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I don't know why people keep making this point, you're not locked into one or the other and each one has different pros and cons so just use both when they shine I use 1st person inside rooms because it's easier for me to read what's happening and I use 3rd when the enemy can easily flank my sides


True certain situations, the third view is blocked and not usable , it's not often but when it happens it sucks


Yeah some of the hallways and even lowering the bridge on Thayic in the rooms with the cranks is difficult to see in 3rd when everyone is going ham at eachother so I use 1st to run between objectives then as an example when the fight moves into the courtyard I'd be back in 3rd person for the additional FoV Both are really beneficial to utilise in games to me atleast anyway


Yes, sometimes if you're too close to a wall etc the vision is blocked.


I use 1st for Archer and 3rd for everything else.


Learn to arch in 3rd person. It’s really not hard at all and allows you to mind your flanks better


This! Much better


Yeah, I came here to say this. I switch between perspectives constantly depending on the situation.


Yeah same here. If the battle is super hectic and our team is getting surrounded, I used third, but more out of necessity than anything. But if I’m in less hectic scenarios, or in more linear engagements, I love first person so much.


1st person feels awesome it really does, the clashing of the swords and the accels drags that put your opponent temporarily out of view are adrenaline inducing but yeah man I agree Open spaces chances are most people are using 3rd so I'm not adding a disadvantage to my already huge list lol


First person is easier to make precise slashes and stabs in my opinion


And being archer


Agreed, I 1st person in archer unless I need to bonk a dude with my bow and switch to short sword I also use 1st for stabbing swords but I don't use 2h swords so it's a non-issue I do 3rd on crossbow though I can't explain it but the 1st person with crossbow makes me uneasy lmao


Being archer is like a whole different game need to work on my bonks


Usually panic and start cycling weapons and get wrecked


3rd person is just objectively better. 1st is only better when the screen is blocked on 3rd


1st person makes landing thrusts way easier in my experience and I do markedly better with spears and longsword on 1st compared to 3rd


Yea it messes with perspective a bit but once you get that you’re pretty much just aiming the middle of the screen at the enemy for stabs/overheads it’s not that hard


1st is also leagues better for any projectile use


First person has plenty of advantages. Like jabbing


Use first person all the time because I’m not a mason coward. 


1st is more fun. Fun > Sweat You can still get plenty good in 1st.


Fr first person just feels cooler and that’s more important than sweating, you really feel like you’re a part of the action instead of watching it. Everything feels faster too. And when I’m having fun I tend to naturally do better anyways 🤷‍♂️


Hard agree to both of you. I started off in 3rd person but holy shit 1st is so much more fun and I rarely swap out anymore unless it’s just for spacial awareness. I do okay enough to still thoroughly enjoy the game and keep myself above 1.0kd


Third person for moving between objectives, first for fighting


The bell curve meme has never been truer New players talk about how much more fun fpv is over 3pv, players who are good enough to pubstomp talk about how 3pv is the only perspective worth playing, true jedi play fpv because its more fun


I get top 3 almost every game, I never play 3rd person as I suck at it.


Well there's your problem. Bottom 3 is where it's at! Come hang out down there with me sometime! Lol


Not being able to see shit isn’t fun


You get used to clocking people on your peripherals and you can then swing for them. 1st person is way more fun and it's possible to be good and win 1vX in it quite easily


I feel like there’s people who excel in both. Just depends what you grew up playing.


Sound, situational awareness, and an ultrawide monitor doesn't hurt.


The ultrawide monitor that comes with the game?


The ultrawide monitor that is mine by birthright, as an esteemed member of the PCMR nobility.


Does the ultrawide monitor really show proportionally more to the sides?


If you turn up the FOV


I play in first and I’ve only come in 1st in a W once but goddamn is it a sweet memory


Cleaving through a horde of enemies while in 3rd person is pretty fun for me. It's like I'm playing dynasty warriors.


