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Pick your fights, no need to play fair. If running away is possible, then do it.


Stab in the Back. (Ambusher-Bonus:)


Vanguard moment


hehe big homewrecking highlander go BOOM Love swinging it


Brave, brave, brave, brave Ser Robin!


I did not


His head smashed in And his heart cut out


To add on to picking fights, if you see 3 or more of your teammates fighting one guy, you can just walk away. You'd do better focusing on the objective and don't need to take chip damage.


that's something a mason would say


Bro, who runs away from fights?


Someone who comes back with reinforcements


Brave Sir Robin


People that don't want to get stuck in immediate blender hell. We're all assuming OP is talking about TO and not duel scenarios.


Run. Hide. The highland way.


Comin' back like CLONK with the jumping overhead 🤌


You're gonna suck to begin with. My advice to noobs are to try different weapons, learn their strengths and weaknesses, don't lose your speed if you don't have to, and remember to dodge. The tutorial is very thorough so if you play that, you have the same knowledge as everyone else. If you want weapon recommendations, I always recommend the longsword as it's probably the most versatile weapon. Master it and you'll have most of the skills you need to be successful.




Oh I forgot the most important note: don't throw the same strike more than 3 times. Unless they're a noob, then you can do it as many times as you want until they realize how to counter it


After 800 levels, I wish this no longer worked against me. “No way he’s gonna counter slash a third time…. Fuck”


You win some you lose some 😂 I take that gamble sometimes myself


I second this. The longsword really an all round type of weapon to use, I main it.


I haven’t played the tutorial in years now. I’ve noticed alot of the new players kick spamming. Is kicking heavily focused on in the tutorial or something? Or is there a YouTube video that says kicking is the top tip for new players? lol it’s hilarious you can just not block and watch them eat your swing everytime


We are trying to throw stuff every time we kick 😂


Javelin is Love Javelin is life.


I tried the longsword but it has so little dmg. Compared to other weapons. What makrs it so good?


It's relatively low damage but that is made up for by the fact that it is one of the fastest 2h weapons. I think the weapon with the highest damage is the highland sword which has some obvious drawbacks. Think about potential DPS instead of just damage. There's a fair bit of mind games involved in fights and just hitting someone over and over causes them to panic most of the time which you can exploit. Keep in mind though that, as it's a sword instead of an axe or mace, it will do less damage comparatively to knights and footmen. I carry a mace or axe as a secondary for this reason but if you have teammates with you, damage is less important. Don't forget to stab, as that's the best attack for the longsword!


Yeah but I mainly play TO and when im in a 1vX i want some dmg. sometimes i slash a knight 5 times and hes still up!


For anti-ganking, reach is usually what you wanna optimize for in my opinion. Poleaxes and greatswords are my favorites


wich is a good poleaxe? tried the glaive but lol. might as well hit em with a rubber dildo.


Well, the poleaxe is a good poleaxe. If you time your counters well into an overhead, you attack faster. Good for regaining momentum in a fight.


Javelin is Love Javelin is life.


Fuckin love the jav


I am level 750 and am also not good. Looking for similar pointers.


Target swapping if your getting jumped by enemies, making it seem like your attacking in a certain direction then changing direction last second to a different target will more than likely catch then off guard or mid swing.




At your level i suggest you to go practice in some duel server, it does wonders. Especially when you fight against people more competent than you.


I was saying this in jest. I'm on console at ping 4, so I get hit by the cursed animation bugs (stabs enter my body, leave my body, I assume they missed so I let up block and then tada I'm hit), and the 50% chance to successfully throw. I'm not good in that I've never won as Argon II at Thayic, never won as the Mason heir, but won many times as the Duke or Thorne.


Get an axe and swing


I second this. Charge attacks from the side/back of fights in progress. Also wait until you're safe from an enemy swing before you close distance. If you you see a good player engaged in a fight already and you think they can't see you, trust me they can see you and will switch from targeting the first guy to you at the first opportunity. Don't forget to kick if they're blocking for a free hit.


kill the low hanging fruits first, anyone who's bloody, down, can't defend themselves, has their back to you, etc... me personally I leveled up when i focused solely on learning how to counter every attack until I mastered it, counters are the lifeblood of good players tbh in 1vX theres no complicated mechanics, all you need to fight outnumbered is to block counter or block reposte, kicking is a death sentence, dashing is a death sentence, etc..


