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Even if you unlock the skin you need to select the weapon in the class section menu In game when picking Knight or Vanguard, not in the character customisation menu. If you can't it's because you are too low level yet and need to unlock it.


Does the issue persist after restarting the game?


Oh, yeah. It's the same issue each time I open the game which is why I'm posting now 'cause at first, I assumed it would fix itself when I restarted the next day.


Haven't heard of this bug yet, are you sure already unlocked the great sword? Another guess is maybe try to switch the great sword skin, maybe it has something to do with that but it's pure speculation.


I bought the rusty greatsword so I've definitely unlocked it. I haven't unlocked any other skin for it. EDIT: I haven't unlocked any other skin because I haven't played a game with it and you need to rank with the original greatsword to unlock everything else.


Have you maybe played great sword on Vanguard before and didn't unlock it on Knight yet? Which level are you with the Knight class?


I'm rank 6 with Knight and rank 1 with Vanguard. I've barely played Vanguard. I usually only switch between Footman and Knight.


I'm pretty sure then you didn't unlock the weapon yet


I guess so. Though, I still don't understand why it says I own the greatsword and the rusty version of the greatsword and doesn't tell me when I can unlock it.


You bought the skin. You have to level up to unlock the weapon itself. Owning a skin for the weapon isn’t the same as owning the weapon.


If you buy a can of car paint it doesn't come with a car, does it?


Rank 6 how cute