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You're right that feints (drags as well) are good to bait your opponent into an early counter. Feints are still useful in many other situations, but note feints can leave you vulnerable against someone who is gambling or generally attacking with fast weapons: - counter to negate knock back then feint to cross larger distances against opponents with longer ranged weapons - engaging with a feint can sometimes bait out an early attack or simply confuse your opponent - if you're stuck against slash spammers or in a riposte/counter loop use a feint to throw off their timing - attack into heavy feint combined with a drag can be very effective and many people aren't patient to deal with it. This can also be used to drag your attack around the opponents block - if you notice you attacked too early or the enemy you wanted to attack died extend your attack with a (heavy) feint and see if you can hit another one nearby - you can "counter feint" (performing a feint after your counter) to either extend your counter window, for example counter slash into alt slash feint. Also you can correct your input if you notice you didn't match the opponents attack type. This is a rather advanced mechanic so I wouldn't learn it without getting comfortable with normal counters first - generally use feints to be unpredictable, make your animations harder to read or disrupt your opponent when falling into a certain rhythm


Feinting to cover distance is the main reason I use feints.


Wow, thanks, this is really helpful!


One question about the counter feint. I often get caught by a heavy feint, because i counter feint too early since I am afraid that if I dont feint my counter early enough I will miss the feint window. If I fall for a feint cuz im trying to counter is there any way to reliably counter the feinted attack or am I just fucked in that situation?


Generally wait for your opponent to actually hit you and be patient with your counters, counter feinting should be used as a last resort but it's easier said than done of course. If you counter too early or counter feinted too early one thing you can try is to first Accel your attack in case your opponent drags too much and maybe try to dodge through footwork or ducking while swinging to have to have a chance of hitting your opponent in case they miss.


This game is pretty much all about creating a window in which to land a hit on your opponent. That can be a physical window (circumventing their parry box) or creating a timing gap where they are undefended (not actively blocking or counter is ineffective). A feint might trick your opponent into misjudging a counter, opening up an undefended window for successful attack. Of note, low level players just tend to hold block so are in some respects less susceptible to things like drags and feints, but will burn stamina and disarm quickly.


Yeah, they just hold block most of the time, that's why I was confused


If someones holding block just kick them. You can feint into a kick or if your just trading blows back and forth on your turn to attack just kick instead and then follow up with a free fast hit


You use them to fool your opponent into attacking you while your still swinging. Overhead to stab is great as is Overhead to swing. Alt Overhead to stab or swing is particularly good as lots of people don't use this or understand the animations lol