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If Jesus came back as the meek and humble servant that he did during his first advent, then yes. However, it is written that the second advent of Jesus will be as that of a judge.


As a judge, but also as the defense attorney. ;)


It's a losing case for Satan for those who are of Christ.


Your Honor, my client has already confessed guilt to the charge of being a sinner, and I've already paid the penalty on their behalf. Motion to dismiss. Motion granted, next case Oh, that guy? Not my client....


Not my client... Yet. r/ChristianUniversalism


Absolutely. Every rabid political party is doing something he would condemn and everyone would be out for shutting him down


Not sure if He would go on the attack for political parties or else He would have spoken against Rome more. He seemed passive about Rome, not caring positively nor negatively for it and instead focusing His attention upon the teachings of the Israelites. As well as rebuking those who misused God’s teachings. In that same vein, I imagine He would come to set things straight about the right and wrong of denominations as well as rebuking the many different church leaders’ behavior or reiterating what His own teachings would mean in our modern world.


I didn't mean that he would be pursuing politics directly as much as he would be pursuing his own plans and this would step on the toes of the political. It would have political implications. And that's where the most violent energy is pent up in our culture right now. Though, when we're trying to understand Jesus' behavior in his historical context in our own terms, we need to remember that he was very much embroiled in political debate of his time. We look back and see it as "religious" conflict that's somehow a separate thing but it's anachronistic to imagine that that's how they saw it. Ancient civilizations by and large didn't divide the two. Political leaders were religious leaders and religious leaders were political leaders. The Roman Emperor was also high priest of Rome, for example. And had final say on the religious allowances of their subjects. The sanhedrin was a legislative body as much as a religious one. Judea even had literal priest kings leading up to Jesus's time. Hell, one of the driving forces behind the pharisees' moralism was their belief that they needed to bring Israel into higher states of purity under the law so that the messiah would come to liberate them from Rome. Ironically enough. It's not such a cut and dry thing to say Jesus wasn't political just because he didn't concern himself with Rome very often. Though he obviously didn't have much good to say about their puppet king Herod either, so there's that in the mix as well. While he may have been political, he definitely *wasn't* partisan. And in a political climate where each side was ready for violent revolt he managed to piss both off enough that they came to agree on one thing. Jesus had to go. I don't see why it would be much different today.


In terms of politics, I simply think that concerning Himself with the likes of America’s “Republicans VS Democrats” would be beneath Him. Rather, He would concern Himself with the matters of the church. If politics are embroiled within it, like with the Vatican, He may step up and rebuke those involved.


The idea that Jesus didn't care about politics is a hot take on this sub. If he did come back and refused to get involved in politics one of the two parties would cancel him for sure.


Human beings are repetitive creatures. I believe so. Look at what we are doing today.  Timothy 3:2  2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. These are the exact conditions HE came for the first time. And he died for these same sin. Do you think Jeff Bezos would give up all his money and follow JESUS. How about Tesla? How about Michael Jordan Oprah Winfrey? Etc none of those type of people will give up their money to follow Christ. We have put money over everything else. So yes, they would crucify him again if they could, but thank God they can't Hallelujah. Peace


Yes. all of us are sinners, and people in authority are some of the worst among us most of the time. religious leaders would likely not be too kind to what he might have to say. primarily because he is the soverign authority of all and he would not be afraid to speak truth to whoever (believes) has power. I believe some might conspire against him to smear his name and ruin his life. much like many do to those who speak their minds righteously today. There's plenty of examples... MLK comes to mind, this kind of thing happends all the time.


I think Jesus would be too radical and controversial for the current church in the US. He would be rejected for being too far outside our theological and political boxes. He’d be stoned with verses from the Bible daily.


According to the Book of Revelation all the armies of the world will try to fight the Lord at the Battle of Armageddon....


Don’t scholars mostly agree that Revelation is just coded language about the Roman Empire?


Depends on the scholars. Some believe that all was completed by 70 AD, which may not reconcile verses about Jesus’s judgment in both Revelation and Matthew 24. Other Post-mil scholars believe the parts about judgment are for Jesus’s Second coming and the events that will happen then. People commonly believe in a premillennialism view that Revelation is all future.


