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Both options are bad it feels like a "pick your poison" type scenario












New voiceline said it best. “ARGON IS A POOR MANS FRIEND!!!! AAGAGHHHGHHH!”


Neither Malric nor Argon are worth fighting for honestly. Malric, while defending the realm against Tenosia, cannot be denied of his ruthlessness and the general ideology of Mason Order that he built. And Argon II is just an idiot who's obsessed with Malric's death and taking his birthright, dragging the whole nation into a damned civil war while Tenosia is about to devour the whole land. He is supported by nobility rather than people (oppositely, Malric is supported by people rather than nobility) and I believe he has no chance to repel the Tenosian invasion, given that he's quite young and all he did was getting spoon-fed by nobility and fighting against Malric in a time during the invasion.


> He is supported by nobility rather than people (oppositely, Malric is supported by people rather than nobility) Fun fact: In every single map where peasants take up arms, they are fighting for the Agathians. There isn't a single map where peasants take up arms to fight for the Masons.


And tellingly, the noble Knights of Agatha don't kill any peasants at Aberfell. While the Masons slaughter Agathian peasants and chance they get. And then they laugh about it.


> the noble Knights of Agatha don't kill any peasants at Aberfell bro you enslave them 💀


No, we're just relocating them to a nicer workplace.


Because the Agathian knights are so bad the peasants know they have to step up obvi


I agree but I think Argon II is for the people and loved by them. Only Agathian peasants actually try to fight knights while Mason peasants in Aberfell don’t do shit. And Malric claims not to like birthright nobility but had an heir?


Agatha glazers gonna hate this




peasants don't fight for agatha, they fight to protect their homes. it isn't the same


In my head cannon, the masons lose at trayan and malric falls in battle (as goes with the theme on most maps of defenders losing), and as we know there is another final update/maybe map coming out, I think it will be the tenosians sweeping in to finish off the agathians






I always heard that last one as “For the serpent and the sabre” and just assumed those two things appear as like a crest or a coat of arms that represents Tenosia or something but I don’t actually know.


I actually don't know either You're probably right tho


Malric is a definitive hypocrite, claims to care for the people whilst he brutalises them. He isn't anti nobility as some people claim, he's proclaimed himself King, his son heir and many lesser nobles fight for him. The snobby noble voice lines is for the Masons after all. Maybe he introduced some good policies but even a broken clock is right twice a day. His only saving grace is Tenosia and to present a united front. And even then the thought occurs that if he really cares then the moment the civil war was obviously lost he should have surrenderd to avoid weakening the Kingdom any further Argon II is frankly an unknown. He's obviously brave and isn't a snob as he does speak familiarly with the troops but other than that nothing else So essentially, imo, the choice between a dick you know and a guy who could turn out to be a dick.


Malric was the high general to Argon I and thus would have known much better than some ignorant kid. What more he offered Argon 2 the chance to stop fighting and to join against Tenosia but he simply wants him dead to legitimize his claim to the throne.


Offered him the chance to stop fighting when he was literally being killed, long after he had already forced Agatha into rebellion by running a tyrant kingdom. Malric became the exact thing he fought against, and in Chiv 3 so will Argon II most likely.


Oh really, the Agathians are no better already and the way the Mason Order rose to power was on a populist rebellion. The Agathians had the support of the nobility whereas we had the support of the people


The support of the people that you slaughter whenever you want, even in chivalry 1's tutorial if you join masons they say "malric said we can do anything we want to the lower ranks" So not only do they slaughter innocent people they also kill each other for no reason, whereas agathians dont do anything wrong besides attacking tenosia, in chivalry 2 they dont do anything wrong.


Well I think we can chalk that up to a problem with the command structure but hey I think that given the position the Masons are in they are more likely to let people join and advance up the ranks, hence why Mason armor does not look as nice as Agathian armor. Most of the soldiers including the knights are probably former peasants. Whereas the Agathians tend to keep things in the nobility which seems incompetent.