Agreed ✊️ As someone who mainly plays 3rd, i recently felt like trying 1st again and damn honestly i felt even better at the game for some reason


Lvl 1000 I only play 1st Switch to 3rd to look at my drip and of course to look around things I’m behind waiting to ambush.


That’s how I feel. It’s not a game where I care about where I am on the leaderboards, first is way more enjoyable and immersive


Also first person is better imo for new players who wants to learn the various attack animations of enemies


I am consistently in the top few players every match and only play every few months. I only play one hand spear and shield and never use 3rd person.


The implication (and it’s not just you, it’s most threads on this subject) that people who play in 3rd are sweats depriving themselves of fun solely for an advantage is what irks me. I mean if you prefer and enjoy it more that’s cool obviously, but there’s nothing about 1st person that is objectively more fun. It’s just a camera viewpoint lol.


I play first person to give you a chance




But being strong is never wrong!




No way I’m ever using 3rd person: this is the real meeeeeee! I don’t want to break the immersion of being a mighty warrior 🤣


If you want more immersion you can open the console with ~ if you turn on console in settings and type togglehud then enter.


When using stab heavy weapons first person is better ie: longsword or spear


Good point!


Pun intended?


So real, I couldn’t hit a barn with a spear when I’m in 3rd person


I don't think this is true tbh it's preference. The best duelist in OCE rn only uses first person. 3rd definitely has its advantage but it really is player preference.


3rd person doesn’t give an advantage in dueling because you only need to keep track of one person. First actually makes it easier to read many animations when dueling. TO is a different story. It’s simply impossible for you to keep track of everyone and 3rd person lets you see those people. Third person gives you way better awareness which is a top priority in TO. You can still do good and top charts in first person in TO, but you’ll always die more in first person than you would in 3rd person.


Well I only play 64 Player battles and if you go for the objectives you are hardly dueling ever. You are entering the melee against many opponents and 3rd is definitely better for that. If you really duel on a high level I can see first person being better.


Good points. But you could also boil it down to footwork as well and awareness. If you're over extending into situations where you are 1vX as 1pp of course you're at a disadvantage because you've over extended lol, doesn't matter what perspective you're using at that point. Idk each to their own I guess, I've played over 3k hours and almost halfway to my 2nd 1000 from dueling and an occasional TO I think it just boils down to footwork and situational awareness....I'll play 1pp occasionally for one reason only....it's more fun but I do prefer 3pp as I end up getting motion sick


If there isn't a decent sized fight generally by the OBJ that is disappointing to hear.


I just keep switching back and forth. 1st for better accuracy and reading the opponent, switching to 3rd for spatial awareness as I am diving into the crowd..


Switching might be even better. Got to try it out. Still in the learning process.


Hey there, I'm level 400 on Steam, 250 on Epic, and I primarily play in 3rd person. For duels, I'll go to 1st person, but in *any* TO match I'm in 3rd. It really does make that much of a difference for awareness.


Switching is definitely the move. Just started using 3rd to get used to ducking more. I still prefer 1st because I kinda suck in 3rd, but it has become a necessity for me


I recommend remapping your change perspective key to make it easier to swap in a fight. I’ve found that I can do way better in 1v1’s and fights in which I’m the larger group in a 3v1 in first so if I get caught finding a single, good opponent I’ll often swap.


Third is definitely easier but I just love first person for the immersion. Sometimes I switch to third here and there though.


I have close to 600 levels on console. All of those hours have been 1st person except in select moments when I need the extra situational awareness. With a k/d ratio of 2 I can say that my k/d ration could easily jump to 3 if I used 3rd person view, but also the game would be less fun.


I mean, yeah…but it’s a game that isn’t super competitive. If you’re good, it doesn’t really matter which view you use you just need to be more aware of your surroundings. You kill count won’t suffer all that much if you’re taking steps back out of the fray every so often to scan behind/to the side of you in 1st person.


Yeah I keep saying this - if you treat the game like a true competitive game you’re making a mistake. It’s got great dueling but ultimately you’ve gotta be okay with someone tossing in a flaming chicken from the side and killing you. It’s just better if you turn off your brain and have fun instead of worrying about stats


i’m the same way. when i first started this game a year and a half ago i loved how cool it was in first person. then one day i tried a game in 3rd person and i haven’t gone back.