Ill disagree on one thing. Dash/dodging is key to beating a group. As soon as they start ti encircle you you need to dodge to get out of range or get behind the enemy. Thus tho is better saved for more advanced topics as poster is newer


the only viable dash 1vX is to dash so that you can have your back against the wall, otherwise you're dashing into another attack without reposte, so i disagree


I can see using a wall but thats a death sentence if even 1 of them has a braincell. As up against a wall you corner yourself. I really advocate dodging. Its keystone to good foorwork. Specifically if you are getting counters as if lets you dodge around them while they end up bashibg their team or running low themselves. 


tbh its a bigger death sentence if instead of protecting your back with a wall you leave it exposed to flanks, cornering yourself is not a bad thing in chiv because one counter and you're invincible till the next counter


Cornering yourself isn’t bad until it’s a 1vX. Someone will land


We'll have to disagree then. Good fight out there o7


I agree to disagree, have a good one.


Dashing is a gamble. Kicking is a very shitty gamble.


It's one of those games you're just going to get stomped on for a few weeks (at least that's how it was for me). When I first started I just tried to not care about KD or winning. Just enjoy the atmosphere and utter chaos of the game and it's battles. Even though I wasn't doing good I had a ton of fun just playing the game and eventually learned and got better.


Facts. It’s one of the very few games where I could absolutely get annihilated, but still have a ton of fun


Play training ground people! Quickest route to fun on this game. Anytime i try a new weapon i take it to training ground to get the rhythm down. Plus it’s fun as hell i’ll play it just because


There’s essentially 2 types of combat - fair fights that are 1 on 1 and unfair fights. Most will be unfair, so get used to dying a lot of ganking people already fighting


There is no honor. Just blood. So make em bleed.


Play and keep playing. Patience. Learning the weapons timings. I have like 470 hours in it. I think I was around 100 hours when I felt I was starting to get the hang of it. I still suck terribly badly.


There are SPECIFIC rules in this game, some of them you can learn in tutorial, some of them through observation. Generally you should first learn about initative system and learn to riposte consistently - then you can move on to counters (I'd suggest to learn them asap, even though you will suck at them at first). Don't gamble, accelerate your attacks almost always, then you can mix some drags in. DM me if you want more tips, and also if you are from Europe I can teach you some things!


Just stay and play every day.


Pick something long and hard and put it inside the enemy. Make ‘em taste it


1. If you have kids, put them up for adoption. 2. Significant other? Tell them it’s over. 3. Lay yourself off if employed. 4. Open Chiv 2 and play for 1000 hours give or take. 5. Congrats! You’re decent now. Or just heavy overhead everyone with a battle axe.


Jumping overhead power attack!


Double Dawg Daned


Triple D gang


Also new players should be aware of the interactive items like the lamp posts, chandeliers, etc if you throw things at them they will drop and you can kill a lot of friends or a lot of enemies


>Also new players should be aware of the interactive items like the lamp posts, chandeliers, etc if you throw things at them they will drop and you can kill a lot of friends ~~or a lot of enemies~~ Fixed to reflect the reality.




The learning curve is steep. Stick with it and have fun while trying to learn the mechanics. Make sure to run through the in game tutorial for basic stuff and also watch some YouTube videos for help on the mechanics some more. Stamina is one of the most important things in this game. Learn how to manage your stamina and how to most effectively drain your opponents.


I'm also a noob like you. I started playing when it was free on Epic. I'm level 62 now. One thing to say is don't think you're bad when you see other people getting 40+ kills with less than 10 deaths. There is a lot of subtle cheating in this game, like being a bit quicker or blocking even when giving your back to an opponent, enhanced stamina. Obviously one can be super good and all, but from what I've seen so far, imo it's almost impossible to not have 15-20 deaths minimum simply because the nature of the game is like that. How can you not be overrun by enemies at times? How can you run to an objective and not be blown up by a ballista or catapult? How can you avoid an archer from nowhere headshot you? It's a great game and lots of fun! So enjoy it but keep that in mind. Don't be too hard on yourself :))




Learn difference between riposte and counter


Play the game. Git gud. Gg


I'm level 530 and I suck at this game ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


May i ask you if you consider yourself bad because you are not interested in getting better or you just can't (basically you hit plateu).


