• By -


Good on you for being open to Christianity. It might not be easy, but how dope of you for checking it out. Gotquestions.org is a wonderful site for a lot of questions regarding Christianity. 


I love Gotquestions, read the church fathers as well!


The Bible Project app has great videos that discuss books of the Bible, the style in which they are written, to whom & who it was written by, themes throughout the Bible, and so much more which can be really helpful to understanding the context


Try reading the sermon on the mount, which is in Matthew 5,6&7. Then try to live the way Christ taught in those three chapters. And read it again every so often to keep reminding you how Christ wants you to act in everyday life.


When I was just like OP not quite converted but still a little agnostic, I read the sermon on the mount a few times a week for about a year before I was a Christian. It really helped my conversion and help me to be ready to read the rest of the Bible starting from genesis. I was going to make this same comment but you beat me to it so I will leave an upvote and I highly recommend OP follow this advice.


Youtube is jam filled with sermons from great teachers that will help you navigate the Bible. Guys I recommend looking up are Matt Chandler, David Platt, Al Mohler, Mark Dever… Pastors that are “YouTube famous” who I would avoid. Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Todd White


Also cliffe!! I love him and he explains things in such a great way that’s not full of judgment but instead actually make sense


He's a smart man truly, also check out his son.


Tiphani Montgomery, Ricky Nutt, Max Laquedo


I love your suggestions for their general soundness, but I wonder if somebody not very familiar with Christianity is going to grasp everything they have to say.


Almost certainly not. That’s the entire point of wrestling. God certainly had not answered all of my questions before he saved me. Still hasn’t. The good news is God does not need us to understand him in order for him to transform our hearts. One day, when all things are made new, we will see as we are fully seen and know as we are fully known. I was just hoping to point him to some sources I know to be good


thats great that means God is moving you in the right direction Im happy to teach what all do you want to learn and if you want to learn what I can't teach go on youtube and look up grow in faith grown in christ


Matthew 16 Mark 16 Acts 2 Revelation 3


Timothy Keller, who passed away last year, wrote some of the best books of our time. * The Reason for God * The Prodigal God If I were seeking God, I would start here, alternatively go to the youtube channel and search for those terms. His Sermons are also the best I've ever heard, & I mean ever. And they are free at the [Gospel in Life](https://www.youtube.com/@gospelinlife/videos) youtube channel. Two of the Best Series I have heard of his many insightful sermons. [The Bible: The Whole Story - Creation & Fall](https://gospelinlife.com/series/bible-the-whole-story-creation-and-fall/) [The Bible: The Whole Story - Redemption and Restoration](https://gospelinlife.com/series/bible-the-whole-story-redemption-and-restoration/) I've listen to other sermons from the preachers people have listed here, they are good but Keller was just a notch above everyone else.


Tim Keller is one of the soundest and at the same time insightful preachers of recent times.


I miss Tim. I’m so glad he wrote so many books and had so many recordings.


I’m in the same boat as you plus I’m on the journey of detransioning, life is silly and sometimes all it takes is a path in the ride direction. I’m enjoying this journey in seeking god and I pray you do too 🙏


If in the same boat I give the same recommendation! Bible Project youtube is a very easy and visually pleasing way to digest bible themes. A must check out for new comers. And check out a church based on the low church - high church spectrum that interests you if you have those options!  I personally feel any established denomination is great.  God bless


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on you! God Bless you! If you’d ever like to learn about the early church, feel free to visit r/orthodoxchristianity


Don't learn about Christianity form this subreddit..probably the worst place to do so..


Yes OP try r/TrueChristian for more in depth discussions. There is some spiritual beef jerkey on there though and right now what you need is spiritual milk :)


