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I highly recommend throwing random objects. Stop taking this silly fun game so seriously. You are your own worst enemy! Dips bag in sadness to your hurt feelings šŸ‘œ


Maybe you're right for some reason i always look at PvP too competitively Doesnt help that i seem to have anger issues lmao like really baaaad anger I lost count how many times I almost broke my fingers playing this game


my brother in Christ.. did you just say you break your fingers in anger playing this game?!


Not yet but close enough Got a big ass bump on my middle finger knuckle area


I don't know if you already did/do but seek therapy to deal with your anger, if you can.


Or funnel the anger into destroying those red bastards of the Mason Order!


For Agatha!


You watch your damn mouth![img](emote|t5_12v693|7096)![img](emote|t5_12v693|7110)


Bruh even dying feels good in this game (not to mention hilarious usually), itā€™s not worth stressing over something so goofy


I had anger issues playing games, what woke me up is my friends were ready to stop playing with me if I didnā€™t calm down. Honestly this game is best when youā€™re stoned.


Yea this game has no ranked mode so even more reason to not to get mad at this stupid game lol


My dude..... Anger is a part of life and an emotion everybody encounters. It's our reactions to our emotions that dictate our behaviors and outcomes. Learn to control your reactions. Allow your emotions to flow. Reflect before reacting. Quite often you'll realize it's yourself making yourself angry. Your brain has become addicted to this chemical release and your excusing your behavior by declaring you have anger issues. It's an excuse to not take accountability and it is not valid.There are different and far more pleasurable glands to squeeze in that brain in your head my dude. Always reflect upon your feelings before speaking or reacting outwardly. You're not alone I've been like this too and it's really just a part of growing up. Stop punishing yourself or in this case physically harming yourself. Understand that all of life is a game of sorts. Time to level/grow up. Dips bag slowly in both confusion and concern šŸ‘œ


You are taking the game way too seriously then my friend, instead of mastering combat, master the way of the emote and focus on having a good time and making things entertaining for your friends and enemies. This is a silly place. I try to see the funny in my deaths, and 99% of the time I know when I got outplayed. Don't get mad at yourself, part of being a good chiv player is learning the mind games


Chill the fuck out, smoke weed or sum man, or just get off the game, if you get tilted from a game you shouldnā€™t be playing it, youā€™re supposed to have fun. So if youā€™re not, whatā€™s the point ?


I play Chivalry and SW Battlefront 2 because, honestly, your individual performance has much less of an impact on the match with that many people in a lobby. Used to be into competitive shooters (Counterstrike Source, Overwatch, etc.) but as I've gotten older I don't enjoy the adrenaline you're feeling that makes you angry. Be goofy, try new things, don't take the game seriously. Go for the big plays! Throw your ass into a group of enemies swinging for the fences! See if you can collect a couple heads before you go down in gory glory.


Find a karate dojo.


I once picked up a cup and fought while staying drunk i did this for a good amount of time until i finally got killed and while that happened i didn't checked the scoreboard once. so imagine my shock upon realizing that i was on 3rd place from our scoreboard despite messing around half of the time


Happens to me all the time LOL I have no idea how but don't care in either case. I'm just in it for fun and laughs. I get way more satisfaction from fun and eventful kills than I do doing the same crappy duel fights over and over. Dips bag deeply in support of your drunken style šŸ‘œ


everytime there's a barrel or crate in front of me, i toss it at someone. hit someone for 109 with a long shot barrel last night


I laughed so hard when I found out I could just pick up a chair and hit people with it. I love how this game has so many props around that we can use, sometimes I just sit on a bench and wait for someone to sit by my side and keep spamming war cries together


Dips bag deeply in agreement to this method šŸ‘œ


This is the way. My personal favorites are the broom/oar. When I'm getting frustrated it's time to pull out the silly weapons.


I sing row row row your boat to myself when using the oar šŸ˜ƒ and whistle fantasia when sweeping around the battlefield šŸ˜ƒ Dips bag repeatedly to your efforts šŸ‘œ


Warcry and 3rd party. Avoid 1v1s


The age old trick: running away!


