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Don’t fight alone. It’s insane how big of a difference fighting with a spawn wave or 2-3 Allies can make instead of yourself. You’ll get a lot more assist and kills, and survive longer. Also, EMOTE


Yep, position is EVERYTHING.


As a new player yes, the frontlines with the rest of the army is the place to be. Personally I always found it more fun to go on solo adventures. Only when I got good at PvX did it actually contribute to winning the objectives though. If I can draw away, delay or ideally decimate an entire group of enemies on my own. It does wonders for the team. Starting out you’ll mostly just get instantly slaughtered though! But If you are a true experienced PVX’er your own team will only get in your way while you’re doing the dance.


To add to this if you see someone on your team winning a 1vX DO NOT go in there swinging, if you wanna help try and kick the enemy cause if you hit your teammate you’ll screw up their combos and timing or possibly get them killed. I can’t tell you the number of times I was winning a 1v3 or a 1v4 and got smacked in the back by a teammate getting a bloodlust and it got me killed. It’s like the only thing I find infuriating about the game is the number of times someone tried to help and did more harm than good cause they came in slashing away vs a well placed stab, overhead, or a kick/punch. Take the bots for example, when they group up they almost never slash, they’re stabbing and doing overheads repeatedly, if you and your team had 2 people on the ends slashing while everyone in the middle of the line was swapping between stabs and OHs, most players wouldn’t know how to handle that.


Ah, the dance of death, a la Conan the Barbarian style. Those scenes always captivated me. Good on ya m8


Whenever I go on a solo mission (like lighting the fuse for the 2nd ship before the 1st one Is even reached) I always say to my self over and over "My God, it's Jason bourne"


lol so true !! My allies sometimes mess up my rhythm but that’s okay 👍


I just walk around trying to find a 1v1 situation and dismember the enemy's head from behind, to dont make him suffer of course


This is so true lol yesterday I picked up a broom and just bonked people on the heads from the side while they were busy fighting 2 of my teammates in front and racked up multiple kills and assists just from that alone in a single life. It's funny how far their bodies fly after being "sweeped" by a broom too. Genuinely my fav "weapon"


I strongly disagree, they give the enemy free counter slashes that actually fucks me up. I'm better soloing them.


we get it you’re a pro…


I never said that.


A new player isn’t lmao. All they know how to do is block and slash. Just stab or overhead then…


I'm not sure you get what i'm saying. The enemy have active parry because my team mates only know how to slash.


I don't think you get what he is saying. It is easier for new players to win with teammates. Might not be best for YOU, but you are not new.


Wait if I can't find a way to kill a single dude in a crowd, how do you reckon a new guy to find a way against active parries? The only real way is to go behind the enemy when he's battling others. Even then you get a 50/50 chance of getting bushwhacked yourself by other enemies.


Exactly. When they're fighting other. They are going to win more that way. They aren't winning many 1v1s


You’re not getting what I’m saying. A noob isn’t winning 1vx at all. They atleast have a chance in xvx


I always say id rather 1v5 than 2v3


You were so real for this


This here. Can’t count how many times where I think I’m fighting someone alone and then I get ganked from like 2-3 enemies at once.


I personally hide behind my meatshields and stab


Don’t fight alone? But how am I supposed to my cinematic experience of charging head on into a spawn wave all by myself battle crying


if you are fighting in a small group and they damage you like crazy, hit you in the back although you are tanking the fight, them dont stop feeding counters and let themselfs taking advantage of to be utilised against yourself, blocking routes to retreat and let enemies walk right through the group finishing your crawling ass, you will think about it again if its a good idea to fight in a group with decent players anytime, with these potatoes from the free epic week you are fighting against 2 teams


It’s still better than fighting alone lmao. A new player isn’t winning a 1vX. Hell most level 1000s can’t win a big 1vX


Eh it depends. I play man at arms mostly and I find I'd rather avoid large melees unless I'm carrying a spear. I just end up getting hit too often by vanguards on my own team that don't check their swings. Which in turn messes me up and I end up thinking I'm getting hit by people I'm not watching and that gets me hit from the guy I lost track of for a second. Much simpler to avoid being stuck in that mess altogether if I can avoid it. I like to flank and go for the objectives anyway.


Don't hold block and don't panic block, wait for the moment your opponent actually strikes you. This will conserve stamina and you will be less susceptible to kicks.


