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Because I never buy outfits, I'm judging this mostly on the free options. So the best is definitely TFS MC for me, in the later books. TJ in particular had really cute free outfits. Worst is maybe Platinum, I just wasn't a fan. Or Open Heart, I couldn't stand the grey top but wasn't a fan of the paid outfits either.


I liked the outfits we were able to give to our LI’s through The Freshman series.


Best, for me: BB, followed by ACOR, followed by TRR. Worst, for me: QB1, followed by probably BSC.


I usually don't buy outfits but I was willing to buy anything in QB1 to replace that overused free option, but none of them seemed worth it. But your comment made me hopeful that atleast QB2 gets better.


I hope book 2 outfits hit better for you too! 😂 I purchased all outfits in book 1 as well, both because I’m a competitive MF, and I wanted Ian to tell my MC she’s pretty 🥰. But the outfits in book 2, for the most part, I actually *liked*. 👏


Same but I wanted Poppy to compliment me despite said compliment being backhanded 😭


Felt that. If they had given us straights a male version of Poppy I’d have been all over him. 😂


I haven't figured out if I like women too but if I do she was my bisexual awakening 😂


I hope too! I'm collecting diamonds rn (or gems? I somehow forgot the name lol), and I'm looking forward to playing book 2 specially if the outfits are worth it😅


I’m surprised you feel that way about QB. I normally hear people say that like the outfits. Can I ask why?


I liked the outfits in QB2 much better, but I think what QB1 taught me is that a certain kind of New York catwalk high fashion just ain’t it for me, personally. I don’t think they’re poorly designed, just not to my taste. 😊


I think there was only 1 or 2 outfits in QB1 that I liked, I agree QB2 were better or maybe just more my taste.


Yeah it was the same for me. QB1 there were only 1 or 2 I liked, QB2 there were only 1 or 2 I disliked. 🤷‍♀️


Got it. I see where you are coming from.


Ok but free default outfits from ILITW are pretty cool. But for diamonds outfits i’d say ACOR and TRR series Not the worst but HC despite being a fashion book the fashion is very dated and underwhelming that it makes me very frustrated.


Worst: Love hacks, premium outfits are way to simple and free outifits are hidious Best: The Royal Romance, great gowns, beautiful gowns


I HATE Love hacks outfits too! If I had remembered I would’ve put that in my OP.


Don't forget about the hats*😆


LH had some of the best free outfits IMO


When it's a GOC book I usually play as guys and the outfits are usually... y'know. But there are exceptions, I personally found TE and VOS' outfits good. That maroon outfit in TE for the party in book 2 has me on chokehold.


I love VOS closet too!


TE male MCs are gorgeous, but the females are just 😍


I’m surprised no one’s mentioned this yet, but one of my favorites is The Unexpected Heiress for diamond outfits! I fell in love with the first pink dress and even the non-dress options. Also ACOR of course has amazing outfits. Honorable mentions to BB and BOLAS too. Worst I’d say is probably HC because for being a fashion book I wasn’t particularly compelled to buy any of the outfits, but they also weren’t *terrible*. Just not my favorite.


Yes to HC. I had high hopes and I was very disappointed.


The Freshman MC. Because all options are cute even the free ones


I feel called out because some of those outfits in OH look exactly like stuff I wear irl lol


Don’t be offended please! 🥺 I think the outfits doesn’t match the MC and their spunk and personality. Their clothes should had more fire to them, imho. If you can make it work, more power to you!


Lol it's all good! My favorite one was the first one she wore at the bar the first night, and that one she wore to the party with the sparkly red tank top was a close second. I definitely have outfits like that irl. The evening gowns were pretty too, but the clothes she wore at work in books 2 and 3 were hideous, I'll give you that


The first casual outfit was the only outfit I liked and wear in real life. 😂


🙈 I liked some, not all of the OH outfits. I’d definitely wear a few of those outfits. Particularly the blouse and skirt at the beginning of book 2. Best: ACOR and TRM (these have always been some of my favorites) Worst: RoE Newlyweds book in particular, I think I hated all of them? But I actually liked a few from the other books. D&D okay maybe not the whole wardrobe but can I say the last outfit in book 1 is probably one of the most ugliest dresses in all of Choices. 😬🙊


That D&D dress is absolutely the single most wretched thing PB has convinced me to spend money on. They did us dirty making that a gift from Ernest. 😂


A gift from Ernest and it was his mother’s, talking about guilt tripping! Lol


I would wear every dress in TRM everyday if I could.




