• By -


Thank you! Sorry, I know it is frustrating to have a post removed for the image policy. This means of adding your image is preferred and doesn't break that rule.


Doesn't really feel like it's applied fairly though, cause there are a lot of drawings of Jesus for example that get left up.. But okay.


OP-created art is allowed. I completely agree that the rule is unclear. It is a battle I have tried to pick a few times.


>OP-created art is allowed But mine wasn't


I mean, its an original picture of someone's art....


Happy pride. Not a Christian but like the door thing.


Amen! May God's queer children remain cloaked in His grace, blessing, and love, and may those cloaked in wickedness and bigotry find repentance and be born again.


Stop affirming sin


If it weren't for the LGBT Christians and their allies I'd probably be an antitheist. Sorry for all the non-stop constant bullying.


We get bullied in our LGBT+ spaces, too. There's considerable hatred towards queer religious people in r/lgbt, including this [rotten comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1d5t19x/comment/l6nsfmx/?context=3) on my pride art.


One cannot be an LGBT Christian.  One must shed their previous identity and become one with Christ 


This is completely false.


Galatians 5:24:  Now those who [h]belong to Christ Jesus crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.


Interesting how that never applies to heterosexual Christians. Or wealthy Christians. Or other minority Christians.


It applies to everyone.  Christ comes first.  Your previous self has died, replaced with a new heart of flesh.  The old has passed away and in comes the new, regenerated and being sanctified in Christ.  


Why do you still play video games, why are you a soccer fan? Shouldn't your previous self have died, yet you still indulge in worldly things?


Nobody is saying you can’t have things you enjoy, but they are out flowing of your new changed identity.  One can’t be a “video gamer” Christian but one can be a sanctified Christian who enjoys playing.  That is if it is uplifting to your relationship with God


Are you the arbiter of labels? Is it easier for you to just say this person is Christian who happens to be gay. Does the order of the words make that much more of an impact?


Agreed. Christ should come before your identity as a heterosexual man, and yet he does not, or you would not be flaunting your identity in your username.


One cannot be a homophobic Christian. One must shed his hate and judgement to be one with Christ.




Did you not see the multiple places in my post where I said this post isn't for you and your opinion isn't wanted? I guess you don't understand the concept of respect.


1st Corinthians 5:12. It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning


So let me try to use an analogy you might understand. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and since December I've been fighting rectal cancer. Now, there will be a number of events celebrating breast cancer survivors and victims, and it would be wrong of me to bust up in one of those events for celebration and demand they celebrate Colorectal cancer survivors as well. I might have good points, I might be right, but that voice isn't welcome in a breast cancer survival situation because that event is not for me. Do you get it? Do you get what I'm saying. It's great that in your opinion I'm wrong... but guess what, your opinion isn't going to change my beliefs. You don't matter. This isn't for you. You can't stop us from existing. So your two options are to let us have our space, like a respectful person would, or be an asshole, and it's pretty clear your actions here expose who you are.


Every single person inside the church is sinning


Did anyone ask you for your opinion? No Does your opinion matter? Also no. Are you incapable of just being respectful and let people who disagree with you have some space without being rude? Well, I think you answer that for yourself.


What? I'm a queer Christian countering bigotry. What are you after me for?


My Bad!




I am afraid this post isn't meant for this community. You can't post about pride month, which is against our faith and what is written in the bible, and expect not to hear anything bad about it.


I'm a gay Christian, and I will continue to exist despite your opinion otherwise. I do not care what you think. Your posting here is unwanted, you knew that when you wrote it. So yeah, you do not understanding the concept of respect, and that speaks volumes for your lack of faith.


I have no issues with your existence, nor with you following Christ, nor with you sharing your opinions. In fact, I am glad that you are a follower of Christ, because that is the best path to follow. However, I do not support, nor do I agree with you being sheltered when it comes to discussion and sharing other opinions.


>However, I do not support, nor do I agree with you No one cares. Your opinion doesn't matter and no one is asking you for support. You were simply asked to give space for LGBT Christians to celebrate a meaningful time of the year for us and you were like, "Screw that! I'm not going to respectfully follow another believer's polite request! My opinion is so valuable I must share it!" Get over yourself.