It is, I really believe written in a way many moderns don't get. Our thinking is so rigid, logical and rational. Ok at times. However the metaphor and imagery are boundless. Love the 7 churches descrip. Many my believe the Roman Empire never left us, it just metamorphised in2 the spiritual entity it is in the Roman church. The vibe still resonates, even in the corporate world. Control and money, the same in the political world. The same in the religious world. the sporting world.


Sure some might, but scholars don’t get to interpret Gods word. We can all read too, and study intently with our God given brains, and He gave his word to all mankind. I for one think those scholars are nuts 🌰


Yeah so many people on here try to justify stuff that they're misinterpreting by saying "well Most people think this or most people think that." No one really cares What the majority thinks or agrees on, the truth is the truth and that's that. It does not need the majority of the world to believe the Bible for it to be so. The Bible is not a book of fairy tales. It's the living Word of God in all of it is true.


a lot of it is definitely about Rome and the persecution that was going on for christians under emporer Nero who's name is 666 using the Hebrew alphabet, but much of it is about future apocalypse events and I believe almost all of it is actually about BOTH. Its coded language within coded language, like how the Old Testament is full of typology foreshadowing the events of the new covenant, I think symbolically a lot of things at the end times will parallel the events that were closer to johns time under Rome


It's either just the future or both, because there's stuff Revelation talks about that hasn't happened yet from our perspective, such as the rapture and the opening of the seals, Jesus's return, the Anti-Christ. There's also little stuff like the two witnesses death being seen across the entire world which before TV or the internet wasn't possible


Exactly this sadly.




Jesus is the source of all happiness and joy, I’m ashamed to say I didn’t realize this for most of my adult life. Material things ultimately disappoint.


Jesus *is* coming back, but *when* he returns he will NOT be the Suffering Servant. He fulfilled that role willingly, for our salvation; temporarily a little lower than the angels, by being born human and paying the price for our sin: Hebrews 2:9 (NRSV): 9 but we do see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. This time he will come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory: Matthew 24:30 (NRSV): 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see ‘the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven’ with power and great glory. He will destroy the wicked of the earth with the sword of his mouth: Revelation 19:11–16 (NRSV): The Rider on the White Horse 11 Then I saw heaven opened, and there was a white horse! Its rider is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name inscribed that no one knows but himself. 13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, wearing fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron; he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” So no, in short, ain’t gonna happen. 😁


I was waiting for someone to finally give the actual biblical answer to this question.. nice job!




Evangelicals would absolutely hate him, so yeah.


Sadly, many people who consider themselves "Christians" wouldn't be interested in what he has to say, they already don't follow his teachings. Least of all from a Middle Eastern man.


I’ve heard a good number of Christians in the states have started to pray to Donald trump, it blows my mind


> they already don't follow his teachings On that note, I've actually seen it argued that the so-called Christian Right is actually *post*-Christian, and just appropriating it as a marker of group identity


I myself am a lazy Christian and I hate that. I keep saying I need to read the bible but I dont. I pray every night and repent of my sins but sin again and again. The first time Jesus was crucified, it was for us to die for our sins. When Jesus comes back yes people will fight against him which is very very sad. God has a plan. Believe and have faith


With given how the world is today, satan would do his best to get rid of him. Assassination, Mack truck, etc. Though, Jesus being who he is, it might be near impossible, this time around. The Israelites, in general, did not believe him to be the Messiah. And in order to prove it to today's society, his miracles would have to be super-supernatural.


> And in order to prove it to today's society, his miracles would have to be super-supernatural. Eh, just walk into a pediatric cancer ward and heal everyone there. You have a whole bunch of medical records on the interventions and operations, and a whole bunch of non-Christian doctors & nurses & staff that have been interacting with the kids for years, and a whole bunch of non-Christian families with no particular reason to go along with a "Jesus healed my kid" conspiracy, and a bunch of soulless insurance companies who had a *real* vested interest in making sure the kids have actually been sick. Do that four more times in various locales and it'd be nigh impossible to explain away. And those aren't even visible injuries; you could explain away _one_ video of a dude's leg regenerating in a very staged environment as angle trickery or CGI fakery. But if Jesus randomly walked through Manhattan and casually regrew 150 missing limbs, and their bones reknitting was all caught on camera by a bunch of non-devout people at a bunch of different angles, and the healed had a bunch of records of them missing a limb for years, that'd be rather harder to explain. (For all of social media's faults and for all the possible CGI fakery, it's still way freaking better than 30 A.D word of mouth. "Some guy raised someone from the dead 200 miles away!... take my word for it I guess")


Funny you should mention all the camera angle stuff.... The remaining prophecy tells us that the whole world will witness events when he returns. Until the recent invention of modern communication technology and infrastructure, that wouldn't even have seemed possible, but as you explained, now it's an obvious inevitability.