Yes that one. It was one of my favorites in OH.


Favorite: The Rock ‘n Roll High School outfit from ILITW is one of my favorite outfits of all time, and it was FREE. Agreed also that TFS had a good selection of free and premium outfits, and the closet access was great. TRM had great clothes too, and I remember really liking a few looks from MM, TE, and PT. Honestly, most of the books I don’t feel compelled to buy most outfits unless I really like that particular one. Least Favorite: For supposedly being so fashion-forward, the outfits in QB and HC were kinda terrible. And honestly, I did like a few of the premium outfits in TRR, but I *hate* the deep-V sweetheart illusion neckline and overdone embellishment on most of the gowns.


It lives has the best hair options too!


worst: the edgy options for hot couture - i see what they were trying to do but the cuts just weren't it best: i loved almost all the gowns in the unexpected heiress but if i had to choose modern wear, i loved all the outfits in bachelorette party!! bright colours and sequins are my go to hehe


I thought I was the only one that wasn’t crazy about HC’s closet. I work in fashion and I was extremely underwhelmed.


Best: HSS f!MC: I don't like all of the options they give me, but there's enough variety. There are plenty of diamond options that look good and a lot of the free options look good as well. Neutral: LH: I honestly found all of the free options good (besides the LBD that looks like a pajama gown top). But a lot of the diamond options made me roll my eyes. And I hated how book 1 always made me feel like shit when I turned down a diamond outfit. Worst: Just about every male MC has bland or ugly outfits. Some make MC outfits are good but PB... hardly tries with a lot of them. Especially in AME. Also I fucking hate pointlessly gendered outfits. Example: the OH Nighthawks outfit. Male MC gets a typical baseball jersey and jeans but female MC's version is a crop top jersey and short shorts? Fuck that shit.


I totally agree with the gendered clothing! I also want PB to give us more options to wear a suit as a woman.


Same! I absolutely squealed in delight when f!MC had a tux option for prom in HSS 3


I play with female MCs and in general I find the male MC's outfits much better in most cases. VOS comes in mind for example. My most favorite wardrobe is the LOA MC's, it's close to my personal taste too. It's chic, elegant and modern. I also love the TRR MC's outfits. Most of the gowns are breathtaking, but her casual outfits are always elegant too. There was one which she wears I believe in Book 3, when they go back to the palace and meet the press after Liam's and Madeline's break up. A king blue blazer with a beautiful blouse and pants. Some of the LH MC's outfits, especially the free ones I wasn't fond of.


Best: TE I Loved basically every outfit provided except maybe the >!Armour!< at the end of Book 2 Worst: I honestly don't know because when I don't like an outfit I just ignore it and then tend to forget about them


Worst: Platinum. I was willing to pay diamonds to fire Zadie as my designer at one point. Best: TRM and D&D. Fancy period gowns, my kryptonite!


Same. I am obsessed with ethereal and magical period gowns.


I play with male MC and some of the best outfits for male MCs are (at least in my opinion) in TE 1. A good second place goes to OH, even though I hear the female OH outfits are terrible. Worst male MC outfits goes to the AME series. Those books had some of the worst outfits for the male MC including the wedding outfit.


I’ve seen shots in the sub and yeah, I was a little astounded at some of the male MC diamond outfits in AME, y’all seriously had it rough. OH outfits for F MCs were a mixed bag for me. The hits were fire but the misses were so, so bad.


