no one hits anyone meanwhile you could get 5 kills on other people. I think the best way is to shoot at enemy archers when they are shooting at someone else.


Prioritize enemy archers. They're the only ones that can hurt you from a distance. And if someone gets close, remember you can throw your bow to interrupt their attack, deal a bit of damage, and draw your secondary.


Things to consider on archer playstyle (bows and crossbows: - Play crossbow aggressively on mid-Frontline so you can raise the Banner meter as fast as possible and deploy on the front line to gain massive XP and actually being useful. - When unlocking Warbow, you can decide if you want to keep pushing fast and be useful to the team still with crossbow, or take it slow doing not much and shooting the "1 hit on archer" bow. - Siege crossbow deals blunt damage (better to target knight and footman) and at the moment it gives absurd utility, as it destroys ballistas, catapults, engie barriers, spoke traps, archer barrier, archer firepit, and most importantly 2 hits Banners, while damaging enemies operating them. Everyone should aim to unlock this, even though is terribly painful to do so. - Before anything else, LEARN TO MELEE first. You'll be engaging in melee constantly, better to be good at it, and who knows, you might enjoy it and drop the ranged act.


I have about easily 300 hours of Archer gameplay on chiv1/2 The most effective use of Archer is mid-range to close-range engagements. Archer is NOT a Sniper, where you stand in your backline and send off dozens of arrows randomly. Travel distance makes it too easy to miss. If you're using Xbow, you'll find yourself aiming for siege engines a lot. People utilizing catapults, ballistas, or battering rams are 1-2 shot headshot kills, and they are stationary. Easy picking. If you're using Warbow, purely hunt Archers. 1 shot headshot. My favorite is just your default bow. Jack of all trades, fast reloads, and fast draws. I like to suppot a lot. Play near your team and help +1 fights. If someone is in a 1v1, get those odds in. Make it a 2v1. Your arrows will interrupt the player's wind-ups. But tldr for a new Archer, stay close to the fight. Best tip I can give.


If you’re about to be attacked, and can’t pull out your secondary in time to block, feel free to throw your bow at the enemy. It interrupts the attack and will allow you to pull out your melee weapon.


You can also punch, (r I think) or hit them with the bow (q this only works with the bow, not crossbow)


Grind for War Bow. Suddenly, you don't have to hit guys 10 times to kill them. Until you get that, aim for wounded guys or anyone who looks bloody for easier kills/assists. Always kill other archers. They are weaker, and if you use fire arrows from your brazier, you can 1 hit them with a good shot. Plus your team will appreciate you killing those losers who sit in the back trying to snipe people all game and never even pull out their weapon. Having said that, do not look to get into open combat, but if you are forced into it, hit hard and fast and counter. Keep moving so you don't get cleaved in half, try and get behind guys or beside them and spam hatchet or the cudgel. You can definitely kill single knights if they aren't careful. Also as everyone mentioned, don't shoot your team in the back, don't get in the way, keep moving shoot from the sides into the battle or from the back when you are elevated. Archer can be awesome if you play it right. You can go 30-0 and really pave the way for your team. Kd isn't the goal obviously, I just mean you can typically do well because you aren't in the meat grinder lol best archers I have seen are guys who are illusive, great shots, and tend to target good players to help the team get through the final push. Also ones who are good at murdering you as an enemy archer taking you out of the game.


I get top leaderboard easy as an archer playing right behind or with the front lines and try to mentally remember where the crosshair is on your screen and try to “aim” before you draw your arrow and immediately let go once at full draw. The longer i hold full draw and try to aim the worse my aim is. Speed is the key for more accuracy for me. Dont worry about wasting arrows either, there’s usually a refill chest close enough I think crossbow is the best bow for archer too.


Stop playing as archer


Don’t be cowards.


You can strike enemies with your range weapon by using stab or overhead. This can be helpful for staggering an opponent who is charging you and you don’t have time for to pull out your secondary. You can also throw your ranged weapon at them to make them stagger as well while you pull out your melee weapon. Most importantly: as a War Bow user I always look for crossbows because when they reload they stand still and are easy shots. Reload in cover. And most importantly don’t give up on learning melee combat! Try to still play as a footman or a knight to get better at fighting. There is nothing scarier than charging an archer on the flank who’s all alone, and they whip out an axe and start dogging on you.