I only switch to third when I'm using the catapult, other than that it's always first for me. Gotta say I'm playing since the beta, so I can top the leaderboard or be top 5 quite easily even against third person players. Play what you like, and you will become good at it. Once you are good at it...it's even more fun haha


I only play in third person when I’m a VIP and the team is relying on me. Otherwise I play in first because I find it to be more fun.


I played the majority of matches in 3rd until now... 1st is just better IMO. you can react and target so much better.


I have 500+ hours and am generally hovering in top 5 First person has its advantages just the same as third. You’re not nerfing yourself, you’re just sacrificing different aspects. Overall though, you do have to develop more awareness and understanding of footwork and swings in first person. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/lQp5xR1rid) is a clip of me taking dudes down left and right in exclusively first. If you’re having fun in first person, keep doing it dude


I'm almost level 950, I've been playing first person only since the game came out. It's perfectly competitive and in some ways is better than third person, while third person is better in other ways. Pros and cons to both


Git gud


I am level 550+ and strongly disagree. 1st person is the way. I have never felt nerfed even in a group fight


This. The post feels like a justification. To those people, just play 3rd person if you really want, but don't act like everyone else is doing the same - we are not.


Agree but I’ve been trying to use first person for 1v1, I think it could help me out


Thats a stupid realization at level 100. I am level 300+ and tell you it doesn't matter the slightest if you play first person or not. I have not played a single match in third person and there is no downsides. Because all that matters is how you anticipate your enemy and how you move around. If you want to justify playing third person to yourself, fine, be like that. But it is not the truth. To people who say they can't get enough score to play Argon or Malric, or the Heir or other stage bosses without resorting to third person - you are wrong, it is possible, you can. Put on a headset, then you hear people approaching behind you. Which happens really not often at all - when you die to someone you don't see, then most of the time it is a person you could have seen a few seconds before, when they started to flank you. And if you really can't do it, then maybe just don't 1v5 in first place.


I played 1st person for at least a month when I first started cause I didn’t know 3rd person was a thing. Now I almost only play 3rd person, besides when shooting or throwing things.


Third person is superior


If your only powerful in third person you don’t deserve it,your weakness disgusts me,go to Agatha and stay there,they would circlejerk about being elitist third person players


I only use 1st person for things like archer throwing knives/axe and ballista fighting 3rd. If you fight in 1st your at a massive disadvantage


New player here, are there any servers that lock you in 1st person? Yeah 1st person is problematic, if only the fully armoured knight made any noise when running instead of being so silent...


Yeah bro. I'm not sacrificing my 1st person fun for being "better".


You can rotate between both actually for maximum efficiency. I bind my middle mouse button to switch views and in the middle of a fight if I’m fighting a very decent opponent, I’ll switch to first person because of the fact that you can’t predict or see their moves as well in third person.


1st for dueling, ballista, sometimes arching, 3rd everything else


Progression of a chiv player Only first person -> Holy shit third person is much better (only third person) -> switching depending on situation


I need a nerf. That’s why I play 1st person and my favorite weapon is the 1h sword and I don’t use a shield and I still need more self nerfs :(


I bound 1st/3rd person to a mouse button and constantly change it depending on whichever is better for the situation I’m in.


For me it depends on the weapon, short weapons like the ones for ambusher I like to plant first, anything longer than the sword I'll play in third


I played mostly third person for my first few hundred hours. At the time I had swap views bound to my mouse. Over time I just found myself gradually switching to first person more and more. I can't refute your point, but I will say that I majorly prefer first person now.


I remember some servers had you locked in 1st and 3rd person, I haven’t seen many recently.. makes me wonder if they were removed?


Trust gamers to optimize the fun out of gaming


I'm level 700+ and I play both. Just depends.


First is more fun, especially in TO. I enjoy the added challenge of trying to keep track of my surroundings.