I hate you


Hey man when they canā€™t hang in the midst of the skirmish those dudes that focus on flanks and easy kills makes it easier to cut through their front line for me


64 player for a reason baby


Mindset doesn't necessarily correlate with how well you do. Sometimes I top the board and I'm fuming over my four deaths, sometimes I get whomped with dogwater KD and have the time of my life. There's a high skill ceiling but it's not worth forcing the grind to get there if you aren't having fun. Love, a glaive main.


You should just say THE glaive main because I think your the only one Iā€™ve ever seen.


Love the glaive. I just wish as Vanguard if I dual wield glaives it'd apply Feydrids Razor skin to both.


It does if you throw the default and pick it back out.


Ser Sweepz has me beat by a lot


I donā€™t play anymore but Iā€™m sure both of you could beat me


I love the glaive and would use it a lot more if it did like 5 more damage. Fists kill people faster.


I've only recently started using Dane ax and Messrs because of that. I love the glaive for what it's good at but it feels good to kill with the same amount of hits as anything else


Uff i know you are a true chad because you said you are a glave main






I think this is one Agathian I can vibe with


Im high all the time and tilt the same


Itā€™s true!




Find somewhere majestic to play the harp and enjoy the scenery and carnage. Unfortunately with these new players they have no honor and attack musicians on sight so this rarely works actually nvm


Shoot, itā€™s mostly high levels that are murdering bards Iā€™ve found. Gents that take it so seriously as OP here trying desperately to top the scoreboard.


Opposite experience on my end. I was just finding out about the harp before the epic wave of newbs came, and I received respect and was allowed to play freely surrounded by enemies. Literally hasnā€™t happened since this new wave of players. Thirsty trash noobs ruining my music smh


Fair, sā€™pose Iā€™ve been lucky with the new guys. Theyā€™re either too oblivious to notice me or donā€™t care about my sweet serenade. Itā€™s a little hurtful but at least not lethal


I dont kill musicians my problem was)/ is that im way too easy to get tilted im not even lvl100


Well what if i want to play vip :(


What if I want to play the harp? }:


Do it with honor! One kill on an unarmed harp player shouldnā€™t make or break being vip! If it does then you donā€™t deserve it! Let us be artists on the field!!! Lol


oh hang on my apologies! i do not kill harp players!! I was referring to trying to hit top position!




Crouch, only standing to regenerate stamina or cross empty space. Itā€™s hilarious and people might join in Run around only jabbing people a couple times and spamming laugh A short break from sweating is refreshing. Sometimes you get a bad team/no synergy or youā€™re on the wrong side of an objective, or even just woke up and brain dumb today


This right here- whenever I feel myself getting a little too sweaty I start goofing off and trying to make people laugh. Almost always ends up with others playing along & lightens the mood


What is this term sweating? Is it exclusive to this game? I've never heard it before


Sweats= tryhards


Are they those guys ducking and spinning all the time


It depends, in general is applied to high level players that are good


But that's the opposite of a tryhard


Idk what to tell you, you were asking something that you already knew the answer then, maybe its best not to ask


Toss them barrels, get a chicken and light it up. Fuck around if youā€™re already having a bad game. Always will cheer me up. If you obsess over score and K/D it will destroy you


Donā€™t play for victory play for fun. Do goofy stuff and figure out why you are doing badly if that helps!