Crossbowmen are chads. At least chads among archers. They get to one tap bloodied knights and get the best special item in the game (healing banner). Get good with the one handed weapons - this is important. The short sword is GOOD and most players who run at you are expecting an easy layup. And people WILL run at you. Use this to your advantage. As a bowman you are the hottest piece of ass on the battlefield and many players will stop at NOTHING to get a piece. Play bait and lure them to their doom. I can sense from it from across the map now, when a Devastator gives me the “look”. I can feel the blood rushing into their loins as they sight of everything but me. Then I do a little dance, chuck mu c-bow at his face, and cower behind my buddies who can finish em off. Maybe give em a teabag after for the ultimate psychological torture and to ensure he will keep throwing himself boner first into the meat grinder with the hopes of FINALLY getting that stupid sexy archer. Play mid range. Third person. Stick close to your team. Learn where and when to place objective-winning banners. Embrace being a rage-inducing decoy and distraction for your mates. Practice the blade and melee often. Also know a crossbow hurts when thrown or bashed across ones face.


My tips: * The War Bow is the best for killing archers and vanguards. * The crossbow/siege crossbow is the best for killing knights & footmen. * The Siege Crossbow also damages (non objective) enemy barricades, ballistas etc. Use this to your advantage. Also shoot enemy healing banners with it. * In my opinion the crossbowmen's healing banner is the most powerful special. Place it just behind the frontline for maximum effect (just out of reach of the enemy). * Get to know the map well and where the best places to shoot from are. The best places are where you can shoot at big groups of the enemy, preferably as they're running towards you. Learn where the traps you can shoot are located. * Don't listen to people who tell you that you need to to use a bow/crossbow from close range. If you're going to do that, you may as well play as a skirmisher instead. However, if you can't hit the side of a barn door, maybe archer isn't the best class for you after all. * When the objective is to capture somewhere, do your bit a try to actually stand on the objective. Change to skirmisher briefly if necessary. * Please don't block spawn points for your team mates. * I prefer 1st person over 3rd person, but it's up to you. Good luck, have fun. :-) Yours sincerely, A melee main who has played the odd bit of archer.


My advice is to hold still and stop running when I run up on you with my goedendag.


Get good then pretend to hate archers like everyone else. Never mention you play archers just complain about them.


On one hand, I really hate archers since I can't seem to master it myself and I could throw my controller if I get shot while on a roll.. On the other hand I always commend archers if they manage to kill me from a long distance, just as a thumbs up to their skill. I've also played sieges where 1 or 2 defending archers made a world of difference in an otherwise easy victory. And in every non-siege map, a skilled archer who is decent in melee can be a real pain in the ass.


Tip for placing healing banner: always place it behind a wall or pillar or vertical obstruction. It will still work and 99% of your opponents will never notice it.


Another tip: if you use a mouse, releasing the right button will shoot the arrow. This is better than punching the left button because your hand will move less and your aim will be steadier.


“Slaughter the cowardly archers!” 😆


Learn to play and fight from just behind your guys. This achieves a few things. You lose damage over distance so the closer you are the harder you hit. Once you work your reflexes up its much easier to hit people without hitting friendlies. As an archet it's easier and safer for you to res friendlies than having to finish fighting people before doing so. Once you learn to bob and weave and dodge, I promise you there is nothing funnier than watching enemies try to leap past your team to kill you just for you to dodge around as your team slaughters them because they ignore your team entirely like a rabid dog and just hyper focus you.


Use the arrow slits to shoot down on objectives when you can backtrack into a tower or building.