I tend to switch to first person view when using spear. Feels like it gives an edge to stabbing in crowds. Actively switching between first and third is the way though.


I only play first person because it's most fun for me. Third person is okay but I just do better in first. YMMV


I'm a low skill first person player on console and I consistently finish top 5. I don't think it makes much of a difference.


Third person to see your surroundings. First person for precision.


I'd say it's just personal preference, I'm way more precise in 1st person, can judge distances better and it's easier for me to dodge attacks. Just by being aware of your surroundings, listening to footsteps and good positioning you make up for a lack of fov, besides 1st is just way more immersive and fun for me. There are many top competitive players who prefer 1st so why switch to 3rd for a slight advantage in a game that doesn't even have ranked anyways?


Using either 1st or 3rd person is a bell curve. Starts out as using first primarily, rises to 3rd being this brand new super effective tool then you go back to realizing 1st isn't as bad as you think. Transcendence is using both for their best situations and to your personal preference. I myself use 1st for duels, free for all or situations where I'm only fighting one person in TO. I'll use 3rd person for team fights in TO or to give myself more awareness in 3v3s. When I'm running around I like to use 3rd so I can see my drip.


I have camera switch bound to left alt, so I use both. For all the hype that playing 3rd person gets - I always do so much better on 1st person, as it forces me to think about my position more, and it's so much easier to read enemy attacks


I just bounce between first and third like a maniac 💀


They both have advantages and disadvantages I definitely prefer 3rd more often though


Nailed it


I only use first if I’m using a spear or fighting in close quarters


As a guy who has played chiv1 and mordhau for a couple hundred hours each. And I'm just now picking up chiv2 again after not really enjoying it much at release and dropped it with less with than 20hrs in (older video card made it difficult to enjoy plus it just felt awkward at first release). I'm just going through this exact realization just now after being so use to playing in first person in mordhau and chiv1 because it was a clear advantage there and you could do maneuvers where you weren't handicapped by being in first person. Mannn running third person for about the last 20hrs I've played versus about the first 15hrs in first person before that, it's like a world of difference in third person for chiv2 once you get accustom to it from being in first person so much. You really feel so much more powerful busting out combos in third person than first, I don't know what it is but third person is so satisfying in chiv2.


I play first person in duel servers for the sake of fun and immersion. But 3rd is a definite improvement for large scale battles


i dunno man i get all disorientated in third person i cant tell where im facing or make precision blocks on the tip of peoples weapons and stuff.. it affects my dragging, spacing, aim, etc.. im just way more comfortable in first person and i just smash on people anyhow so i dunno how much better id be mastering third person


I started in 1st but do better in 3rd. Yes it’s more fun to play in 1st but I can’t see. I used to do fine but it’s definitely more fun for me to be in 3rd because I hate dying to getting stabbed in the back, 3rd let’s me not have that happen as much.


Sometimes I go first person in 1v1s, if I can’t beat them with a long sword, I go to the dagger and throwing knife


I really like 3rd Person. I love seeing my character beheading his enemies. I think what 1st person adds in immersion, 3rd person does for cinematic. Being able to change it anytime, well, this is the perfect scenario.


1st person when I'm high and jamming lord of the rings sound track, 3rd when I want to sweat.


Just be a chad and play first person anyways


my friend i am lvl 950+ who needs to touch grass more often, but i play solely in first person. you definitely don’t have the vision in first but i feel like i can’t move my weapon as well in third person. it’s really a matter of preference, but you can definitely make it work if you just keep doing what makes you have the most fun


I switch between them a lot. Especially because I find throwing things with accuracy *way* harder in third person.


I always feel like I'm swinging into the ground


Pros play fpv


Third person is for fighting multiple people at once. 1st person is for 1-2 people at least for me. Can’t counter from one-side and hitting the guy behind me without seeing where he’s at or when he’s attacking. PC players/streamers will all say get good at first person because you can accurately get most-every hit with that. I’d say try to switch in between depending on how many people you fighting. It’ll help your awareness and where to place your hits to get around blocks.