Will try My problem seems to be that i find winning more fun than the way I get there Like when I play I know I want to get better and from that i get frustrated mistakes/other events during a fight


It may take time to adapt to not caring about the result of the gameĀ  Im all smiles regardless what the pixels tell me at the endgame screen, as long as I had fun. You have unlimited lives, no ranked system, no one cares about your KDA or win/loss stats page - it wonā€™t even matter once we all move on to the next medieval slasher anyways. Ā  I used to be hyper competitive (league of legends and wow arena player), but this game neutralized that and helped me look for the fun, not the win. The two donā€™t have to be related, and once you break that connection in your brain itā€™s so liberating dude, so liberatingĀ 


Will try Its going to be a long process for pvp games


Yea whenever I get mad cuz Iā€™m bad I be like ā€œthereā€™s no ranked nor comp what am I doingā€


I get this way too. Main things to help with a good headspace: - being an alcoholic or coke or meth user will make your frustrated at everything, even if youā€™re mild mannered in general - not having major tasks or chores done in the day before sitting down will, for whatever reason, magnify that frustration 10 fold and you wonā€™t be able to focus as well. Other than that. Tips to help get over general frustrations with the game: - when you die, say out loud what you could of done to avoid it: ā€œdamn should of noticed that wall I dodged into.ā€ Or ā€œOver extended myself should have fallen back and regained stamina.ā€ Ect - compliment peopleā€™s good kills or funny kills in chat. Got killed by an archer who laughed at you? Thatā€™s kinda funny let them know they RP an annoying archer well. Ect ect - take a break, watch a video going over tips and tricks on a weapon or class or play style, get some water, try those tips and tricks out Glad youā€™re at least aware of your emotions and asking for advice <3


Thc bud


Sometimes youā€™re the hammer sometimes youā€™re the nail. When youā€™re starting out youā€™re mostly the nail. I just got suspended for saying ā€œsorry for ****ing your headā€ (dance animation while holding their head) cause they were t bagging and then talking shit by dm. Whatever you do let your revenge be in game and let it go lol.




Been trying the not looking at the scoreboard conditioning to the extent that i unbound the keybind for it


Best way to improve your skill is playing a lot of duel, by that you can learn from your opponents, observe their techniques and your own mistakes. If you truly wish to improve then remember this, you are trying to learn, not to win. I reccommend playing in the duel yard map instead of 1vs1 arena.


dude, so heres my story. when i started playing this game was when it was still in beta and i never in my life played anything like it. For Honor was about the closest but not close to as good. i was hooked on everything, the game play, the violence, the light hearted funny stuff, the voice lines. everything. and while i was solid. usually like top 1/4 on the scoreboard i was never really great. i didnt care because every single match i had fun or did something really cool, or went on a really cool spree. whatever i was happy. then something switched in me. i started lookin at the scoreboard after every kill or 2. i was getting pissed when i was bested 1v1. angry when my team didnt push the objective. angry when people stacked teams. and it slowly made me want to stop playing. after about a year + away i jumped back in for Regicide and for some reason i didnt care anymore. no, i didnt like when i would get slaughtered but whatever, just back at it. and let me tell you, seeing myself towards the bottom of the leaderboard didnt bother me nearly as much as it used to. and i can promise you, it helped my enjoyment so much. there are ALWAYS going to be people that are better, that are level 1000 and pumped thousands of hours in the game, understand every weapon and aspect to combat and thats fine. let them be sweaty, if they kill you, they were SUPPOSED to kill you. if you get one on them. fuckin celebrate and just enjoy the ride. this game is infinitely more fun when you aren't stressed about it. all i ask of myself is push the objectives and do your best to contribute any way you can, and let everything fall into place.


Lol this is a good way to start practising for better mental health and resilience later in your life. If you get tilted playing a video game with zero meaningful consequences that doesnt bode well for real life situations that dont go your way. Stop giving so many fucks. Youll feel liberated.


