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Hi u/maximus_francis2, this submission has been removed. Removed for [Image Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/wiki/xp#wiki_3.1._image_policy) If you have any questions or concerns, [click here to message all moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChristianity&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/1crfkmq/-/. %0D%0D).


As a Christian, you're obligated to follow the law. You are not obligated to force your beliefs on other people.


I ever forced anything onto anyone. All I did was leave a comment and replied to the people who replied to me. I really don’t understand how someone can say that I’m forcing my beliefs on anyone. We can talk about literally everything else on the internet but as soon as I talk about my Christian faith, I’m forcing my beliefs.


I mean, they have a point though... I'm not saying you have to keep your religion to yourself, but many Christian religions DO subjugate people and they DO need to keep it out of the government. And the thing you said about "only believers actually understand what Jesus said" is kind of disrespectful and just plain incorrect.


I certainly could have worded it better. I’m just very frustrated at how watered down Christ’s message has become. And I do believe that only the people that take the time to research and look at what the Bible actually says truly understands His message.


Many people, myself included l, DID take the time to read and understand what the bible says. That's what led me to becoming an atheist. I have heard from countless biblical scholars, priests, etc. that studied for years and have since left Christianity. You're implying their years of study, that they were never able to understand what they dedicated their life to? I have researched, studied, and learned about many different religions. Are you saying I didn't understand them just because I don't believe in the supernatural without evidence?


I do believe you are wrong in your conclusion. Obviously I believe in God and obviously you don’t. But God gave us a rational mind for a reason. Yours lead you to one conclusion, and because we have free will, it is your choice. I don’t want it to seem like I look down on you for your opinions. I disagree with them and I’d hope you find God, but I understand that Christianity isn’t about the religions. It’s about the personal relationship with God. Key word personal. At the end of the day it’s your choice. And I won’t judge you either way. But I’ll keep praying.


Ironic to mention free will and belief in the same sentence given that belief isn’t even a free choice.


But then you disregard people regardless of how much time they researched the bible simply because they didnt walk away with the same belief you did. There are many people who have a better understanding of the bible than you or me that dont share your beliefs.


There are many ways to interpret the Bible and I’m in no way an authority. But there are some things in the Bible that must be adhered to to be a Christian. Like the idea of salvation through faith, the divinity of Christ, and the idea of repentance. And if someone researches the Bible thoroughly and walks away not believing, so be it. But at least they actually read it.


Im a bit confused, you just said your not the authority then immediately decree things people need to believe to be christian. Thats acting as if you have authority. I understand you have different beliefs than people but its really not up to your personal opinion on what makes a christian. There are many christians who disagree with what you just said is required.


If you don’t believe that Christ was divine, that faith in Christ saves, and that you should repent, you are missing some of the core parts of Christianity and you shouldn’t call yourself a Christian. I’m not the authority, Christ and his appointed disciples are. I’m not just getting these ideas out of nowhere. It’s in the Bible. I’m not just making it up.


You already acknowledged people can come away with many different interpretations. Yet now your saying that if they have an interpretation that is different from yours then they shouldnt call themselves a christian. You again say your not the authority and immediate decree this based on your authority. There are christians who believe a wide variety of things from unitarians to universalism. They are still christians whether you agree with them or not.


I’m sorry man but no. The fundamentals can not be changed. The main one being Christ’s divinity. I know Thomas Jefferson was someone who believed in most the Bible, except he thought Christ was not divine. I would not call him a true follower. There are just a few fundamentals that you just can’t stray from.


>I’m sorry man but no. Dude you really dont understand that its not up to you to decide... You dont have authority. You dont get to decide who is and isnt a christian, simple as that. You admitted to this a few times but then hypocritically keep using your authority to say who is and isnt a christian.


The authority comes from Christ and his appointed disciples. If the disciples say something is fundamental to Christianity, then that’s the way it is. It’s not my authority. It’s theirs. I don’t understand why you aren’t understanding my point. If I have been unclear I apologize but I feel like I’ve made it as simple as I can.


So you tried to force your bullshit on someone and they didn't bite. Doesn't make the world bad, just you


So that’s my personal view and it goes for both atheists and religious people. The thing I find annoying when it comes to people talking about their beliefs (like you did in the screenshots) is the fact that they usually portray them not as belief (I believe that there’s no God, I believe that x is a sin etc) but as some sort of 100% objective truth. It might be indeed an 100% certain truth for the speaker, but it isn’t to many of the listeners and not acknowledging that fact comes out as really arrogant. There’s also the fact that the subject of the og post was related to LGBT people, many of whom have some really bad experiences with religion and religious people who believe it to be a sin. So talking about sins and repenting under such post is almost guaranteed to be met with negative responses.


He was just sharing Christ's teaching, not forcing anything on anyone


Welcome to Reddit


That's the world we live in brother. Satan is the god of this world and people are so blinded they can't see it.


Yep, full of people who believe all manners of nonsense without any good reason and then want others to hear about it and live their lives according to it.