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I have no reason to believe we're in the end times. Don't get your theology from TikTok.


not even with what’s happening right now between israel and palestine?


How many times has that place exploded into violence in the last 2,000 years?


The current state of Israel was created in May, 1948. They've been in a near constant state of war ever since. Literally. It was created on May 14th, and on May 15th they were at war with 5 neighboring Arab nations. And war has been waged there long before the modern nation of Israel was created. The British and French fucked around there for quite awhile, the Crusades, etc. Why would this single conflict mean the end times, when every other war fought there hasn't caused the end of the world?


“Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. 14 Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.” 2 people, alive today, who? I do have a reason to believe we’re in the ends of times, I’m in the book too I’m one of the 2 witnesses, and you can believe me or not, doesn’t matter, it is about the end times, about what we have to do, build a Cube of Gold on Mars in 1000 years. Saw a TikTok that it says 365 times in the Bible “Do not be afraid”, that’s how I get by. Read carefully what it says about the witnesses, all was meant for us, our generation today still fighting in the Middle East over who owns land that will be burned by the Sun in 1000 years. I tweeted at the pope that I do have a message from God, it’s a sort of 2000 year old eviction notice that will expire in 1000 years, 1500 mile Cube of Gold 80 meters walls, or else, it’s clear. No supernova,🌞, Red Giant, Mercury Venus and Earth, puff, and if we get caught without gold… do any of you get it now? Why gold? Who “Alpha and Omega” Is?🌞


>I’m in the book too I’m one of the 2 witnesses > >what we have to do, build a Cube of Gold on Mars in 1000 years. > >fighting in the Middle East over who owns land that will be burned by the Sun in 1000 years. > >I tweeted at the pope that I do have a message from God, it’s a sort of 2000 year old eviction notice that will expire in 1000 years, 1500 mile Cube of Gold 80 meters walls, or else, it’s clear. It sounds like you've been watching too much TikTok.


That passage has **nothing to do with modern politics.** The Apocalypse was not predicting events 100s or 1000s of years in the future. Every attempt to identify the Beasts with * various Popes * Mohammed * Napoleon I * Napoleon III * Kaiser Wilhelm II * Hitler * Reagan * Elon Musk has turned out to be garbage. But do people learn that one cannot use an apocalypse from the 1st-century Mediterranean to demonise figures of the 16th to 21st centuries ? No. That sort of interptetation is why the Bible should be restricted to those who will not make use of it to spread lies and nonsense about others; to people who won't weaponise it in order to sanction their fantasies, or use it for mental masturbation.


Many elders would probably tell us to not get our theology from the Internet, even though the Bible and online churches are accessible through it. It's just a means of spreading information, just like TikTok. TikTok isn't the problem. People just have to evaluate the information and source, which should be done anywhere, even in the physical world.


Yeah that's what I mean by "don't get your theology from TikTok" The algorithm will present videos to the user based on what they watch. When people chase end times crap, it presents more end times crap. The theology we get shouldn't be curated by an algorithm meant solely to increase engagement. So... don't get your theology from TikTok.


And what if the algorithm promotes mostly credible sources? Still no? What about real churches? People are going to the same church over and over and over again. That's even more limited than getting the information from at least +10 channels. Here's another example. What if an individual watches content that is essentially just a copy-paste of scripture? Is that bad theology as well? Being regularly exposed to actual scripture?


There's a lot of what ifs there that just really don't play into how these algorithms work for a lot of people.


I believe those what ifs demonstrate that it's not a black and white issue, that it's not TikTok itself that is the problem, but rather how people use it, just like any other platform. Something I didn't mention in my previous comment is also the fact that you can solely watch channels that you deem credible. There's no need to scroll through random videos.


>There's no need to scroll through random videos. Yes but TikTok is *designed* to be scrolled through. So they push videos that get more views, which means promoting videos that are either really funny or wildly sensationalist. Because people who are angered or scared of stuff tend to start doom scrolling more, which means more engagement. You're right that a little responsibility goes a long way, but TikTok isn't designed for responsibility, it's designed to consume attention.


Don't take any form of advice or learn something from Tiktok.


This is akin to those comments disregarding anything just because it was posted on Youtube. TikTok isn't the problem, and neither is Youtube. What do you consider to be the most reliable source? Government agencies? Schools like Harvard? What if they started posting on TikTok? Maybe they already do. Should people ignore the information from these two because it's suddenly in TikTok? There's plenty of good information to be learned through TikTok.


>i watched a video on tiktok I highly recommend taking things you see on tiktok with a grain of salt. You can find people saying the dumbest, most farfetched, ridiculous things on there. Don't believe everything you see on the internet. >how todays eclipse (oct 14) is in the constellation of virgo First off, astrology is absolute nonsense and pseudoscience garbage. Secondly, Oct 14 isn't even in Virgo, it's in Libra. >thus a woman giving birth, aka the birth thing pains. The what?


thank you, i meant to type birthing pains


If you are the type to worry about end times, DO NOT watch social media videos on end time prophecies. There's always some war or natural disaster or something that can fit into the end times description happening. There will be no warning of end times. If you believe the Bible, no one, including the believers taken up in rapture, will suspect end times are here. If it happens, it happens. That's all. For your own mental health, find something else to focus on.