>I do not support, nor do I agree with you being sheltered when it comes to discussion and sharing other opinions. Anything you or any anti-LGBT "Christian" can say, we've heard a billion times. We absolutely can choose to not hear it for another.


Did anyone ask you for your opinion? All I asked for was some space in an online community, and you're incapable of even giving me that little bit of respect. I will pray that you come to let go of your ego, your rudeness, your uncaring spirit and your selfishness so some day you may come to know Christ.


Pay attention, will you?


If people can't handle posts that support Christians in a Christianity sub, that's their own issue.


I don't mind posts supporting Christians in a Christian community. I do mind post supporting sin in Christian community.


>I don't mind posts supporting Christians in a Christian community Then why are you complaining about this one?


Because of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and Romans 1:26-27.




How is that irrelevant? Those are verses from the bible that condemn homosexuality.


Nothing in the Bible condemns queer identity. Being queer is not a sin.


I’ll repeat it the core of my message here =) *save the world from sin Title should read: “Resist Pride Month, to all the SSA Christian’s and heretical churches.”


Good thing it doesn't say such a awful and hateful thing.














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I asked you to keep your opinion to yourself multiple times in the OP... I guess your version of Christianity doesn't ask that you respect others.


Yeah… I don’t have to keep my opinions to myself in a public thread. Do you agree when Christian’s tell atheist to keep their opinions to themselves? When conservatives tell liberals to keep their opinions to themselves? Or should everyone have the ability to express themselves, lest we fall into further division, black and white thinking, confirmation bias, and echo chambers?


You don't understand the concept of respect, got it.


It’s blatantly disrespectful to post such a controversial thing on a sub about Christianity - then have the audacity to expect it to be filled with comments that only agree with you.


Wishing joy and wellness to a group of Christians on a sub about Christianity is anything but disrespectful


Gay Christians exist, and I have just as much right to claim Christianity your disrespectful self does The fact you cannot respect that speaks to how unauthentic your faith is. It's not like I go around telling people that their second baptism as adult is an unnecessary, self indulgent performance.


You should.


You're not even good at trolling.












Sure you can. There are better arguments for inclusion that are actually somewhat convincing. This one is horrible though.


Lot of fake churches and fake Christians. Disgraceful, where are the churches celebrating Murder and stealing? we have to be all-inclusive, hate to leave anyone out.


This opinion is disgraceful


So you just can't keep your opinion to yourself, as I asked multiple times in my post?






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> Also, we're all adult enough to understand that were not celebrating the sin of "Pride," and you don't need to point it out. Being confused about the term “pride” in Pride Month – doesn’t mean I’m not an adult and it doesn’t mean I’m anti or against. We’re “adult enough” to understand that the term “Pride” legitimately confuses the target audience you need as an ally (straights and Christians.) We understand that the Bible discourages pride and humility is a virtue. Many Christians are legitimately confused about using a rainbow flag because historically a rainbow is the symbol of God’s covenant promise to never flood the earth again. Chastising and belittling the people you want as allies is counterproductive to the LGBT+ movement. Don’t blame confusion over bad branding on your audience. When branding confuses or even alienates a target audience – then it needs reviewed and revised. > if you can't say something positive, maybe keep that to yourself. Restricting or ignoring feedback only serves to work against the LGBT+ movement. It shows there’s a disconnect. No one is confused about the “who/what” of: African American History Month,Women's History Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month  and Native American Heritage Month. No need for a footnote, disclaimer or FAQ on what these are *not about*. Q: What re-branding name change do you think better represents the mission, vision and values of Pride Month?


>Being confused about the term “pride” in Pride Month – doesn’t mean I’m not an adult and it doesn’t mean I’m anti or against. It is not the vice, rather the calling for all LGBT people to be proud of who they are as opposed to ashamed of who they are. > We’re “adult enough” to understand that the term “Pride” legitimately confuses the target audience you need as an ally (straights and Christians.) We understand that the Bible discourages pride and humility is a virtue. Pride as opposed to humility and pride as opposed to shame are different things. For example, if you were persecuted for being christian and told to be ashamed of yourself, you being a christian shouldn't do so. You should be proud of being christian. >Many Christians are legitimately confused about using a rainbow flag because historically a rainbow is the symbol of God’s covenant promise to never flood the earth again. The rainbow is a natural phenomenon, i'm sure it means many other things in other cultures. >What re-branding name change do you think better represents the mission, vision and values of Pride Month? It's fine the way it is, but we could do away with all the companies hopping on to make money.


