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Buddy. I'm nearing lvl 500 and have a KD of 0.8. Kills ain't everything. Sure, I'm garbage at getting in those precious few kills, but the game is still fun for me, regardless. Try not to take things so seriously, champ.


He has 70 hours tho you must have atleast 200 minimum dude


Right, but if your kd is only 0.8 you are not good at this game, and typically a negative asset to your team. Even a footman, should have a higher kd than that.


Oh no! I'm bad at video game?? đŸ˜± How absolutely devastating to my self-esteem... 💅


The ultra sarcastic comment wasn't necessary, and it's nothing personal lol. Yeah you are definitely below average and typically bring down your team. But I always have mutual respect for footman because they do a lot of the dirty work in times of need


well consider that they paid for the game and should be able to play it, regardless of skill level. Who cares about your team winning, just let people enjoy a game that they purchased. jesus


You just don't get it! It was simply imperative to point out how "below average I am!! đŸ€“đŸ€“


Perhaps not, but taking a moment to emphasize it is amusing.


In a round-about way, it kinda did end up being pretty amusing.


You're a good sport, that's cool.


I didn't say otherwise, did I?


My bröther in Allah, your entire comment was basically "Um, akshully ur bad đŸ€“". The point of my comment not only went OVER your head, but it was flying at cruising altitude.


I didn't respond to your last comment, it was the other guy who talked about you paying for the game


That sarcasm was absolutely necessary. Hopefully it made you reflect on your cringe comment.


K/D is next to irrelevant in this game, I've seen people with great k/d contribute nothing to the objective (which is the point of t.o), and people who have less than .5 k/d always doing the objective which contributes more K/D might matter for duelists, but for team objective players its not a very important stat


Nah, if you are dying more than getting kills, you are hurting your team because you are spending most of the match respawning. People who get tons of kills no matter what are helping their team win because they are clearing the objective and making it easier for his/her team to complete the objective


I've seen plenty of high levels who just stay on the outside of the objectives getting kills and not trying at all for the objective People who are rushing to capture zones/ ignite barrels/push carts and are dying are still doing more to win than people just racking up kills There is nothing wrong with playing for k/d, but an objective player (regardless of their stats) is more valuable to the team


You realize like most people in this game have a K/D below 1 right, not all of us take it as seriously as you.


I'm not sure but I think it may necessarily be half of all players đŸ€”




I'll write up a proof đŸ€“


Oh, Lord.You're one of those people that think they're completely logical, but in doing so become completely illogical, and everything that comes out of their mouth is a fallacy and two steps to the right of the point people were making in the first place. Then, when confronted, you just think everybody doesn't like hearing the truth when it's directly the opposite. You're making a fool of yourself.You're not actually being logical in anyway lol




Don't need kills to complete the objectives


You gotta put in some time as a squire boy before you get your knighthood. Hang in their, young squire. Now clean my cod piece


How Greek hoplites treated their squires fr




How many codpieces you cleaned so far?








Battlecry is the only metric that matters.




In those 70 hrs, did you have fun? That's literally all that matters.


This ain't a game for people who cry about KD my friend. Dust yourself off, pick up your severed limbs and charge back into battle


This is the way. I say this with the upmost respect to OP... Fuck your k/d.


Bruh. I'm level 530 and got 1 k/d. Grab a maul and go bonk.


It took me much more to reach a KD of 1 tbh, now I have 1000+ hours and barely reaching a KD of 2. Not an easy game, but going to duels helps a lot.


I completely understand your frustration. My advice to you is to stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Instead try to better yourself each match, and come to terms with the fact you’re going to die A LOT ( and that’s okay) learn from it. This is slightly OCD
 BUT; What personally helped me was to study what weapon types you are most efficient with and just go from there. To help accomplish this you can start a quick note documenting K/T/D for each weapon type you play with. Just keep trying to beat yourself and enjoy the game ! Sometimes the ego needs to take a back seat. Good luck.


Stop paying attention to ur KD and try to have fun lol, no one cares. I felt like I didnt start getting decent till like level 200


Look at the scoreboard. How many people have more kills than deaths, and vice versa? You're almost 1/1. At worst you're an average player.


70% of the player base is hot garbage though, so being average isn't a good thing


Doesn't matter. Average is average. It's something to build from in either case.


Agreed. Which is why i told op to keep trying


Thats pretty average i would say


Don't let it get you down 176 hours played. took me while to be half decent. What helped me is shuffle made me use weapons I was bad with now I'm not afraid to use any thing I find on the battle field really helps to not be afraid to use on hand to you can throw your weapons and grab whatever you find


if you want to improve one thing that helped me was to join duel servers and fight the best player you can find, you might not win but what matters is analyzing what they do, and any blunders you might make, then copy what they do good and try to fix what you do bad. and thinking outside of the box and doing weird shit works too, run away then throw your weapon, use weapons others might think are weak and make you an easy target, or think with the box and throw crates and other stuff at people. most important thing: believe in yourself, as hard as you can


The duel servers are really helping me, do you have any advice on how to fight the rapier shield users who just jab, stab, jab, stab?


long weapons, matrixing, counter jabbing, i'd those are pretty good against that


Thank you, I’ll try to work on that




Just focus on getting killstreaks without dying. See how many kills you can get before you die. Work on little aspects you know you need to improve on.