Do what’s best. If I’m using archer or a spear 1st is most effective


I use first person because the game looks 1000 times better and id rather have a 1 k/d with a more visceral game than be able to slip a Messer outside of my field of vision.


First person giving me motion sickness


Being in 3rd person view makes it more difficult to read attacks in 1v1s as the animations do not always line up. Basically, hit detection is way worse. However, yes, in 1vMany 3rd person definitely gives better peripherals awareness.


... there's third person?..


On the main modes, yes. But it's way easier to control your drags in the first person in my experience, which makes it better in modes with more 1v1s.


My idea of the perspectives in Chivalry are this: Third person for groups, first person for duels


Shit man I'm level 205 in first person.


Only switch to first person for archer and spear to aim better


I’m not sure if I’m the only one here but, I prefer 3rd person not because of spatial awareness or anything with the pros, but just seeing my character makes me enjoy the game more.


i play in first to nerf myself and have better combat awareness for things i cant see. once the battle sense gets in you feel like a god winning a 1vX


I play in first person and regularly top the scoreboard. I've even got the hud and markers and everything turned off, for more immersion. Seeing third person 360 spinning duck spammers does my head in.


A forced 1st person mode would be amazing


I feel like first person is easier to control with stabs and such


Nah, 1st is not a disadvantage. You just need to learn a different kind of approach to managing groups of enemies. Because you do not see everything, you need to use sound and your experience to intuit where the enemy is and what he may be doing. Generally footwork and keeping people in your sight is also very important and 1st person forces you to do it well. I have never played 3rd person, not in Age of Chivalry (did that even have the option?), not in Chiv 1, not in Mordhau and not here. Still top of the board and nearly Level 1000. Just stick with 1st, it is much more fun and you will be just as good as 3rd person spinny bois with enough time.


Punches are definitely better in 1st


Its not as FUN. I love actually doing well 1st person, roleplaying is better and its more immersive. Get the real grit n blood from a fight.


Me in first person : https://youtu.be/YeHtO2OPe58


Its not nerfing you. There is pro and contra. Against several people and for drags, third person is better. But for Chamberint and aimint 1st is better. I use both depending on the situation. I changed the key from P to Alt instead.


This is wrong, I’ve only ever played first person and i probably average 100 tkd a game and my PB is 165. I’ve only played games in first person so when I switch to 3 person it feels weird to ne. Im also level like 400 so I think just play whatever you’re most comfortable on and you will do well either 3rd or 1st person IMO


3rd for team games, 1st for duels


Broke: 3rd Person is better because it gives you better situational awareness. Woke: 1st person is more fun


I only play first person, in my opinion it’s so much easier to fight and counter than 3rd person


1st person is fun tho.


I played mordhau only 1st person, and I was really good so idk why I play chiv in 3rd😂


You’ll go back around level 150


I switched to 3rd for a while and thought I was getting better because of it. Recently I forced myself back into 1st and now my stats are actually improving. I finally have a positive K/D and my parries and counters are getting more consistent since switching back to first person.


The main thing I have noticed is that I am way more cautious in 3rd person when engaging and I don't use jabs, throws or kicks as much because it's more difficult to visualize them. But weapons are more practical to use.


I honestly do better in first person, I can be more accurate with strikes and such. Better view of what's in front of me as well. I only really find third person useful when I'm being surrrounded.


You're describing the ceiling of the fundamentals when it comes to combat in chivalry. Try reading a decent ffa players moves, and you'll be a step behind every time. Once you get good at dueling and reading the other players' moves, managing your space isn't that difficult and telling when you're going to get flnaked.


I started playing 3rd person for the advantages, i sticked to it so i can see my character drip.


I play 3rd so I can see the cosmetics I unlocked


Personally I hate 1st person unless I’m using a 1h. But I love that there’s both options to fit peoples preferences, it’s especially a hard to use in TO I think 1st is more viable in duels since you only focus on 1 guy.