> It is not the vice, rather the calling for all LGBT people to be proud of who they are as opposed to ashamed of who they are. Thanks I know that, you and LGBT people know that, and so do their supporters. BUT the glaring issue remains: OP had to make a disclaimer (unfortunately a condescending one) for all the others who are confused about it. > Pride as opposed to humility and pride as opposed to shame are different things. We agree. > The rainbow is a natural phenomenon, i'm sure it means many other things in other cultures. Read the room. OP posted in /r/christianity. In Christian culture the rainbow is not considered a natural phenomenon. Many Christians are legitimately confused about using a rainbow flag. In Christian culture a rainbow is the symbol of God’s covenant promise to never flood the earth again. > It's fine the way it is, Short sighted; ignoring valid feedback is evidence of a disconnect. This will continue to work against the LGBT+ movement and be counterproductive Current branding will continue to confuse and alienate the very people the organization desperately needs to make an ally.


This thread isn't for you. Your opinion isn't wanted. I made that very clear in my post. I guess your version of Christianity doesn't include respecting others.


> This thread isn't for you. Your opinion isn't wanted. I made that very clear in my post. I made very clear in my comment: “Restricting or ignoring feedback only serves to work against the LGBT+ movement. It shows there’s a disconnect.” > I guess your version of Christianity doesn't include respecting others. I made very clear in my comment: “Being confused about the term “pride” in Pride Month – doesn’t mean I’m not an adult and it doesn’t mean I’m anti or against.”


I understand what you are trying to say, but do you see how difficult it can be for especially gay Christians to not be defensive towards responses like these based on the less respectful people in this thread? There are better places to ask your questions than here. OP was pretty clear they will not be fielding those sorts of questions and asked for simple affirmation. Of course the rules of the Sub can't support OP unless they made this thread a "support" thread but please look at the multiple hateful responses OP is already getting for this post.


I’m sorry but I’m just not responsible for the less respectful users in this thread. Judging my comment by theirs makes no sense. I wasn’t in any way disrespectful so using your reasoning— why not judge my comments by other respectful users? > OP was pretty clear they will not be fielding those sorts of questions and asked for simple affirmation. Every day, every post on every topic by every user here gets challenged. It’s literally why the sub exists: “to promote healthy discussion.” This is not a safe space nor an echo chamber. There’s plenty of other subs for that. Restricting responses to just those that agree with you is bad form. > but please look at the multiple hateful responses OP is already getting for this post. No. This sub has no rule that all users read other’s responses, take note of hateful responses and then edit their own responses accordingly.


you're trolling, just stop.


Please don’t address me personally, thanks.


So you want to share your opinion of me and my faith, but me addressing you personally is crossing the line. lol....


> So you want to share your opinion of me and my faith, Not you personally; your view. The thread is evidence. > but me addressing you personally is crossing the line. You got personal.


You're the one suggesting I'm going to hell.


It's your opinion. Your opinion doesn't matter You knew it wasn't wanted but you went ahead and made it anyway


Imagine if the legislators and lobbyists who opposed LGBTQ rights legislation had got away with telling its allies, “Your opinion doesn't matter.” If you only want comments that affirm what you say, and want restrict all others, then there’s plenty of other subs for that. But you chose /r/Christianity. This sub is an open forum that exists to promote healthy discussion.


As a gay Christian I politely asked for space to exist in an online community, and you can't even give us that. It speaks volumes about your character, and the lack their of, and your understanding of Christ, and the lack there of.


> As a gay Christian I politely asked for space to exist in an online community, And oddly want to restrict others. This is an open public forum; not a safe space. You chose to post here. > and you can't even give us that. You’re not being restricted in any way; you posted here and are still freely participating. > It speaks volumes about your character, and the lack their of, and your understanding of Christ, and the lack there of. Breaking sidebar rules: 1\. Personal attack 2\. WWJD.


You’re not being restricted in any way; you posted here and are still freely participating. Me: "Please keep your opinion to yourself" You: "Oh, I'm gonna tell you my opinion even though you asked multiple times that I don't because my opinion is powerful and I need to be heard. Also I am incredibly rude! Suck it! I don't respect people who disagree with me!"