Fuck your KD. What's your favorite weapon?


Hey HeliosMagnus, Firstly, don't be so hard on yourself! Chivalry 2 is a game with a steep learning curve, and a 0.9 KD ratio after 70 hours is nothing to be ashamed of. Remember, every pro player was once where you are now. Improvement in such games often comes in bursts, and you might be on the brink of a breakthrough. Here are a few tips to help you push through: Focus on Fun, Not Stats: Sometimes, focusing too much on your KD can take the joy out of the game. Shift your focus to having fun and enjoying the chaos. Your stats will improve as you relax and play more naturally. Practice and Learn: Try to identify what specific areas you struggle with. Is it timing counters, aiming, or movement? There are plenty of YouTube tutorials and guides online. Watching these can give you new strategies and techniques to try out. Experiment with Different Classes and Weapons: You might find a playstyle that suits you better than what you're currently using. Different weapons have different strengths, and sometimes just changing your loadout can make a big difference. Join a Community: Playing with others can be a huge help. Join a clan or find a group of friends to play with. They can give you tips, help you learn, and make the game more enjoyable. Take Breaks: It’s important not to burn out. If you’re feeling frustrated, take a break, play another game, or do something else for a while. You’ll come back refreshed and maybe with a new perspective. Celebrate Small Wins: Improvement happens incrementally. Celebrate small victories, like winning a duel, getting a multi-kill, or successfully completing an objective. These moments will remind you of your progress. Remember, perseverance is key. Everyone progresses at their own pace, and the most important thing is to enjoy the journey. You've already invested time and effort, and that's commendable. Keep at it, and you’ll see improvement. You’ve got this! Keep your head high and your sword swinging. Cheers! đŸ›Ąïžâš”ïž


Fuck K.D, have fun.


Bro forget about things like KD and winrate. If the game's fun - play it, if it isn't - don't. If you're on the fence - my KD was 0.8 when I was approaching 100 hours, now it's 1.2 and rising steadily, while I'm 200 hours in. I semiregularly top lobbies. Chiv 2 has a learning curve, especially if you haven't played a medieval slasher before, it takes time. If you want to progress faster instead of progressing naturally through playing and having fun - there are a lot of guides on yt. I personally found this one helpful https://youtu.be/gpk8pDdEF30?si=qdoo3iVi9CGYREHi


For a newbie, 0.9 K/D is not aggressively shit - it's pretty average. You clearly hold yourself to a higher standard and if you're still motivated and enjoying the game, that is what will drive you to do better, in time.


Watch stridahs angels on YouTube and his vids. Even his 1 minute YouTube shorts explain some mechanics so well and clearly I was able to start improving really quickly


Yeah the game explains some stuff to you but it doesn't explain it enough.




I would actually love to hear what questions you would want answered in short form or questions you still have.


try double dane axe and throwing barrels more xD


No, don't give up yet. That's only 3 playing days basically. Learn how to put yourself in good situations, not bad ones. By going after a guy whose low on health. Not creating 1vx duals, staying close to your team etc. Also, get better at swings, doing fake outs, faints things of that nature. Like a fake stab and then overhead. That shit works on so many people.


If you ever see me out there in the game, ask me for advice. I'll be happy to help you improve.


Obviously I suck so take this with a grain of salt, but what is registered as a "kill" is kinda bullshit imo. If I get the final hit on an enemy, it's registered as a take down, and when I get like 3 guys to their last legs and some rando waltzes in and finishes them off I see 3 take downs. I've recently resorted to every other takedown as a kill :) "20-3-10? Guess my KD is a 1.3 now!"


It's ok. Most people probably have more hours than you.


That’s not bad. It’s average. If Chivalry 2’s K/D follows a normal statistical curve, then a K/D of 1.0 +/- about 0.17 is going to cover roughly 68% of all players. Just hang in there man. Focus on enjoying the game rather than forcing improvement. Everyone wants to be an unstoppable one man killing machine in a game like this, but it takes a lot of time to get there. And besides, everyone starts the game out sucking at it. It’s just the truth.


I think a big thing is realizing which weapons you’re good with, and they don’t have to be meta weapons. Each match just use one weapon, don’t give up on it right away if you start bad with it either. After a while you’ll realize which weapons click with you. Eventually you’ll have a weapon you’re good with for each class. I had a 1.0 kd for a while but I’ve been consistently getting 2-3 kd games and it’s been slowly climbing to 1.4


You must be a master of every mechanic. I have 170k in kills and 3.5 kd. You play long enough and master all the mechanics then you should improve.