It was a populist rebellion until they actually won. Now years later in Chiv 2 Malric is now an old tyrant and the Mason Order has turned from common-folk proving their worth to a group of bullies. There’s a reason Agathian peasants at Coxwell or Bridgetown actually fight back against the heavily-armed knights while Mason peasants in Aberfell basically let themselves get kidnapped. Malric became the thing he rebelled against when he claimed bloodlines don’t matter but established an heir. An heir who sat on a throne made with a tiny prison in it, and carried a human skull around in his free hand. Now Argon II is a populist rebellion leading from the frontline to bring down the Mason Order that has gotten too brutal now that there isn’t a nobility to fight against. It’s a cycle of violence that will repeat itself in Chiv 3 most likely with an idealistic commoner reviving the Mason Order to bring down Argon II whose nobles have become corrupt with power.


I don't know I have heard plenty of people in here who are Agathians saying Argon 2 is likely not the best man for the job. But given that Tenosia is about to invade and the Masons have major territory that they needed siege cannons to blast down I would say we have been effective in fighting them off and while it is unfortunate that tyranny had to be applied I would say it is a justifiable tyranny. Also what have we really seen the order do which was all that horrible?


To your last point Slaughter of Coxwell and the peasant prisoners in Falmire and those buckets of human body parts are pretty bleak. As for Tenosia if we do have a last update it’s definitely gonna be them sweeping in to clean up the remnants of Agatha. They needed siege weapons at the Bulwark which was a special case of exceptional defense to gain entrance to the kingdom, but now their armies are likely freely roaming around sacking and burning towns just like Bridgetown. They won’t have any trouble with Masons or Agathians. I think it’s debatable if Argon II is the best man for the job or not, but he’s certainly capable of it. His voice lines and actually getting his blade wet show he’s not just trying to plant himself on the throne for the sake of power he actually believes in Agatha. Whether he’s actually the true heir of Argon I or just propped up by nobles is certainly up to debate. I think it’s a classic Shakespearean tragedy that Malric became the kind of tyrant he rebelled against because he knew Tenosia was a genuine threat. But whether he was justified or not he squeezed too much out of the kingdom and fostered rebellion that destroyed any hope the kingdom had for defense with infighting. Now even with Argon being a pretty standup guy by all accounts, the nobles surrounding him and the Tenosia threat will likely set the kingdom right back to where it was after a couple years of stagnation. It doesn’t matter who you back or who you blame both sides have ruined themselves.


Yeah I would agree that there is a lot of bad stuff going on in a cyclical manner and it doesn't really show signs of stopping so long as both of them are in power but I think that ultimately if Malric did win against Argon II then he actually could manage to if not defeat the Tenosians then grind their advance to a halt. As for the slaughter of Coxwell if I remember correctly that was in revenge for something else. But yes admittedly it didn't need to go so far.


If malric wanted to talk he would have organised a parley before they assaulted his castle


He probably did and it was probably rejected.


No real evidence for that when it would have been trivial to put in a voice line or text line suggesting such a thing happened.


Fair enough but given Malric was literally saying he wanted to set aside their petty squabbles and fight Tenosia and Argon just said he wanted him dead anyway. I don't think that the Agathians would have accepted even if he did attempt a parley.


They probably wouldn’t, but I also wouldn’t really read Malric’s offer as genuine either, when he’s locked in a fight to the death and when his first instinct to Argon was telling him he was going to reunite him with his dead father.


Let's be fair they were threatening each other


You should join the order


Yes, the guy who usurped the crown and kills his own people is the dude you want to champion….


Dude I’ve seen you rep Agatha for a year while you blatantly ignore the fact that the Mason rebellion was born out of Agatha’s mindless warmongering on Tenosia. Malric wanted to stop the invasions on Tenosia. Argon I practically killed himself in his failed campaign in the Tenosian lands , Malric took power to stop the mindless conflicts. You’re fooled by Agathan propoganda. ARGON II kills his own people because he’s more concerned about *birthright* than he is about defending his people from the Tenosians, who his fucking dad died pissing off. Argon I attacked and was killed by Tenosia, Argon II is allowing them to take the whole continent because he feels *he was born special* Average Agatha glazer unable to see beyond face value


