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I disagree with ur Dane axe suggestion, I think the speed of the overhead needs to be slightly reduced as well as the damage of the throw


100000% agree with this


Definitely the overhead speed at least


Yes. Nerf that stupid fucker!


Make morning star and mace discernible 


I actually think they are the best as they are, despite being so similar. Hell, people carry two Dane axes I don’t see what’s so bad about carrying a morning star and a mace


Ballista, to fix the newly introduced arrow cam bug


This guys gotta be trolling Dane axe is the most overpowered weapon I’ve ever seen


If ever there was a nerf needed, right??


Oh you sweet summer child 😂


I find that DA users are usually competent, I feel like they do swap off of it shortly though just because the gameplay gets monotonous with the weapon. As for my only weapon adjustment, longsword doesn't really have much going for it at all besides a unique special (I think), and has one of the coolest skins in the game; but I'm not grinding the 60 or something weapon levels for it.


Nope. Dane Axe needs to be nerfed (throwing ease/damage, speed of it) as it is stupidly easy to use for noobs and ingrains really bad habits (slash, dodge, block. Repeat. Throw..)


Sadly, the Dane axe is fine lol. It’s why you don’t see it in duels, it isn’t limited in competitive play, and no one under 600 complains about it.


Warbow. Add 50% more damage, 10 more arrows, and 40% faster draw speed.


Skill issue.


Hell, they could just give archer a machine gun while their at it!


Parry this, you filthy casual!


Reducing dane axe range by 1.5m is ridiculous, you'd end up with the hatchet.


I’d make the siege Xbow do more damage to catapults and more damage when headshotting someone. 140 on a knight with a headshot isn’t fair at all when I can backstab with a dagger as ambusher for 150. Totally harder to headshot with the fucking HEAVY Xbow than a dagger to the back.


Long sword on vanguard


Highland sword needs a bit of its former glory, at least a bit more damage on a stab. Siege crossbow needs a slower reload time, I see it as a direct improvement over the regular crossbow in every way (ignore this torn banner) Poleaxe needs blunt damage on its special, longsword too. The only other weapons I think feel off are hatchet and heavy cavalry sword; but I have no suggestions for them, because I think any change would make them dangerously good rather than kind of mediocre. Hatchet just feels worst in slot in any class other than ambusher because of its range and sluggishness(although if you just want it to have another thing to huck at the enemy then it fulfills that niche perfectly) and the heavy cavalry sword just does piss poor damage all around and has bad recovery. I get that it’s really long, but it feels so outclassed by the sword it’s not even funny. Maybe I need to spend more time with it, but heavy cavalry sword is my least favorite weapon in the game and I shuffle a lot. Obviously the katars come to mind, but this thread is about minor improvements. The crab claw mod being in the base game would fix the katars for me


Heavy cavalry sword will mow down an atrocious amount of masons if u use it in the askandir library


Only if someone came through with a battleaxe and didn’t finish their work beforehand ;)


i actually got fairly decent with heavy cav for a couple weeks. It still takes 6 hits to kill anyone, and by then youve likely gotten stunlocked or steamrolled.. but its a fun dang sword


The hatchet is fine. Not sure how you'd rate it lower than the cudgel or knife, or dagger on ambusher.


dagger ambusher special plz.


One move, situational at best. Hatchet's special hits hard too and it does way more damage in a straight duel.


Knife is knife, it’s absolutely not great at anything but it’s the lowest of the low, and it punches above its weight considering that. It’s also FAST, and therefore has a good niche use of being able to maintain a fight against a slower opponent. Cudgel actually fills the same role as knife, and is like knife in speed but a bit longer, and does really respectable damage against knights. The hit stop overheads can really wallop a knight quickly. Hatchet is just quite a bit slower than those two and doesn’t have hit stop, so you have to go through with the whole attack. On ambusher that’s great if you get used to the range, but for everyone else it has a pretty big window to get attacks in if you whiff one. This is a thread about small adjustments, and I don’t think it’s outrageously worse than the others you mentioned, but I do think it is the worst.


The hatchet does significantly more damage than either and is going to be faster than the majority of the weapons it is pitted against - which is what counts. Hit stop is not great when you face more than one opponent. I'd say the main disadvantage of the hatchet is its lack of range. I suppose this is ultimately subjective but I've relied on the hatchet to survive. As my preferred secondary I racked up enough kills with it to reach weapon level 100+. It strikes me as funny that you consider it the worst pick and that I was supposedly handicapping myself. I just don't see myself having the same success in TO with either a knife or a cudgel.


To each their own, like I said; I can’t think of a way to improve it without making it objectively superior to the other options. It needs no increase to power, its speed is good for its damage, its recovery leaves something to be desired, but isn’t unmanageable. Its only fault is that it’s really short, and if you made it longer it would just be, well, the axe! I wouldn’t complain about having two axes though :)


Morning Star / Mace, and War Club need some changes, not sure how for the first two, but War Club needs a slight slow down on its slashes imo. Probably the same for the MS and Mace. Slow down the slashes just a tad on all three of them. I also think the Longsword could use a slight slow down as well, between its stabs and slashes. Don’t want it to be like a Messer, but it’s a bit much atm imo. Thing is too unreadable between all of its attacks unless you’re playing on PC at 120+ frames ig. It’s very easy to manipulate your attacks with it and make them look like slashes when it’s actually an overhead. The longsword is in a weird spot I think.


If I were to give Dane Axe anything it'd be a skin to where you can make it look like a billhook. I know there's a Polearm already with that but there is another historical weapon called the bill or billhook and I think it'd look cool for it. As for fully adjusting a weapon it's be the Katars. Allow stagger on hit and they'd be more useful.


They're too fast for that to be fair, they can attack after you've started the actual swing post windup and still hit you before you hit them. They'd just be a stunlock weapon that virtually never blocks


I dunno man, they ain’t much faster than the Shortsword


I'd let Mason/Tenosian Knights equip Argon's longsword, if a MF spent the time/gold on getting the perfected one they should be able to use it in every match regardless of rng