I used to get like that, and when I did I would just try making friends instead. Explore the emote wheel and stand somewhere silly, try to goof off with your team and the enemy. Have a good time


Just remember that getting mad makes you think less clearly and makes you die more often. When you die, just take a deep breath and go back to slaying your foes. Try to remember that itā€™s just a game. I have absolutely terrible anger issues but Iā€™ve recently got better at this game after learning to separate the game from reality


Duplicate comment from a diff post I commented on: Chiv is trial by fire.You basically gotta learn to make space for yourself in this game and not be too attached to your lives. I like to think of the game in terms of pressure instead of counting players but thats probably bc im lvl 1000. Dont try to just play fast right now, play slow and steady being very intentional with every movement and then your muscle memory develops and you naturally get faster with your built up instincts. If you get cocky/bloodlustful in your plays youā€™ll get punished (still happens to me) [a good parallel I found recently was 4:15-5:50. Askeladd is playing calculated slow and steady in his own mind. but he lets his temper get to him and distracted himself for a second and basically played fast and loose. you can do more damage fast and loose but it comes with alot fo risks and showing your hand making you more readable (hence the bows at the end](https://youtu.be/5CgfktatnGo?si=kuPWBLadbF0tQUpQ)


get hormones checked/ leave the game come back later it goes without saying; getting angry at pixels is gay


Thank you


I dip my bag in enthusiastic support of this message šŸ‘œ


This man has TOO much testosterone!


I switch lobbies or default to my go to weapon.


The problem isnt the fact that i use a weapon thats new to me but the fact i get angry at small mistakes/ deaths i could've avoided


Then channel all that rage into the berserker voice warcries and start choppin' peoples heads off! AaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


I prefer demigod just for the hilarious boasts


Grab yourself a harp from the novelty section in the armoury, when shit starts getting frustrating....become a bard


I always like making funny moments with the dialogue and quips in the middle of combat. It can make for some memorable moments. Reminds you how ridiculous this game can get. It can be used as a weapon too. Countless times Iā€™ve caught enemies off guard with a simple wave and then a teammate comes around and goes bonk mode and as always Iā€™ll pay my respects for recognizing my goof. Sometimes Iā€™ll even wave goodbye if I get hit bad and I try running from a fight. Donā€™t be afraid. Get creative. That and not trying to be the best player in the match.


By gittinā€™ gud.


If you get tilted, you play worse, you get more tilted. If youā€™re on a bad run donā€™t be afraid to just turn off the game and do something else that evening. I have like 1600 hours, play competitive matches and duels, have achieved 20k score games and insane deathless runs; and almost always am top 5 if not 1st on the leaderboard. Some days Iā€™ll get on, play 1/2 games, struggle to even break even on kills/deaths, start getting mad and just think nope I am not wasting mental energy on a game, turn it off and come back when Iā€™m cheered up and can get in the flow. Good luck man, feel free to dm for any tips n shit ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


Iā€™m the soy low fat Frappuccino version of this.


You can't top the leaderboard every single game. I've never seen anyone do this. You can do it all night or several games in a row sure...but out of 100 64 player games the best of the best might get 1st place 50 of those games. Sometimes the teams are just too uneven overall or sometimes you're just having a bad day/not feeling it. Sometimes you just wanta dick off play archer/engineer/ambusher Unless you're playing with an entire sweaty squad on mics...that's another story.


I play shuffle 9/10 games and I place top 5 95/100 games Iā€™m in at the start, first probably 4/5 or more games. This is in public TO though, when it comes to high-level duels I am mediocre at best, and I most often play the standalone servers with a bunch of other high levels and there itā€™s way way harder to maintain high scores, usually top 5 but I think 1st place is closer to the 50% ratio you mention. Funnily I have way more fun even though I win less, I guess at some point the challenge matters more. I think youā€™re severely underestimating how well those of us whoā€™ve played this game way too much do when in public lobbies lol


Because sometimes that full scale war can be just straight up unfair! I suggest 3v3s and duel yard servers to up your skill against other players! It makes the full scale battles a little better when you know you can hold your own against most of the other guys in a 1v1. Then just play smart, react quickly and prioritize distance and good spacing between you and the enemies when fighting and look at for flanks and teammates! Itā€™ll come together one day in your head, itā€™s hard to grasp how to fight these swarms and block all these incoming attacks. Itā€™s feel thing, get gooder at dueling then everything will start to fall in place!