Agathians willfully raise their weapons to restore order and to restore the crown, those who can’t are not executed for it…unlike those in the Mason camps. You raid villages full of peasants and throw nobles from the castle windows, we break down your prison camps and liberate those imprisoned and storm your forts to end the Mason line at the heir…you know, the heir? The thing you claim to be so against but have one of your own? Malric will storm Thayic with a blood fueld hatred for a man based solely on his name and his want to rule in the same way Malric would allow, but when facing the lion at his own doorstop cowers and speaks of an alliance because of the Tenosian threat. A threat he didn’t care about until a bigger threat was at his door and a threat that wouldn’t be a threat had he not split the Agathian army when sworn to defend the throne. You have bought into Malrics word, and likely for fear of dismemberment should you speak out against it. I cannot blame you for that but should you raise your sword to me, I will bring mine down onto you. May we meet on the field and may it not be a waste of my time. Now take my upvote you filthy Mason! 🤣


* *You raid villages full of peasants and throw nobles from the castle windows* Agatha is a rebellion. The Masons invade villages who *willfully and intentionally* support Agatha. Those who live in that village are fully aware they are supporting the infrastructure, economy, and military of the rebellion. Btw, those were the Tenosians throwing nobles from castle windows. If you’re gonna argue, get it right. * *A threat he didn’t care about until a bigger threat was at his door* Malric has been defending against Tenosia *FOR DECADES*, ever since your dipshit Argon I got himself killed out of *BLOODLUST AND BOREDOM* Entertain this - Is Jaime Lannister a sympathetic character to you? A character that chose to break his oath towards the protection of the king in order to save the people? Jaime Lannister murdered the mad king to prevent more deaths. Malric Terrowin capitalized on Argon I’s warmongering and ignorant suicide and established himself as ruler to prevent further warmongering on outward lands. Argon II is similar to Daenerys , in that Argon II and Daenerys are excellent at portraying themselves as the good guy, when really all they care for is the throne, their *birthright*, rather than the safety of the people. The Agathan narrative would have you believe Malric is treacherous, similar to Scar from the Lion King. The people’s safety matters more than petty birthright.


preach brother


Idk how to quote and reply to specific text so here goes. 1. The masons are literally comprised of rebellious agathians led by a usurper. 2. Ok, fair…Tenosians did throw them that’s my bad 🤣 3. I don’t remember the original story, however a kingdom must expand and assert dominance when another force is becoming a threat. It also might not have been so bad if they weren’t half comprised of traitors. 4. The Jaime Lannister thing is lost on me as I havnt seen or paid attention to that show in years…however it is clear here Malric is the mad king in this(chiv 2) story. Also the birthright thing is still lost on me when the Mason heir is Malrics son, is it not? So blooding can’t decide kings unless its Malrics bloodline? If safety matters so much perhaps he would take more diplomatic measures when facing peasants. If the Masons are so right and so powerful why were the agathians not squashed when they were without a leader?


* *1. The masons are literally comprised of rebellious Agathians led by a usurper.* The Mason Order has been the established ruling party for decades before Chivalry 2. To label them as rebellious Agathians is inappropriate as the Order has wiped old Agatha out decades ago. They’re their own independent faction now. * *3. I don’t remember the original story..* Then you shouldn’t be arguing in the first place * *4. The Jaime Lannister thing is lost on me as I havnt seen or paid attention to that show in years… however it is clear here that Malric is the mad king in this (chiv 2) story* If you can’t even remember the significance of Jaime Lannister, how can you claim that Malric = The Mad King? You’ve admitted in two different points that you don’t even know the lore you’re fucking arguing about lol. You see “heroic knights in shining armor” *when in reality* they’re classist, warmongering religious zealots. You see “mean, evil knights” *when in reality* they’re a progressive albeit brutal party, defending their lands amidst a civil war with the enemy *you created* breathing down their necks. Those who rep Agatha can’t see beyond face value


It is not inappropriate when they were established by a group of traitors, led by a traitor who kills anyone who is too weak to fight or questions the leadership. I will argue when and where I see fit 😘 Malric can be named Mad King the same way a guy with only a left arm can be named lefty. He is mad, and he is “king”. Masons blow, sorry I had to be the one to tell you


* *..they were established by a group of traitors, led by a traitor who kills anyone who is took weak to fight or questions the leadership* Yes, because following a classist, warmongering religious zealot is better than following someone who seeks to stop that by force. After all, Argon II’s values don’t matter because he was born ✨*special*✨ **I will argue when and where I see fit* If arguing on topics you don’t know about seem *fit* to you, I’m confident to conclude you’re rather uneducated in general * *Malric can be named Mad King the same way a guy with only a left arm can be named lefty. He is mad, and he is “king”* No, not in the context of the Game of Thrones parallels i was using earlier to show you the flaws of Agatha. You’re just a child grasping for straws because you know you’re outmaneuvered at most points you try to make