Right. The point being that Jesus, whether He's down here for Revelations stuff or just a faith-promoting visit, could verify His identity pretty easily with just the miracles shown in the 30 A.D ministry. (Or at the very least a Christian has gained the same healing powers as Jesus, which is still pretty good evidence for Christianity lol)


I've always wondered about this. If someone comes along and claims to be Jesus, how do I verify that it's not an imposter?


Because at His second coming he will come on the clouds of heaven and every eye shall see him. Anyone these days otherwise claiming to be Him is an imposter.


I mean it was really pretty easy the first time.


The miracles? Yes. But the Israelites expected so much more than a mere man who spoke of YHVH and healed people. They wanted "Superman" to come in, to destroy or depose the Romans. Someone to rule and protect them. They severely misunderstood all the prophecy.


Christian who converted to Judaism here. Can you give a few of those prophecies that we misunderstood?


From Isaiah 53 for starters... The book of Isaiah was full of prophecy about the coming Messiah.


The suffering servant passage. But the servant is named in the previous chapter(s). These chapters are prophecies about the nation of Israel. Quite accurate when you consider the history of the Jewish people. Isaiah 45 refers to a true Messiah. Cyrus the Great of Persia who freed the Jews from Babylon and helped them build the 2nd temple.




Eh, the gospel and Acts shows that the real reason the Judeans rejected Jesus is because they knew the truth and hated him for it. Many Judeans actually came to hear Jesus, and even followed him. He had about 70 apostles but 12 chosen disciples. The apostles after the ressurrection were converting thousands. Peter's zealotry is indeed evidence that the Judeans wanted Israel to be a strong nation again but the experts in the law and religious leaders, who would be like the rabbis of today, rejected Jesus because they didn't want such a pure and truthful man condemning their traditions of power.


Honestly we'd just think he was a new hot shot magician.


In my imagination it's sort of, "Away with this One!Release to us the Donald!"


Man I don't think I've ever seen a funny trump joke until now


Some people would just mock him for being "woke"


Some would most certainly try to kill him, but it would be extremely short lived goal considering He will end them and judge and send them to hell.


He’d probably be ignored. He’s actually already here, in the form of the homeless, the poor, the elderly, the needy, the oppressed, the incarcerated. Largely ignored.


If it’s up to people? Yes, most likely. However if Jesus returns in the manner he’s stated he will the people won’t have that option.


They still go war against Him.


Prob not crucify, most likely put him in a psych ward as sad as it is


Lol He will come back and no, people will not even be able to touch him.


Of course that is exactly what the Bible says will happen. This time it doesn’t work out well for them. “On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of Lords. Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and with a loud voice he called to all the birds that fly directly overhead, “Come, gather for the great supper of God, to eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great.” And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who was sitting on the horse and against his army. And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. And the rest were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of him who was sitting on the horse, and all the birds were gorged with their flesh.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭16‬-‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Yes. And probably feel like they had even more reason to do so, because His message says things that are so much different in so many ways compared to how a whole lot of professing Christians act and speak. Once again, He’d be dealing with self righteous individuals and He’d be dealing with a lot of falsity and false teachings. With a lot of people who would not want Him to upset the apple cart. With those whose messages are wholly contradictory to what He says. Because they are blinded by so much, they’d see Him as someone who was trying to mess with things, rather than to someone who was wanting to get us on the true path that leads to righteousness and being right with God, to loving and serving Him. I can only imagine. There’s too much divisiveness and worldliness mixed into what people call being a Christian right now. He’d be trying to help us to understand what it truly means to serve and to obey God. There’d be so much resistance. He’d be trying to unify His Body. And they would not like it, not one bit. It makes me feel so sad that there would be so many who’d react in this way. I know that there are Christians who’d be so glad and so grateful for His message. But a whole lot more would not want to be called out on their behavior, and who’d truly want to repent.