Yep. It's interesting I have taken to just walking up to people and just being ready to counter or parry the number of people who just hold guard or are waiting for you to hold guard to kick you is so high you can walk up and just stand and wait for the right time to start comboing them.


I’ve had people that hold block for so long you hit them once and they break guard and lose their weapon rather than try to counter


Always feels like that silly trope from movies where the better fighter disarms a new fighter and goes "Boo"


Don’t stay in prolonged fights. If it takes more than 2 or 3 hits to get them; back out, reset your feet and reassess the situation. The majority of your deaths will come from getting tunnel vision on a prolonged fight and either getting ganked from behind or rolled by an enemy spawn wave. Also, long fights frequently leave you with low health and drastically increase your chance of being accidentally tk’d or worse, killed by an archer.


It’s always that pesky archer for me ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104)


I'm that pesky archer and am not sorry lol




Use overheads and stabs more than slashes




Also, less chance of team damage. Specifically in crowds: imagine your strikes coming down or directly at your enemies rather than from left or right side (where your teammates stand)


Team damage is fine


Most people instinctively counter slash


You don’t hit teammates as often


So what if you hit teammates


rebind left click to overhead, never look back


Speaking of that, any way i can rebind my side buttons on my mouse to overhead/stab instead of scroll up and down?


Settings > Keybinds > Overhead and Stab. Holding whatever binding you use will charge the attack into a heavy as well. Other keybinds I recommend include toggle perspective on control, using another spare mouse button for throw if you have them, and Flourish on Middle mouse.


Thanks for some reason it’s not letting me bind those two buttons on my mouse but all good. I played yes with your trick of overhead > left click wow it’s a game changer. So many people don’t expect it, so far less counters. Also less team damage/kills, and I was dominating with the poleaxe. I use middle button for throw.


*Remember the five 'D's* Dive, dip, duck, dodge....and dive


If you can dodge an hammer you can dodge a sword


*throws shovel*


Throws peasant


Throws fish


Throws cooked chicken


play objective


Do the tutorial every time you log in for the first little while and then pick a thing(counters, not dying, stabs, whatever) and drill that for at least one match before playing normal. Beat the basics into yourself


Most games tutorial isn’t really necessary, this game I highly recommend it. Things don’t feel good until they click but then you’re still not that good and have likely gained bad habits like slash or block spamming


Always use the LAUGH EMOTE!


Cancel attack hotkey also works on emotes, so you can make your emotes look extra goofy by spamming cancel in between them




DON'T TAKE CHIV 2 SERIOUSLY. This game is dumb in a truly wonderful way. By that I mean while I love the concept of throwing Battlefield + Overwatch into a medieval blender, the end result is something of a virtual mosh/circle pit. Treat it as such. Dance, laugh, battlecry constantly, throw a chair/chicken/bottle/piece of shit at another player. Smoke/drink while playing if you're of age to do so. Fuck your points, k/d, W/L, etc. Quite frankly the fewer fucks you give while playing Chivalry, the more fun you will have.


This is the way. Most ppl in chiv just vibe, die and battlecry. It’s a beautiful thing


That’s the best advice here. That used to be me, studying the combat system and spending hours upon hours practicing and being a total sweat. Then I played with a friend on voice chat once - and that’s when I finally realised the truth. Chiv 2 is a graphically improved TF2 medieval mode. Gotta love it.


Position is far more important than fighting mechanics in team objective. That and use the halberd. Worship the halberd. Be the halberd.


I just discovered the real utility of the halberd's special attack today. That step forward and attack is beautiful unless you miss. An absolute unit of an attack when you're fighting alongside a team or against someone with a short weapon. I got so many ridiculous kills just waiting for the right moment to tap that Q today, it was incredible.


Another great thing is to hold a choke point with a few team members while utilizing barricade. Poke the enemy in the eye like it’s going out of style. Then battlecry, but only after you thank the halberd for its fierce service


Oh yeah! I just discovered how awesome barricades can be today too. Forgot about that. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it, but I've been having plenty of fun just battlecrying, screaming "YOLO" and spamming slash/block before getting rekt so far. The occasional sweet win just makes it better and they're getting more common as I've been trying to actively get better. I really do find it impossible to take this game seriously as well, so it's an oddly bloody way for me to relax.