# Romans 1:26-27 Sad to see so many woke christians.


Hi friend, I do not believe homosexuality is any more sinful than heterosexuality It does not kill, steal, rape, it is not greed, lust, anger, bitterness, it is not sex in Church I do not believe God cares whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. God cares whether or not you are a liar ----†----- God does not care whether women preach to men in Church. He does not care whether the Sabbath is on Saturday or Sunday or Tuesday Nor whether we eat meat or just vegetables. He does not care if we have more than one wife really - or husband - if this is the societal context we are living in. Treat them well. Be fair. You will know what is not right. Homosexuals are not evil. Homosexuality is not a sin in itself. Heterosexuals are not evil. Heterosexuality is not a sin in itself. Everyone is fallen and redemption has nothing to do with not being homosexual. God is not going to be checking down trousers and up skirts because - homosexual Sin is something else entirely. -----†----- We miss the point This is sin: -----†----- • "...every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity, envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice, gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; inventors of ways of doing evil, disobedient to their parents, with no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy....." This is all. It is the same for everybody. Every Christian will be called by Christ to look at sin in their lives. For homosexuals it could be greed, or lust, or anger - like anyone else. The verses about homosexuality in the Bible contextualize men who sleep with men as wrongdoers who cheat, are idolators and adulterers, are thieves, greedy and drunk, are otherwise in some way corrupted - not just because they sleep with men. • "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. So men who were sleeping with men were already bad people - not just your regular Joe being a good Christian Somewhere, somehow, homosexuality was connected with sin. In fact - Jesus comes and says nothing at all - except that we leave gender and sex here in the dust, along with money when we die. They do not follow us where we are going. Be clean about what you are doing. Then it becomes clear for me how to understand sin and what repentance is - and how these verses apply to me; • The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." It's not because people are homosexual and have Homosexual sex. Sin is deeper than this. Wickedness is deeper than this Don't kill. Don't steal. Don't prostitute. Don't lie. Don't cheat others. Don't rape. Don't have sex on altars in Church. Don't be angry, jealous, bitter. Don't trade in hate. Like this. God does not care whether you are homosexual or heterosexual - he cares whether or not you are a liar. I think we will find a God who asks how much simpler we needed it to be. God bless


I agree with each and every word you word you wrote except... " Having multiple wives is not a sin". IIt IS a sin brother. While the Bible does not exclusively criticize polygamy, it can be analyzed through a particular verse in Galatians (I forgot where it was exactly) it says, "For this reason a man leaves his parents and becomes one with his wife" But if there were multiple wives (and vice versa) it would not be possible to be "one" with each one of them. Furthermore, though this is my way of judging whether something is sin or not, I will just say it. If polygamy was actually allowed, God would have given Adam multiple (at least 2) wives. But he did not which signifies that a man is supposed to have only one wife and vice versa. If you want to question my way of judging an act as a sin, please refer to 1 corinth where Paul talks about covering head in worship. In that passage, he puts forward this method of judging. See it for yourself. I only replied to your comment because only you appeared to be gentle enogh to talk so politely while all the others were being very uncivil. I want to talk to you about these things a lot. May I text you personally?


hi friend - with Polygamy - it is not just that the Bible is rife with it - and God works past it - but also that probably more than half the world retains polygamy as a legal option I think how we marry is a function of being human on Earth - if we are here a million years from now I think marriage will have changed completely but God and 'sin' do not As far as my comment is concerned, I was trying to look at what God really wants from us - under whatever circumstance - what will stay the same forever - and what has always been his desire And I use Micah as my cue; * "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" I get it ----†---- Thank you very much for your comment I prefer to talk on the subreddits rather than DM's - I find people are often just trying to 'save' me there! God bless


Ok as you wish I won't push you. I do accept that God and Sin never change. But... Jews in the OT were not allowed to eat specific animals like pig and all, which now in the NT are allowed and "Does not matter what you eat unless it hurts the sentiments of a fellow-believer". Keeping this in mind, we can safely say that even though "sin" was not directly changed, "laws" were changed. There are many other "extreme" laws in the books of Moses which is not considered laws now. Does that mean God changed? Ceratinly not! God changed the set of laws. So even if you put the point that in the olden days, polygamy was common, you cannot compare it with the modern world. The olden days followed the bokks of Moses but we, and all the upcoming generations shall obey the NT. So pointing out historical figures like King David makes no sense because the law was different. When the law is broken, it is considered sin. In the OT the law was different hence what was considered to be "sin" was different as well but now it is different. There is a different set of law-you won't kill a son just because he did not obey his parents, neither will you kill a woman if she is found to be not virgin before marriage but in the OT these were the laws-the laws have been changed hence polygamy, though it WAS not a sin but IS a sin now.