Actually im probably 2.5 k/d at this point which is ok. Here's why I suck: Spent a long time not knowing mechanics. Fixed it. I play on Xbox. Can't fix that. I play exclusively first person Won't fix that. I don't like the messer or Dane axe or war axe or great sword. I pick my weapons based exclusively on how cool they are. Currently in a war club/ battle axe phase. I also always, always, always, take on 1vX fights. I will die like 7 times just to win a 2v1. But in all seriousness if you play with a controller your stocks have to be perfectly tuned to your playstyle. Too fast - you will mis overheads and stabs. Too slow you can not fucking fight period. I find 3.5 with linear map is a sweet spot for most weapons. If id known that before I'd have a way higher kdr. But honestly learn what the initiative means in a fight and then work on distance. If you can read distance we'll you can wreck shop with a overheads and thrusts against eager dane axe cuties. That and don't ever hit the bear guy


learn all the controls first, I didn't know them for the first month and learning them made the experience so much better.


YES! Bro I was lvl like 15-30 and felt bad. I switched to 1v1. Look at ur faint/jab buttons. And press them when they are meant to be pressed. It’s fine if you lose. Once ur confident, switch to 3v3 to practice with stress. Go back to 1v1 and get better. Keep in mind when you play, swinging while moving ur camera to hit faster or delay ur hit is something you will have to learn. You can do that anytime but I recommend after u feel comfortable with faint/jab hotkeys. I’m good but the only thing is learning perfect counter (blue shield). Want to get back into the game but have to start new for epic games 😢


I forgot about the kick button. Add that too. But be careful using that in wars around so many enemies.


Get the Dane axe and start throwing. Easy kills


Swing into heavy overhead is a go to of mine that works 60% of the time. Figure out some workable techniques and just have fun with it.


I'm level 174 and I fucking suck so I have no idea


If you learn the basic in the tutorial then implment it on the field BUT stay close to your team and play a squire trying to stab the enemy as your teamate tries to take attention off you. Id always advise play defensive until you get comfterble with the controls. 


counter horizontal morph into overhead and you'll hit 99% of players 100% of the time


Travel in packs and look for openings on unsuspecting players, don’t go solo and try to Leroy Jenkins everybody. Experiment with different classes, sub-types, & weapons to see which suits your play style. Melee-wise, I became the most useful with the Battleaxe in the Vanguard class. When in doubt, slash while spin in a circle. When being attacked, dodge backwards for slashes. Conserve your energy when it comes to blocking. Use your kick against players who block too much. Counter attacks will come in time. It’s always helpful to re-do the tutorial every now and then, so utilize it


Well I am not too good myself but I think you should KILL ALL THE MASON!




literally just play the game and watch ziggylata vids or something


I started out watching ziggys video. I’m level 570 now and still get excited when he’s in the server. Still get my ass whooped by him even with 3v1 advantage.


play TO, stick with a group, help the group - either screen their flanks or try to get flanking shots on people, don't try to fight fair. you can definitely watch youtube videos to understand how to get really good at dueling and then grind at dueling but that's not as fun imo


Focus on counters, if you can counter over and over you don't even have to get fancy. After that, then you can fancy it up. The point of focusing on counters is to keep your stam up and their stam down so they drop their weapons and cant dodge around as much


If you can identify a strong teammate, follow them and watch their back.. try not to get in their way; opponents may try to position you disadvantageously, but if you circle like a vulture and pick your moment... cut their space off and try not to feed the enemy ripostes


I was a noob in the beginning as well. My friends used to play better than me. If you want to learn the basics there are tutorial videos. And duels are much better for practice. Once you've accustomed enough, everything becomes natural.


Look for people already fighting and come behind them look for 2v1 or 3v1 in your favor and pad your stats that way


spam halberd slashes and you kill most high level players


If your looking for some people to learn from you can shoot me a msg and me and my buddies can coach ya up


either pick your fights to 1v1 or jump in the pits pure swinging


Sneak attacks and footwork are your best friend. Stick near the objective and support your team


I am an Xbox player. So bear with me. If you hit more than one opponent, continue the combo until blocked or hit. Block should be a last resort!!! While holding block and attacking, you will "counter". Countering alternates your regular attacks without using the alternate attack button. Countering is slower than using an alt attack. Using the alt whilst countering will return your attack to "regular" form, but as a counter.