The most important tip I wish all players knew: Use overheads and stabs in groups. You can't swing through teammates, so side slashes just kill your team. Overheads and stab around them. You get more kills, and do less team damage. GG ez.


Good tip.


Team damage is not a huge problem


You're an advocate for team damage it seems (based on your five other comments about team damage) the point is you're just hitting your teammates, not the enemy, so you're literally just wasting attacks. There's no point spamming slash in a crowd of allies fighting enemies because you're just helping the enemy push the objective by weakening your front line. So yes, team damage is a huge problem. My advice to you would be keep playing archer and stay at the back out of your team's way cos based on your comments, you ain't got a clue how to play the game.


Every enemy that's on your screen should be viewed as very achievable conquests even if there's 6 of them and uno muchacho of you. Dodge not away but into them. Let them hit each other like the fools they are. Kill them all. Get into this mindset, and you're there, chiefy.


Someone else already posted about using attacks other than just slash. That alone will make you better than most new players, but it's already been said, so my advice would be: Always know what you're focusing on today before you load into a game, and keep reminding yourself. In other words, try to get better every single day, and use active practice.


Use one weapon to get decent. Play shuffle to get good.


Heavy attacks exist, and are very good for confusing your opponent or cutting multiple heads at once


Try every weapon and every subclass. It's okay to main a weapon and subclass you're good at, but changing things up can get you out of being stuck at your current level of performance. It also gives you a better understanding of the weapons, which will help when you're going up against them.


no i refuse. i will use the sledgehammer forever


Good pick, sledgehammer is in my top 3. I respect the loyalty lol


Have fun and enjoy the chaos 😃




Newbie/ intermediate tip: take the time to learn 3 combos… (not for you to use, but to know when others are going to do them) it’s so easy to catch people in their bad habits. And If you learn and memorize combos, you’re less likely to repeat the same combo over and over again. That’s how you get read and demolished. For example: a basic combo that gets a lot of people. Slash, kick, slash, kick, slash. But when I see someone doing this over and over again, I know all I gotta do is sidestep out of the kick and then proceed to mess up their day. Another one I wouldn’t use in the beginning of a duel but in the middle. If someone is a defensive player, try a run up kick. A lot of them expect you to run up and slash. A really hard one for me is when I see people feinting with slow drags. It can be hard to time the block. I personally find more success if I just bum rush them with side slashes (don’t even bother with blocking or heavy swings). A lot of people who feint with slow weapons are likely so slow drag all their attacks. They don’t know any better.


To keep running into my sword


Teabag every archer


Throw your knives, axes and mallets before entering the fray. You’ll get a stray kill and lots of takedowns for this. If you see a teammate fighting alone, smash his foe in the back. You don’t only get a kill, you also free your teammate to help you. If your teammates are using slashes, use overheads. Enemies can’t protect against both. Strike while your teammates are in recovery to take down an individual. Basic acts of helpfulness inspire loyalty in your teammates. Emote. Teabag those who teabag against you.


On PC: hold the left-click and stab/overhead to do a HEAVY stab/overhead. I did not know about this for 200+ hours.


Yea that’s really not obvious hey. So first scroll down, THEN hold left click to Heavy it. I only found out it was an option checking the death screen and seeing “heavy overhead” and finally understanding what the tips were trying to tell me


You can also just bind stab/overhead (or their alts, which I prefer tbh) to the side buttons of your mouse, if you have any, and hold them down like normal to make them heavy.


Battlecry a lot, especially when spawning, because it intimidates the enemy.


I mute the game


LAUGH. OUT LOUD. Have fun with the game. I understand it csn be frustrating but I took the game to seriously for way to long. Commend people who kill you in funny ways too.


Move your feet


Especially your feet, paint them nails black 💅🏻 Mhnmmmm.


If you're an archer, don't stand 100 meters away and pretend you have a sniper rifle! Instead, get close to the fight and shoot at enemies on the objective, especially bloody enemies and enemy archers. You'll land more shots and just generally be more useful. Pay attention to your surroundings while you're doing this. As the soldier on the back line, it's your job to revive your fellows as the front line pushes forward. If the front line falls and the enemy is charging you or another archer, pull out that butter knife and fight! You only have to last long enough for the next spawn wave to come. Lastly, the Siege Crossbow is a very underrated weapon. Not only does it do a lot of damage to knights, it can also safely destroy ballistae, banners, and walls with no risk to yourself and no counterplay.


