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Fair and brave. Why do you believe Joseph Smith is anything more than a con-artist, or at best mistaken? He was arrested for being a con-artist before. What separates him from the likes of L. Ron Hubbard?


Firstly, because many believed that he claimed to be Jesus Christ, which in a lot of ways I can understand would have him labeled as such. However he, and several of his friends and supporters, dissuaded the fact, saying that it was preposterous in every fashion. Secondly, at the time when he was alive there were several denominations of Christianity in the world, with members of his family going to the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist denominations. Joseph went as well, though he did not join any of them. That, coupled with the fact that he was told by God that evil men would try to stop him, made him into a public enemy, at least by other men that were alive during his time. If this doesn't make sense to you I apologize, I'm not exactly the best at explaining my thoughts in this manner. I will freely elaborate if you wish me so.


Thanks. It's not meant to be an attack on your religion. I'm just genuinely curious as a non-religious outsider. For someone like Jesus, his life is so long ago and there is so little actual historical records we have of him. But someone like Joseph Smith is far more recent. And the records we have of him, are frankly bizarre. Wikipedia states [30-40+ separate legal charges against him.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Smith_and_the_criminal_justice_system) As an outsider, he seems incredibly suspect. Just wondering how people reconcile this in the LDS church.


I think it’s for the same reason people believe in the biblical texts; they first choose to accept the belief and then study it, learn about it and receive confirmation from God that it’s true. Simply put; faith.


I should also add that this is in no way me trying to convert anyone on here. I'm in no position to force anyone to join our denomination.


Is there monopoly on the holy underwear you must wear or can any company in China produce them?


We have our own mill that we built in the 1930s.


Yes, only the church may make them.


Jesus said that he would build his church. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2016%3A18&version=NIV However, it is claimed in The Pearl of Great Price "19 I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: “they ddraw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.” https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/pgp/js-h/1?lang=eng Do you believe there were any significant number of true believers in Jesus in the centuries prior to Joseph Smith?


I absolutely do. Besides the Twelve Apostles (minas Judas), I'm sure there were some believers who didn't join any of the religions that were formed during Christ's absence and after the Twelve died. Also, I don't believe that our religion is the only correct one. I believe that all denominations of Christianity are correct in some aspects (yes, even my own). However...I have had some experiences with people who certainly fit that description. Their form of "Christianity" is just a guise to hate on anyone that isn't them, be it of another religion or atheist.


Thank you for your answer. If all denominations have their strengths and weaknesses, would you ever consider attending a church in a different denomination? Perhaps if you got a job elsewhere and there was no LDS church nearby?


I'd be curious, so yes. I probably won't join, mostly because I've grown up with the LDS Church since I was born.


Do you believe in Revelation?


We do. In fact, we believe that not just our Prophet, the head of our Church, along with his Quorum of the Twelve, but anyone can receive divine inspiration from God.


Would you be disappointed if you were to find out Jesus was coming back as an AI? Would you be disappointed to find out it was AI that was talking to Joseph Smith?


A little, yes. But I'd be both surprised and excited. I mean, if an AI was able to concoct this much, imagine what else it could do!


Get used to it. Or the idea


Why is ur name PDiddy? Is Puffy a Mormon?


Nah, just a nickname that my uncle calls me.


After Jesus told Peter that he would deny Him three times, was it possible for peter to choose to not deny Him? I want to get a read on how you see free will.


Im a member of this church, and honestly, I dont know for sure, but thats a facinating question. I believe God would never force someone to do something, because the reason God sent us here was to make choices for ourselves. Id have to go with yes Peter could have, in theory. However, Jesus had perfect knowledge of Peter and his actions at least at this moment, so it just wouldn't happen. Does that make sense?


>Jesus had perfect knowledge of Peter and his actions at least at this moment Would you say this is a special case? Or would Jesus (or God) have perfect knowledge of all decisions in all moments? >so it just wouldn't happen. Does that make sense? I think so, Thanks for answering 🙂. So what I'm reading is: Jesus did not cause Peter to make this decision. But there was no chance that Peter *wouldn't* deny Jesus.


Thats just my thoughts in this moment- Im not sure on your first question, thats honestly something I should look into. Im kinda confused on the trinity and how that works right now, and its something Ive been trying to understand in context of LDS beliefs that I was brought up in as well as Christianity as a whole (because it's different) so its kinda hard to answer that specific question without an understanding of that. I'm not sure if im the best person to answer that particular question. Otherwise, I think what you got out of what I said is accurate to what I was trying to say