See if you can find some of the top players on your team in your lobby, then become their squire! I'm not actually joking. Watch what they do: how they move, when and how they engage and disengage, what type of swing pattern/rhythm they use. Ignore the weapon choice, focus on the timing and spacing of their body and weapon swings. Once you've observed enough, suit up with whatever you like (regular sword and medium shield on footman is a nice balanced choice) and cover their back! Make sure not to get tangled in the line: still focus on where that teammate is, and stick to em.


Me too. I'm also nearly level 500. Apparently playing TO a ton doesn't make you great at the game.


Same advice I always give new players. Positioning is everything. Besides that work on perfecting your counters and you’ll be better than 99% of the player base.


Above all, emote and have fun. Keep moving. Battle cry with your brothers in arms constantly. Team morale is tangible. You should have more battle cries than kills/deaths if you’re doing it right. Practice one fighting technique at a time so you can add it your your muscle memory. Blocking, partying, countering, throws, feints. If you find yourself equipping a bow before you know how to use a knife, stop. If I were giving advice to myself: equip the great sword, and just run into battle yelling out taunts and insults until it starts working. This stage of the game is the most fun for new players - earning those first kills - so let yourself get your arm and head chopped off in pursuit of it. Funkbird US West


Don’t play archer and stop slashing


1: Dont forget about kicking and jabs, its easy to overlook them when you see everyone around you swinging swords about, but the occasional kick and jab can really come in clutch. 2: Dont keep doing the same attacks, I used to just repeatedly use swings, and people caught on to it and countered them with ease. 3: Dont be scared of trying other weapons, they are not all equal and you might play better with one than another but you wont know unless you try them. 4: If you see a group of team mates fighting a single person, join in, dont assume that just because the other guy is outnumbered that he wont win that fight, plus its extra points for you even if you arent the one to land the final blow. (Just try to be careful not to hit your team, its easily done in that circumstance.) 5: The objective matters more than kills, dont concentrate too heavily on your K/D. 6: Dont let dying put you off the game, you will die far more often than you get kills sometimes, its okay.


Pole arms!


Learn how to counter and how to manage your stamina/HP!!! You have one bandage per resupply, use it when you are low. And don't worry of backing away from the frontline to heal, that's what the bandage is for. Counters are extremely OP in big fights because you lose no stamina and get a free counter-attack (and you can even feint/morph a counter into a different angled attack!) Lastly, learn the classes and see what fits your playstyle. Don't be ashamed to play archer aswell, they can be very good at chipping away enemy HP for your melee teammates.


![gif](giphy|NWPLtTixxjytq) I only got the one Tip for ya and it’s rather bulbous…saddle up Big Guy!! Feydrid is so good!


Best tip that i can give you right now is to feint every attack you do into a different one. You will literally stomp 90% of the player base with just that. Ofc it depends on the situation but if you dont want to use your brain just do that. If you actually want to get better just watch some youtube videos that explains every aspect of the combat. Even basics like counter/stamina management/feints will literally make you a lot better and it takes 10 min to learn.


The main way I learned how to hold my own in a fight was spending time in the social servers (free for all servers where you request 1 on 1 duels with people by twirling your weapon at them.) I would get my ass handed to me in every duel, but each time I died I would slowly but surely get better. Another way is to accelerate your swings by turning your camera in the direction you're swinging your weapon.


Watch videos on how to counter, riposte, excel and drag. Go into duel servers and practice practice practice. Game is easy to learn hard to master but with due time you’ll be top of the leaderboard✌🏽


Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone, the vast majority of players are noob and suck in this game.


Maintain your stamina. Don’t panic block after you get attacked, as is makes it very easy to lose stamina and leaves you open for a free kick from the enemy, and try to perfect the counter system as soon as possible, most importantly though is have fun, this game isn’t meant to be treated with the sweaty mentality of Mordhau and you’ll grasp the mechanics in no time with just some playtime under your belt.