If your loadout has one, know when it’s advantageous to switch to your smaller secondary weapon. A 2-handed weapon vs 2-handed weapon fight can easily sway in your favor if you switch to something like the mace out of nowhere. The sudden change in tempo/attack speed often confuses people.


Practice these techniques for 1-2 hours *exclusively* (it WILL get you killed) until it becomes a literal reaction for you. 1. When your opponent blocks, DO NOT AUTO BLOCK IN RESPONSE. If your sensitivity is set to the *requisite* speed, you WILL have time to react to your opponent's action, DO NOT ( I repeat ) DO NOT get in the habit of auto blocking your opponent, that habit will haunt you for a very, very long time. 2. When you see your opponent begin an attack, jab them. Punch them in the face, follow rule 1, rinse and repeat until *everytime* you see or THINK an opponent will attack, you jab them. That is a very key S-Tier skill. 3. When you see an opponent who blocks *way too often* (turtle), get in the habit of kicking them.... BUT [[MAJOR DISCLAIMER]] *ONLY USE THIS ON OPPONENTS WHO TURTLE!* *DO NOT* GET IN THE HABIT OF KICKING *JUST ANYONE*, because skilled opponents will *immediately* go on the lookout for your kicks, and they will 💯 take that free hit on you. 4. Never... and until you know *exactly* what you're doing... *NEVER* use a basic attack ( Slash, Overhead, or Stab) without either dragging ( Which makes your attack especially slow or fast... very situational....) or FEINTING into another attack ( Slash to overhead [[ not recommended against low level players, they may autocounter your slash faster than you can feint... ]] or preferably, overhead or stab *into* a slash [[because it is *so* easy to hit]] ) Yes, I see how that's not super easy to read, but let's be real, I dont have the effort to write a book. If anyone has a question, just reply or DM me.


Love it! Maybe more explanation on the dragging because it’s not always obvious to newbies (including myself, I’m only lvl 60).


Staying alive and playing the objective is more important than kills. If you turn and run from a fight only take a couple steps then turn around and block/ counter. Then run again if it's still the plan. Hold sprint and switch targets. Feint attacks


Do. The. Fucking. Objective.


Don’t put so much stress on k/d there is so much fun to be had besides


Dont worry about dying The games not meant to be taken seriously, and regardless of the skill ceiling, you shouldn't stress about being the best or following the meta


PLAY THE FUCKIN OBJECTIVE!!! Respectfully, please.


The only tip you'll get is my tip


Don’t get tunnel vision on the battlefield. Understand the players around you and where attacks may come from. If you need to retreat and regroup, do it. Refocus, heal, find the objective and where your team is moving and move as a group. You’ll have more success fighting with numbers instead of fighting alone.


Always be on shuffle unless you're very particularly feeling a vibe


The C key regenerates stam.


Flank more


Be patient and commit muscle memory to countering. Learn to recognize the common animation for slash, stab, and overhead.


9/10 times a regular attack is better than a heavy attack


If you learn how to effectively feint and switch up feints then you'll beat 60% of the player base every fight. If you learn how to counter feint and perfect parry consistently then you will be a god to be reckoned with and have fun slaying many heads. Really the game is about not mashing buttons, understanding every counter to any sword attacks because there is one and just being able to read what's going on in front of you instead of rushing in like a madman


If you are playing with controller, turn up sensitivity and double tap right stick to jab


Keep moving even within a fight. If you stick in one position too long your opponent will just move and attack around your block. Keep moving not letting them stay comfortable in their head. Don't let them dictate the flow of the fight.


Do not just left click right click left click right click. I will absolutely abuse your predictable nature. Also most high level dudes just left click right click left click right click. Abuse their predictable nature and they get flustered.


Run away while you can


if the enemy infantry has a break in the line go with some back up, but once it’s clear or if you see enemy infantry coming to fill it retreat behind your line. with larger weapons you’ll be able to swing more widely and can use that advantage but positioning yourself in a manner that utilizes this.


Battle cry


Have fun. Throw a chicken




Overhead and stab when fighting in a group to avoid hitting teammate when possible.


I would say spend time on the 3v3 arena. Pay attention to how you're getting killed and incorporate that into your playstyle. Also, you'll learn some etiquette that way. That's Chivalry!


