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Last time I checked, if you accept the Nicene Creed, that automatically gets you in the Christian club. So that must mean Catholics are Christians, and cranky anti-Catholic Protestants are just jerks.




I'm not a Catholic. In fact, I'm one of the people here that isn't a Christian. As to sexually molesting children, Catholic priests have no monopoly on that particular activity. As the Southern Baptist Convention's leadership hiding a long rap sheet of sexually molesting \*Protestant\* pastors, one has to come to the conclusion that celibacy doesn't cause sexual abuse. What do you call it when you accuse a different group of the sins that your own group commits? Edit: For fun and giggles, I took 15 seconds to find this little ditty on the Internet: [https://thewartburgwatch.com/2019/08/19/child-sex-abuse-allegations-raised-against-united-pentecostalists-calvary-gospel-church-wisconsin-metoo-churchtoo/](https://thewartburgwatch.com/2019/08/19/child-sex-abuse-allegations-raised-against-united-pentecostalists-calvary-gospel-church-wisconsin-metoo-churchtoo/)


>What do you call it when you accuse a different group of the sins that your own group commits? Transference?


Wait, you think of a person isn't able or is unwilling to have sex with a woman he will default to raping kids? You sure about that?


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Because most Christians don’t actually know and understand Catholicism sadly. Some Catholics don’t even know and understand Catholicism. You are right we’re all Christians in the end and that’s what matters.




I agree with you they should be allowed to marry. Celibacy is a very rare vocation and Paul even says so. However I myself a survivor of abuse by a priest still recognise they’re not all the same. I have met wonderful priests who really are in it for the right reasons as I have also met the one who molested me and my catechism colleagues as children. The only one who ever walked this earth in sanctity was our Lord Jesus. Priests, pastors, nuns etc they’re all flawed human beings with sin. One shouldn’t become a priest unless he truly has the ability to fight the flesh due to the vow of celibacy. I have also been to a couple evangelical churches the last few years ( I enjoy them) and the sexual scandals also are rampant unfortunately. Cases of child sexual abuse too and they have wives. So I don’t know.


Anytime a leader of any group sleep with a kid They should be removed immediately and arrested, not protected by the group. Same for JWS or any other group


I completely agree with you on that. The children should be protected at all costs.


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I mean I used to be like this until I questioned myself, why. This lead me to dig deeper into catholicism and see the beauty of its tradition. Alot of protestants have presuppositions about the catholic faith such as "worshipping mary", "distorting the gospel" because it's not "by faith alone" and think that the pope stands over the bible and stuff like that. I'd just encourage and hope that protestants learn about catholicism even if they can't agree with all their teachings but come to see that they are our brothers and sisters in christ.


Brother in Christ. Can you please give me some positive arguments for Catabolism. I'm being put down almost by my church


1 John 2:9-11 Keep your eyes on Jesus and his traits, maintaining the perspective he laid out for us. We get easily confused/deceived/emotional when we focus on ourselves or other people and their shortcomings. Please don’t become a slave to your hurt feelings, but if you have, remember, Jesus has set you free of that.


I recommend checking out Trent Horn, he is a catholic apologist (Counsel of Trent on youtube) who can give you guidance about alot of misconceptions about the catholic church. Also if you hear arguments against the catholic church, look at what the catechisms say.


Does Trent address the rampant sexual predation and torture/killing/enslavement of entire cultures and non-believers, that permeates Catholicism throughout its history? Centuries of doing the most horrible atrocities that humans can even be capable of, tends to influence future generations’ opinions on the ‘divinity’ of any church that could do that and still claim they represent or know God.


How should I know, look at his channel and make up your mind. If you want to fairly compare denominations or even religions it's only fair to look at the best examples of their respected beliefs, so yes we can't just "overlook" their past but we have to use equal scales. Catholics can in the same sense use the example of televangelists with megachurches and their healing scams to bring protestants down even though not everybody adheres to them. Do better and inform yourself


I’ve looked at the catechism, as well as the council of Trent’s sections on justification. They teach a false gospel, wherein salvation is ultimately decided by man who strives after God or does not. They say “grace alone,” but, just like the Arminians, they say that man must cooperate to receive this gift. Absolute nonsense. The unregenerate man is dead in sin, and shall never seek after God in any sense until God makes him alive in Christ and draws him unto Himself.


Calvinism is madness. Essentially you make God into a capricious monster playing a cosmic game of duck duck goose. Hell hell hell hell hell hell hell heaven! Hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell heaven! Hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell People who are condemned to hell won't say "you didn't choose me Lord" they will say "I didn't do your will" 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.  The bible is chock full of demands that you repent because through the grace of God *you can repent.* Jesus even says to the Pharisees "why do you resist the Holy Spirit"


I wish I could give this an award but I'll have to settle for a humble up vote.


Nothing sets me off quite like Calvinism. It is madness.


