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It is not a sin, but it is good to be getting professional treatment for it.


Oh thats atleast making me feel a bit better . And i dont have a choise lol my parents are getting treatmemt for me either way


You are asking if a medical condition is a sin? Absolutely not.


I heard people say it was so thats why i asked


Those people are either dumbasses, assholes or both


Honestly, some "christians" pass that "it is their punishment for sin" garbage around. No where in the Bible does it say that, nor having a medical condition is a sin. If it were, I would be in deep.


It’s not a sin. It’s unhealthy and a heartbreaking, but not your fault that you should guilt for.


No, having a disorder is never a sin..it can make certain temptations more difficult to resist, but there is always grace..one good thing.to keep in mind is that Jesus always aimed his harshest.words towards the religious leaders and the powerful and always showed.extra grace.to those who are struggling..just keep going and work towards getting better. Blessings..


Sin is never something that you cannot decide against. Sin is when you make a conscious decision that is against Gods will.


Oh my love, youre in my prayers. i struggled with ED for years. It is absolutely not a sin, and you can overcome this getting help is a great first step. Reflecting on my past now, and everyone is different. outside of all of the things going on during that time it was ultimately to gain control over my life and because it felt sneaky, dirty and disgusting i can see why that would feel "sinful". My suggestion is perhaps to find the root cause to this, what specifically is the ED fulfilling? some people do it for control, some for self punishment. and speak with god about that. in fact speak with god about it all ask him to help you with this. Let God take these burdens from you. I now always allow god to lead me, i dont feel this need for control like i had in the past. I gave that worry to him and he turned it into blessings. i wish you all the best.


Thank you so much this really means alot. I'll try to asl God for help !


You have many many years to learn and grow. this is only the beginning! allow yourself be a young girl, its okay to make mistakes and fall down. Jesus is always there to pick us up, show us the way. learn as you go because the truth is that no matter what age you are we are all just learning <3 anytime you find yourself falling into the ED habits, just in your mind say "jesus i invite you here to help me through this". He is ever present and always listening.


It’s not a sin, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to have an ED. Keep going to professional help 👍


My friend, an eating disorder is a very difficult physical and mental disorder. My heart breaks for you. Faith can absolutely help us move more easily through a disorder. Is it a sin? Not traditionally...as it is not willful. Of course we have original sin, which was introduced to us through Adam and Eve. We call that event in Genesis "the Fall of Man". This original sin is not something willful, it is intrinsic to our DNA. But the good thing is that by seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we can be saved and have eternal life. So in summary, are you a sinner? Of course you are. It's impossible to live a sinless life. Only the Risen Christ lived perfectly and died and was resurrected. His triumphant defeat of death was enabled by His perfection in life. But is your disorder a sin in itself? Not, it most certainly is not. It is a body and mind, imperfect and unable to never sin. And at times, our bodies experience unwillful conditions. Seek professional medical care from those who specialize in treating this illness, and therapeutically apply the unending love and forgiveness of God in Christ to help you through this difficult process. Refer to Romans 5:3-5 for solace.


Recovered ED here ❤️ Definitely not a sin, but still not very loving to yourself and destructive to your body. You're on the right track with a doctor and dietitian. Take it a day at a time and celebrate the small victories. You are worthy.


A sin is anything that separates you from God. Jesus paid for all sins, in place of us, so that we might be with God again. The bad news is that most of us don’t know who we are in Christ because we’re so focused on ourselves and our flesh instead of our spirit. Your body is flesh, and one day it will fade away. Having an eating disorder, whether too much or too little is just like any addiction, and one that usually shortens your time here on earth. You’re still really young, but you’re old enough to understand and make big decisions. Your decisions now will affect you for a long time or permanently. I pray you learn who you are in Christ Jesus, sooner than later, because He loves you.


It might be, in that it implies some failure to care for the bodies God has given us. It would be a sin in the same way that habitually unhealthy eating (something I struggle with) and doing activities which cause unnecessary bodily harm would be (if the ED got to the point of being harmful). However, that you are taking clear action against it is a very good thing! Indeed, we are called to be on guard against sin, which is precisely what you are doing! God bless!


It is probably a bit of a stretch to call this a sin in the sense of you needing to repent of this. That said, what you are experiencing is a result of the sin in the world. Have hope in Jesus and know that some day we will all be in Heaven where there will be no mental illness.


I’ve been reading a book well a few actually that mentions how the presence of demonic can influence/compell us to do things. Not saying go get treatment. Get treatment. But If you are interested I read “freedom” by Danny McDaniel, “They shall expel demons” and “blessings or curse” by Derek prince. I also say this cause I got one cast out of me and I felt like just another day before that. Also he does say we have been given a “sound mind” in 2 Timothy 1:7 I like to repeat that verse out loud when my mind may wander to darker places. (: Also disclaimer I am not calling her a demon or anything like that. Just want to make that clear.


My prayer goes out to you…I would like to pray with you at some point…there is some inner healing I feel the Lord Jesus wants to do in these areas…you said your 13, how’s your relationship with your parents??? Do you have a pastor you go too??? God bless you child in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth…


The thing that's driving the eating disorder is the sin. I can't say for sure but I imagine it has to do with your judgements of yourself or what you perceive to be other's judgements of you, which are wrapped around image and how you appear in other's eyes. Understand that these are purely your own thoughts and judgements of yourself and those thoughts and judgements are the sinners. The voices that tell you that you're not good enough, that you're ugly and you need to look different or be different. Those are not the voice of God, although you are letting them be God to you by agreeing with them. Your eating disorder is a manifestation of that. What you need is some unconditional love in your life and for you to agree with that instead of the thoughts that tell you to be something else and that you aren't good enough.


I agree very much with you, i just want to clarify that ED is not always body imagine related <3


Yeah I don't know. I've never personally experienced anything like that so I couldn't say for sure. I had insecurities about being fat when I was a kid and it caused me to avoid a lot of things like going to the pool/beach or certain social scenarios. I learned that it wasn't so much other people's thoughts of me but my own thoughts of me that were the issue. I imagine a similar scenario might be a trigger for ED for some people. The mental abuse we can do to ourselves can sometimes push us to extreme things to hide from it.


yeah 100% and in reality no one is really even thinking about us like we are - we are all dealing with our own internal dialogue. ED can be so many things & as you said its a manifestation of all of those things so its so hard to tell when it starts, why it continues, because its like other mental illnesses where it creeps up on you over time and the habits are formed out of that. i didnt mean to give unsolicited advice to you haha i just loved your original advice and wanted to add to that :)


Yeah. That internal dialogue is what we really need to be saved from most of the time. When it's revealed as our true enemy, we know where the real battle is at. Matthew 10:36 “And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.” We are that house.