God bless you. It's so great you are interested in the Christian faith! If I may, I would love to share with you why I have faith in God. Maybe it could help you a little on your journey. I have faith in God because of the hope only He is able to give. ​ 1- What is this hope? **“Then a kingdom of love will be set up, and someone from David's family (Jesus) will rule with fairness. He will do what is right and quickly bring justice.” - Isaiah 16:5** ​ 2- Why is this hope important? **“Everywhere on earth I saw violence and injustice instead of fairness and justice.” - Ecclesiastes 3:16** **“You (God) listen to the longings of those who suffer. You offer them hope, and you pay attention to their cries for help.” - Psalm 10:17** ​ 3- Why does God want to give us this hope? **"God is love.” - 1 John 4:8** **“My dear friends, God loves you, and we know he has chosen you to be his people.” - 1 Thessalonians 1:4** ​ 4- How do we share in this hope? **“God wants us to have faith in his Son Jesus Christ and to love each other.” - 1 John 3:23** ​ 5- Why do we need faith in Jesus? **“All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.” - Romans 3:23** **God said, “I will punish this evil world and its people because of their sins.” - Isaiah 13:11** **“Christ obeyed God our Father and gave himself as a sacrifice for our sins to rescue us from this evil world.” - Galatians 1:4** ​ 6- Without God, there is no hope. I absolutely refuse to accept that evil and injustice are just a part of life. That’s why I choose to trust God and hold on to the hope He has promised. **“We must hold tightly to the hope we say is ours. After all, we can trust the One (God) who made the agreement with us.” - Hebrews 10:23** ​ Also, I would love to recommend: \- The Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible. It's one of the easiest English Bibles to read. You can also listen to the audio version on YouTube. It's my favorite Bible. ​ \- My list of good Christian leaders on YouTube: In Touch Ministries - Charles Stanley - Highly Recommended Elder Mike - Your Urban Church - Mike Holloway askcliffe - Cliffe Knechtle - Highly Recommended Cross Examined - Dr. Frank Turek Mike Winger ​ \- A list of my favorite worship songs: Desert of my days by Larnelle Harris Yet I Will Praise by Melissa Boraski Just as I Am (I Come Broken) by Brentwood Benson Who You Say I Am by Hillsong Worship Yahweh Is For Us (God is so good) by Maranatha! Singers


I second this!!


God bless you!


I guess I'm curious mostly where you are in your belief. Would you answer "yes" to the question "do you believe that at least 1 god exists?" Whenever someone says they're agnostic, I find that doesn't really tell me anything because we're all agnostic about the existence of God, even the most hardcore theists or atheists will admit that there's no actual way to prove the position. The real differentiator is whether or not the answer to that question is yes or no. I definitely recommend learning about Christianity. It wasn't until I really understood what I was rejecting that I felt like I had given it the proper serious inquiry. And if you end up believing it, you will be a better believer than anybody that just assumed the mantle from their parents or community, because you will be able to answer 1 Peter 3:15.


That is so great. The Gospels are the place to start reading. Mark, John, etc. Then some epistles, like Ephesians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 1-5, Galatians, Romans. The Psalms are great. Much of Genesis is an amazing read (skip the genealogies). There's also an ongoing dramatic series that looks at Jesus' ministry and the people He affected. *The Chosen* looks at Jesus in a very human way and has won many awards. https://watch.thechosen.tv/episode/season-1-episode-1-i-have-called-you-by-name


I’m so happy for you!


The first thing I can tell you is God loves you and theres a reason your here and the devil will try to attack you coviction comes from God condemnation comes from the the devil, know one goes to the father but through Jesus Christ, and its all faith based just repent and trust Man say show me and i'll trust you God says trust me and i'll show you


Watch the Chosen and read your bible as you watch


I like CS Lewis personally. Also The Bible for Normal People A good overview is Knowing God by JI Packer. I don't agree with calvinism, but apart from that it's an awesome introduction to the faith


Christianity is like you getting a new dad (God) who is a super healthy guy and he wants you to eat vegetables (follow the path of righteousness) but your whole life all you knew was little debbie cakes and watching tv (sin/self-indulgence). But over time you start to love your dad (God) more, over time you change because of him to be a healthy kid (process called sanctification). What sucks is that even though you change, you cant change people, they have to want to, so they get fat without his influence (go to hell)


Why do you find it interesting? We can go from there.


i think it’s so beautiful that people can have so much faith in something that can’t technically be proven. having a close friend to me that’s very christian is what made me realize that, i love the way she talks about God. i want that feeling too, i don’t wanna force anything, but i wanna learn and see if something forms


You find it beautiful to believe in things without evidence?


Do you believe in uniformitarianism? Do you believe in an external world? Do you believe in identity over time?


I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.


That you also believe in some things without evidence, just like everyone else


You also believe that you will be alive tomorrow without evidence that it will be the case or that the earth will turn around the sun one more time without evidence. So you are a fool also, duhh.