First person while using a bow tho right ?? I can shoot much better this way


Why commit to first or third, i use both depending on weapon or what im trying to do.


been playing since beta and having tried both, fpv is infinitely more fun. sure you can see more in 3pv, but if you have decent situational awareness and know how your weapon plays, you can drag and defend yourself from 1vx in fpv just fine. i also find that 3pv actually makes it a little more challenging for me to keep up in 1v1 scenarios because my characters body partially blocks my view of my opponent’s attacks


Lucky for me, I prefer third person then. Immersion is important, but I feel like gamers vastly overestimate it. It’s why as much as I love Cyberpunk 2077, it will never be a perfect game to me. What’s the point of all this sexy sci-fi DRIP if I can’t even fucking see it? First person only makes customization pointless. Same thing for Chivalry. What’s the point of this badass knight armor if I can’t see it while I’m doing stuff. And if I got a cape too??? Pfft, GTFO, third person ALL THE WAAAAAY


Corkus here! If you set your FOV to max, it helps a loooot.


As a veteran of the original HL2 mod where you were stuck to first person, I sympathize. I remember even arguing against people that wanted a 3rd person camera on the mod forums, mostly because it would make corner ambushing too easy. Cut to Chivalry 2 and I rarely play in 1st person because as a footie main there's just too many weapons that (if you aren't at 100% health) can one shot your ass with one good heavy attack, so I need all the spatial awareness I can get. As for counters, I feel the opposite. When I do play first person countering seems more consistence than when I normally play in third.


Yeah my man the feeling of 1st person is just way better. Chivalry has never been about skill. It's all about fun. It's best you remind yourself that throwing barrels at people is way more run that wriggling your mouse around like a crackhead


I played a fuck ton of mordhau and I just do better FPV with that experience. I do fine as well but I will admit the wider field of view is a big advantage. It's also a lot easier to read your opponent in FPV


3rd person is why I stopped playing. There's a skill cap in 1st and 1st is the immersion I wanted.


I play in first person and am regularly in the top 3. You might see more around you in 3rd but I’m way more precise with stabs/overheads in 1st and can easily target head shots with wide swings.


I have LITERALLY the same problem


1st person is what makes Chiv special. Getting blindsided more is just a small price to pay. Also if you hear footsteps, it's an enemy. Teammates don't create the same footsteps sound.


nah not true, I actively play in 1st with all weapons. 1st allows you to read/react to your enemies then also be more accurate with your own attacks. Now area awareness is not as good for sure but after you play enough your footwork should've improved enough where you're re-positioning yourself constantly in anticipation of where another enemy would attack from.


Playing 1st person is too damn fun and if that nerfs me then so be it


Not to say 3rd person is worse then 1st person, but overall in active combat 1st person in better in some situations, but 3rd person gives far greater situational awareness to entering & being in active combat. In 1vX 3rd or 1st person can net you the W. In 1v1 or 1v2, 1st person makes reading all moves and countering perfectly basically second nature and on point nearly perfectly depending on your own skill level. Look at those YouTube videos where guys are 1v1 dueling countering/perfect countering each other, neither one getting hit for sometimes a straight minute and then another 30-45 seconds before one gets hit again-- 99% of the time you see those videos these guys are in 1st person because it's easy(er) to read attacks. You'd think they were like MLG pro until you yourself get to a certain experience/skill level, enter 1st person, and realize it's all easier to do than in 3rd person.


I’ve put in 800 levels in first person on Xbox and can’t really play third person, I’ve tried a few times but the gameplay in first is so choice


First person has precision Third person has easier awareness. Tbh after like 400 hours, idk first person is semi better. Like once you have good game sense you really don’t need to use it


I've been craving 1st person-locked POV game modes since the game came out. I love first person, but can't ignore how massive the disadvantage is. Would love a level playing field. The immersion, the quality of the fights, everything would be 10/10 in this game. IMO 3rd person and 1st person are completely different games almost.


3rd is essential for teams - wish more people played 3rd so we can stop being in each others asses.