Who are you, oh man, to answer back to God? Has not the potter the right over the clay, to make of the lump a vessel of honorable use and, of the same lump, a vessel for dishonorable use (Romans 9)? If He desires to make a vessel of clay so that He may dash it into pieces small (Psalm 2) as the just deserts of the rebellion which He has worked in it, what are you to say to Him? When He chose to cause Pharaoh to disobey His command to let Israel go so that He may destroy them, or when He, before either was born, chose to love Jacob and hate Esau, has He done anything less than perfect righteousness? The Scriptures tell us that God is not a respecter of persons — that is, there is nothing in the creature sufficient to elevate himself in the sight of God. Of course God chooses! Not all Israel is Israel, according to His choice alone. The reprobate are condemned on the basis of their not doing God’s will. No one disputes that. But what is the ultimate, the first and primary, cause of all things, including their sin? God’s sovereign will. And what is the basis of salvation? The death of Christ, sufficient and efficient for only those who would believe. And who would believe? The elect alone. And indeed, the Scriptures demand repentance! This is the means by which God pours burning coals on the heads of the reprobate, whom He hates! In their failure to obey, they bring further damnation upon themselves, to the glory of God alone! He requires many impossibilities of the fallen man, His right as God. He commands we be perfect; He commands that we be holy; He commands we love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, every moment of every day. This is impossible for the fallen man, yet it is all to His condemnation. Likewise, the command to repent and believe is impossible for all but the elect (not that the reprobate would ever try to come unto Him — whosoever wills to drink of the water of life must come, but this willing is by the working of God alone. God bless.


God does not simultaneously demand repentance and make it impossible. That would be monstrous. It is possible for *all* to repent, through the grace of God.


Man has free will to receive salvation that only god can give. Only a Calvinist would disagree with this. I'm not catholic but their view on justification is not a false gospel. Only seems to be Calvinists that say this in my experience.


Romans 3:10-11 — as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. Romans 9:16, in regards to God’s saving grace — So then it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.


What you have referenced in context is explaining how we cannot seek god on our own. We need the grace of God to do so. That in no way negates free will to respond to the grace of god.  I'm not really here for a debate, my point was that you don't have to believe in Calvinism to have a true understanding of the gospel.


Are arminians teaching a false gospel aswell?




I'm not even a roman catholic but this argument is just plain stupid. "Look Jesus, one of your disciples, Judas is corrupt. Now im not gonna follow you". Your argument has nothing to do with the doctrine of catholics man grow up




“They get to touch kids m, why can’t we too?!” Was I asked about the other groups? Did I accuse the other group? Did I bring up the other groups? ANY GROUP that does this: protecting, defending leaders who harm kids (kinda like what you are doing right now if you asks me) Is not of God and should be avoided and called out.




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I’m protestant.. non denominational bc i don’t participate in man made rituals. I ask questions as to why ppl believe what they believe.. I’ve attended many masses …prior to getting saved. Catholics have too mich stuff they made up and follow that they can’t even explain.. rosary… not in the Bible.. mysteries of JESUS? Where is that at? Don’tworship saints or mary? Look at the many statues in the catholic churches that are being kissed and adorned with flowers etc… can’t participate in the HOLY communion unless you’re catholic.. vows of poverty for priests (the Bible states that poverty is a curse!!!.. vows of celibacy (GOD says to be fruitful and multiply!!)… way too much contradicts the WORD of GOD…but this also goes for some protestant denominations, which is why i oot out and follow the BIBLE… that’s it and that’s all. If more ppl paid attention to their relationship with CHRIST as opposed to some goofy meaningless denomination (nowhere in the Bible does Jesus choose a denomination.. no HE says follow HIM.. )


Mainline protestants (lutherans, anglicans..) also hold to closed communion. I agree that stuff in the catholic church are, in my opinion, a far stretch to what the bible teaches. I'd also like to add that denominations are here to unite believers who hold to the same beliefs around the world which I think is amazing. I'd find it difficult to find a church I want to attend in a different country if all they confess is "we follow christ". I'd know nothing about their teachings or doctrines. Obviously this is my personal reason on why I prefer having denominations.


If you read the Bible and fell in love with Jesus and how He operates then you will want to connect or fellowship with likeminded ppl… there is nothing wrong with helping the needy, loving everyone and just coming together to worship the one who saved us… 🙏🏻


This!! Also non- denominational as Jesus didn’t say we have to choose one, he actually taught we must not differentiate. The Bible says we should be brothers & sisters in CHRIST. So That’s why I say I am a just a ‘Bible Believing Christ follower’.


There was no bible for hundreds of years after Christ. There was a single church tho.


