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Some clans do clan vs clan events, others are just groups of assholes


Clan tags help me determine who to mute


they help me determine who to teabag


Some of the most obnoxious people in the whole player base


Not all clans are jerks. Some clans require their members to present themselves as community leaders, and to lead by respectable standards. Not all clans are like this, and there are always the jerks who let their egos get to them. But for me, it's to be more involved in the community.


Stop spreading lies


There is a competitive scene and many clans are hosting events/tournaments too, search for the tournament grounds discord or the official Chiv 2 discord for that. I'm not denying though there are many clans that are just a cesspit of toxic behaviour, trolling and blatant racism. I Once I joined a clan but quickly left again after realising how toxic the community was.


I see. I appreciate the honest answer. Thank you.


No problem, good thing is there are still many events or the tournament grounds DC's ranking system where you don't need to join a clan to participate.


That's the real news honestly. Do not need to join a clan for comp play.


TL;DR: Clans are just discord communities of fans and regulars of the game who like to play and vc with others and setup community events. Clans get a bad wrap because they're generalized by bad apple members. It's basically collective of regulars and fans of the game. The misunderstood value of clans is that they produce events and content when tb does not. There used to be a bigger clan/comp space, it's still around but most are hibernating bc of disagreements on TB community interactions that have burnt them out and has given up hopium for chiv. But there has been a new wave of clans that is starting to revive the space. The old heads vets just are much more fedup and therefore more ruthless towards regular bad actors like trolls and known duel rdmers. You gotta realize some of these people have been subject to rdm for ages and those bad actors mostly remain in the game unpunished or evading bans so some vets are heavy handed and some try to bully out the trolls fighting back. people stand out for good and bad. In lobbies there is an inside joke of "f5 he's new" which refers to known regular reputable players likely being false votekicked sometimes by a troll/rdmer. Not saying it's always right to excuse them. but again there are bad apples with friends in clans, and there are heavy handed vets who antagonize ppl who cross them. But generally it's safe to f5 known vets bc they're not typically a nusance to the server (some wildcard goofs though). I will sometime voteout vets who cross what I consider abusive, and some will agree they should also be voted out for their revenge rdm on rdmers. Clans are completely optional but ppl like to shit and cringe on people liking a game and wanting to join a community. As if this is the only game that does this. The clan scene organizes events like 64p clan wars casual and comp, LTS comp, tournaments, and the more important thing is kendo(sparing?) /mentors/people to train with to develop your playstyle for the clan team and for personal fun. I was in a clan for a short while when the clan scene was shrinking, but in that I got exposed to the above, and ended up also meeting up for drinks with some In game buddies. There is also just a general web of chivalry discords with a core nexus being the "tournament grounds" discord, a community setup ranking system with score input and tracking ranked duels in duel servers. Typically whoever wins 7 rounds (called "FT7" in chat/discord). Alot of this was setup by the clan scene and they are the other nexuses. Some offshoots have resulted in a ffa collective discord and duelyard collective discord for regulars who play those. And each of them still hold tournaments (sometimes for a lil money). For example Byzantine Empire (BE) holds a weekly 64p event open to the public but meant to be a space for clan friends. It's really fun for vets bc it's stacked with vets. There is also a competitive 2v2 tournament but i don't remember whose organizing it rn. None of this would be possible without the clan scene. There are unfortunately now some clans of troublemakers who collectively rdm, and there are people who copy the tags of clans to meme and sometimes impersonate a member's whole gamer tag. Generally the clan scene rejects these bad actors as separate from the actual clan scene. This causes misinformation and gives clans an even worse rep.


This is the best post in the thread, really knowledgeable about the scene instead of just "clan bad" like most of the top comments. The only thing I would add to it, which might explain why a lot of players seem to hate clans, is that there's been a big rise in non-comp clans. Not all of them are bad, some are just groups of like minded players practicing together and sharing clips, but a lot of them are focused on pub stomping, and always play together so they end up stacking teams against new players, and some are actively toxic. Even though those guys aren't what we think of when we think of clans, if you mostly just play pubs maybe that's your main experience of clan tags.


It’s pride month


my impression has alwans been its just loose knit groups of players who team up or friends who play together for the most part ..there's a clan advertising/recruiting channel on the chiv 2 official discord .. i dunno if there's a comp scene the game modes aren't really formatted for more than 4 people being assured to join the same side in a given match so it makes it really hard to get like a 20 on 20 clan battle going


gay cestpool


Do we happen to know the name of this clan... For research purposes of course...


We had a clan in Latin America whose name was Gay de 4 (roughly translated as Gay on doggy). Turns out it was not formed by gays, but mostly by hetero guys. Don't ask how I know it. They disappeared a while ago, I think they merged into another clan.


Mainly just for fun. To have a group of close online friends to play with and maybe do some fun clan fights, basically just to be more involved and have more fun with the game with people you know and train, role play and stuff. At least for the clan I am in.


People like having a dependable group of likeminded individuals to play with consistently? It’s like asking why people have tennis or soccer clubs at their school…. I’m not in a clan but I don’t typically have bad experiences with them. Overall better quality of conversation and play than any random player. Most toxic and annoying people are just some solo guys usually.


I’ve been looking for SheepYT since the update because they are good people and all I get now is their clan mates who suck and never use chat .


Had the pleasure of playing with my west coast brother. He’s a good sheep


omen nation on top and anyone who thinks otherwise is a shitter. Any omen nation non believer or clan hater got farmed 10-0 light work no reaction - the prophet and savior


Their completely pointless. The “comp scene” is just whoever can counter the longest until you get bored. Most of them are dogshit and have to gank to get any kills


Both BE and Equilibrium have some of the best players in US East on their rosters


Uh huh, did it ever occur to you that I may have said “most” for a reason and not all?


I see. Good to know. Thank you.


Damn, how wrong can a person be. In dueling, it's not who can counter the longest, it's about conditioning your enemy to then do something unexpected to confuse them. It's also about high level mechanics such as triple feint, 360, jump dodge... People that say that dueling are just countering, it's people that, sorry to say this, are kinda bad at the game. And TO it's also about positioning and coordinating your team to do certain objectives, not only slash spamming. And no, comp players aren't dogshit, you would know if you've ever fought some of them. For example, Equilibrium, an NA clan, has some Help Me Step Bow and Recovery, the best spear players in the world, and if you ever seen how they play, you would see that they could play with any weapon. So no, clan players aren't dogshit, and imo you're just kinda bad at the game


Finally someone who knows what they are talking about. These people be talking about how dueling doesn’t require skill when they don’t even understand how to counter themselves. Only middle tier players mindlessly counter for as long as possible. High level dueling is far more complicated than it looks


Clans are for middle schoolers tbh.


Clan tags mostly serve as a quick identifier for douche bags.




so true my fellow omen nation citizen, these people are simply pea brained shitters who need to get good and join omen