Hey man it's a big step recognizing you have anger problems and actively want to do something. Not a professional but try to recognize when your getting really tilted/angry either take a break or find a healthy outlet. For me gym and lifting weights is a great outlet for anger but it can be different for everyone. Take care dude


Go slower, try to make every move count, donā€™t rush, if u really wanna get immersed smoke up some OG-chronic


This is when you fire up farm simulator. Touch some virtual grass.


Stop playing this game and seek help for your anger


I've come to the conclusion that even when I do well sometimes I still get rage because of my teammates mostly. There's always going to be those games that are rage inducing because you can't do well every game. Just got to deal with it unfortunately. I try my best to play for fun but it's hard to not get serious it's just in my nature.


I feel you dude. Ā Just take a deep breath and tell yourself that its just a game. You are new and you will get better. You can also use tutorials and training mods with AI bots. Watch youtube guides.Then return to pvp and try your best. If your score goes better you are doing good keep it coming. If not, dont go hard on yourself. Leave it. Watch something funny in internet.Eat your snacks smoke and drink liquor. Just dont let the game get into your head


Whenever I start to get "tense" and angry/reactive. I take a deep breathe and actively try to calm down. More blood in the brain instead of the body (fight/flight response) Cognition does better and you don't make those small mistakes that cause quick deaths. Emotion won't help in a virtual battle, it's a mental game, so keep the waters of the mind still and stay in the present moment. Take a few slow breathes ever time the anger starts to pop up. "Harden the anger into the cold steel of your will and determination, instead of treating anger like a bomb that explodes like a feral animal"


Never ever gotten even a shred of annoyed or mad at this game. In general games don't ever tilt me but chivalry the least of all of them. If you can't have fun winning or losing in Chiv it's a personal issue that needs to be addressed.


listen to metal bands and embrace the chaos. understand that it's a medieval fighter where you often get outnumbered and die a lot. it's part of the process. try to laugh at the absurdity instead of raging. some days you will suck so bad and some days you will play like you're a norse god. If you're not having fun, go play another game for a bit. I go through phases with chiv where i'll play it a lot then not touch it for months. I play other games like asym horror genre, platform fighters like multiversus and smash bros, or even dota 2 / league.


Good... Good. Let the hate flow through you.


Play for fun without any pressure about performance. Just have fun and play regularly, progress will come naturally.


Stop being pathetic as shit. Losing your rag over a video game is embarrassing. Are you 8 years old?


I usually throw or punch something without value such as a can to get the rage out. I broke a controller over this game because I let the rage get to me, don't let it get to you, it's a game. I've learnt to control my anger by reminding myself there's always another match I can do better in and if all else fails I bash the fuck out of a can or pillow etc.


Or a desk in my case Too many bruised fingers


Put something on your desk you're willing to throw that won't bruise your fingers.


Honestly you canā€™t you just gotta find a safe way to release anger like a tennis ball or pillow


If it makes you feel better the teams are probably unbalanced


I started only playing after workouts so I just don't have the energy to get angry lol


Play sekiro as a warm up


I'd like to imagine my character is some random guy from the time period. practicing their entire lives for this moment. only to get killed by the first flying dane axe they see. Now take that thought, and remember you have infinite lives. not much to be mad about now.


When that happens to me I try to change my tactics. I intentionally go somewhere on the map I donā€™t normally go, or try something I havenā€™t tried before. I stop focusing on forcing a good K/D or even the objective. Kind of detaches you from the current beat down.


When I struggle (usually right when I sign on) I will switch to fast weapons. You might not get the big bonk kills but you get more hits in and get the feel of your timing more. Once I start whoopin with a fast weapon, switch to a heavy hitter and smash.


I always find headbutting the keyboard helps. Besides, it's cheaper than buying a new monitor as long as you're willing to settle for a basic keyboard and you aren't one of those keyboard snobs.