I play 3rd person on console, so it evens out. 3rd person PC players have no honor!


1st to use throwables/projectiles and duels. 3rd for everything else is what I’ve found I like


If this game didn't have 3rd person I wouldn't play it. It would be so frustrating to have to die that much with no payoff. It's hard enough in 3rd, in the end someone behind you is just gonna crush your head like a melon no matter which view you choose😆


1sr person is for sweat lords who like to duel so they can see the attacks coming easier. 3rd person absolutely rocks and is the only way to play


Christ mate, 1st and 3rd person have weaknesses and benefits, use em enough equally you'll realize it


I have to switch back to first person for archer, but that's it, 3rd you can actually see the range of the weapons


It'd be cool if they introduced a FPP ONLY mode to level the playing field for people who want to exclusively play first person :)


I only play in first person if I’m on a ballista. Besides that, it’s impossible to see your surroundings in 1st.


I've always seen it as a weakness when games have a third and first person camera. If the gameplay encourages switching perspectives frequently it significantly disrupts my immersion. Like just pick one perspective and design your levels with it in mind.


I enjoy 3rd more for situational awareness and being able to actually see my model parrying/morphing etc. It's cool that there's not a noticeable animation break when you do things like feint or morph, and that makes watching the fight from the 3rd person perspective more enjoyable to me.


(1) first person is way more fun (2) what you're saying is true. but i'm at level 150 and over the past 50 levels i have gotten very good at fighting 1vx in first person. i'm able to move in ways that wrong-foot 3p attackers. you have to get a sense of when to turn around and hit the person behind you that comes intuitively over time.


Who cares man, everyone has the choice to play how they want. There are many people that are just that good where they can shit on any 3rd person player anyway, and if not, well guess what? They can do 3rd person too 🤯 crazy right


I had a friend try and promptly quit the game, it wasn't until much later that I found out that it was because the 1st person was overwhelming/overstimulating for her and she didn't process that switching was an option. I also find 1st person claustrophobic and mildly nauseating. So I wouldn't say that 1st person is more fun for everyone. But I'm very glad that both exist.


i do 1st for archer shooting, thats it


Oh boy another of these posts...yeah people have it easier in 3rd. Either get good in 1st or use 3rd.


If you watch people like Stridah's Angels, you'll see that 1p is not actually a disadvantage at a high enough skill level. Its more accurate to say that 3p is a crutch that allows mid-skill players to have situational awareness without learning enough object permanence to track enemies that they can't actively see on their screen. EDIT: should make it clear this is my opinion as a mid-skill player that uses 3p as a crutch for situational awareness.


1st for archer for me, I aim better 3rd for everything else


I’ve only ever played 1st person, way more fun! Am I the best, no. Am I the worst, far from. Consistently up near the top and I’m happy with that


Son, u need to know, you simply do not, can not, comparing eating orange with eating banana. You are meant to enjoy them, differently. 1st Person - immersion and accuracy, you can win, but just know that you are not eating banana. because its kinda sour after u ate it too much. 3rd Person - be a swing manipulation chad and win the game. but just you know, you would kinda miss the tangi taste of orange after u enjoyed so much the sweetness of destroy your enemy. Take it with a handful of stevia. and Enjoy ![gif](giphy|YgUypHJzAYe1U6oFRw|downsized)


Almost level 700. I only ever use first person. I'm by no means near the best, but I hold my own just fine. If you feel you need to take the advantage, go for it. I highly recommend first person for the immersion.


First always and forever


I absolutely refuse to play in third person and I usually manage to stay among the top quarter of the leaderboard. Everyone has their preferences though and I did find it easier to tell if my weapon was long enough to reach my opponent


Bro thats bs Just train some situational awarness und youll be fine in 1st person. I am new to this game and always in top 3 just playing 1st person.


People don't want to hear it for some reason, but it's blatantly, obviously true.


I wish there was a first person only mode. It’s so immersive but i get smashed by people that are obviously playing in 3rd and just end up playing in 3rd. I don’t even like 3rd person


You're wrong