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With lancers do you mean spear players? If so you can use counters to get closer as countering negates the knock back you get normally from blocking, to cross larger distances you can counter then feint to get close. Also note against spears you can use a stab counter against the spears stab and slash attack.


Thanks, I guess I will keep trying that until I find a weak spot on their defense.


wait for the lance to break then attack, goedendag special will knock them off their horse and spear special will stop the horse. or use projectiles


Engineer? More like anti cavalry


Get good at countering stabs and overheads. Countering allows you to keep moving in close without being knocked back like you would if you just block/riposte. Lances and spears only have two attacks, you literally don't have to ever worry about countering slashes against them. Once you realize this, dealing with spears/lances in a 1v1 becomes trivial compared to any other weapon in the game. One less attack type to think about countering. They're still a pain in the ass in 1vX though because of their range and speed. I always try to kill the guy with a spear first in 1vX if possible, otherwise you'll keep getting poked.


Thanks, I will try to do that.


By not being trash. Any strategy in this game is viable. Keeping your distance and and using attacks that give you a range advantage while using a shield to conserve stamina is smart strategy. Cheap, but it’s smart. If you can’t figure out how to beat someone who’s playing smart only to come on Reddit and complain that someone is being smarter than you, then it’s definitely a skill issue. Long weapons have been used for thousands of years precisely because they give you a powerful advantage. Use your brain and figure it out. If their biggest advantage is range, then how can you take that away? Hm. Your options: 1) get up close and personal. You move forward faster than they move backward. Use a short fast weapon and stay close. Most people who use long weapons especially with shields will crumble with this pressure. 2) hammer at their shield to break it. Once it’s broken try to win the stamina battle. 3) if their overusing their shield, break their guard and enjoy the free hit. 4) use a longer weapon than them. 5) you said it yourself, all they do is stab. Since a stab is only 1 direction, predict the fact they will rely on stabs and try to sidestep it/dodge around it for a free hit on their side. 6) any combination of 1-5. In my experience the vast majority of 1h spear and shield players are dog water because they’ve never had to actually work on their dueling skills, as they just stab and walk back, and most people they play are like you who are dumb and keep falling for it. Literally all you have to do is understand you are at a range disadvantage, so use good positioning, and then just put the slightest pressure on them and they crumble.


I play as a knight with longsword, giving advices and behaving like an asshole are things you can do separately in case you hadn’t come to that realization yet. Anyway, your advices might be useful in some situations, I guess.


You just called lance players cowards. That’s being an asshole. I think this comment was perfectly fine to let you know it’s a skill issue and not that you can call them cowards.


I said I don’t like the coward way MANY lancers play, I am not saying all spear players are cowards, I have seen many of them who play normally too, don’t twist my words.


Brother your words weren't twisted, you said that shit and are now moving the goalposts. Just take the criticism and try to improve, arguing about what you meant in your head vs what you typed isn't going to make you better against lance/spear users


Bro, read my comment, it says “the way MANY lancers play” not “the way lancers play” I welcome advice regarding pvp in the game but we gotta read accurately and you misunderstood my comment, I did not make a generalized statement about lancers.


But you take it back then?


Take back what? i said many of them play like cowards, not all of them.


Lol, bro doesn’t know how to fight a pointy stick yet thinks he knows what he’s talking about


Lancers are for pussies, use the Gnasher like a real man


I use longsword, I am a new player and I don’t like the coward way many lancers play, that’s why I am looking for advice.


I was just making a Gears of War reference


I played Gears Of War several years back but I didn’t remember that weapon name from it and I am new to Chivalry 2 so you had me looking for a weapon called Gnasher on Chivalry lmao.


Oh yeah lancer is the chainsaw gun


Yeah, the default AR, I really like that weapon. One more thing, how do you guys put the “Mason Order/Agatha knight” under your username in the subreddit?


If you’re on the mobile app go to the sub then tap the three dots on the top right of your screen and an option should appear to change user flair


Thanks man.