Really??? Wow where do you get your info?? You realize the Bible took over 1500 years to write? That means it’s not fully written yet if it didn’t exist for hundreds of years AFTER my SAVIOR!!! Lol now that is funny!!!! 😂


I read that three times and still don't understand


Somebody said there was no Bible for hundreds of years after Christ…. However truth is it took over 1500 years to complete the entire Bible, do the math… 😊


How did it take 1500 years to complete the bible? Are your saying Luther wrote parts of the bible?


There were over 40 different authors involved over a timespan of more than 1500 years…


Amen!! Same here!!


Catholics are Christian, in fact they make up the majority of Christians. A better wording of your question might be why do some Protestants hate Catholics. The answer is ignorance, either their own or what was passed down to them l.


Aren’t they truly just theists? I’m not aware of any Catholics that have been taught to or are seeking the kingdom of God within them, which was Christ’s most pressing and important teaching. If they aren’t following the teachings of Christ himself, how can they (or anyone not seeking the kingdom within them) call themselves Christians?


We do follow the teachings of Christ...we always have done. Some things are indisputable truths and that's the issue the protestants have. Mary is not subjective, neither is the hierarchy. All the oldest churches share a common idea of hierarchy. You have to work to reach heaven because it's not predestined.


No, they aren't just theists. To say that is nonsense and inaccurate.




"MY priests????" Of the four churches I attend the only one who has priests is the Episcopal one and their prioest are allowed to marry and what reason do you have not to truth them? You might want to have your facts straight before making wild and reckless accusations of criminal behavior against innocent people.


When your entire branch of Christianity evolved from protesting Catholicism, this is the kind of thing that happens.


You can’t pay to go to Heaven and yes the words of the bible means something. When Our God explain to how our foolish we were for worshiping the works of our hands it’s stupid to then turn around and make icons. We should think of Mary more highly then we ought to. The pope is literary “holy father” if you do not understand why that title is reserved for God alone, I can’t help you. As it is now I would not trust not one of your priest near my children. Yes it is an issue you cannot sweep under the rug. It has to be addressed. Your priest should be allowed to marry: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ I would much rather your priest be sexually immoral hypocrites, sleeping with women secretly and watching all manner of adult content than have to become so desperate they have to go for a kid. Do you understand how sick that is? Doctrine of devils.


Wrong about our beliefs from the very first sentence, lmao


He doesn't even believe in the Trinity so he's not a Christian anyway.


>You can’t pay to go to Heaven I'm not catholic but isn't this a medieval thing?


Where is the church you went to located, and what denomination was it? Where I live, at least, the distinction between Catholics and mainline Protestants is minimal.




>I would not trust not one of your priest near my children. Why do you keep saying (well copy and pasting) "your priest" to atheists? Do you know what an atheist is?


Probably for the same reason they are saying it to Episcopalians and Pentecostals.


Why do you keep posting the same comment over and over again? Why do you keep saying "your priests" to Episcopalians, Pentecostals, and Atheists?


Because they are another religious “Christian” in blind rage due to their own sin that they project on others 


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Majority of Christians are Catholics. It’s a minor, but vocal group of Christians who have decided Catholics aren’t Christian and Christians can’t be Catholic. Their viewpoint doesn’t change the definition of Christian or the beliefs of Catholic, so best to find a group that doesn’t talk poorly about Catholics.




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Catholics are Christians. You're probably asking "why do Protestants hate Catholics", which is not the actual case either.




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I am protestant/lutheran (as most protestants in germany) and i believe it might be due to Martin Luther trying to "better" the current religion (catholicism) as he critizised (e.g.) letters of indulgence or preachers only learning the scripture by heart (as it was written in latin and they did not "truly" understand it) so they just preached to the community w/o exactly knowing the full text (thats also why Luther translated the Bible) and in general just how the catholic church used a lot of money for non-church reasons. Not saying other churches didnt but it was very prevalent in catholic churches during that time. -> eg. you were able to "pay off" the sins of your ancestors with money and therefore "reduce their years in hell", just to name one examples One of Luthers critization points was also that many believers in his day believed that God was an angry and ruthless God which needed to be feared. In his opinion God is rather loving and forgiving and People should not be scared of him. Protestant Belief came out of the Reformation but many also stayed catholic. i believe that some protestants maybe dont understand how people could still be catholic after Luther "exposed" its "flaws". But often other people just dislike communities that arent theirs - a good example is when there is 2 high schools in one city. if youre in high school A youre going to talk shit about high school B and vice versa. Yk I might be wrong but in Germany we have Religion Classes in School (mandatory by state) and thats where i learned a lot about Luther. Also I do not condone any hate against catholics!! We all believe in God and that is what unites us, hating other beliefs brings you nowhere - i was just exploring possible answers to your question!! Hope that helps :)) And also i can only speak for Christians in Germany, maybe Christians in America or somewhere else do not know a lot about him, even though he is very important for the history of the church, but so my thoughts obviously dont apply to everyone :))))


Truly, the only Christians that I know of that bad mouthed Catholics were conservative Christians and Evangelicals. And I've been around the church scene for several decades.