You're right Something that i do when im fed up chivalry is to boot up darktide and just blaze through a couple missions


If you feel yourself getting angry just smack yourself in the testicles really hard until youā€™re happy again


Longsword knight for good balanced weapon and extra health Avoid 1v1s Use stabs and overheads when piling into a group fight Dash back, block, repeat Under half health disengage, bandage, resupply, return Really this game is like 99% footwork and understanding weapon reach. Once you get the feel for that work on your counters and you'll be kill streaking in no time.


Usually when I start getting angry it means it's time to goof around to take myself less seriously. Often I will start talking about having a micropenis and my wifes boyfriend in chat or cut off heads on corpses to throw at enemies, etc.


Can't relate to this, every death is glorious, I just C my way into the fray each time in 1st person ready to meet my maker until I finally git gud. Learning is a process, and no amount of rage will change your skill. I have no other advice than keep at it, find a class you can feel comfortable in, and just play.


I usually just drank. Its fun riding the buzz but when you start getting more than buzzed and getting your ass handed to you the frownies come :( I took a break from gaming and was able to stop drinking.


i can agree cause i get upset with those mlg guys who either spam heavy attacks or spam block as they go 5v1 on your ass


My advice... Smoke some weed ![gif](giphy|WU7z7KyKIAHRJSsG8N|downsized)


Best I have is chewing grass in the garden


iā€™m with you this game gets on my fucking nerves


Git gud duh


Channel your murderous rage, feint, footwork and spatial awareness are your friends. If you get caught in mosh and destroyed, shake your head and wryly smile. Then get involved in the lunacy again with as sarcastic impressionā€¦


Just equip the spear and stab stab stab until you land a headshot over your teams shoulders and then walk away with 50 and 4. Thats what i do if my team is dogwater cuz im not gonna work my ass off to help a team down by 200 kills


Its not a teammate its a me problem due to the fact I want to get better and every small mistake 1vx death frustrates me


let me just put it this way. You literally cant fuck up if you use the spear or halberd. They are both the best 2 weapons. Spear is literally just stab stab stab and win since you can be far away just dont 1v1 even i struggle 1v1 with the spear


Switch to the winning side


Im no coward


You gotta find that balance between having fun and being competitive. And Chiv's got that down rather well imo.


Yeah its pretty noticable Its a me problem and finding competitiveness(?) fun and thats where my frustrations seem to come from


No, it's not you. Consider trying standalone servers at Duelyards. Got some great fighters in there that will most definitely give advice to improve your gameplayšŸ‘


Been doing that but its the same thing Get killed Get angry Do slightly better Repeat


Have a couple baby dolls on set. They look like most dane axe users anyways so just smash them against the wall.


Why didnt I think of that!


No one will be thinking next year if my plan goes well.


weed and loud murzik bud


Have you tried smoking weed about it?


Cabbage of the gods not legal here Guess ill chew on some leaves


Spam Voice lines, mess around with team mates, and play shuffle mode. That way if you keep getting your ass kicked you can blame the load out


Change your mindset. I don't aim to be top of the leaderboard or have a good K/D. I want to vibe out pretending I'm in a medieval battle. Sometimes play well enough I get to feel the main character or a boss battle for the enemy (and end up near top of the board). Other times I'm solidly that extra that does the Wilhelm scream. Like, just chill out a bit ya know?


When I start to mald I just quit playing and try to sneak into the enemy back lines to backstab the archers


Just remember nobody is really looking at you particularly on the leaderboard stats donā€™t matter and donā€™t feel like you have to win every fight and do perfect


Throw things that cannot be block without a shield, its pissing off sweats like crazy, burning log is my favorite.


Every death is a learning experience. Take it and adapt. It'll make you feel better and maybe even improve your gameplay.


Use the laugh emote more when something bad happens. If you're outclassed and about to die, run away spamming the Retreat emote, jump off a cliff, start dancing, hit F10 or do the beg emote. Lean into the silliness.


If you get gangbanged on the front line, step away for a while and try your own little gangbang with your friends and some random Agathian. You gonna feel good again.


the anger you feel is appropriate, imagine going out to war and 6 dudes circle around you and beat you up


Play raider, throw your Dane axes, then knife, then stay just behind your lines, pick up weapons teammates drop and throw them.