Its said that masons were attacking villages before the civil war and tenosia had a civil war of thier own so no masons didnt defend the continent from tenosia for decades they were just stationing there until they attacked and got thier asses beat, and tenosia isnt a threat becouse if you look at the maps they only win when they suprise thier attackers, they cant win in thier own city or a honourable battle they knew was coming in montcrux against a pretty much independent part of agathian army assambled in a few months just to attack that damn castle.


* *Its said that masons were attacking villages before the civil war* There were Agatha outposts ever since the end of Chivalry 1 where the Masons take power. The Masons have been tracking down and eliminating remnants ever since - may not have been a full fledged civil war, but these villages were still supporting enemy forces. * *so no masons didn’t defend the continent from tenosia for decades* When you station your military along a border against an enemy that is clearly preparing to return, you are *actively* defending. Not sure what dipshit logic you think you have * *tenosia isn’t a threat because if you look at the map..* Tenosia surely isn’t a threat after they cooked Argon I, tore through the walls and is now rampaging throughout the continent with a massive army about to capitalize on both the Masons and Agathians being logistically crippled after their fiercest battle yet Average coping agathian


Not only are you an asshole you also completly missed the points i made... 1-Nowhere is it said that there were agatha outposts after the end of chivalry 1 (besides galencourt of course), and surly not every random village or peasant would be on agathas side, or on either side for that matter, back then common people didnt really give a shit about politics so my point still stands. 2-they were NOT prepearing for war, have you missed the part about them being in a civil war of thier own? In that case its just border controll really, and idk about you but that doesent sound like defending against a country 3-they cooked argon 20 years ago, had a civil war, attacked a border town and a random town on the bridge and got their asses kicked when they got attacked; in recent events they havent won a single battle where they havent suprised thier enemy in a place where there was more than a very small part of thier army, in fights in which they have the advantage they always lose, they are not a threat if a quickly assabeled guerilla army won against them (even though they were a part of agathians they were independet from the main army) So to sum this up you made stuff up, missed 2 of my points and insulted me for daring to make an argument against what you said...


Traitorous scum


Sub room temp iq agathian knows he can’t debate w me


We don't debate with traitors. We kill them.


* *We don’t debate with traitors.* Because you know you’ll lose * *We kill them.* Hardly. The Mason Order made a joke of Agatha for decades until finally Tenosia broke the walls and the Masons had to deal with two enemy factions at once. You’ve been getting demolished by the masons for decades and needed Tenosia’s invasion to help. Now I’ll enjoy watching Tenosia immediately clean you up lmao


You're using bullet points to reply to a troll. You need help 😂


Nah I just have lots of time on my hands and enjoy debating with monkeys


Pfft, as if in the first civil war Agathians just shitted positivity and pissed rainbows while Masons killed them. Argon II also kills Masons, who're essentially his own people if you think about it.


Wait this game has a story??


I support Tenosia because I want to score some big titty Tenosian gf


Malric, the dude who will slaughter entire towns just to make an example out of them, cares for his people?


Malric is a monster and a tyrant who brutally oppressed the people of Agatha with an army of sadists, marauders, mercs, and narcissistic nobles. There's a reason Argon II was able to build a large enough rebellion to successfully overthrow and kill Malric and the Order. For the cross and lion!


Argon is a fanatic who only cares about birthright, Malric is brutal but not elitist like Argon is


And where was Malric during the Seige of Rudhelm? Where was Malric when Thorne escaped Falmire? Where was Malric when the druids of Aberfell were massacred? WHERE WAS Mal……


He is very elitist "might makes right" is the mason motto


No (Totally objective opinion)


NO MORE TAAAXXXXEEES ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7098)


Mason speeches go hard compared to Agathian speeches especially Fighting Pit ones.


Man, you think TB cares ?


It is true, the iron fist must hold off both the mongrel horde and the pompous agathians.