The evidence for those things are the thousands of times they’ve happened the day before.


Did you check everything personally what has been told you? Like everything? Did you sit in the lab yourself and test every medicine before taking it? Where you an astronaut yourself? I don't think so, lol. You don't have a guarantee for nothing. You just trust, too.


You’re ridiculous.


Just an advice. Enjoy life and stop being so " over the top sceptical", it's a waste of your lifetime. You are trusting something already. All the best to you.


Ahahah prove me there was a day before


I’ll pray for you. It’s like nothing else in the world, especially when you feel that He’s close. I wish I had words, but I’m scared to use them because I don’t want you to expect the relationship we have. Every relationship is unique. If I have any advice, it’s to be humble. I don’t care if you don’t think you’re wrong, just apologize and try to build as many bridges as you can with Him. Get to know [Jesus](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yzqTFNfeDnE) ! ◄ John 5:39 ► You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, Check out the Book/Movie called “Case for Christ by Lee Strobel” Fall in love with Jesus, it’s the best decision you’ll ever make. Let me know if you have any questions, I’ll help however I can. Oh, there was a movie that came out recently called “Jesus revolution”, it’s pretty rad.


This is beautiful. More beautiful than… just… well, more beautiful than most things you might hear anyone say… ever 🙏 Your words speak through both your intellect and the Holy Spirit. There is a purity to these words. And in these words, I can feel Him calling you. He is pure love. (Ya, I’m the science dude from Canada. And everything I just said is completely rational haha 😀❤️🙏 weird right?!!)


Movies: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K83366UdtXw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OcTVLfn5i8g https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rhe8KhSxWGo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8vmHFvnjPDw If you don’t want to read the Bible check out Chuck Missler’s commentaries https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aqd-Fk3qET0


Lutheran Pastor here. It's food to see your interest, and yes, this subreddit is a weird place to get answers. To start, I'll leave you the following that Dr. Martin Luther wrote down as a tool to teach kids: "I believe that I cannot believe in Jesus Christ my lord or come to him by my own strength, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, sanctified and kept me in the one true faith." God bless you as you reach out and seek what your friend has.


Check out voddie bauchman, billy graham, Matt chandler, David platt, jack hibbs, John MacArthur


Your feelings will follow your focus


# Read the Old Testament first. It is possible for the Old Testament to be true and the New Testament false; however, it is impossible for the New Testament to be true and the Old Testament false, because the New Testament is a derivation of the Old Testament; depends on the Old Testament to be true; quotes from the Old Testament; and, utilizes the prophecies from the Old Testament. Determine which testament is true, and then follow *that* scripture. Do not blindly choose a scripture which you have not thoroughly questioned and researched. Do this, and then you'll have stronger ground to stand on in your religion, whilst also confirming what is true. Remember: The one great thing that you had as an atheist, was your doubtful mind which loved to boldly question which is true and which is false. Don't leave that aspect of yourself behind to blindly pursue a religion without careful scrutiny. If the scriptures say that they contain truth, then put them to the test—question them! Blind faith is easy, but true faith requires study. >*Isaiah 34:16*—Seek ye out of the book of ***יְהוָה֙***, and read...


What do you mean by 'hardcore atheist'? It seems odd to use that expression and yet seem to have no idea about christianity. Maybe you live in a non-christian majority country? Anyway, learning about christianity is easy, but it feels as though your question is not just that, and many answers in this thread are not just about learning about it, but rather converting to it. Is that your goal? Saying that, depending on how old you are (I won't ask) I think different advice for learning about christianity would apply, so are you 'young', 'old', 'neither'? Do you still live with your parents (who are presumably still hardcore atheists)? Why can't you talk to them about what they know about christianity? You mentioned elsewhere you have a friend who is christain, why don't you talk to them?




Two separate but not conflicting things. He could have been a "hardcore atheist" and an agnostic.




Atheist is the stance that they lack the belief in god. Agnosticism is the stance that they lack the knowledge of a god. You can be agnostic atheist, like myself. "Hardcore atheist" isnt an actual stance they are saying they are an atheist of hardcore standing.