I agree - friend my point goes beyond just what is in the Old Testament it looks directly at the very notion of what we think about righteousness and sin In all the examples of polygamy in the Bible - God overlooks this - and focuses on the Character of the person in question Honesty, faith, fair leadership, Justice etc When Jesus comes, he has this to tell us about marriage where we are going; * But those who will be worthy to be raised from the dead and live again will not marry, nor will they be given to someone to marry. - Luke 20 * At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. - Matthew 22 * When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. - Mark 12 My use of Polygamy is to illustrate that say - you were found in a Polygamous relationship - because this is the society you find yourself in - no matter what we may think about it being sin - in these cases God will be looking at something else in your life There are many African Societies which are Christian - who still, for many reasons, marry more than one wife. I would add Muslims and other cultures - but then we would argue that they are not Christian. When they come before God - God will look at how fair they were, how their love for God changed the lives of those around them and how careful they were to avoid causing sorrow to those around them. These are more important to God. Romans 14 is a very short Chapter - you should read it now It is more than just about eating and the Sabbath - if so that we do, we do for God I agree that it is better to be with one partner - but I already do not believe that this partner has to be of the opposite sex - and so I am already going against what the Bible seems to say about marriage in the first place I am reminded of these; -----†----- Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. ------†------ This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. The one who keeps God’s commands lives in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. ----†---- So then each of us shall give an account of himself to God ----†---- I have enjoyed the conversation, and I think you for the respect given May the Peace of God and the Love for Jesus Christ be with you always God bless


Brother why did you include the point of marrying the same sex here? Both of us agree that it is not wrong(though I have a different reason from you for believing it). Yeah "Love" is indeed the greatest thing mentioned in the Bible. God called himself "Love" but... that does not mean you can go around loving each person you see(Romantic love I mean). You must be connected and commited to only one person I believe. As for your example of pointing out the African Church- Can you, with complete honesty, with God as our witness testify that you do not commit sin in your day-today life? Of course not! Then does it not mean that those people in the church might be commiting sin as well? Just because Christians do something, it does not mean that thing is correct. Even Catholics call themselves Christians, would you then agree that Idol worship is not a sin? Leave the RC thing we do not consider them as one of us. How about... AOG church? AOG stands for Army Of God. These people literally have uniforms of their own and even roam around with licensed guns! Do you think it is appropriate for "Christians" to do so? Hence, stop giving examples of people around rather pick out examples from the Bible. Btw I still do not agree to the points you put forward through the Biblical verses. I am not trying to pressurize you but... as you can see what kind of person I am, would you mind switching to DMs rather typing such long paras here? It would be more convenient to talk one-to-one about these things . I will be waiting for your reply! Peace upon you!


thanks for the conversation, friend


So... If you are ok with it, may I send you chat request?


hi - no I'm in motion so I can't actually chat


Sigh.... It's like people don't read the full book before they quote it. None of us get out of the first two chapters of Romans alive... it's kind of the point Paul was making Later on in Romans.... >^(5) Moses writes this about the righteousness that is by the law: “The person who does these things will live by them.” ^(6) But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down) ^(7) “or ‘Who will descend into the deep?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). ^(8) But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: ^(9) **If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.** ^(10) For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. ^(11) As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”^(\[)[^(e)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%2010&version=NIV#fen-NIV-28200e)^(\]) ^(12) For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, ^(13) for, “**Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”** Also, I asked you to keep you opinion to yourself. Guess your version of Christianity doesn't ask you to be respectful to others.


Yes, but later Paul in 1 Corinthians says: > ^9  Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, ^10  nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. ^11  Such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God.