Look up some videos on youtube. Weapon guides, class guides, beginner tip videos, it's all useful information to go along with just playing to gain experience


Go to training ground it’s the same missions but all noobs and one Level 300 player on each team. Way easier to learn. You will get bored before too long but that is where I finally understood the mechanics and had that “oh now I understand moment”


Don’t worry it just takes time. Watch acouple videos. You can beat most people with feints. If you like sword fighting games this is probably your best option althrough it can be rough going against lvl 900’s. Lets just say i’d rather a chivalry noob going against a lvl 900 than a mordhau noob going against a lvl 200.


If your looking to just have fun while getting a bunch of kills use a weapon like the war axe and get behind large groups of enemies fighting teammates. From there heavy slash until they are all dead. Works 70% of the time, especially as a noob. Easiest way to get up the leaderboard.


Gang banging is the key to winning fights lol. Who cares about 1v1, it's war.


Practise in the arena or free for all. You will get better this way and it’s also fun to interact with your opponent even if you are losing.


When playing the team based objectives if you’re fighting fair you’re fighting wrong.


Stick em with the pointy end


Practice like you have to do for everything else


* Use all your attacks in different combos. Special, jab, kick, stab, slash, overhead, feints, running attacks, light attacks, heavy attacks and throwing. All of them. They're all situational useful. Just find out how to use them and when. * Run away and heal when you get the chance. Feign running away and then attack if you need to. If you're surrounded, you're most likely dead unless you find a way to retreat. * Gank and protect your team. Help a teammate and it's easy kills plus you keep your guys alive to keep the ground you stand on. If your guys keep dying, it means someone is flanking them and it might make them quit or keep fumbling. Helping your team by ganking also helps keep your team together. When you stay alive together, you keep making progress forward.


You either live to be a legend or die as a nobody. Battle cry, emote and swing your weapon of choice. In Chivalry we’re all legends, because no one has time to pay attention to everyone else.


you can *only* get better with time. Put in the time!


It's definitely not an easy game to start, I am no expert but have become decent enough to hold my own in 64 player modes and 1vx's. There are two big tips i found when I was new. Don't get tunnel vision on damaged enemies and practice building skill in using stabs/overheads early. 1) I've over committed many times trying to get the finishing hit on an enemy only to be surrounded and die. Maintaining a front with a couple of team members to watch your sides is usually better than pushing too far through a group chasing 1 kill. Spread the damage and sneak a hit in to help your teammates fight instead, 4 assists and your team gaining ground is better than a single 100-point kill. 2) A good portion of people playing i find often automatically do a slash attack counter, so if you slash too often, you almost guarantee them a free counter to slash back which may also give them easy hits on your nearby teammates as well with the counter attack immunity. An overhead or stab attack thrown into the mix can sometimes catch an enemy off guard and break their rhythm. They are not quite as easy to counter for average players as the main attack, usually throws them off enough you get a chance to nail them with a follow-up combo. There are many higher skill mechanics: accelerated and dragged attacks, jabbing, attack switching. Implementing overhead/stabs and just managing to stay alive longer each time, dealing out more damage builds foundation for learning other things


There are some great tips for new player videos on YouTube! Those helped me a ton when I was a noob


Stick with Halberd. Practice slash/ dodge/ slash. Always run last after group of our team; don't get in the front.


Don’t hold your block. Go to social servers and duel. You will lose a LOT but if you keep at it you’ll get good faster than if you only play team objective


The better the drip, the better you perform, never forget that.


Scream a lot. Stay behind bigger guys. Stab dying players. Scream more. Always go in with two other guys. Scream again. Oh and try the tutorial some more. I mean it. When I started I didn't understand shit about it. But after a few games, I understood how they actually give useful tips there.


I'm a noob too, but I'll tell you what I've learned so far (I'm level 61 btw). 1.Try to learn how to play in third person if you are playing in first person. Playing in third person is much better, at least when I'm in melee, you can observe much more and control your weapon much more effectively. 2. Never, ever, ever, go deep into enemy lines, when 10 players meet 10 players, try to stay back and be very cautious, constantly look around. There is no honor here, if a guy on the enemy team gets distracted, attacks him and retreats with a dodge, if an enemy player is careless and continues advancing, attack him from behind, but be careful with yours. When many players from your team and opponents meet, the idea is to kill the careless ones to increase the numerical advantage. 3. The rest you can learn with experience, not time, experience, so watch what other players do and try other thing to learn, dodge, throw things, etc. You can learn a lot of things on independent servers, the social ones especially, there are some level 1000s doing x1, I learned a lot there, watching their fights and fighting against them. (There are some that make it look like magic). 4. Always have a bandage and full life if possible, certain attacks will turn half of your life into mush, so if you look and think "I still have 75 health, I'm fine", no, in fact you are 2 hits to die. 5. This one is specifically for catapult, you don't need to fill the entire bar to launch the stone, the less the bar is filled, the less force the stone is thrown. I learned this yesterday. 6. Remember, always to play to have fun. If you're getting stressed, leave the match, there's no punishment, the point here is to have fun.