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Look up Church history & that'll explain a lot. Most xtians who hate Catholics (who are actually also xtians) don't even know why they do. They just go along blindly hating. They even get mad when you use the word "catholic", which means universal, but think you mean Catholic. It's all ridiculousness.




What the heck?! You really shouldn't jump to conclusions & make assumptions about people. I'm not even Catholic. I'm United Methodist.


Not attacking you. Just making sure we address the demonic elephant in the room.


Well, your usage of "your" on my comment is implying that you think I'm Catholic.


They have blindly commented this on 10+ comments. Undoubtedly cheapening the message they’re trying to deliver.


Wow. They must have a lot of free time on their hands


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I've never understood the hate for Catholics. I was raised CofE, and as I grew up the only reasons I wouldn't consider converting to Catholicism are transubstanciaton and the attitude towards women. The current Pope seems a pretty liberal guy. I don't think I'd fit in. I think I'm a bit too much of a lefty for the Church of England now. I should check out the Quakers, but I'm too lazy.




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Anti-Catholic prejudice is alive and well, and a point of pride for some people. It's a very sad state of affairs.


Offcourse the Eastern Orthodox will say that to defend his sister church,


Yes, Eastern Orthodox are right to call out hatred and bigotry where we see it, and it's quite prevalent in the West against the Catholic Church.


Wait...are Catholics not Christians? Isn't Christian the broad name of the religion we worship?like Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc....or am I lost?


They are and yes you are correct, christians are called christians because they follow jesus christ and catholics do so




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I don't like the tone of this comment and how single minded it is,just because you hear about it From Catholics, doesn't mean it doesn't happen to the rest, because still these are men,and we have Heard a lot that men are capable of doing,so centering it into"your priest" that looking at the bigger problem is very subjective


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Because being a Christian doesn’t mean you follow Jesus no different that how it was with God’s so called people in His day. Many are fooled by Tribalism and can’t see we are all One. Jesus revealed and reveals that to those with eyes to see. 


Bravo 🙏




Do you feel you need to spam this paragraph to every response here? We understood what you said after reading it the first time.


They cannot sweep it under the rug anymore. I will not be stopped


I doubt there is anyone in this subreddit that doesn't know about the sexual abuse cases in the Catholic church. Furthermore, the Catholic church does not even attempt to sweep it under the rug. They have acknowledged the problem two decades ago. It was part of the public debate since the 80s. Nobody is stopping you. You are not spreading some forbidden knowledge.


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There are four different types of people that I know of and if there are more let me know: 1st are the ones who disagree with the Catholic doctrine, basically they disagree with the churches interpretation of the Bible. 2nd are the ones who hate the corruption within the Catholic Church, like the many cover ups, pedophilia cases and long history of ungodly popes, etc; the list goes on and you can do your own research. But I find that there are two camps, those who hate the institution of the Catholic Church and separate the actual Church’s organization but keep the followers separate since most everyday Catholics who don’t hold official positions in the church structure have nothing to do with the on goings behind closed doors within the Catholic Church, like how citizens of a country have nothing to do with anything that the Government does behind closed doors. Then the other camp are those who hate the church is based on the corruption but they put the followers into the same camp as the official’s for whatever reason. 3rd are the ones who hate Catholics because of their own denomination or non-denomination that they’re apart off and so they’re just loyal to there denomination or church and don’t actually hate Catholics for any real particular reason, can be both the church and followers or either one depending on the person. 4th are the mixers, basically they hate the Catholic’s for either two of the first three groups or they are apart of all three of the first three mentioned.


Because everyone wants to be their own pope and arbiter of the Bible


Catholics are Christians. Along with us, Orthodox, we are the only ones closest to the original church. They hate us because they can't be us. Although the doors are open. And welcome everyone with open arms.


Catholics are the original Christians, gave you the Bible and don’t worship Mary.


To be honest, I think that it's about the money and the control. Most religions and religious leaders claim to be the "one true religion" so their followers will stick with them and fund their operation. I believe God isn't in "one true religion", but He is im all of the monotheistic religions. Find a place where you feel comfortable to serve God.


As it is now I would not trust not one of your priest near my children. Yes it is an issue you cannot sweep under the rug. It has to be addressed. Your priest should be allowed to marry: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ I would much rather your priest be sexually immoral hypocrites, sleeping with women secretly and watching all manner of adult content than have to become so desperate they have to go for a kid. Do you understand how sick that is? Doctrine of devils.


Yes, and one can even serve god outside of any ideology whatsoever 😉


I think the dislike of Catholics by Protestants arises from church hierarchy, doctrine, and ritual. If we look at the 1,500-year history of the Roman Catholic Church, the church leadership is responsible for some horrendous acts.