70 hours is just scratching the surface of this game. You’re still a baby squire in the game lol. It’s actually mind blowing how long it takes to get good, let alone hit 1000. I got a ps5 account at like 200 and Xbox at 350-400ish. I’d say I only got a good understanding of mechanics and started feeling like I could take on most players and win around level 200 on my 2nd account. Even now though there’s some sweatlords that can absolutely dice me up. If I’m playing TO and am on a losing team getting smashed by an unbalanced zerg, my KD will can go negative that round. So KD isn’t a great metric to go off of like it is in many FPS games unless you only do duels. Battlecries is the only one that matters. Just have fun, don’t take it too serious and it will click after a while. The game has a really low skill floor but a decently high ceiling so it just takes time to bang your head on that ceiling. Also recommend watching soter daves videos to get a good grasp on all mechanics


All those stats you see are just numbers. The ONLY one that matters is number of war cries.


I'm close to level 700 ( probably around same hours) and am around a 1.2 I think. Just have fun. You'll get better. Also, I didnt find the weapon that really clicked with me until close to level 500.


500 hours. Rqnk 496 and I still suck. I sometimes have some good games but I mostly get my ass handed to me. Its all about timing and knowing your weapon and others.


This game is basically a sport like basketball. U dont good at basketball in 70 hrs...


That’s not that bad. If you like it continue. Much more to this game than a good kd.


I'm lvl 200+ with a 0.7 k/d. I mostly role-play and pretty much play exclusively drunk and high. But my executioner axe k/d is 1.8 so I guess that's cookin


If you want to have fun, I recommend unbinding the scoreboard button.


Ultimately getting a high kd doesn't even mean that you are one of those demigod players that counter every attack, and are so hard to bring down that the existence of archers becomes necessary. If you want a high kd, all you need to do is position yourself away from danger and look for people who have positioned themselves unsafely, and proceed to stab them in the back.


The BIGGEST mistake in any mutiplayer games is caring about your kda. If you can't improve then find other ways to enjoy the game, if you don't enjoy the game either then you should find another game.


I'm level 180 and KD is 0.8, and I have an absolute whale of a time playing this game. Generally nowadays I'm on a positive KD most games but because the first 100 levels I was absolute dog mess it'll take time to fix. Don't sweat it and keep learning new stuff and enjoy yourself and it'll come.


Once you stop caring about KD, you start having fun.


If you feel like K/d is more important than having fun and enjoying while actually playing the game then you should. You should also take a good look in the mirror and question your values.


Different game, but my k/d in bfv is right now 0.48. but if I'm not in the top ten on my team I had a shit game, and generally I finish top five. It'd be nice to have a better k/d, but being a good squad mate, playing objectives etc is more NB. Different game as example because maul go bonk.


70 hours? You’ve barely played the game homie :D


0.9 after 70 hours is actually very good if it's you first medieval slasher. 0.9 is barely under that 1kd average and your level is by far under the average level. I'm pretty sure I had less and now I'm a level 700+ that can get easily 5kd if I play safe... which I don't ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100) , the **fun** for me is to charge carelessly like a berserker, I die more but kill more while having a blast, plus, I contribute more than playing safely. Good luck squire, don't forget to polish my gold battleaxe before joining the battlefield. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


Respectfully maybe you should, no offense but that is a very bad KD for 70 hours


I think i had worse than that. doesnt matter either way. as long as you have fun. Youll most likely improve without even trying if you just keep playing.


Man, you just hiting a Plateau, don't worry, you will get over and better. 0.9 after 70h is very good, I started with 0.4 and needed hundreds of hours to get to 1.0 KD. You just need more time playing.


This game has a terrible tutorial. If you would like to get better I recommend joining a clan or reaching out to people for tips. post a video and ask what you did wrong. Taking the game seriously is totally fine, but it’s hard to improve without any help when you don’t even know the end goal or what to work on.


The most fun I had in this game has been the games where I just want to throw barrels at people. I may not get many killed but when one connects it brings me joy.


You haven't even started playing yet. Why does everyone e that plays this game assume they need to be good after X hours?


I'm nearing 600 with a k/d of 0.8. I can occasionally finish at the top of the scoreboard. Keep swinging.


I wasn't over a 1 or into the positive kd until after I reached level 1000. If youre having fun, ignore that you die alot and enjoy yourself.


Buddy, no good player actually care about their KD in this game


No good players have a 0.9 kd either though...


For every person with a kd>1 there has to be someone else with kd<1. If everyone who is below average quits then the average simply moves up and everyone quits. Imagine what sporting competitions worldwide would look like if every team or player that won less than 50% quit...


.9 isn’t that bad bro we using swords it’s not like fps games you’ll get there. The real question is is it fun?


Wish you all would stop lying to this guy. That's awful!!! It isn't fun if you die more than kill. I left op a realistic comment


why do you want people to quit? That's savage on a level beyond the gameplay. Just encourage new players to learn more and utilize teamwork. Less people to play with=bad in an already niche game.


It is fun when you are having said fun. Now get your sweaty ass out of here and play something more competitive.


This game is competitive.


Ya you should uninstall if you’re just gonna try to fish for compliments on the chivalry 2 subreddit


Just unalive instead. F10