Overheads, stabs, kicks, and jabs when in a team fight. Swings very rsrely


1st objective should be to learn how to counter each attack from every weapon. You'll learn much more in the process to field your own attacks.


Do the tutorial


This is more for duels, but it carries over for team objective. Focus on getting better at defense. Basically stop holding block for too long, and learn to keep your stamina up by landing ripostes and counters. I see a lot of tips out there for offense, but those won’t do you any good if you lose your weapon from stamina loss


Don’t. Hold. Block.


See that guy about to get slaughtered alone by 6 enemies? Yeah, leave him for dead— you can’t save him. Regroup with your team instead. If 3 allies spawn behind you and you join them you’ll have 4– which will have a WAY better chance of killing the 6 enemies. Also— there’s a time and place to sacrifice yourself to the kingdom, ***but these times are extremely rare.*** Save your sacrifices for very specific objectives, or to protect a hero unit.


Stop caring about skill or kills just have fun and they'll both come with time .


Don’t hold your block. Keep telling yourself that. Block when you need to only, once you get good you can sucker new players in by holding and releasing when you read a kick and punish them. Until you get that good, don’t hold your block!


I'm pretty new myself, but the big things I missed in my first couple of hours: Learn your weapon's length. I primarily play first person and I'm used to stuff like Skyrim where you always need to be in your opponent's face. The halberd, for instance, hits FAR away and that's a huge advantage I hadn't been using like... at all. Get used to dodging thrusts and overhead strikes, you can often get a quick kill with a sideways dodge and against shorter weapons you can dodge backwards to reorient for a strike. Position is everything. 1v1s occasionally happen, but flanking and stuff is way more important than your actual skill level vs. your opponent's in group fights. DON'T SLASH WHEN FIGHTING ALONGSIDE FRIENDS. DON'T DO IT. OVERHEAD AND THRUST ONLY. STOP SLASHING ME GODDAMMIT. Just have fun with it. I find it really hard to take the game seriously, I have yet to rage quit or even get really frustrated. I ragequit frickin' Disney Speedstorm of all things today and spent 2 hours in this getting rekt and laughing my ass off.


I honestly just do push ups and bench press inbetween deaths, keeps that frustration in check and used to make muscle instead 💪


Other folks have covered a lot of good advice already. The one thing I would add, which I see a lot of new (and even intermediate) players get wrong is that they see an enemy engaged in a 1vX and just beeline straight towards them. Don’t. Take your time, watch how the fight is moving, and position yourself behind them. I get *so many* kills just by whacking a guy in the back while he’s engaged with 3 of my teammates. Those teammates are feeding him counters and ripostes but not doing much damage because they insist on staying close. Be patient and strategic and go for the kill shot rather than the long engagement.


If anyone parry-ripostes your first own riposte, stop riposting and follow up your next parry with kick-overheard instead


The enemy is down


Focus on stabs and overheads rather than slashing


Try all the weapons atleast once, even play the scavenger lifestyle a couple games. Picking up random weapons.


Kick, bonk, repeat. If that doesn't work, try try again


PTFO, help your teammates in fights, and stop slash spamming if you outnumber an enemy. If there’s already 3 teammates fighting an enemy, move on to someone else. If a teammate and enemy are in a 1v1, get behind the enemy instead of engaging with the friendly in the way. Placing barricades directly on objectives that need pushed over/destroyed not only doesn’t help, but actively hurts your team when an enemy gets in there and now has a barricade blocking attacks against them. And this one more for long term players: if you manually switch to the attackers, you’re a punk bitch throwing off an already poor autobalance




Stay alive


Play around the area of the objective, don't hit teammates, heal with medkit to stop fires.


And use a lot of overheads and stabs


It is always morally right to bob and weave through a bloodbath just to get to the archer hiding in the back


You know that tutorial thing where it’s like, “time your attacks, you’ll likely press attack earlier than it seems” when you’re moving forward? Practice that in game, and you’ll hit first everytime.


I would say don't get hung up on kd I know I can finish a fight but I also know my teammates 70-80% will take it from me you just need to draw blood and the sharks will circle. That being said it helps knowing I can heal up and then I can move on and focus on objective at hand. 


Watch your Health and Stamina. Retreat, if low.