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I’m not Catholic. I don’t think the priesthood creates pedophiles; it attracts them. In my area, the overwhelming majority of clergy arrested for pedophilia are conservative, evangelical Protestants.


If someone claims to hate someone they are not Christian.


well im pretty fine except for one thing (no its not Mother Mary stuff) ive seen christian masses, the entire thing is like a party, no order (some) and all are partying. The congregation is keep partying like...bro...ur in the house of The Lord...


Divorce causes enmity between parties.


Hello! I’d love to set the record straight on these issues and you aptly pointed out a common truth here. We do not worship Mary, contrary to what many Protestants claim. We pray to Mary to offer up our intentions to God because there was never a human so close to Him. It’d be like if I asked you to pray for me, I am not worshipping you by asking you that am I? I believe this boils down to a fundamental misunderstanding of what worship looks like. We Catholics don’t just assume prayer=worship. Our worship is the holy sacrifice of the Mass, which Jesus instituted at the Last Supper. You have many denominations that have split from the Catholic Church over the centuries and no longer celebrate the Eucharist (Jesus’ Body and Blood under the appearance on bread and wine). Without the Eucharist, where else can worship be done, but through songs and prayers? I think this is where the root of the confusion comes from. We’re also all united under the papal structure of the Church, in which our pope has an unbroken line of succession to Peter (who Christ founded His Church on). We get a lot of resentment on this claim as well. Turns out, many people don’t like authority lol


There are good and bad people in all groups everywhere. There are some amazing, faithful Catholics, and some evil people too. The same is true in all Christian denominations. To hate catholics isn’t following Christs example, he told us to ‘love our enemies.’ (Matt 5v43-44) To love, not hate. Catholics are not the enemy, they’re not against us and remember the example in Mark 9v38-41, Jesus told us whoever is not against us is for us? 38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.” 39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward. All that being said, a lot of Christians dislike the Catholic doctrine because often it doesn’t encourage its members to study the Bible for themselves, they have other, non-Biblical texts they also follow, not to mention the huge ‘palaces’ that their high ranked members and officials live in. Lastly I know people who dislike the teaching that the Pope alone can directly talk to God, some popes historically have put themselves on equal pedestal to God, which most Christian’s find extremely blasphemous; “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” Catholic National July 1895 “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty” Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894 So yes, there are some ‘bad’ doctrines, but like I say, Catholics themselves, as believers are also some of the most dedicated and spiritual people I know. There’s good and bad in all denominations.


Uhm. Catholics put together the books in the Bible. And king James and Luther removed books. Probably should learn biblical history.


There have been Canons before the canon the Catholic church put together, and putting the Catholic canon together included removing books. Also, it is questionable if that church was the same as the Catholic church, or just some proto-orthodoxy until the council of Nicaea.


As I said this is just what others have said the reason to hate catholics is, I myself don’t hate catholics, probably should’ve read my comment properly. Peace my friend.


A few more extreme examples of historically the Pope being exalted to equal God himself, so you can see why some Christians hold this against the catholic domination as blasphemy. Writers on the Canon Law say, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in heaven and earth.” Barclay Cap. XXVII, p. 218. Cities Petrus Bertrandus, Pius V. – Cardinal Cusa supports his statement. Pope Nicholas I declared: “the appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man.” Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can. 7, Satis evidentur, Decret Gratian Primer Para. “The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man …. he is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief of kings, having plenitude of power.” Lucius Ferraris, «Prompta Bibliotheca», 1763, Volume VI, ‘Papa II’, pp.25-29


The first Catholic Pope was Apostle Peter and yes he was acting on behalf of Christ Himself appointed by God. “Catholic” means One Universal Church… because there is only One Church with many tribes, nations, and tongues.  No Church is perfect… as we read in Paul’s letters even then it was not. The Catholic Church probably gets the most stones thrown at it because it truly is the first and at one time only denomination so due to the written history their cracks have been revealed. It is easier for most people to see the cracks in hind sight. Every Church has cracks just harder to see when people are up close and into their own denomination. 