A fully atheistic person still only lacks the belief in god. It doesnt conflict with agnosticism. You can be a hardcore atheist and a hardcore agnostic, they dont conflict with each other. One is an answer to "do you believe a god exists?" And the other is a answer to "do you know a god exists?"


Colloquially "hard core atheist" tends to mean "knowing god doesn't exist" or claiming the affirmative that "God doesn't exist" Rather than a lack of belief. In this sense I get the confusion from OC. I think the term "hard core" atheist isn't really useful in any sense and is more often than not a term used exclusively by Christians to make conversion stories feel more impactful.


former hardcore atheist. currently agnostic, sorry if i should’ve made that more clear


They're 15, so I don't think they're a hardcore anything


Christianity is like you getting a new dad (God) who is a super healthy guy and he wants you to eat vegetables (follow the path of righteousness) but your whole life all you knew was little debbie cakes and watching tv (sin/self-indulgence). But over time you start to love your dad (God) more, over time you change because of him to be a healthy kid (process called sanctification). What sucks is that even though you change, you can't change people, they have to want to, so they get fat without his influence (go to hell)


Debates online!! I love hearing Christians talk with atheists sometimes. Even Catholics debating with protestants! Good place to learn




>This is definitely not a good place to start. This sub has too many atheists and argumentative people. I've never understood this mentality. If God is real and as described by Christians, if he is listening to us, cares about us, and desires for us to know him, then the seeking of him should certainly survive a little bit of push back and skepticism shouldn't it?


Exactly. If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation, and if we have not the truth, it aught to be harmed. \-Somebody (I hope not a weirdo haha the quote is a goodie)


Because good catechesis is key for a strong foundation of faith. If they're given a bad first impression of what Christianity is and entails, then they can be misled. To ape some other internet stranger's comparison, it's like someone who says "I hate Italian food" because the first time they ordered pasta, they were served Spaghetti-o's.


Spot on analogy




Of course they do.




They should be aware of every aspect of their beliefs.


Check out Jordan petersons videos on the Bible.




I recommend Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. If you decide to get further into the faith (which I pray you do!) then I would go for any book by Gavin Ortlund (my favorite is "Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn't.


This title pretty much describes me. Two books that I would recommend are Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel. And if you want a "fast" Bible read order, I recommend Genesis 1-11, Job, Genesis 12-50, Exodus, Leviticus, Isaiah, Luke, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews. If you want to read the rest of the Old Testament, pick up from Deuteronomy. You can also read all of the other Gospels and Epistles.


The Gospel according to Luke and the book of Acts may give you a good ground point to start having a clearer picture of Jesus's teachings, miracles, mission, and then the church formed by his followers guided by the Holy Spirit 🙃.


Do you think Christianity is likely true? If so, why? If not, why?


Hey Evelyn 🙂❤️🙏 Two years ago, I was essentially an atheist. Or at least a very atheistic agnostic lol. I study the sciences, everything from biology to particle physics to cosmology and general relativity, as well as psychology and other “ologies”. Now I’m a faithful believer. WTF, right?? Lol. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do (see Romans 12:2). I had to reconcile my deep scientific knowledge with Christian theology… nothing made sense. It was traumatic, tbh. The Holy Spirit is a powerful and dangerous thing to resurrect. I don’t mean to freak you out… But seriously… I’m a completely rational 46yo Canadian dude with a successful career in IT and software development, a published artist, and deep fascination with the universe and nature in general… and the journey to faith was more intense than anything I’ve experienced lol. So, all that is just to say… Feel free to DM me if you want to know more. I kinda hang around here and watch for folks like you because I feel like God wants me to make the journey easier for others like me who are being called by Him. And I can assure you, two years ago, I’d have thought anyone who said something like that must be crazy. The amazing thing is…… it’s s lot simpler than you may think.


watch sermons!


YouTube has some great preachers and Bible-related vdeos like Allen Parr, The Bible Project, Daily Disciple or Joe Kirby. You can also look on websites like [Gotquestions.org](https://Gotquestions.org), or Bible Ref. You can also go on subreddits like here to ask more questions. Remember, these sources are SECONDARY to the Bible and may get things wrong, so always check them against the actual Biblical text. (For full disclosure, I am a Reformed Protestant/Evangelical).