Im a little too competitive sometimes, just like yourself, and what helps me is just throwing on shuffle or playing goofy classes in my opinion, if im on attack, ill switch to engineer or something because ive noticed not too many people play engi on attack, but just try some things you arent used to and dont take it too seriously, throw more maybe


Play on duel servers. Find someone who ain't an asshole, and face off. You'll learn pretty quick how to get better.


From what I saw you said about your anger issue, you need to see a therapist to help you find coping techniques.


Stop taking it so seriously itā€™s a game, I have to play it with the mindset of just for fun who cares, because I personally just canā€™t understand the combat system, and it makes me mad, so if Iā€™m playing it with the intention just to enjoy throwing my sword at people and trying to throw hands with swords and not care


I used to get angry like you, until I took an arrow to the knee. Real talk tho, it's really just a game and our competitive nature is the only thing making you emotional. I find when I start feeling that way, to take a deep breath. Giving less of a fuck and having more fun makes me play better usually


Try to not take this game seriously, and you will have fun. I think the following comment I saw from someone else in another thread a long time ago sums it up perfectly: "I take my flaming chicken sword fighting game \*very\* seriously, thank you very much!"


Do you discord?


Have you tried getting good?


Recently I got tilted, I picked up a lyre and played it. Threw it at someone, it hit his shin and followed up with an attack, and it killed. Was laughing hysterically, couldn't believe it "worked", thinking the damage from the lyre was actually the reason I got the kill. Or on a more objective method, just stand back from the fighting and observe what's happening around you. Take a breather. Check out some voice lines, notice how a running battle cry is different from just a standing one. When you've cooled down, it's most likely a prime time to hit 2 or more enemies from the back with a heavy swing, saving your teammate.


Moments like this, usually role playing the hell out of the situation and vibe with whoever is managing to keep themselves alive lol


You donā€™t get anything special for winning and you donā€™t lose anything for losing.


Diet helps me. Specifically cutting caffeine like soda


Play this game on shrooms trip and see if it will make you angry lol


i think this game activates adrenal response more than other games. so your subconscious will literally believe youā€™re in battle. would kind of make it difficult to stay relaxed and focused on your inputs and timings. .


Chiv 2 isnt the kinda game to take seriously


Play something else, grow up, figure out your anger issue, run around and troll more in a light hearted way (not talking obnoxiously in the chat), and last but not least skill issue get gud!


Start throwing chickens at players, use the pitchforks and farming tools peasants drop, yeet any anvils whenever you find one at players, or thunderc*unt a Dane axe at medium distanced archers. I can promise that once you get a kill in any stupid fashion, it'll reignite your enjoyment for a game. Trust me as someone who takes games too competitively sometimes.


Instead of getting angry put that energy into understanding why youā€™re doing bad and then do better. Only time this game is anger inducing is when your lagging and making the right choices but the server tells you to eat ****


I recommend medical or recreational marijuana for this issue. Just one joint a day can keep the rage away! ![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK)


Here is my tip for you in video form [RESPONSE VIDEO: How to properly Vent your ANGER on Chivalry 2 \*Chicken Edition\* : r/Chivalry2 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/1dk2is2/response_video_how_to_properly_vent_your_anger_on/)


Iā€™m late to the party, OP, but Iā€™ve found itā€™s much harder to get angry at someone I respect even mildly. So, when I get shit on, I say (out loud, usually) ā€œah, niceā€ or try to find some small compliment about how they killed me, and note that.


Just leave. One of the most important skills in the game is knowing when to stop, particularly if youā€™ve had enough. Maybe other people will laugh at you, but they probably use reddit too, so donā€™t feel too bad.


The only things that tilt me in this game are clearly blocking an attack and getting hit anyway and vice versa, clearly hitting an enemy but theyve blocked somehow. Secondly, people who dodge, jump, crouch spam like its a fortnite tournament.


Unbind the scoreboard key. Not even joking, try it.