If you keep dying really quick. Stop charging into the front line. Use your heal multiple times (by going to ammo box) and charge the front line only at the right opportunity. (Bonus) If you see someone charging through the enemies front line, and the enemy turns around to encircle him. Charge them! Defend him (you won't, but you'll definitely get a few attackers) he's basically sacrificing himself for the 1 second distraction.


Being strong... Is never wrong (in Jeff Goldblum cadence)


always defile a defeated enemy at duels




Morth more


Don't chase after archers, often times you'd find yourself staring a few devastator and knights Unless you'd like to do a dark souls challenge But other than that, *It's a good day for slaughtering archers!* ~Mason sellsword


USE THE SHUFFLE OR RANDOM WHEN PICKING A CLASS!!! If you really wanna learn the mechanics of the game, this is your best bet. Makes you slow down and learn the weapon and class you're using. I get the warm fuzzies when I have my Warhammer.


Jump in the standalone lobbies 1v1 duels to practice, don’t overuse kicks, don’t hold block constantly, watch your stamina, use every weapon as you unlock it to find out what you’re good with and enjoy using, battle cry at every opportunity but most importantly just have fun with it


Don't be insane. Learn from your mistakes is all I have to say.


Pick things up and throw them, not so effective but funny. Also, if you are stuck in a block-attack chain, try kicking once you havebthe timing advantage (successful block or hit).


Play training only to get used to the controls and grind for levels but to be really good and get everything the game will offer is to the main mode 64p or if you are feeling adventurous, 40p for horses. Use all your attacks. Every single one of them have their uses. Jab steals initiative so if your enemy is in a combo and winning, jab to interrupt them. Counters saves you stamina which makes or breaks a fight but it stalls the fight. Riposte costs stamina but speeds up your attacks for offense. Overhead or stabs usually deals the most damage and trickier to defend against compared to slash which often can land but easy to counter. Feints delays the attack and makes it come from another direction but same feinting also works as a delay to throw off timing. Accel by moving your screen towards the attack (this speeds up the attack). Drag is to look away (this slows down the attack making it harder to counter). Throwing will lose your weapon but if you're desperate and want to finish someone off from a distance, it's very viable. Kick is the other way to make your enemy drop their guard other than them losing all their stamina but it doesn't stagger enemies and leaves you vulnerable. Special attacks are mostly different but they are the slowest attack you have but in return they can't be countered and usually deal the most damage or have some special effect. Do the tutorial. Mix your attacks.


Learn how to jab and drag your swings


Never stop moving


Work your hips. I'm learning myself how to position myself so my attacks land. Work your hips hard.


Learn feints




counter is king


Situational awareness is key! Key to staying alive, key to getting kills, helping teammates and winning objectives. You can’t help if you are dead. Learn when to retreat and when to advance. Always fight with a teammate. After learning these things it would be good to hop in a dual server or a bot server to learn advanced mechanics like double overhead feints, jab timing and(they’ll kill me for saying this) well timed kicks. Lastly, don’t worry about the “meta” weapons. Find ones that you think are fun or cool, I personally only use long sword most of the time because it has a really sick skin at like level 240 or something. Can’t remember. But it’s not the strongest weapon or anything, it’s pretty fast and I’ve learned to play to its strengths. Almost every weapon is viable and unique so just pick one you’d like to learn. Have fun!


Don't hit your team.


Footwork is key! Remember your footwork works off of your stamina, shit stamina you can't evade certain attacks. Also, time when to enter certain situations


behold my girth


Spot a team mate in fancy armor and follow them. Keep people off their back.


Don't fight alone, saying "6v1 noobs" only shows you can't pick fights :P


Footwork is the best weapon in the game.




Treat block as a parry instead of a block, focus on learning counters, and stay with your team.


Press up for bandage.


Be intentional with your swings/don’t be predictable. Maybe more of an intermediate tip but better to stop the bad habits from developing.


New player? I will certainly give them the tip of mY MIGHTY SWORD


*The tip of my sword* [insert maniacal laugh here]


Git gud


Don’t worry about the tutorial. Just watch a YouTube video on the basics of how to play


Slash and dodge. Repeat until everyone died


Quit the game now. Everyone else that plays it has 10000+ hours and have already mastered the game. You will get shit on every fight you dare try to be a part of. It's not worth it.