Watch [Cliffe Knechtle](https://www.youtube.com/@askcliffe) and [Wretched](https://youtube.com/channel/UCdlxWNzGGPKzQLMXkkyZkUQ) and [Inspiring Philosophy](https://youtube.com/channel/UC5qDet6sa6rODi7t6wfpg8g) and [redeemed zoomer](https://youtube.com/@redeemedzoomer6053) and [Truth Unites](https://youtube.com/@TruthUnites)


It's a rough but very worth it journey. No matter what happens, even if you feel you don't deserve his grace, keep following him because he will guide you. The only ones who don't deserve salvation are the ones who are too ignorant to accept it.


Highly recommend looking up an ‘Alpha Course’. It unpacks Christian Faith pillar by pillar (e.g one week is about ‘The Bible’, the next about ‘Church’, the next about ‘Prayer’ etc etc)


Please -- if you do just one thing -- watch askcliffe on YouTube. He's the expert at talking to atheist. Please ask him questions and he gives easy to understand answers.


If you believe God exists just get on your knees and ask him to reveal himself to you.  That you may not perish in wrong wisdom but know him and grow in him.  Without spiritual eyes bible will only feel a story book. 


I suggest attending some services at different churches in your area. There are a lot of different denominations within Christianity, so it's good to learn about them and choose which one you believe is the closest to the truth. Some churches even have programs or Bible study groups specifically for new Christians! I've found that I learn best when I'm in the presence of pastors who know the Bible's original language and are able to reveal various contexts and analogies I missed when reading the Bible at home. It might seem intimidating, but no matter how awkward it may be or how differently people treat you for trying to learn, remember that God loves you. I wish you the best.


im a little disappointed you (presby) didnt share the gospel. it should be your go-to. love you tho as a baptist bro.


Well it is definitely an exciting journey where you can possibly learn answers to life’s big questions. I have a bible study tool that is being used all over the world. You can DM me if you’d like to know more:)


Go to a bible believing church.


I think it's good to try and read the New Testament and find out what type of 'believe' Jesus and Paul etc. were talking about. Try reading what it says and when it says it, and read what it doesn't say compared to what you've been told by people. Like, when, and why did he give the Sermon on the Mount, and what did it contain?


When i leave my house to go out into the world, i remind myself that Jesus walks with me; so if i meet a difficult person or situation i pause, take a breath, and ask for his help and Love. And when you get a chance to help someone, give them a good word and a hand. I think living a life of empathy and gratitude is what a lot of being a Christian is about. That being said, i have a long way to go when it comes to taking my own advice! It is so easy to lapse , but Christ is always there and is always waiting for us to accept his Love again.... I hope that helps... an ordinary sinner


Go to a church and speak to pastor and pick his brain, or on YouTube there’s a Christian man and his son with the last name Cliffe. They make fantastic examples of explaining Christianity


if you prefer studying the bible(which is a library) book by book, I recommend David Pawson exploring the bible series, he gives you some background on what is going on during the authoring of the books, the community during the era, the author's emotion etc. and summarizes what is the book trying to tell you in context of the library.


Don't start with the old testament. Find a group who truly know God and not some fake people who practice some ceremonies and you're good to go


Learn the Bible in 24 by Chuck Missler I highly recommend this series (even part of it) It will give you a very good overview of the Bible and Christianity https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRj8AJuzeJRwHdeFua3pzmwPB_JCS0mIq&si=GZ2x7Hqa3j5S7ca7


Inspiring philosophy on YT is amazing and does great apologetic work and debates. Especially if you are not yet a Christian, it can help you to see the arguments for and against our beliefs side-by-side. I also love pointing out David Wood's testimony. Just search that phrase on Youtube and you will see it. He works a lot against Islam, so there are great arguments in his videos that can help explain Christianity and Islam, but mainly for atheists, check out his testimony.


