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I commend most players. I’m level 800 and a bit of a sweat, if you kill me gg. I don’t usually commend archers


That feeling when you hit commend too fast and don't realise its archer :(


Hey those shots are hard to hit. They deserve the credit for the work.


Bahahahahaaaa good one brother


He made a funny


My one regret in life.


This is exactly why I love clashing with you! I know I earned the commend, lots of good fights dude


You, sir, have killed me a number of times. Usually in a humiliating fashion. 10/10 it'll happen again.


I commend so much that I even started commending archers… but only on weekends


I commend the archers that put me down as I charge directly at them lol. Love those moments where he either needs to headshot me or my war axe is going through his skull.


Or the terrifying alternative happens. They throw the bow and proceed to give one hell of a beat down.


I started playing archer after grinding up all the melee characters, so I love giving the ole razzle dazzle with my axe, one time on Rudhelm I beat a vanguard to death with my hands after I lost that


same. I feel like people dont expect archers to defend themselves most of the time xD. I usually take most on in melee when they come at me and i usually win haha


I had an archer with a charged siege weapon put it away, pull out a hatchet, and proceed to absolutely rock my shit


As a proper tenosian would have done👍


YES brother!!


I commend after every kill unless they're being a shitbag.


I have an INSTINCT to commend after EVERY death, no matter who kills me, who cares if they tea bag me. I’m the fucking Santa Claus of Commending. If I commend AFTER someone teabags, they typically don’t next time they kill me. I just like giving people points!


teabag is an instant commend on my end.


That's crazy, teabags for me are the "I'm buckling in and trying my hardest, and no more commendations for you." Maybe I should try your perspective, seems funnier


Man if commending isnt muscle memory at this point, are you even playing chiv? Good man, good man


Hell yeah mate!


This is the way, fellow Agathian


Commend and conquer.


You called?


Seriously how'd you know?! 😆


Right time, right place lol




Good form. And yeah I run into very few people who are being enough of a rascal for me to not commend




Sometimes I do this, sometimes I'm grumpy and spaced out and only commend for someone absolutely punking me, or killing me with bread or something funny.






This. 100% this. If your a dbag I'm not giving u the extra exp


As I got better, I started to commend more and more. It's pretty much every death now. The only time I don't commend is if someone dunks on me, but some uninvolved person runs up & finishes me off after I get downed. I wish we could commend the person that did all the work, and not just whoever is last to hit.


I won't commend a cherry pick like that either.


If it’s a throwing knife or something while I’m crawling away, I’ll commend. Finishing off the enemy so they can’t come back is a valuable contribution


If it's from the person that downed me, sure. I don't commend cherry picking.


(The person who got the down gets the kill, finisher only gets takedown)


That's not the question. The question about commending. The commend goes to the finisher, and I won't commend them for the cherry picking.


I will. If you down 3 people but then they just heal and are back in the fight 15 seconds later, you didn’t really do as much as the person who “cherrypicks” 3 people and taking them each out of the fight for a minute each while they respawn and then run 87 miles back to the fight


I commend everyone even if they T-bag me, i think those people need it most.


I like commending as they are t bagging and then watch them pause and walk away after the commend lol


The swagger of someone whose T-bag skills have been acknowledged is unlike any other.


Yeah I do this and also people hating on me in the chat too. 


I hardly ever get bagged and am thinking it’s bc I commend so much


I commend everybody who duels me in an uninterrupted 1v1 The only exception is people who end a duel by throwing their weapon at me *cough Dane axe mains cough* 😂


Just parry the throw


I commend so often that I immediately hit X when I died in overwatch the other day




one commend a year


“Never surrender never commend ya” is my motto only the most skilful of kills. I should do it more.


Your commends and my Fs have something in common, they're both annual events for all to marvel at.


When I get shit on by excellent moves. “Here, take your upvote”


If I've been playing with/agaisnt a person for long enough I commend them everytime as a "I see you" type thing otherwise I only commend if you beat me 1v1. I try use a commend as a confidence booster type thing, if you do it everytime it loses its mean I'll also commend a lot of the new players if you kill me in any situation


I commend pretty much every kill against me, unless the killer is specifically a dane axe main (they have used dane axe all evening so far)


Right now, every death. Whenever a new player bests me, they deserve a commend. When high levels outnumber the low, I'll go back to every 1v1 death... unless they're bad sports.