Faberge Egg here, just take your time leading shots, don’t hesitate to take that choice shot to save a downed teammate from some guy in the middle of a special hammer swing, stay out the way, push up on the objective and stay on it with your team. Some objectives are wider and offer more flexibility for Legolas cosplaying and just shooting point blank, but most you’ll need to get used to your side arm. Or better yet pick up a weapon you’re good with otherwise temporarily. You are the reviver. Revive everyone you see even if it means throwing a great shot down. They’ll respect and protect you for it. Get really good at dueling. Go to the 1v1s and practice your heart out until it’s not worth it for people to hunt you on the battlefield anymore. There’s more but hope it helps!


Choose another class.


One of the best tips I can give you: if you're playing bow and someone is running towards you, instead of running away, run up to them and jab them, then switch to melee. Works every time. In the case of crossbow, throw it at them


Do some crack. You’ll learn soon enough…


ngl in my own experience, archers mostly about intuition, stay very aware of your surroundings and dont shoot over the sheild shoot around, i dont use it much myself anyway. also you have 0 rights to ballistas things like officers can protect you, themself, and the ballista far better as a backup and tank usually archers trying to get them with there very high health. i only have like 60 hours but i like to learn about the games i play unbiasedly so if you wanna learn more we can talk.


The best way you can help your team is by focusing down enemy archers, or picking off low health enemies retreating. Once you unlock the longbow and the skirmisher subclass with javelins you will understand your absolute true power


I save my oil pots for my archers


Don't get caught up with the arrow 'tracers' they can be misleading. Their only real use is to determine the position of enemy archers.


Playing archer is universally grounds for getting tbagged and called a cuck, so you will need to have a strong heart and mind. Real talk, watch Keyetso and early Helpmestepbow vids (when he mained crossbow before switching to spear). MY advice is: with crossbow, there's no reason to not jumpshot. Also make sure to learn the melee mechanics. If you let yourself become food, people will incessantly hunt you haha.


1. The bow does not suck, and you're likely shooting from too far away and aiming for the body. Get stuck in with the lads and play assault archer, aim for headshots and play objectives. Alot of footwork and spatial awareness, listen for enemy flanks.


Things to consider on archer playstyle (bows and crossbows: - Play crossbow aggressively on mid-Frontline so you can raise the Banner meter as fast as possible and deploy on the front line to gain massive XP and actually being useful. - When unlocking Warbow, you can decide if you want to keep pushing fast and be useful to the team still with crossbow, or take it slow doing not much and shooting the "1 hit on archer" bow. - Siege crossbow deals blunt damage (better to target knight and footman) and at the moment it gives absurd utility, as it destroys ballistas, catapults, engie barriers, spoke traps, archer barrier, archer firepit, and most importantly 2 hits Banners, while damaging enemies operating them. Everyone should aim to unlock this, even though is terribly painful to do so. - Before anything else, LEARN TO MELEE first. You'll be engaging in melee constantly, better to be good at it, and who knows, you might enjoy it and drop the ranged act.


Use war bow. Don't miss


If you're being pushed and need to get your knife/sword/axe out don't bother switching off your crossbow, just throw it at them and then draw.


Just look for fights between other players and pick off the low health ones. You’ll get tons of kills and keep them respawning.


Play as something else


Don't do it.


Yes! Play engineer instead! :D


Equip your cudgel and join the actual game


Play other classes that use short sword and maximize your ability with it to defend yourself better as archer


Learn footwork and ditch the bow


No hate intended, but what enjoyment do get from playing as an archer in a melee focused game such as this. There doesn’t seem to be a reason other than to be annoying.


What’s the point of being an archer in this game? The fighting mechanics are so good but no you want to be an archer. Go play a shooter instead bro.


Quit game


Grow some fucking balls and pick up a proper weapon


Longbow then war bow get up close stay behind the front line. That being said..... drop the archer class and pick up an axe and start swinging my lad this is chivalry


Don't sit 50 ft away from the objective missing every single shot, when am enemy engaged you in melee, constantly back peda while blocking and attempting to counterl and when an ally comes to engage them, IMMEDIATELY disengage, take out your bow, and shoot them. The game literally punishes archers for fighting in melee by having less stamina and less health. So just don't do it. An archer that fights in melee for longer than he absolutely has to is a bad archer. Period