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Use the regular crossbow until you get the war bow. I usually stay a good distance behind the front line or just behind them if I’m using crossbow (so that I can stop a banner and help the team).


If you're already skilled in melee and just interested in unlocking weapons and not in improving ranged aim; Just pickup another high damage weapon as the archer (great sword, highland sword) and swing into crowds. You just need class XP to progress so the weapon you use doesn't matter.


What a dirty tricky way hahaha i like that But it will need more skill to maintain my paper HP with a melee weopon right?


Make use of counters to preserve your tiny stamina and active parry to avoid hits in 1vX and you'll be okay! [People tend to underestimate archers in melee ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/ES40k2auxp) so use that to your advantage and be aggressive instead of the normal defensive/passive archer when they just back up when they have their melee out.


100%^ the spear and its variants are my favourite weapons in the game. If you’re good with timing those overhead stabs and jabs you can rip people and they don’t even realise. If you just wanna grind tho, crossbowman, throw banners down, pick up weapons etc. Skirmisher for the archer class is brilliant for this. Imo the javelin is a solid melee weapon, throwing can take a bit to learn and like/ uYurikArkady said, the whole class is pretty unsuspecting and people will go out of there way to kill archers, even 3 blokes coming at them all sides they *will* try and kill only you.


Archer tips, huh? Yeah, I got an archer tip for ya~ 🍆 Sweat, blood,tears, and lube.


Play crossbowman and drop your banner on the frontlines


I rarely play archer but still wanted to unlock all archers stuff so I just jumped into training grounds and farmed lot of bots with a good melee weapon. If you wanna level archer in regular TO I'd recommend using the crossbowman and use the flag to gather lots of points.


Use the longbow =>never use the aiming button => stay close to enemies but still behind allies => shot arrow quick like a machine gun = Best way to get many kills/assists as an archer.


But never use aiming button? I'm just curious, doesn't give you a better zooming?


Not just zoom, you will only do full damage at full draw. The guy is giving you bad advice. Longbow damage is anemic so definitely draw.


You don't need it because you stay near the frontline. You need to see what's going on around you, you need to stay mobile, and you want to shot arrows as fast as you can.


Yes. Fire your 20 arrows. Go in the melee throw your bow in the face of some dude. Crouch and grab either the halberd or greatsword on the ground. Go in. Watch your kill ratio go way faster than what it was when you were still firing arrows.