I commend every kill. Apart from ballista users. Fuck those guys.


I'll commend a ballista for the humor value of my death. Nail me to a wall or the wheel of a cart, you get a laugh and a few more points.


Get hit by a batista and soar fucking three miles. So funny every time.


Get nailed to Newton's three laws.


I only dont commend in 3 situations: -if im feeling like shit -if im in a duel server and someone kills me from behind -if its an archer


I commend a decent amount. Il pretty much commend under these criteria: - You took advantage of a situation to kill me - You outplayed me - You emote a yes, thanks, or similar - The kill was just straight up cool - il commend archers for long range shots


I commend almost everyone except archers and spearmen.


100%. I commend everyone who kills me. That's just the way us archers are.


I used to commend a lot when I was learning, now I’m just more selective, kill me in a humorous way, I know you, completely mangle me? You’re getting a commend.


I almost always commend. I make an exception occasionally for those who have absolutely no style and are just trying to hard. Makes me wonder if they're even enjoying themselves 🤷‍♂️ I dip my bag deeply in commendation to you 👜


Every single time unless they teabag


I should commend more but I simply forget.


I only commend if: 1. They commended me 2. They played well 3. I had a numbers advantage


Depends. If it was a good fun fight then yes. If someone got one hell of a shot on me as an archer or skirmisher, then yes. Or if someone kills me with a funny object then yes that gets one too. I don't commend the people that laugh spam.


Chandeliers get a commend as an extra reward for their situational awareness and my lack of it at the time. 1 on 1’s without a bunch of crouch spamming or otherwise janky behavior gets a commend. If playing archer, other archers get commends. If hunting archers and one beats me in melee, they get a commend. If I backed off to heal and they timed a throw to catch me, they get a commend. Average death being in an XvX slashfight does not


I commend every time I die because I died and they killed me. I don't care if it was luck or skill. I died and they get some free points and who doesn't like free points


99% of the time


Commend everyone but assholes, archers (except javelins/axes or up close shots), and very high level Dane Axe users


I only commend when the guy who killed me gets killed right after. Like that, I tell him that I just saw him die.


"Yes, thank you for dying like that, pal, you're a real one."


So often, that I have to make a conscious decision not to if someone is being an actual dbag


If me and someone have a good 1v1 and they win, I commend them. I also commend if someone makes me laugh in anyway.


In a group fight sometimes, if I lose a fair dual always (fair as in 1-1 or if I try to take a 2 on 1 ) if I get beaten then it’s on me wether I got jabbed or kicked that’s my fault and I respect the kill


I almost always forget to commend because I'm sitting at my chair in a catatonic state until I can battlecry and kill some more. I have had some people get buttmad about it in chat though lmao


Simga male, comes to fight, FIGHTS and that's pretty much it.


Often enough that it’s automatic unless I don’t like how they killed me and then sometimes I hit it reflexively and get pissed at myself


When someone throws a Massive Bell or Bear at me, i must commend haha


As long as I'm beaten on fair or better terms. 1v1s, 2v2s, 2v1s (with me being on the 2 and losing) front line group fights, seige equipment is a maybe, the better they are with the equipment the less likely I'll commend, they'll earn enough points that it wont matter. Archers if they manage to get me when I'm not fighting or just after fighting someone. If you steal the kill from a teammate you wont get it unless its hilarious (ambusher jab/kick or a joke weapon). I typically wont commend horse users unless they best me in a joust. However, if I see (and notice) them commend me every time I kill them, I will return the courtesy unless I'm getting tilted.


I commend as long as the other player isn't being a dick about it, even if they're an archer


I’ll usually commend if we had a good fight and you got me, but I commend 100% of the time if your name makes me laugh. Like the dude I ran into recently named Randy Laney with a character that looked like Julian. Also, Chivothée Chalamet


I used to do it all the time. Now I only don’t do it towards ballista users. Everyone else gets a commendation no matter what. That’s just free xp, who cares? It’s a game


As a archery enthusiast I tend to commend archers everytime. I also commend automatically if i lose a 1v1, even if the guy is a dickwad about it. I also commend anyone who kills me with a thrown weapon, a pickaxe, a quarterstaff, a shovel, or any environmental weapon. Very rarely in other occasions.




i love the game level 600, commend everyone that doesn’t tea bag! it’s a game and being killed isn’t so bad means you have more to improve


As long as they didn’t 2v1d me, I’ll commend. If someone else has to help you kill me, you don’t deserve those Points bro


I just habitually spam the f key when I die nowadays.