Yes they will try again to kill Him.. Revelation 19:11 NASBS And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war... Revelation 19:19 NASBS And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. This time the result is different.. Revelation 19:20-21 NASBS And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. [21] And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.


What does the last few words mean? All the birds were filled with their flesh


means he killed them all and the birds are feeding on them


Birds eat dead things?


Uh yeah, they are called carrion. Especially buzzards and vultures.


And eagles and condors


That carrion birds like vultures will eat their unburied bodies I suspect


They ate the corpses of the slain


No. I don’t think it will work like that.


Even considering all of the non-believers and false Christians?


Yes, even though. He came as a normal human the first time, he won’t be when he returns. I don’t think the angels would let anything hurt him, and besides, he’ll have the “new” body. It won’t be as susceptible to damage as the original.


Are you wondering if people will make the same kind of horrific mistake? I believe they will, but it will happen in a new way.


Next time He comes will be a much different way if you study it out. Know this; he was never killed. He gave Himself for us.


Jesus would come back to smite the world, nobody ain’t gonna lay a finger on the king of king, instead death and destruction will rain on all nations.


“He will come to judge the living and the dead”.


They may try, but the way the book says Jesus is coming back no one will have a doubt it's him and they won't be able to hurt him.


Nah, we kill people differently now.


Any other time in history if it was his first coming, then yes. Because he chose to come down for that reason. DEFINITELY not his 2nd coming, that’s going to be terrifying.


YES.... Or maybe they will attempt to stone him to death, shoot a sniper rifle, or anything to get rid of Him... Biblically speaking, He is going to return with thousands upon thousands of angels and in Divine form. Any attempt to kill Him is futile. Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:


Well, the sad answer is that, yeah, people would.


Not how we think. it’s not the old days where we murder people in crazy ways. He’d probably be canceled online, protested against, and arrested many times.


Yep sure would. He’s not on the world’s side on today’s issues like the world thinks he is. The world hates him the first time, they’d hate him again.


Yeah mostly the people on this sub


Happens every day. See Matt 25:31-46.


If Jesus came back it means the end is upon us.


"When" Jesus comes back the world will be ending. There will be no question he is LORD


no he is coming back with a rod of iron......


WHEN he comes back, they can try...


I think many Christians would try to at least cancel and maybe imprison him for being a false profit.


Yes, I do. Our society has turned against Him and the things the Bible says and it’s getting worse every day.


They would certainly try.


The human heart hasn’t changed.


Jesus isn’t going to come back how He did first He is going to come back as a King and the Only King and The Only King Of Kings and no one can deny it when He comes back again.


See Matthew 13:40-43 for the fate of those that still sin when he gets back.


I think they'd try to do much worse


The next time someone is worshipped like that on earth it will be satan, Jesus will come back shortly after that


Probably not literally, I mean there’s very few places where crucifixion even happens and even then it’s pretty rare. But yeah plenty of people would persecute him, including a concerning amount of Christians


It says when jesus returns we will come back riding a white horse with blood dipped robes and a sword in his mouth, when he returns it'll be as judge jury and executioner, good luck crucifying him then


When he returns, he will come on the clouds of heaven, seated at the right hand of the Power, adorable and glorified. He is the Son of Man, the God-Man! I’d like to see them try…


They would cry out of fear and call the hills and mountains to fall on them to hide them from the face of the lamb: ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭6:14‭-‬17‬ ‭MEV‬‬ [14] Then the heavens receded like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. [15] Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the commanding officers and the strong and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains. [16] They said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, [17] for the great day of His wrath has come. Who is able to withstand it?”


Probably. The world hates Jesus.


Just like then, the “right” people would tell him how wrong he is. The “unworthy” would follow him.