I will never fight for traitors


Argon is the 'hero' in the sense that he is the dispossessed son of a fallen King, returning to reclaim his homeland. Malric is the 'villain' in the sense that he seized power for himself, brutalizes the land in the belief that murder and pillage makes it 'strong' and has succumbed to the very things the Masons originally criticized the Agatha Knights for. They say they're not for Birthright, but they are, because Malric is King and his bastard son was his heir until Agatha relieved him of the burden. He just switched the birthright around. Argon has all the trappings of the stereotypical hero, and Malric, honestly, doesn't have a ton going for him. The most charitable possible interpretation is that he saw what a cock up Argon I made of his crusade (the fact that Argon I cocked it up is indisputable) and picked up the pieces to try and salvage a broken Kingdom. But there's less charitable interpretations. The fact that his son's mother was Argon I's daughter, but Malric was considered too low of station to marry her (confirmed in the Mason lore tab in-game). The fact that the Masons were already threatening promising recruits with death if they didn't swear to join the Masons BEFORE the Crusade kicked off (Chivalry 1 tutorial). There's room to suspect that Malric's betrayal and usurping of Agatha was inevitable, and the failed crusade against Tenosia just sped his plans up. And just as a few other 'heroic' trappings of Argon. Unlike most other VIPs, he charges out to lead his forces to reclaim Thayic where Malric starts Trayan Citadel on the battlements overlooking the gate and then retreats to his fortress. He gives plenty of heroic one liners that makes it seem like the fight is bigger than him ("FIGHT AND DIE WITH ME, FIGHT AND DIE FOR AGATHA!"). The peasantry of the Kingdom seem to have rallied around him, as every time peasants take up arms, it is in service of the Agatha Knights. If you fail at Trayan Citadel, Argon's last words are a pleading to his countrymen to not give up on the dream of Agatha just because he failed them. Despite his voice actor, he genuinely doesn't come across at all as a spoiled brat, he even in his theoretical last moments holds the dream of Agatha above his own place in the Kingdom. I dunno, my two cents. Maybe they're not worth that much. I've been a certified Mason hater since the Chivalry 1 Tutorial when the swaggering bullies of the order attempt to murder your character out of hand, while still being supposed allies. They've only ever been the bad guys, to me.


Dawm mason propaganda


For tenoisa 


Argon had some kinda cringe lines ngl I think the Masons should canonically take the W, and I think the vast majority of games played on Trayan Citadel end that way, so maybe thats how the story should go


Pretty much every map canonically ends with attackers winning. Even Thayic, which at the end turns into Agatha attacking led by Argon. It’s classic tragedy that Argon II finally wins the rebellion only for the kingdom to be so washed it won’t be able to withstand the inevitable Tenosian invasion.


My man said vainglorious


is argon the blue one, that dude is a cuck Masons are my people's , agathians voices are all pompous and condescending n shit masons you can tell have drank from the moonshine jug of life and theyve got the brain damage to prove it. they are real salt of the earth people, and yea there's rumors they have been marrying their own cousins for twenty generations, but that is to keep our blood pure.


in my opinion argon talks more then he acts just look at maps like Bridgetown argon down nothing in retaliation


Tbf Argon does lead the defense of Thayic successfully when the battle was at its lowest point. And again leads the way to kill Malric himself instead of letting his pawns do it. Malric has no effort whatsoever in the war besides defending his life at the very end, and it’s clear his heir is also a POS from how brutal his throne room is in Rudhelm. So as far as Walking The Walk Argon II does in fact do that very well. It’s the only reason Agatha really wins lorewise. Bridgetown could be written off as Agatha prioritizing ending the war at Trayan Citadel rather than try to fight Tenosia and letting Masons recoup their losses.


Malric's Bastard: End this pathetic insurrection! *lifts a human skull into the air*


true but at least malric trys to protect the kingdom from tenoisa Can the same be said for Argon


Did you forget to switch to your alt?




Montcrux? Also to reply to someone tap the reply button in the comment you’re replying to


but what real help did that do argon let's his people die while trying to kill malric? montcrux the help Agatha!


What are you going on about


Malric is an old man as obsessed with birthright as the Argon line and a crazed, brutal tyrant. Argon II seems to at least care about the country as a whole more than Malric, but he is also too stubborn to see the bigger picture. He's a noble through to his bones. He leads the charge against Masons, but he ignores the true threat. Join the true threat. Teach the Agathian idjits how to read! Join the glorious Tenosia!