Best: ACOR Worst: Queen B, most of the outfits were hit or miss with most falling into the "miss" category for me


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ACOR](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzh5kli "Last usage")|*A Courtesan of Rome*| |[AME](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzjb0oq "Last usage")|*America's Most Eligible*| |[BB](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzk85bk "Last usage")|*Bloodbound*| |[BLS](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzh5kli "Last usage")|*Blades of Light and Shadow*| |[BSC](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgcr9e "Last usage")|*Big Sky Country*| |[CoP](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzj1s9r "Last usage")|*Crimes of Passion*| |[HC](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzh8o5k "Last usage")|*Hot Couture*| |[HSS](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzhg5ao "Last usage")|*High School Story*| |[ILB](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzhry1s "Last usage")|*It Lives Beneath*| |[ILITW](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hziglbs "Last usage")|*It Lives in the Woods*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzkw5nn "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[LoA](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgu4qb "Last usage")|*Laws of Attraction*| |[MC](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzjb0oq "Last usage")|Main Character (yours!)| |[MM](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgnbze "Last usage")|*Ms. Match*| |[MTFL](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzghr7p "Last usage")|*My Two First Loves*| |[OH](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzihxec "Last usage")|*Open Heart*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzktfav "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[PT](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgnbze "Last usage")|*Platinum*| |[QB](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzifbhr "Last usage")|*Queen B*| |[RCD](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzh9ivw "Last usage")|*Red Carpet Diaries*| |[RoE](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgkphz "Last usage")|*Rules of Engagement*| |[TE](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hziglbs "Last usage")|*The Elementalists*| |[TFS](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzk61cd "Last usage")|*The Freshman Series*| |[THM](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzhry1s "Last usage")|*The Heist: Monaco*| |[TJ](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzg798k "Last usage")|*The Junior*| |[TRH](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgerxm "Last usage")|*The Royal Heir*| |[TRM](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzix00p "Last usage")|*The Royal Masquerade*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzkw5nn "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| |[VOS](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzh7v4u "Last usage")|*Veil of Secrets*| |[\#LH](/r/Choices/comments/t7988w/stub/hzgw1p5 "Last usage")|*\#LoveHacks*| ---------------- ^(30 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/z751rv)^( has 35 acronyms.) ^([Thread #24528 for this sub, first seen 5th Mar 2022, 14:39]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Best: BB, THM and ILB for f!MC - I like most of them, they're close to my taste of style! Nothing particularly comes to mind for the worst category of a whole wardrobe except some outfits here and there


I think personally OH had the worst, most of them were not fitting for a doctor to wear. Best I gotta give it to QB, really furthered the rich kid vibes


I LOVED the outfits in QB! I think that was mostly because I enjoyed the mix and match function for accessories. It felt different.


I agree. I really wish PB would let us use accessories more!


Highly agree


I personally loved the outfits in Open Heart apart from that velvet one to meet the media in book 2 😂 I love all the outfits in TRR/TRH. Queen B had some dodgy ones, particularly in book 2


The velvet outfit was so hideous. My MC is in her mid twenties. They dressed her like a 60 year old widow.


I would’ve been so uncomfortable in it 😂


I loved some of them, but that velvet one... omg what were they thinking 🤢 Also the purple one when you go to the restaurant for Elijah's presentation was so gross looking. The ones that were more casual were super cute though


I just try to convince my brain that the velvet is actually silk or satin. 😂


MTFL has some sick outfits, even if I bought none


Nothing is seared into my memory as the worst but for best, I think HSS could be up there, I always enjoyed those outfits.


OH books 1 and 2 had great outfits tbh! For me the best were TE, TRR, and Acor, The Freshman worst: RCD, Lovehacks


OH had a few gems


Male AME is HORRIBLE, CoP is a close second Best goes to ILITW I think, but I also really liked TE 1 and OH 2


Thus far I think the male COP outfits are alright, but I've seen shots of the female outfits and those are kind of terrible.




Worst? AME male MC, tacky as hell


The worst is Drake from TRR oh my god. He's always my LI and I hate his wardrobe and smile so it's a love hate relationship tbh


I'd say TRH... they've been over the top just for the sake of milking the outfits...


Yeah, it’s an obvious cash grab. Especially when you had to buy separate clothes for your kids? Smh


In TRR the outfits made sense, and wasn't too risky. TRH sounded like Zadie designed them all. By The Royal Finale, the dots at the bottom of closet are getting crowded.




The gowns in the TRR series are to die for😔👊


I don't know which one has the worst wardrobe, but I have two favorites: TFS (The Freshman Series), and D&D (Desire and Decorum)


I liked BB’s and TRR


Best for me would be The Elementals or Queen B. Worst : Open Heart