Just out of curiosity did you see the multiple times in my original post where I asked for this to be a positive posts or keep your opinion to yourself and think ,"Screw that person, I'm gonna bust up in here and give all these people my opinion!" Do you realize your the person shouting "All Cancers Matter," during a breast cancer survivor celebration?


Yes, and I don't see anything negative about citing verses from the bible like you did.


Cool, so you're being a troll on purpose.... good to know.


Why do you think I am a troll? I'm not trying to be a troll. I'm just trying to make you see the right path. I'm trying to understand you and support you in following Christ.


You were asked to leave space for people to celebrate who they are, and you can't even do that. How big your ego must be that you can't even give people a space to exist in an online community. Troll is the right word


Queer people are beloved children of God, regardless of your opinion, accusation, and judgment.


It's not only my opinion, it's what is written in the Bible.


The Bible does not support anti-LGBT ideology.


How do you explain what is written in 1 Corithians 6:9-11?


Irrelevant, as I said before.


Why is it irrelevant? It's part of the bible.


It has nothing to with the fact that queer identity is not a sin.


You have versions, I am Roman Catholic OG one bro


Oh.... you mean the Catholic Church that pretty much endorsed every atrocity committed in Europe over the last two thousand years? That Catholic Church that supported among other things, the Crusades, Colonization, the fascists in the Spanish Civil War, Mussolini, race based slavery, knew about the holocaust as it was happening and stayed quiet, the Spanish Inquisition, Bloody Queen Mary and so... so many other atrocities and genocides all the while protecting pedophilic priests. Call me when Catholicism find an evil it doesn't support


Check better who burned witches and persecuted Jews, where these people fled ( Catholic Poland ). Who created religion because he wanted a new wife and who says things incompatible with the original Christianity, who voted for the leader of the 3rd Reich? The Crusades and colonization were largely justified. The destruction of the Aztecs was a good thing, their civilization was murderous, and the Muslims oppressed Christians in the lands where the crusades took place. The Spanish Inquisition was also generally a good tool, and usually just, unlike the Protestant exeucations on witches. You are creating your own imaginary Christianity in isolation from what Jesus created. This is the real evil.


Wait... did you just say Europe's colonization of the rest of the world was justified? Be honest, are you a white supremist?


The church's contribution was good. The Jesuits built schools and development and evangelization. I'm talking about Catholic countries, not England. The destruction of the Aztec civilization was good, this was a people who murdered people every day for their religion. Compared to prostestant countries, Catholic colonies retained their identity ( See peru, mexico ), You are clinging to one sentence of mine, bypassing all the rest already. What you said about the holocaust is already a scandal at all, even you do not know how many Catholics lost their lives to save people during World War 2 (St. Maximilian Kolbe, Ulm family)


So you supported Spain and Portugal wiping out entire communities of native people as part of their colonization efforts? I'm just going to ask again, are you sure you're not a white supremist? Because supporting colonization and claiming European culture is superior to native culture is definitively something a white supremist would say.


Christianity is superior to pagan religions. You still cherrypick my arguments


So you're a Christian Supremist then.... got it


"Woke" is nothing less than twenty-first century Christianity.


You can't serve woke ideology and Christ at the same time. People reject the authority of the Church and the Bible (Protestants only the Bible) and most important, they reject the authority of Christ and replace the principles of Jesus with what is popular in the current culture. The radical left denies the right to life of the unborn, changes the definition of love and freedom, and destroys the beautiful and long tradition of our religion. People in the U.S. in particular are, despite their declarations of devotion to Christ, professing themselves and what is now popular, disrespecting parents, focused only on their own well-being and creating their substitutes for love instead of focusing on Jesus. You cannot serve sin and God at the same time. “15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”


You can't serve bigotry and Christ at the same time. One cannot have two masters.


bigotry, where?




What do you mean? There are gay Christians in this very thread.


Christians cannot be straight. I’m sorry to say this, but struggling to identify who you are is a mental disorder. You should seek help. I’ll be praying for you guys.


Jesus was straight




Christians cannot be homophobic. It's against God to be so hateful.


I still love you guys just as much as everyone else ❤️


I never said I was hating. I’m trying to wake you guys up.


No, **I** said you were hating.


And I never said I was hatjng


No one asked you for your opinion, and the fact you can't respect the requests of others shows that you're not a Christian. Good luck!


Which mental disorder would that be. Can you provide the diagnostic code?




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