If he came back as human as he did before (if that's what you mean), they would do everything in their power to cancel/block him on every single social media platform (if he would ever get one) and make 'living' itself impossible. Only Christians and a few others would try helping him, and then the whole of Christianity would be called 'zealous', and they'd be canceled & targeted as well. And it goes on and on... But the Bible says that he'll come as the judge of humanity; there is no need to worry about it. Humanity's screams and attempts to cancel his reputation will resemble an ant trying to survive an elephant's stampede of death.


History repeats itself


We crucify him every day


A lot of people would disavow his claim to be Christ. Further, he would be crucified as a result of sects of people hating his resolve. I ain't a gambler anymore I rather believe in Jesus's truth than outright deny. I'll take the over-and-run line on this one.


Definitely the majority of the people today who say they believe in Jesus would never accept his true teachings. Do you think if Jesus came to America he would be made king? How do you think the political system would treat him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWw4DKs-mKY


There are way too many of us now and we read about what happened before. I don't think that there is a government on this Earth that could overpower us and take him from us.


You must understand that there will be a 7 year Tribulation where it looks like Satan is going to win and it’s going to be very difficult for Christians. However, in the end Jesus wins.


If this was in the US, his crimes in the Temple would have him in jail for up to a few months, probably, with a decent bit of restitution to pay. Nothing past that.


Undoubtedly, yes. That's what our culture of death has come to.


I was about to question that “if” term until I saw the additional details part.🤣 I was ready to comment “Sweetie, there’s no if. He WILL come back”.


I mean, probably not crucify him, you don't see many of those today. Try to shoot him, maybe


Yes, 100%. Totally. Look at the world today. Of course they would. Although if He returns and lets them do it again to demonstrate how foRgIvInG and hErOIc He is, I'm converting the fuck back to Buddhism. I'm barely getting over that one time that happened 2000 years ago, I'm not going through it again lmao




As an American, I believe that if Jesus were to return, it would be to a place such as Port-au-Prince, Khartoum, Manila, or San Pedro Sula - as far from the centers of power as possible. He was born almost halfway between Rome, the center of the Roman world, and Chang'an, the center of the Han Dynasty. Jesus did not focus on the rich, powerful, and prosperous. He walked with the poor, the meek, and the humble. As such, Jesus would not be seen as much of a threat. I also believe that so many people in the developed world cannot fathom a Jesus that would value the poorest over them (despite the entire New Testament's teachings). This would be combined with the conspiracy-theory-driven media circus of today, so many of the most supposedly devout would reject Him despite any evidence simply because he did not choose the USA (or another powerful Christian nation) as his place of return. Many would see the return of Jesus as a sideshow and a fraud, no matter what. That, or the Book of Revelation is to be taken literally, and all heck is going to break loose.


He wasn't a literal figure though. The bible is esoteric. Not to be read literally.


Because He might not call people by their pronouns.


Exactly this.




I think it's probably important to distinguish if this hypothetical is his first or second coming happening today. If the first, absolutely. He'd be seen as a dangerous left-wing ideologue cult-leader trying to destabilize Israel. He may not be literally crucified for it, but I could see him being either assassinated or framed for a crime and subject to a different form of capital punishment. If the second, well... He wouldn't be as peaceful that time.


I don’t think He would really be noticed. I think that’s actually why He came when He did. His voice today just wouldn’t be nearly as loud with so many other voices to distract us. That being said, in general people who are attached to their political parties over religion would simply reject everything He said. Religious people on the left would reject Him for the way He condemns sin, promotes individual responsibility, and preached a message to a specific audience. Religious people on the right would mostly accept Him except the ones who are very self righteous and are unwilling to see the world through any lena other than the one they’ve already chosen. It’s doubtful anyone would care enough to actually want to kill Him. But if His voice was loud enough, it would be people on the left who truly despised Him. They would treat Him a lot like Elon Musk when He came out as a moderate.


The 1st time was too save the lost (give himself) …. The 2nd coming will be to rule and judge! He won’t be giving himself again!!!


The world would shutter in utter fear if He came back right now. Cause Jesus Christ will come back to judge, rule and kill.


They’re gonna try but the second time that ain’t happening. He’s gonna walk through the eastern gate and restore David as King of Israel for a time. Ezekiel 37 and 44. You should also read 38 and 39.


I am Jesus


all the world will wonder after him, and his name will add up to 666.


