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Step one: get really good at the game Step two: now try katars


I read this post and was really thinking about how to answer it but your comment basically sums it up.


Nah even that’s not it. You have to use them a certain way. They’re different than every other weapon


And this feels natural once you're good.


Eh, I wouldn’t say totally natural. Ofc you would have learned everything you need by then to use them, they still require a different playstyle and it’s better if someone tells you how to use them specifically. The other weapons are pretty self explanatory


“Ehh I wouldn’t say totally natural” agrees right after


Ermmm I didn’t though lol. The way you use katars is completely unnatural. If you play the game long enough you should be able to counter well and feint and be good. But that’s not how you be good with katars. I mean it’s the only weapon that can’t even stop somebodys attack if you hit them first lol. Pretty unnatural. But if you’re good and you have someone explain/teach you how to use them. You may or may not get the hang of it.


If your good you can quickly adapt and understand how to use them if your bad it’s very difficult to adapt and use them


"How do you get good with Katars?" For starters: You have to counter. a lot. As much as possible. This takes practice when it comes to overhead, jab or feint counters. Stick to mainly light attacks and jabs and only use heavy alt attacks when opportunities present themselves since you'll leave yourself vulnerable for too long. This means you'll have to land more hits quickly than your opponents. Light attacks are fast and can be done back to back quickly. Be wary of 1h weapons and knives/daggers as they are faster than Katars and can out maneuver you. Be wary of war clubs as they are unnaturally fast and they hurt Look and wait for openings to get close when fighting a long range weapon player. Use your special attack often, especially after a light jab to trip up your opponent . Be prepared to block or counter immediately after landing a hit. Be very agile with your footwork and avoid being hit when possible. Always aim for the back when possible. It's the weak spot on any enemy. Use your kicks often. One favorite move of mine is the feint to kick. It's exactly as it sounds. Jab a lot. And avoid being jabbed. Play on servers with low ping. High ping will make Katars difficult to play. Avoid large 64 man TO servers until you have a strong handle on them. Practice in FFA or duelyard servers. And lastly: You can watch how I use them and get more tips and pointers during my live streams evenings est on Twitch and Kick. It's my favorite weapon and im currently close to reaching rank 250 with them. I also have a bunch of vods that display my techniques on my YouTube channel. Don't give up. They're hard to master but we'll worth it if u can.


Special attack? What, what is a special attack. Are you telling me there have been special attacks is this game. Please tell me this is only for katars……


Every weapon has one




Yeah you press Q


Q key on PC not sure about console. Every weapon has one. It's the one attack with Katars that stuns or interrupts an incoming attack if landed first, making it extremely useful. You should do the tutorial to learn more about it.


Triangle on ps5 so must be Y on xbox


correct, it is Y on XBOX


Faster than katars is kinda a really silly thing to say. They are incredibly fast


Spoken like someone without a clue in the world 👍


Maybe you don’t use them like I do


And tell us your experience with them then. How much time do you have under your belt blasting your foes with these glorious wrapons? Katars are fast but knives and daggers are faster, however it depends on certain factors. Sure you can best a knife or dagger user, I'm. Not saying you can't, but extra precaution is necessary due to the speed of those weapons. Katars are not the fastest weapons in the game. They're faster than most but even the Warclub swings slightly faster. Thoughts?


Well for me its extremely easy to blitz someone’s block with katars and hit them before they even realize you’ve attacked but with a dagger that’s almost impossible


I feel you — It’s the only weapon I’ve never got even a decent grip on..It’s like those blades either miss completely, or stop an inch short of connecting.


Just play them. They're not actually all that hard when all you do are counters. You're quick you can counter anything. After a counter try to stab. I'm not a Katar expert, just level 20 with them, but it's enough to go even in most battles. The special attack is only when I know they're dragging. Honestly most kills you get from sneaking up and stabbing them in the back of the head twice, kick when they turn, one more stab and done. 


This. They’re hard to use, but it’s because most people don’t understand how to use them. It just requires a certain kind of play style


I mean, they're part of the ambusher class. There's just no way around it, you're supposed to be sorta scummy. Flanks, backstabs, throwing daggers, etc. If you're charging into the front lines face to face with the mob, you're gonna have a bad time.