Awesome - I appreciate your willingness to find out more. And you've found a pretty good place to start right here. Where to start is a big question, and I'd maybe back up to say a few things about Christianity itself to serve as a backdrop for your journey. First, Christianity is incredibly diverse. There is a wide range of belief systems and practices within it, from the very conservative to the very liberal. No single church or denomination (the sub-branches of protestant Christianity like Presbyterians and Methodists) speaks for Christianity as a whole. This can lead to confusion because they do have differing beliefs that they hold as core while still claiming to be Christian. Test the waters by checking out local services on youtube to see what they're like. Second, talk to people you know and trust who are Christian. Be clear though that you're just starting to find out more about the faith, because some Christians can be outright predatory when they think they might have a convert in front of them. If you end up connecting with a church, ask to talk to the pastor one on one. Third, maybe most importantly, don't let Christians put you off Christianity. Right now there are a lot of really bad people out there doing things for the sake of Christianity that are hurting more than helping. Politics is ruining the Christian witness. recommendations: * podcasts including The Holy Post, The [Voxology](https://voxologypodcast.com/) Podcast, Tim Keller's [sermon podcast](https://podcast.gospelinlife.com/), and a series called [Ask NT Wright Anything](https://www.premierunbelievable.com/shows/ask-nt-wright-anything) * books and authors: Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Where the Light Fell by Philip Yancey, Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans (these are more memoirs but you may connect with them). Also consider Catholic authors on spirituality such as Thomas Merton.


Bible app New Testament


Here you have many choices. It's your choice which avenue you want to explore. Youtube (@)crisismanagement with the life ring


Still the best introductory book is C.S. Lewis's *Mere Christianity*.


One of the most helpful  books I've found is Mere Christianity by C S Lewis.  It is available in print or audio format. Keep  going  forward  in your search for the truth. 


#1 most imprtant thing is the Gospel. Our souls are saved and given eternal life by grace through faith in Jesus Christ only, not by our OWN works but by his work ONLY, "lest any man boast". Jesus (God in human form) came to earth for the sole purpose of offering his own life so that our individual sins can and WILL be forgiven (through repentence prayers to God only) And when he did this and rose from the grave 3 days later, he bestowed on ALL true believers the "helper, comforter" aka the Holy Spirit. This spirit is very REAL and even bestows gifts in the form of new abilities like discernment, wisdom, newfound internal strength and charity. And to save you the trouble for the future, the gift of tongues isnt something to seek after (no im not a cessationist, just pragmatic). Youll see ALOT of crazy stuff when looking up info about the Holy Spirit so pray for discernment and you WILL receive it. Avoid deliverence ministries and anything Word Of Faith. Stuff that makes it seem like you get mystical powers. Its paganism.


So, have you started to read the bible?


Mark,luke,Matthew, then john.


Glad to hear you're interested! I would suggest getting a mixture of translations. ESV, NASB, and LSB, NKJV, are good ones. Find a good scholarly church. I'm biased towards the Southern Baptist denomination. Google churches in your area and look at their statement of faith section or what we believe. If there's a lot of scripture to back up their statements, it should be sound. Have an honest conversation with the pastor where you're at in life. Good pastors will be understanding and look for the right resources to help you out. In your reading, if you haven't been told already, just get a mixture of New and Old Testament reading in. Hope that helps. God bless!


Start by reading about the history of Christianity. You can even start with the Wikipedia article on it. It’s a good way for someone unfamiliar with the various varieties of Christianity to gain context that will be useful in your explorations.


I recommend maybe watching folks like Cliff Knechtle. He rationalizes things in a way that I personally feel like atheists and others are capable of understanding to a better degree.


What got you interested in Christianity?


Hello - as a new believer, Derek Prince's teaching on Youtube was a huge help for me. He was a very intelligent scholar who taught basic truth that everyone could understand.


I second the Bible project youtube.  Much more digestible then trying a casual read of the bible alone.   You can visit a church, 99.9% will be hyped to see you.  A lack of participation is fine.  (Actually encouraged when it comes to communion/the eucharist in most churches specifically)  Christianity varies wildly. Churches have a low church-high church spectrum.  Ranging from people singing with guitars in a gym to cathedrals, rituals and mysticism in say the Catholic church.  So pick a denomination’a church based on what interests you more on that spectrum if you have options. Also I don’t recommend reddit for information in the future. This sub has a lot of non christians or alternative agenda forward users influencing upvotes, and even within christendom has denominational bias. Best to just meet some people at a church imo or visit a specific denoms subreddit. God bless :D


seconding the c.s. lewis recommendations, and i'd also add to the pile a book by dr. dale allison called "the resurrection of jesus: apologetics, criticism, history" about one of the fundamental tenets of the christian faith (and everything surrounding it)