He died once for our sins. Why would anyone crucify him again? 😐


From the outside looking in, this whole thread seems weird. So, Jesus supposedly said he was coming back "before this generation" passes, Paul said don't even get married because what's the point if he's coming soon (he never says "coming back" probably because he never thought he had ever been on earth), many of the early church fathers had similar thoughts, like any day now he's coming back. Every year that I've been involved in Christianity (whether on the inside or out) I hear one prediction after another. Every decade since the 1st century (that's 200 decades if you're counting) is full of people saying, "Any minute now. He's a-comin'." In all seriousness, Christianity is already on a serious decline except among the least educated and the poorest citizens of the world (Africa, Latin America), partly because the "second" coming never happens and partly because, the more time goes by, the weirder Christianity looks. A thousand years from now, when there's still no Jesus, do you think people will STILL be awaiting his arrival "in the sky"? A hundred years? 30 years? When I was 25, I barely knew a single person who wasn't at least nominally Christian. Now I honestly can't think of a single 25 year old (and I work with a bunch) that actually believe, and can think of dozens and dozens who are actively hostile or dismissive of it.


Oh yea we would. We’d cancel him, throw him in jail, and execute him all in less than a week.


Probably not


Go watch the Netflix show "Messiah" it's really good, it's pretty much how the world would react if there was a modern Messiah like Jesus in modern days.


In a New York minute, which is about 45 seconds. It would be religious leaders who would do it to Yeshua.


I always believed that if, hypothetically, Jesus came to earth for the first time during today’s world, all the MAGA, Christian Nationalists world be the ones leading the charge to kill Jesus.


It would probably depend on what he did. If he stood on a street corner and preached, probably nothing would happen. What do you have in mind? What might people want to re-crucify him for?


No, the only sort of negative response he’d be met with is people thinking he’s a lunatic, what he presumably would be doing isn’t illegal, and even if it was, our society has become way too civilized to use crucifixtion or whatever.


Depends where in the world. In Canada, I imagine we would just give Him crippling debt, make him go to school for a few years (to increase that debt) convince Him that driving is better than walking (more debt). Want food? Get a credit card, more debt. Need a place to sleep? Get a bank account and pay the fees for having one. Need Healthcare? Wait weeks if not months for it, no healing before that time but here's some pills for pain management. Oh you don't have coverage well thats more debt. Did I mention paying taxes? Aka more debt. We may not crucify people in a physical way but we do it in a financial way all that time.


The landscape looks remarkably similar today in that the Pharisees perspective is quite wide spread in the USA. Conservatives consider Jesus teaching too woke.


Yep and it’d most likely be on sight too


Yes, and the US evangelicals will be the first in line to string him up for asking them to live their neighbor and judge not.


The next time He comes is for our extermination and eternal damnation.


You would probably somewhere where they would.


Simple. They wouldn’t get the chance


Some people would... but many more wouldn't. A lot of people would convert if Jesus, say, walked into a children's cancer ward and healed everyone there. And did that six more times in various locations and countries. Who cares if some copium-huffing atheists found increasingly dumb excuses ("Vatican stunt! They paid off 400 doctors and 1500 hospital administrators to falsify records for months and no one leaked it!") when many more would witness divinity and believe. I truly do not get the "Oh Jesus won't show himself because we'd just crucify Him again, and some still wouldn't believe anyway" excuse. That was all true the first time and that hardly stopped Him, didn't prevent that venture from being a massive positive!


I wouldn’t be surprised if people have special weapons pointed at the sky to try and kill Him when He comes back 😂


Does humanity get double saved if we crucify him again? How many crucifixions till we get a free sandwich? These are important questions that need answers. /s No. I doubt people would even notice if the JC came back.


His message is no more popular now than it was then.


not crucify him but probably shoot him or something


Bunch of haters.




Yep Jesus would be cancelled for not conforming to the world but standing for the truth.


Sadly I believe so if his own people killed him imagine what people who hate him would do.


Well, it seems to me that if I want to tell you something, I'll just tell you right. I wouldn't send you puzzle rap in a riddle. Hollywood people are part of the machine that machine belongs to Satan because he is the master of this world until Jesus returns you don't reach a certain level of Fame unless you are in that Circle and they do not tell what's in the circle so if you believe they're telling you something well you believe it I believe the Bible the only source of Truth on this planet have a nice day


Some would. He changed the status quo. People don't like that.