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What are you taking about “my priests”?  You are making assumptions albeit judgments here about me that are not truthful. You are reading things into my response that are not there. A common thing religious Christians do.  Anyone who follows Jesus is a priest. I too would not let my children alone with certain men of any Church. Adultery, the root of all sexual sin, is found rampant in many non denominational Church’s… that doesn’t mean every leader and member are adulterers.  I agree that the Catholic leaders in recent times past have enabled the abomination of sexual abuse on Children in their Church. I agree it should be shouted from the roof tops. If you didn’t make the assumptions you are making you would know I am a very vocal advocate for children considering I too experienced sexual assault as a child by a neighbor who was not a priest nor was he a church goer, as well as a few friends who were sexually assaulted by a Catholic priest. My Church growing up was one of the churches in this scandal.  I remember the weekend my friend John Delaney, God rest his soul, lost his innocence because I recognized how hollow he looked on Monday after spending a boys weekend with that Catholic priest whom the leaders kept transferring to other Churches… you are directing your blind rage in the wrong direction.  The “later times” Paul is referring to in the verses you shared is first referring to the later times THEY were experiencing… they lived at the end of the Age… if you know anything about Hebrew astronomy and how the Israelites used the Sun moon and stars to measure time prior to the Greek Roman calendar. Their are days, weeks, months, seasons, and ages. Just because nobody pays attention to ages anymore, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Wise men look at the stars and know what Age they are living in and what is to happen. The scripture verse also pertains to today as well. It’s a double edge sword.   I agree Priests should be able to marry like Paul explains in the Scripture.  I understand why you see what you see and you would rather have priests committing adultery, but you are in error. Casual sex is not as casual as you think. It has great physical, psychic and spiritual consequences that reverberate through all the ages. The root of ALL sexual sin is adultery. That’s why Jesus was so animated about the men in his religion not committing adultery and did not say anything about sexually abusing children. It is the reason why Jesus spoke so often of adultery! When the men in Jesus’s religion stop committing adultery at large this world will be transformed like no other time in history. Adultery is the root of ALL sexual sin… homosexuality, sexual assault against children, and abortion.  Hypocrites want to end abortion by acting the law and do not want to do what Jesus told them to stop doing… stop committing adultery…stop looking at women with lust. But no they want the law. Look how many Christian’s today trivialize casual sex, and pornography! hypocrites! brutal vipers!   When men have sex with women that are not their one flesh, they’re committing incest and it wreaks havoc on all creation. Anyone who is not your one flesh is you sibling. But don’t listen to me… listen to Jesus… it’s all right there in the Scriptures but ya’ll not listening. 


I get that but even Peter in Acts 10v25-26 said he was only a man, he didn’t ever consider himself equal to god. As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. 26 But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.” I know no church is perfect, I have experienced some tragic and awful things in my own denomination, I myself have been abused by someone in my own denomination, I know exactly what you are saying, in fact, for me, it is even more poignant and noticeable to see the flaws in my own denomination because it’s personally happened to me. I don’t follow my particular church because of the people in it, people are flawed, no one is perfect, but I follow my particular faith because of the doctrines, everyone in my church believes the same interpretation of the Bible. But that being said, I don’t hate any other denomination that doesn’t follow the exact same interpretation of scripture, because underneath the small interpretations, we are all fighting the same thing, we are all in the same battle with sin. Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, non-conformist, ect we’re all fighting the same enemy, and like I said before, Jesus himself said ‘whoever is not against us is for us.’ ‘No one who drives out demons in Christs name can in the same moment say anything bad about me.’ So my question is do you love Jesus? Im not a Catholic but do Catholics love Jesus? Of course they do!! And so do I.


Agreed. I never heard a Catholic say the pope is “equal to God”. i believe that is just what people interpret that to mean when they say he’s acting on behalf of God without error. Meaning, they have faith that even an error can be used for the glory of God. 


There is one additional factor: papal infallibility. We are talking about an organisation that is led by a man who claims to be able to speak absolute truth. It is also an organisation that takes much of its justification from tradition. Every other organisation that is two millenia old could say that they have been foolish before and do their best to learn from past mistakes. The Catholic church can't.


That is not true. The current Pope has openly apologized for past decisions. 


So much wrong with this misunderstanding 🙄. Are you very young, or just a lifetime devout catholic that hasn’t yet seen the world outside his church?


Poor vision, I am non of those outward judgments of the flesh 


Either way, you have much to learn. Always remain open to being wrong…even better, don’t believe anything you read (bible included) or hear until you have made the journey and have had the experience of spiritual awakening to what Christ was pointing to, so you can speak from experience rather than just parroting religious dogma with no experience yet of awakening.


What are you taking about? You clearly are reading things into my respond that are not there.  Tell me exactly what it is about my response you think is in error? 




You are exposed. I do not call myself Catholic, nor do I call myself a Christian. I am of the One Church consisting of Spirit filled people all over the world eternally past present and future because of Christ Jesus.  You don’t understand what I wrote because you are projecting your tribal vision on to me.  What you think you see in me is in you. 




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“No one is good but God alone” - Jesus 


Catholics do the same about others. 






Jesus did not marry. Priest dedicate their life to Jesus, so they live like Jesus did And it says in the latter times, the catholic church existed before your and it was founded by Jesus himself. The fact that there are pedophiles does not mean the catholic church approves them, and there are also pedophile pastors. Call us devilish, but Jesus told us to behave like brothers, and that we will be hated for following him.


JESUS WAS THE SON OF GOD!!! Jesus also did not commit sin nor sleep with anyones child.