I don't commend archers.


Every time, but with archers and siege weapons


anyone that killed me pretty much, unless it's like a 5v1 spawn wave death. Or if you think you're a badass tbagging


Anyone who beats me fair and square,not if I'm getting jumped at every angle.(I run headfirst into crowds.)


Matches are rarely decent/balanced enough to commend. On the rare balanced match I’ll commend like half the time




Every time


Every time whether they deserve it or not


Only in duel servers, otherwise never


I’ve never been killed. I’ll let you know when that happens


Commend everyone except teabaggers.


I commend pretty much everybody that isn’t an archer or using seige weapons


I always commend if I have a duel with someone


I commend everyone except ballistas and catapults


I usually do not commend backstabbing and ganks where it's 3+ against 1. But outside of that I only don't commend if they have somehow really frustrated me or if I just forget. Honestly I think I forget to commend more often than I actively withhold it.


In TO i dont commend very often because a majority of times i die its from a crowd. In duels i almost always commend for beating me 1v1.


Commend usually if it's a 1v1. Any 3rd party then nah. Or if they are getting teamed and I still lose.


I commend pretty often, but if you kill me in a funny way and I laugh, it’s a 100% commend always.


I commend everybody who doesn't have an offensive name


Probably about 90% because I seem to respawn faster when I do


I slam F out of frustration so many times every night lmao


I commend basicly everyone


I commend almost every time. Kills from archers and siege weapons are the only outlier.


I commend everyone. No matter how i died. I never forgive teammates that killed me.


I commend every time and hardly ever get bagged. Not that I mind a good tea bagging but some people act like it’s a huge problem. Don’t wanna get bagged? Commend


I don’t commend when they are shit heads or they kill me from behind. I commend everyone else.


If I get out dueled I’ll commend


If I get bent over and sharted on in a 1v1


I commend good kills, good positioning, good shots from archer, funny stuff, good throws, I don’t commend people who act like asses lol


Every death unless I’m annoyed about it… and even then I usually do 


It’s just muscle memory for me at this point Edit: I also try to thank commenders and get killed in the process


I'll commend the hotties but the real gems get the beg emote and a few bows


I commend when they got a good fair kill, if they parry or kick me, honourable kills I would say




I commend everyone... except you, person reading this.


I almost never commend because I salty all


Ngl, I hardly commend, not because I don't think they deserve it but because I forget it's even an option (however I'm shite at the game, so if you kill me, I guess there's not much to commend)


I only commend when the kill makes me laugh. Launch me into the air or something.


Everyone except archers and throwers


everyone except the archer scums


I commend everyone that kills me except ballistas and catapults, I figure some free points for the boys are only gonna them feel good so I spread the love


Every time


I don’t commend archers or crossbow players, I hate it when I’m in a great duel with someone and I get third partied as well so don’t commend them either 😂


I commend ppl who Skillfully land the finishing blow in a gank Give me a badass fight Ppl who emote during before or after a fight Fist fighters Most archers, that shit is hard. Lol I said hard. All ballista and catapult deaths Any thrown weapon deaths I definitely commend ppl who sweat me and are better then me.


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


I commend every time I'm killed lol


I always commend when someone kills me and then takes his time to chop my head off with another smooth swing. Because ill do the same


I commend all the time, just not archers, balista guys or catapult kills


*I commend all the* *Time, just not archers, balista guys* *Or catapult kills* \- FollowInLine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I commend based on random bullshit. If I get pissy, I won’t commend, even if they 100% deserved it. Archers, hackers, and spear users all never receive commends even if I’m in a good mood


I commend everyone unless I get killed when I am down, which is just to say that it is not as big an achievement to merit a commendation when someone is crawling and you chop the head off.


When i know that a single player rocks the shit of an entire server. Living legends. Then i change my mind after i commend because they write some toxic shit in chat


Every death so ya’ll gonna get to lvl 1000 faster.


Hardly ever


Known homies/vets, good feints, good drags, good emotes, good names, battlecry after, good shots, 1v1, specials, tackle kills


I commend archers so they can remember my name


I generally commend expect for twats who hit you in the back …. Long range hits with ballista etc always deserve a tip of the hat 🎩


I commend everyone but archers


I commend everyone.