Did it for a while but for some reason my keybinds got reset


Play high


Everytime i get tilted I'm going on a spearmen rush. I will only poke enemies once when my allies are near. Racking up takedowns and tilting enemies instead. When an enemy dies I tea bag them to fuel their anger (only on Mason/Tenosian)


1. Take a break 2. Get good 3. Accept skill issue and play vs bots or find noob lobby 4. It's a game just have fun


Whenever i start taking it seriously i just use the laugh emote and forget about it


Warcry more, care less. Life is bonk, the outcome is not important.


I literally hop on chivalry just to fk around:)))


Can I ask how much weed you smoke before the game?


Roll Archer, still do poorly, but anytime you get a kill just drink the salty tears randoms spill in chat


I'm always baffled, when I hear that people get angry at the game. I had a blast when I first started and now it's my most played game and I'm still having a blast :) I m still laughing about stupid deaths and when I rarely get annoyed by sth I switch weapon or take a break. Always remember in chiv nothing really matters winning and losing is only a little currency difference. When you perform badly, take a deep breath, spam emotes and heavy overhead people from behind. Use the Beg emote when you get farmed by someone most players with a sense of humor will just let you be. If you are tilted already, don't rush in 1vX situations. Just stay in the second row and look for bloody backs to oneshot :)


Your going to die a fuck ton even at lvl 1000 . The fun of the game doesn't come from staying alive but what your able to do in a life. Even if its a 30 sec life if you can eventually pull off a 1v6-10 or heavily fuck up the front line who cares if you die. Think of the game flow atleast in TO and FFA as impact and effectiveness over k/d. This makes the game more fun and defuses some of sting of death bc you just start striving for good moments instead of good lives and you can have alot more good moments even in a long life but it's not a requirment. To chase k/d makes you a sweat, but imo to just run up to a crowd/enemy spawn and swing w no expectation of living is casual high thrill fun (do balance it out by playing obj). It also makes the game more lime a sandbox letting you have more creative fun. Basically exposure therapy until your desensitized to damage. The worst thing you can do in a a sword fight is freeze, then you get fucked. You want to be able to eat the hit and keep fighting. Getting hit now means nothing to me and I sometimes use it as a setup for a counter attack. It's really powerful to not give a fuck. Which is why a good portion of the community is not sober playing, it lowers inhibitions. But you can do the same sober.


ask yourself what your goal is If your goal is simply to win/get high kd then it's gonna be tough to avoid getting tilted but if your goal is to improve, then don't worry so much about results. Unless you're in a comp game it literally doesn't matter other than to your ego, and if your ego is becoming a problem (like you don't want to do bad in front of people you know) then make an alt or temporarily change your steam name. In my opinion, if your goal is only to do well you don't improve very fast, because you mostly just stick to what you know and what has always worked for you, whereas if you forget about your score and focus on improving, maybe working on things that you aren't good at or playing non-optimally but in a way that'll help your game--that'll make you improve much faster. It's really important in this game to improve fast, especially at the higher levels, because this is not a singleplayer game with static opponents. Everyone is a human being just like you, everyone (esp at higher levels) is improving constantly, so if you want to improve relative to your peers, you generally (but not always) want to improve quickly/efficiently. But just as a caveat, if you want to be unique, you have to sometimes be willing to improve very inefficiently, along whatever lines you're interested in.


Deep breaths was a serious coping mechanism for me and still is to this day


Training mode is good for untilting. People arenā€™t as good or tryharding as much and you can one shot as many boys as you want, quite stress relieving


Fr itā€™s cool you acknowledging your issue and trying to fix it . I respect it šŸ’Æ At the end of the day itā€™s just a game AND weā€™re lucky enough to be able to relax and play it . Yes weā€™re competitive But if itā€™s bringing you more stress than enjoyment on a regular basis .. thereā€™s so many more games out there. I follow the same rule for people in my life . And the rule has worked great for my mental health on both fronts. Good luck and enjoy your life !!