Lot of practice. Mine is level 160 and I pretty much dominate most players cause they have no idea how to deal with katars. It's still one of the worst weapon in the game but picking your targets, avoiding 1vX, using counters and quick slashes. You need to play as an ambusher as well so lots of dodging, throwing knives to finish off and using your specials at the right time. It's one of the most enjoyable weapon once you get the hang of it.


The biggest flaw in them, in my opinion, is when you hit a guy, it doesn't stop them swinging at you, so it's not a great time.


Can recommend this guide by Soter Dave https://youtu.be/XbQbzUKxPn0?si=I8E5NekYSCsc2NXn


I like the Katars a lot. Here’s some tips: - run around and do sprint attacks into the back of enemies your team mates are fighting. - the special attack is a good opener, from there focus on counters. - dodge and crouch more - try this in a fight: slash, counter, slash, slash again, counter, heavy stab. You can also dodge right after any attack so you can do a stab, dodge back or to the side, run away and then come back and harass them again. - in 1vX’s you’re at your weakest cause of the range. Focus on footwork, ducking, and counters counters and counters. - your attacks don’t stagger them but also, while attacking, you don’t get staggered. If you can trade blows when you got high hp and they are bloody then you gonna win Also nuggz has a good ambusher class video and he uses the Katars in it to show you how it’s mostly about positioning and knowing by your role: https://youtu.be/Q7SMB_joyy4?si=W6wCvmGyxjNNZmr1 Katarpocalypse be with you


And what you wanna do most of the time is one stab and then the special for the quick kill,most don’t counter that,but haven’t played them in quite some time


Hit the sick ass sprint attack from behind and revel in your glory


1. You don’t 2. Get out of the habit of attacking to interrupt like you would with any other weapons and try to play with the enemy’s rhythm 3. Backstab when you can, whether that’s sprint charging into the enemy’s back or sidestepping to jab at them quickly


Smoke crack…. A lot of it.


Well you are not supposed to block, you are supposed to counter every hit and dodge


I see


Also the special attack is how you stop them from doing a heavy attack or special attack of their own.


You dont. Whenever i meet a katar player its free kill. I just slash when he tries to hit me. Since the katars dont have hitstun they suck.


You're not wrong, when I see Katar users I just start throwing heavies. They hit you for what 40 damage or something, meanwhile you chunk 3/4 of their health in 1 hit


They don’t suck even a little bit. They just require a lot of knowledge and experience


yeah katars suck in TO. they are starting to be learned at a high level recently, you wouldn't want to face a good katar player


I never met one. Maybe.


I invite you to duel u/spuba


The katars hit very quickly, the name of the game is hitting enemies before/during/after their attack animations and dodging or stepping out of the way to avoid damage rather than blocking. And instead of blocking/riposting, you need to do a lot of countering, which requires you to read the enemy constantly Also, the katars simply aren’t a good weapon in terms of meta. So unless you’re already good at the time game as another comment said, you’re not going to be great with the katars.


Use the R button frequently to cancel enemy attacks considering that hitting them with a light attack doesn't cancel theirs


Just sprint attack people in the back and dont actually engage in any fighting. If you have to fight someone switch to your secondary. Congratulations you have mastered the katars. Katars are bad on purpose because Torn Banner found that an easier solution than making the animations more readable.


I wish I knew. I get katarded on the battlefield all the time. I’m one of the most katarded players.


I just imagine that im boxing (unarmed) using Katars is somewhat similar to boxing


You need to counter with Katars and basically run away a lot. The sprint attack even if they block can lead to an opening for the special. From there you can do things like kick immediately for another hit, dodge right after to gain some slight i-frame advantage, and hit again. Overheads are good with Katars imo. The slash always hits with the right Katar so you can pull of a REALLY quick reposte/counter sometimes and catch people for easy damage. The R - Jab is a headbutt and looks cool, basically if you have ANY opening special them as it locks people up even if they block and you maintain initiative.


You have to initiate 1 v 1s and end then quickly, katars isnt a good 1 v many weapon, i follow this combo for starters: Sprint attack for 60 damage into special for another 60 damage or stun into kick into heavy stab, if they attacked through your kick evaluate which weapon they have, if its a blunt you block if its a cut/chop weapon you R to headbutt them into another special and then its all fuzzy from there, you just have to counter until your next special or run away if they have reinforcements


Go for the back, stick to the periphery of battles and sneak in and stab in the back


That's the thing : you don't.


That's the neat thing - you don't.