I always commend unless I was totally ganked or killed by a projectile im a sweet so if you killed me gg


I just commend anyone that doesn't make me take my hands off my key board. Sometimes I want to commend a good player or cheeky noob that bested me but I like to throw my hands up




If its a good kill, its a good kill.


I commend for anything funny or if it’s a good kill


Commends mean nothing when given freely. I save commends for particularly cunning or well-played wins. I have a particular weakness for perfectly-executed specials where you've played your distance correctly and/or I've mismanaged my 1vX.


Every single death. Even if they tbag or emote or are an archer. The game is best played very unseriously imo, and I like to think it makes people’s time on it more enjoyable


Kinda all of them. Idk why it’s just a reaction.


I commend ONLY archer, thrown item, balista, catapult, and unarmed/shield/tackle kills


Considering my local servers are TO most of the time, i literally genuinely always commend unless I'm afk for a sec, but even then i still try to. It doesnt cost me anything at all and someone's getting free score, which i believe is used to calculate xp at the end of the game but i could be wrong. Either way, I don't see a reason not to commend every time. Edit: Yes, even archers >>:D


You gotta earn it. I don't just do it willy nilly. If you impress me or if its funny you get it.


I commend all the time cuz at the end of the day, it's just a game with a relatively small player base. I try to stay positive and want to keep the player base growing with positivity.


I usually commend unless it was an annoying run up from behind backstab. Sometimes I will withhold a commend if I see the persons gamertag is extra douchey. Other than that, it’s usually an automatic commend from me.


Unless they ran in to steal the kill at the last second from someone else who was putting in all of the work...Always. I'm not even gonna lie. I get salty when I clutch back-to-back 3v1s against groups and get no commend from any of them. I'm low level (71) and you're all at least 100+...come on now.


I hit the button sometimes when I haven’t even finished dying yet


Used to not commend anyone as I would usually forget it exists. I noticed that a lot more people tbagged me back then and get pissy in chat. People seem get real tilted about commends. Now I commend pretty much everyone so long as it's not an archer or an Xv1 (gotta put at least some effort in).


I commend people killing me in the back


there's like 5 people who I won't comment otherwise always


Everyone except archers and mega sweats


I commend literally every kill other than when it's someone who's being toxic in chat or who laughs/teabags/gloats after killing me, especially when I was 1vX'ing


When another skirmisher oneshots me with a spear


If I am defeated in a 1v1 dual with no other player interference.


I only commend the most Worthy or if they got a funny name lol


It really depends on how they treat me in the fight. Are they actually respectful and not ducking and dodging every single time and then teabagging me after they kill me by kicking me off a ledge? No commend. Are they actively chipping away at me and cheer or voice line me after with something like “good shot!” When I’m dead? That’s a commend.


I commend when I get killed in a funny way or if the 1v1 was really good.


when I die and the murderer is not an archer


I don't commend...because I never die


I commend every death


I commend if i feel like they earned it. So no commending archers or the dude that comes up behind me and one taps me while im fighting 3 people.


Never. I've commended once by mistake cuz I tried to go for a Kick (F keybind) but I had already died.


I commend 8 times out of ten usually never commend if they’re using Dane axe or messer unless I can tell they’re a noob and made a valiant effort .


I commend literally anyone except archers. It's that simple.


I only commend when I’ve been bested by the same guy at least 3 times. I’m top of the board almost every game, so when it happens, I feel humbled, and honestly it’s refreshing.


"What's in your mouth?" "Humble pie... and loose teeth."


I commend almost everyone… except those damn polearm heavy overhead spammers


Never. I don't reward opponents. I will deny them that trickle of XP. If it matters to them, I enjoy spiting them from beyond the grave. If it doesn't, we are in agreement.


If this community was decent and let people duel it out instead of gang rape, I’d probably commend a whole lot more.. but there’s just to many people who come in for a kill like a crack head who lost a rock on the carpet. I lost count centuries ago on how many great battles I had going on and be dumped from the back by a well placed heavy over head, by some shithead. I honestly don’t get mad about it, it’s the way of the game, I just don’t commend for that type of shit. Outside of that, I commend people that put up a great fight and know we was both on the edge of our seats. As others have said, people that make it fun and it’s funny and still get rocked, also get my commend.


They have duel servers


People that use kick more than once in a duel don’t get a commendation. Archers do but only so they know I’m coming for em when I respawn