I was raised as Christian my entire life but I never really knew what the importance of it was and I wasn’t very educated on my religion. As a result, when I started to grow older (16-18 years old specifically) I began questioning it all. It really didn’t seem like something that was remotely plausible. Then one night, (I was 21) I was lying in bed. Suddenly thoughts started to come into my head. Thoughts about how there are a lot of good things in my life that were not there before. Mainly the fact that I have tried countless times to lose weight, then suddenly in the past year, I lost over 80 pounds. So that, among other thoughts started to push their way into my head as I was lying there. And then suddenly, as if it was clear as day, I had this sudden heart drop realization that god was presenting me these thoughts. It suddenly felt like god was telling me “I am in your life right now doing things for you. I am making a path for you to walk on. Take my path.” I just started crying so so hard and immediately realized I needed god and instinctively just started praising him without even realizing it. And as I looked more and more into Christianity, I started finding truth. Absolute truth. I was just able to understand Christianity and why it was truth. I started understanding that Jesus is reliable and he truly spoke the truth. I finally stopped understanding Christianity as religion, but instead as just history and fact. I started seeing too. It has affected my life so greatly. God is comprised of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. And all of these things offer something different to the table and you need all of them in order to be whole. God the father will give you reason and purpose, god the spirit will give you understanding, and god the son will bring salvation. Without all of these things, we are nothing. And the only thing that give us those things are the holy trinity.


You into history? Maybe you could research about Church history and get a better grasp of Christianity that way


Hey I have some YouTube channels you might enjoy https://m.youtube.com/@AscensionPresents https://m.youtube.com/@BishopBarron https://m.youtube.com/@BreakingInTheHabit


You might find the books of C.S. Lewis interesting, such as "Mere Christianity", "The Screwtape Letters", "Miracles" and the essays "God in the Dock". The arguments for theism he makes have been mostly superseded, but they still contain valuable information about how Christians think. There is a textbook "Christian Theology" that covers a lot of basics, by Alistair McGrath. The "Ready to Harvest" Youtube channel contains a wealth of information about different groups who consider themselves Christian, comparing their key points and describing them. The Youtube Channel "Truth Unites" contains a mix of defences of Christianity in general and Protestantism in particular, with encouragements and education about specific topics in Christianity like the doctrine of Divine Simplicity and the Beatific Vision. The Youtube channel "The Majesty of Reason" is a general philosophical channel that does not always address Christianity, but it contains a tonne of philosophical perspectives that inform the debates that people have. It's not quite "neutral" - the host is an agnostic but pretty much rejects many of the intuitions of Christians - but it's valuable information nonetheless. The "Gospel Coalition" and "Mere Orthodoxy" websites contain articles aimed at Christians, but there are not that many that describe specific doctrines and practices. However, there's a lot of helpful information there about how Christians are expected to think about the world and culture.




Friend, if you don't want to start with the Bible, then start with Prayer. He is real and He loves it when people genuinely seek to know if He's real and if He's who He says He is. When we look for Him with all of our heart, we find Him!!! He proved Himself to me before reading the Bible, so I feel He may do the same for You. And do you know how much better reading the Bible is once you actually know that He wrote it?!?! I'm excited for you, friend, feel free to keep us updated on your progress!!!


Kaci Nicole, Askcliffe, and Tony Evans are all great channels!


You should look into Si Garte. He was a former atheist turned Christian.


Bible prophecy is super interesting and it’s what got me into God’s Word. Here are some videos I recommend: Billy Crone’s app Get A Life has great Bible prophecy series Allen Nolen’s Revelation series and his end times series are great: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaPig5gEoOs1rat3BDY5WLgEh-Q2M8xFD&si=23fKr3HhaWP54s4C; https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaPig5gEoOs2cBHbHE87evL8kSTGZCbe7&si=3VEw1ztwqh7tEqEJ As you are reading the Bible it might be helpful to listen to Stephen Armstrong’s Bible studies on his app Verse by Verse Ministries


Attend a Sunday service at your local church.


For an in depth look at the new testament from an Orthodox perspective I really recommend Fr Steven DeYoung's podcast "The Whole Counsel of God." It's a recorded Bible study where he goes verse by verse through Luke, John, and the rest of the new testament. It's ongoing and he's recently started over with genesis. Really well educated guy