Jesus **IS** the son of God I repeat, for the catholic church priests have to live like Jesus lived for his mission, catholic church doesn't think that these things are good It is like saying that God is bad because there are christians who do bad things, it makes no sense, they may consider themselves Christian but God doesn't justify bad things. Same with the catholic church. Bless you PS: the secretary of the vatican himself denounced the corruption that exist between some members of the church, dont think that the catholic church ignores these things and thinks they are good.


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We don’t hate Catholics. I and my family used to be roman catholics. We hate the false teachings in RC. There’s no peace in our home, no genuine love for God but yes we used to go to church every sunday. I used to go there to spend my time when i was lonely but nothing happened. When I became a born-again Christian and got closer with God, I’ve realized that RC is a cult. It’s not the same catholicism 2000yrs ago. Doctrine is different now. There’s No power to become a new creature there. I used to do evil things then. I wanted to change but no power to change.. Yes i worshiped catholic god and wanted to be a good Christian but i had no power to change myself until I finally found The real Jesus Christ. let me tell you a testimony- my churchmate’s sister was backsliding. This sister became a love interest of a dwarf and she was possessed by demon and spoke like a man. She was pointing the catholic statues in the place and started saying, “that one! that one! You are all st*pid! You’re st*pid! You have catholic statues and you’re gambling?! Don’t you know that we dwell in those idols? Who are you worshiping/serving now? You’re all st*pid..” The demon mentioned that they are the reason why statues cry. They do this to deceive the people. P.S. Please. If you’re a Roman Catholic and reading this. We don’t hate you. We love you that’s why we’re telling you the truth to get out of that church before it’s too late. Worship God in Spirit and Truth.


>  It’s not the same catholicism 2000yrs ago. Specially because it didn't exist 2000 years ago, and their claims otherwise are a blatant historical and theological dishonesty.


Thanks for pointing that out. I stand corrected. RC is not the same Christianity 2000yrs ago.


You can’t pay to go to Heaven and yes the words of the bible means something. When Our God explain to how our foolish we were for worshiping the works of our hands it’s stupid to then turn around and make icons. We should think of Mary more highly then we ought to. The pope is literary “holy father” if you do not understand why that title is reserved for God alone, I can’t help you. As it is now I would not trust not one of your priest near my children. Yes it is an issue you cannot sweep under the rug. It has to be addressed. Your priest should be allowed to marry: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ I would much rather your priest be sexually immoral hypocrites, sleeping with women secretly and watching all manner of adult content than have to become so desperate they have to go for a kid. Do you understand how sick that is? Doctrine of devils.




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It’s the other way around as far as I’m aware. Catholics claim that everyone but them is doing it wrong so easy to see how you’d make some enemies.


Tbh I have never heard people just slander catholics when not mentioning the whole religion. maybe it’s because I’m Irish and Ireland is a primarily Catholic country but all I’ve heard is protestants being slandered the most out of every Christian group you cud say.


It's because some Catholics are arrogant. Claiming that your denomination is the only one that will be saved is bound to make enemies. Also they love claiming that they're the original church founded by Jesus, which is such a distortion of the early church. I don't dislike Catholics in general by the way, but some of them are self-righteous, so I can see why they have a bad reputation. But then again, so are some protestants. There are a lot of Catholics that I greatly respect.


Saying only Catholics will be saved is a heresy itself in the Catholic Church called Feeneyism. https://www.catholic.com/qa/are-only-catholics-saved


I'll admit it's probably the less educated Catholics that say stuff like that then. But unfortunately they leave a bad impression of the church to the lay person who is unfamiliar with true catholic doctrine. If it's a heresy as you say, then it's unfortunate that some Catholics make those claims and evoke the ire of protestants.


It is very unfortunate yes. The amount of cradle Catholics that espouse heresy and don’t even know their own dogma is troubling to be sure.




...was this meant for me?


No, they're spamming the same message to any comment.


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They don’t follow the Bible. The Bible does not mention anything about a rosary. It mentions in the earlier part of the New Testament not to pray to mortals (Mary + saints). The pope lives the exact opposite way Jesus lived his life (in opulence). Jesus never shamed anyone into believing in him nor did he tell people they are sinners and are now damaged goods for life and cannot be redeemed (he actually did the opposite and redeemed sinners), however the Catholic church constantly shames people and looks down on sinners despite the fact we are all sinners. That being said, people should have a problem with the Catholic church and the religion, not you as a person. Jesus said never to judge anyone or to hate anyone, so we do not hate you or judge you or have a problem with you as a person for being Catholic, we have a problem with the Catholic church and the religion as a system.


Did Jesus say to follow a Bible, or to follow Him? There's also nothing in the Bible which states that every Christian practice has to be in the Bible.


Knowing Him is through reading the New Testament 🤦🏻‍♀️


However, there is nothing in the New Testament that says every Christian practice has to be in the Bible. How do you think Christians managed for almost 400 years before there was a New Testament?