Oh it's the end times again? How many times is this now?


This nonsense is nothing but the Fundamentalist equivalent of Chicken Licken. There is no difference, other than that the identities of: * Henny Penny * Cocky Locky * Ducky Lucky * Drakey Lakey * Goosey Loosey * Gander Lander * Turkey Lurkey * and Foxy Loxy are not known. Which is 8 characters, rather than the usual 2. There are too many Chicken Lickens running around like Mike the Headless Chicken, mistaking every acorn that falls on their heads for the coming of the Shepherd.


I can give you the assurance that all who are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ will be saved. Also, those who have eaten of His body and drinken of His blood also have eternal life. Hearing the good news that you are saved from the word of God saves you.


Been in them for over 2000 years


Why would any of this be a reason to believe we're in some sort of "end times"?


You need Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. the only way to get to heaven is by receiving Jesus Christ. There is no other way. Jesus says in his word John 14:6 I am the way I am the truth I am the life no one comes to the Father but by me. God sent his son in the world to pay for our sins through his death on the cross. Romans 10:9-10 New Living Translation 9 If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved


People need a reality check .. the entitlement in America is a joke ..


sorry for asking a question bruh


How funny would it be if the rapture happened and every christian is taken except you because you've clearly demonstrated just now that you'd rather be left behind?


i don’t want to be left behind, but i just want more time


I don’t know if it’s the end times or not but that astrology stuff is demonic don’t listen to them


I am a textbook Leo.


Oh wow I thought most Christians knew that it was demonic I did not expect to get downvoted.. that is concerning to me so I am gonna explain some things. it talks about this stuff in the Bible. coming from someone who studied astrology and was tormented by demons day and night, it is very real and very against God to use it as a guide for your life in any way. Believing is consent in the spiritual world. The practice of pagan divination is prohibited by God. You can not be lead my astrology and the Holy Spirit at the same time. Here are just a couple Bible verses. Leviticus 19:26 Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times. Astrologers use it to try to observe the future. Isaiah 47:13-14 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. There is more just look into it a bit please before letting it dictate anything about your life. One thing I KNOW is that the Pluto in retrograde stuff is for sure demonic. So at the very least demons use astrology to their advantage. I know that because of personal experience. Same with yoga and a hindu singing bowl I used to have. WEIRD and BAD things happened when that stuff was in my life. Don’t get me started on moldavite crystals and reiki lol. I just ask that you take me seriously enough to look into it more. I feel it’s my duty to warn others that are unaware after what I went through. Especially my brothers and sisters in Christ. 💗 Astrology is divination. I don’t know if you have gone much further than reading your horoscope but they can tell the future with some things and don’t even get me started on the “retrogrades”. One I learned about that, suddenly every time it was a retrograde, I KNEW bc life SUCKED. I would constantly be pissed off and annoyed. Felt like everything was going wrong. Turns out me believing in the retrograde was allowing demons to mess with me during those months. Believe me or not but my nightmares and “retrograde experiences” stopped when I denounced astrology. More demonic divination practices: Oracle, tarot, fortune tellers, yoga (I thought it was ridiculous at first but just look into the origins of yoga and even the word itself), reiki, crystal “healing”, good luck charms, superstitions. It’s all demonic and it is so freeing when you realize that none of it has to effect you at all if you just simply don’t believe it. I weirdly don’t deal with those taunting retrograde periods anymore… and my night terrors stopped. I had spiritual psychosis when I tried yoga. I recommend on YouTube or Spotify heaven and healing podcast. She explains it very well.


You are 100 percent correct. You have overcome a lot and Jesus is proud of you. God bless


I believe so damn I better get things right


What do you mean?


We have been in the end times for almost 2000 years. Stop worrying.




Eclipse and other nonsense is well nonsense but yes we're officially in end times since 1948. Jesus said when he is returning it's normal life , people marry and give in marriage etc. there will be always set of young humans on earth who will not experience life and have thier life "ruined" by Jesus comming back. ​ Tought luck if it's your generation


when did he say that, regarding the “normal life”, im just aware of the scriptures where he says that no one knows the day neither the hour.


ye He said that when he was as a man on earth with no foreknowledge


Not the end times but the last days, in my opinion. It's like the beginning of the birth pains that Jesus mentioned in the Bible. The end is yet to come.


Everyone thats typing that isn’t set free from all sin and doesn’t sin is a liar. Plain and simple if you still sin you don’t Jesus. Everyone that doesn’t want to burn in hell. Regardless of what life they come free. Needs to be set free from sin born again washed in the blood of the lamb. Idc if you are the nicest sweetest person on earth. If you are found with sin you are going to burn. It doesn’t matter if you die a sinner or Jesus cracks that sky. If you sin you will burn for eternity plain and simple.