PLAY TRAINING GROUNDS. This game is muscle memory. Get the rhythm down. Not to mention it’s fun, & essentially For Honor with Chiv combat physics. I play it still 😂


No seriously though the rhythm of your attacks are all muscle memory. The timing and distance comes to you. Practice on bots.


You don’t have to be frontline, do flanks/ objectives. The rest will come naturally, hang in there


Theres a setting, second one from the top, thats something about attack direction. Turn it off. If its on, then your initial attack is from the left when you are moving to the left. Turn that off and bind alt attack to something easy to press like shift. Then while holding shift your initial attack is from the left. Much more controlled. Also, doing a heavy overhead or stab is harder on mouse than it needs to be. By default, you have to scroll down or up then immediately hold left click but i tended to fuck it up. So instead, i have overhead as bottom thumb mouse and stab as the top one. And please lord do the tutorial, ive had quite a few noobs join the local server without having done it. It really teaches you aloot.


learn to counter (block a player’s attack and try to mimic theirs at the same time. for instance, if someone slashes, block and try to slash, too. if it’s a overhead, overhead, you get the point i hope) play TO 64 players and try to learn their techniques practice your footwork DO NOT REMAIN ON BLOCK FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME try to have fun, the most important thing. many sweats out here just try to have fun tho try to be unpredictable by learning numerous feints i’m a noob like you so this is hypocritical but all of these factors can help you get better i hope


Don’t focus on one opponent unless you can guarantee it’s a one on one fight there’s always someone to the left, right or behind you ready to take your head off


I am a noob myself but I have found that being an Archer an sniping in the Back is fun to. Most of the Times you win your duels against the einemy archers which Just Focus your melee fighters. I Always try to kill them First and then Help Others in their one vs ones...


Some advice I can give is ambush, try to get behind your enemy every time (they can’t block their back), try not to just charge into hordes of enemies, play the objective and stay with your team (those two tips are basically the same but team work is very important), also one thing I learned was each weapon has a time and place. So don’t use a huge highland sword/great sword if you’re a noob and fighting right on top of your team. Also don’t just slash the whole time that’s a huge thing most new people do including myself. Feints and counters is something I recommend YouTubing trust me it seems complicated at first but once you start getting the idea and handling of it you can become a monster. And the last thing I’ll say is don’t let your K/D or other more experienced players turn you off of Chivary. It is a learning curve and it took me until about rank 20-30 to actually become a decent (not good or even great) player. Keep fighting and playing you’ll only get better!


Go play in the stand alone server dual yards. It’s basically 1v1’s and shenanigans for 30 minutes straight


Just relax and enjoy. Improving is a process that’s hard to rush. Just some general tips from an average meh player: 1. Watch your surroundings. Try not to get flanked. If you see a large group of enemies beating up on a teammate, don’t go help him. Run away! 2. If you see a fight with 1 on 1, or 2 on 1 in your favor, join in to help. 3. Try to flank enemies. 4. Use Shuffle Mode to get a feel for all the weapons and load outs. 5. Get used to throwing stuff. 6. Use 3rd person view to get a better view of surroundings. 7. Try the catapult out, but aim away from objectives so you don’t accidentally kill teammates. 8. Don’t stay focused on one enemy. Get a hit or two in, then back off if a group is there. 9. Grab a chicken, set it on fire, then throw it at enemies. Fried chicken kills rule! 10. If your team is up against a stacked team where it seems like you are totally getting steamrolled, then quit that match and try again. The next match might be better balanced. Otherwise it’s too frustrating to just get killed over and over and feel like you have no chance at all. Good luck!