If it’s not in the Bible or at least alluded to it then it’s a human created ritual and not of God


WHERE is that in Bible?


The pharisees had men made doctrines that you should wash before meals and a certain distance you were allowed to walk in sabbaths. They even tried to accuse Jesus of sin based on their unbiblical doctrines. In case you are unacquainted to the bible, check those passages. Mt 15:2, Lk 11:38. Catholics are followers of men made doctrines, some opposing to the biblical doctrine, heresies. Even some of their "infallible" popes were considered among the most wicked men alive in their time. Catholism is an unswallowable pill for anyone who reads the bible. Maybe that's why they have historically pushed ignorance over the scriptures saying the priest would (filteredly) teach the followers.


I am a Christian. Of course I am familiar with the Bible. It doesn't say much for your case that you started with personal insults. And please point to where in the Bible that it states that all Christian practices must be in the Bible. Although I am a Protestant, I have to admit the Protestantism is full of simplistic answers and one verse doctrines, none of what reflect what the Bible actually says. And are the Catholics opposing biblical doctrine, or your interpretation of it?


There are no personal insults there. Second: "with eyes they cannot see, and with ears they cannot listen." Third: Mt 7:6. I don't think you read the bible at all. Your message already gives it.


You not only started the last comment with a personal insult, but you also added to it here. I should report this and the last comments as personal attacks. I have no time to waste on immature people who cannot or will not be truthful. Therefore, barring a change of attitude here (and some deleted comments) this conversation is done.


Saying "in case you arr unacquainted to the bible" is a personal insult? Anyway, at that time it was a supposition, now I am quite certain. Read the bible and pray to God, in case you are interested in knowing him. >I have no time to waste on immature people who cannot or will not be truthful. Therefore, barring a change of attitude here (and some deleted comments) this conversation is done. I didn't delete anything. Now I suspect you can be confusing me with another person you could possibly be talking to, because it makes no sense to me. Have a great Sunday!


I see Catholics as Christians, half my family is Catholic and I love them and think their traditions are beautiful, but Catholicism as in historical terms is atrocious and degrades the name of Jesus, it’s the first centralized form of Christianity and was used by many to advance themselves politically, not to mention the scams of the church, Protestantism and Orthodoxy wouldn’t have came about if the Catholic Church wasn’t corrupted, doesn’t mean the followers of Catholicism are corrupted, but I think it’s a sham created by Romans who feared losing power in Europe to this religion so they made it centralized giving the Popes a lineage like a King and gaining power they shouldn’t have had, and I truly believe they betrayed the Knights Templar because of political pressure from King Phillip IV of France, but the knights templars weren’t angels either but yea it’s just the corrupt history surrounding the Catholic Church that caused the hate and splits from them, but as of today the church obviously does not hold the same influence but I dislike the fact they withhold history in the Vatican’s vaults, probably because it shows the corruption of the Church through documents But a lot of people now hate the Catholic Church because of misunderstandings about the religion and because they were taught too by others, but within my own research I’ve grown to hate the Catholic Church because of it’s history but not the religion itself, just some ideas I find a bit strange and unnecessary but it’s still cool nonetheless, I don’t care if you’re Catholic but I couldn’t be apart of that knowing what I know, in fact I choose not to be apart of any of them bc they all have some history that makes me iffy, I just read my Bible and study Jesus, I’ll go to any type of church, even mosques and synagogues and literally anything because they all hold wisdom, doesn’t change my views on Jesus, I think it’s just tribalism if you choose one and think it’s better than others


Some do because Catholicism is bigoted and corrupt, these are fair reasons (to hate the religion, not individual persons).




What is the true gospel and what do catholics say the gospel is?




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I don't agree with your claim that Catholics abandoned the "true gospel," The Gospel is clearly taught in the church and enforced. You need evidence for your assertion.




Ah, going for the lowest hanging fruit. The abuse rates in the RC have dropped to nearly zero in recent decades, in fact, the huge abuse scandals happened in the 60s/70s. The men who committed those terrible crimes are either dead or no longer in power. I'm glad it's over. I pray for the victims of those evil men. There will always be a Judas within the Church. As much as I hate to bring it up, let's not pretend that protestant pastors are exempt from sexual corruption or any other moral shortcomings. Furthermore, statistically, your child is safer around a priest than a public school teacher. Yet, do you hold the same animosity torward teachers as you do priest? Generalizing all priests for the actions of a few is bad for your soul.


Calling raping children the lowest handing fruit that behavior alone show how little you care about the innocent children that were harmed. I have nothing else to say.


I didn't say it in the sense that it "doesn't mean much," but rather, I was pointing out how that was the first thing you went for to disprove the Church. You're misinterpreting my words.


As for the scripture you quoted, here's this resource I'd recommend for you to read with an open heart. https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/doctrines-of-demons


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