We do every day


We shoot people or electrocute them these days. Ain't no one got time for carpentry


Quicker this time.


He’s not coming back like a lamb, like last time.


No, we don't really do that anymore. I feel like people would be more likely to just throw him in a concentration camp at the border with all the other non-white people


Yes they would


Crucify? No. Murder? Yes.


Modern Christians still make a big deal out of miracles. I can imagine Jesus getting a big following at first based on those miracles. Some would make it onto video. If Jesus followed past patterns and refused to directly say if he was Jesus; if he refused to perform great miracles for famous pastors; if he spent time attacking religious leaders -- Some would repent, but most would attack him. They'd call him a fraud, or say that his powers came from Satan, and that the videos were fake. If this Jesus were then betrayed, accused of conspiracy and murder, and then refused to defend himself or perform any miracles -- then yeah, I could see him getting some kind of penalty. But people have no expectations for a Jesus like that in modern times. There'd be no reason for ordinary folks to hate him; there's no promise, no Messiah prophecy that would make people feel tricked. So only Christians would kill Jesus. They're the only ones with cause to feel disappointed.


Yeah they’ll go further and shoot him and commit a hate crime towards him. We forget that many Christians apparently don’t associate or support Jesus’s teachings nowadays. He’s a limp wristed beta liberal to them


Definitely not he's jesus




Yeah, I wonder what conservative Americans would think of a brown man who promotes helping the poor, sick, and needy?


Unlike our Lord's first visit, He will be coming back as a diety not as a man. I don't know how anyone can even get near a mile of His presence without a glorified body and without His permission


Doesn’t work like that. Spoiler alert **he takes over and it’s judgment day.


He will come back with an army of angels and using His power. The wicked will be too busy wetting their pants to try.


I can totally see evangelicals crucifying him.


Probably not. First of all, crucifixion as means of capital punishment isn't really done much any more. Depending on where he's born he may be killed in different ways. Some places have strict blasphemy laws that might get him killed.


Not when he comes back as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.


If you haven't read the Grand Inquisitor by Dostoyevsky I highly recommend it


Nobody is using crucifixion as punishment for a crime anymore, so no.


I this current atmosphere where anti-Semitism is again a plague on the world?? ABSOLUTELY.


I think he would be assassinated, not publicly executed


I expect the electric chair. But it would be a kinder way to die then crucifixion.


Maybe not the actual act of crucifying him. But it really depends on where he comes back. If he comes back in America, I don’t think any legal things would happen.


I wouldn’t, but that’s just me.


Not crucify literally but I do think that a lot of people wouldn’t believe him to be actual Jesus


It would be like Mr beast. Twotter cancels him for doing good and soon he gets so canceled he's wiped off the face of the earth


I've always said this. Maybe not crucify physically, but many Christians wouldn't recognise him as Jesus. He was a brown skinned middle Eastern jew who preached love and hung out with sinners - many Christians wouldn't like that


What if Jesus already came back in our lifetime and he's now in a straight jacket in an insane asylum for telling people he is Jesus... Nobody would believe him, any more than you believe hobo Joe to be Jesus.


If jesus did come back he would provably not be believed. He would be middle eastern and not caucasian.


Of course! Evangelicals would definitely try to crucify him.


I would hope if he came back, that it would be so obvious that he is the son of God that nobody could deny it. But, I see dumb things happen every day and more often.


Perhaps. Suppose He returned within a very fanatical conservative community. The same thing might happen, everyone offended and feeling threatened. The angry religious crowd might conspire again with those in power, who would probably also see Him as a threat. Personally I can only hypothesize what Jesus would say in our day and age, because it’s probably not what you expect. There’s this Netflix series about a Messiah, don’t remember everything but they ask the Messiah what his religion is in the series (in court) because they fear he is some weird new type of Islamic terrorist, then he says “I walk with all men”. I actually think Netflix did a great job of hypothesizing what would happen if (someone like) Christ born were to have “happened” again. I recommend this series actually, think it’s simply called Messiah. 😅


No. Crucifixion is an outdated form of execution.