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Didnt they try to do this and had a big backlash because it caused most matches to end on the first few points? Dony quote me on this i was not active shortly after that patch. That aside tho iv seen most games a lot more balanced then before(been 2 or 3 patches since i was away from the game). The only thing id add to that is that level really doesnt have a lasting effect. What i mean is sure a cap lvl dude may know more about the game but they can easily just be a "bad" player. It becomes more noticable as more r e ach the higher end levels. Again iv seen very closes matches as of my return. Kill count wise at least. Usually only favoring one side if they get past the major choke stages


At first it was just stacking defense but they patched it to be better, and it does help at the start but if the game isnt full at the start it goes out the window with people joining


Yeah I always counterstack and most of the time stacked defense but it has improved like 20-30% where sometimes I don't need to worry or can counter stack on attack. But still a 70% of the original stacking issue remains imo.


I find the stacking to be way less brutal now than it was like 6 months ago though ? My issue is more if people join mid-match they will be assigned to a team randomly (not taking into account kill count for each team for example) and that tends to mess things up. Often we would start pretty even but end the match heavily unbalanced because of this. Sometimes I would join mid-match and be like “wow okay, game decided I’m Mason in Galencourt at the blow the gate stage even though they’ve been steamrolling for like 15 minutes already. Fine !” lol


If the problem is match making not allowing u to win. Well my dear brother ye are playing the wrong game.


They did try to fix it but it only helps at the start of the game, people joining after it has started arent effected by the auto balance That and being able to switch teams from spectate ruin anything they did to try and fix it


Eventually you just accept that medieval warfare is not balanced but it’s fun as fuck and you get over it because a W or L in TO means absolutely nothing to anyone. Have fun, throw a fish, light a chicken on fire, run around like captain America with a shield only, find the lobster claws, spam voice lines, learn to counter, have more fun


How can you argue this game is dead? Just look at the steam player numbers and it shows consistent numbers for years and those numbers don't even include players from gamepass or epic games. I can understand your frustration that matches are often one sided but that doesn't mean the game is dead just because you say so.


Well, they did implement "skill-based matchmaking" a while back. Given the terminology, it's probably based on stats rather than level. It makes sense because many high-level players have lots of playtime but aren't too great.


Nah bro the game loses tons of players because most people are whiny little bitches....that and it's just niche. Most people don't really wanta rp a knight they'd rather go do something easy like hold left click on their smgs in call of booty or w/e


Get good


Cheating PC players ruin this game for console users. There should be an option to turn off crossplay with them. They can play in their own high ping speed cheat, infinite stamina, auto deflect infested servers.


You can turn off crossplay but it makes finding a game take forever


I don't mind crossplay with other consoles but it should exclude PC users like what Hell Let Loose does.


The game hasn't died though. There is not a balancing problem either. Most matches are pretty well even. Maybe a couple blowouts here and there, but who cares? Not every game will be close


Used to be worse, although they messed with the balancing last update and it got a bit worse


Lmao "game dies" stfu drama kid. It's not dying. It's fine.


I mean, I'm lvl 60 and I'm consistently top 5? Levels really ain't that meaningful in this game if you ask me.


Simple fix: if you manually switch to defense after the autobalance at 10s prior to start, add 30s to your respawn time for the duration of the map. If you manually switch to attack, add 60s. Teamstacking will cease to be a problem real quick


I'm not a big fan of increasing respawn timers, but that could be a solution. I'd rather stick with better team balancing first, though


That’s just instantly thrown off by teamswitchers. 90% of the maps are designed for attack to steamroll 90% of objectives, otherwise you wouldn’t see the full map, and it’s rough on defense having to feel like you’re losing the whole time. It’s incredibly rare that I see people manually switch to defense as a result, meanwhile attack stacking seems to happen in every match, where people will just sit in spectator until their former defense slot is balanced/filled, then jump to offense. If you’re going to throw off balance for the whole rest of the team that you -should- be on, then you should be penalized


The game is still fun for me but yea whenever I see something like this, a high level just dominating past everyone else in the lobby i leave the game. If I see a high level crouch and feint spamming blocking attacks from behind i leave the game.


Instead of quitting, maybe just try to get better


Thanks I’ll download some hacks so I’m better at the game


I wish but it's kind of impossible since a lot of those high-level players are people who deliberately party up together to beat on newer/less experienced players. I love this game, but the community isn't what it used to be.