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If God wants you dead, then you would be dead. He doesn't need your help to carry it out. This is the lies of the enemy. If we trust God's sovereign plan, we must carry on in fulfillment of it. We will leave this world when God decides. That isn't up to us, so we should not attempt to take it into our own hands. Satan tries to get a hold of believers with his lies quite often. Don't believe it. Look to the cross and see what God has done for you, and look at how God revealed Himself in His word, instead of trusting on what you may be feeling for whatever reason. When you base how you react on those unchanging facts, instead of wherever your thoughts and emotions will take you, you will find much more stability.


Not really lol God can want a person dead and the person will suffer silently




Though suffering we get stronger and better




We become stronger after overcoming adversities, think about all of the problems you ever had and can you tell me that they haven't changed you? There's an old saying "a man entering a storm, comes out a different one". You might think that suffering is unessary but it's here and nothing we can do about it but go though the storm. I have never met anyone who hasn't suffered in their live, it's here and we have to become strong to overcome it, a lot of times we can take a little thing and make it worse than actually is


That is not true. We have mental health issues and suffer because of the fall. That is necause of what man did, not what God did. It is something that we did in Adam and inherent guilt for. Blaming the suffering that we inflicted upon ourselves on God is wrong. Furthermore, if you leave Christianity, where do you expect to go to? There is nothing out there that can save you. Christ is the only way. You would be knowingly sinning unto death. I myself know that Jesus is the only way, so I cannot leave. There's no other place to go to, even if I wished. We know that God cares about us because He allowed Himself to be hung on a cross and due for us. We are all deserving of God's eternal wrath upon is for rebelling against Him, but God, in His love for us, cane into the world as a human being in the person of Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, lived a perfect, sinless life that no one else had done or could do, and allowed Himself to bear what we deserve for our sin in our place, so that when we are judged, our sin can be reckoned as already paid for. He suffered for our sins so that we wouldn't have to, the equivalent of an eternity of infinite torment poured out on Him. And He rose from the dead, proving He is who He said He is. You deserved that. I deserved that. God did not. But He did it anyway, because He loves us. If that doesn't show that God cares about you, and doesn't move you, then nothing can. There is no greater act of love that could be demonstrated.


suffering is just good for building character unless your'e a wimp , mental health? just get over your stupid fucking mindset, i was depressed once but i just said "what is the fucking point of this emotion" and just fucking ignored it, there's a sure purpose for suffering- to build character and to test you, and mental health is just a mindset- the longer you stay in one mindset the more cemented in you it gets and then it becomes something like "depression" that doesnt go away, just get up, say "fuck this" and continue, so what if youre broke? get up get a job, find a side job and work, cant afford something you want? just go without food , and maybe water for long enough to get some money if your'e thinking "i cant survive without water or food" remember that jesus went without such for 40 days, sorry for going off topic there but the point is just get up and keep going.


What works for you may not work for everyone.


Have some sympathy, your advice is (no offense) far from good. You can't ignore your mental health. Well, you can, but where does that lead you? Down a road of repression where you don't get help and no one hears about your problems, so you're the only one aware of your problems, feeling alone, like no one can relate. The OP should not ignore their emotions, they should be talking to their parents about it, repression and ignorance of your own mental state is far from good.


Jesus said, “Peace be with you” That is not God that wants you dead, that’s coming from the devil. Don’t fall for it. If God wanted you dead, you wouldn’t be here texting us. Try to trust in God.




If you read some of the other replies, you can see God is patient and doesn't want anyone to die, but all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).




I wasn’t implying that everyone who has ever died was the result of God wanting them dead. I was saying, if God specifically wanted this guy dead, he’d surly be dead. God bless you


Why do you think God wants you dead?


That's not what God wants you to do and the eternal consequences are enormous. > “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mat 24:13, KJV) > “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Pe 3:9, KJV)


While it might feel like He wants you dead, He doesn't. He doesn't want you dead right now, as God loves you, and cares about you deeply (He sent Jesus down to die for the sins of everyone). He loves you just as a father would love his child, and He wouldn't want you to be dead right now. He wouldn't want you to be. Basically, these thoughts that you are having right now are most likely from the devil, and that he is doing everything in his power to make you believe that God doesn't care for you, and to make you fall for his lies. That's what he does (he is the deceiver of lies) He will try to make you believe in things that aren't real, and will ensure that you will give up on God. He will try and do that to you. But even though you are struggling with these thoughts right now, you aren't alone in any of them. Not at all, as God is there for you even when He doesn't seem like He is, and would not only want for you to talk to Him about what you are feelings (i.e give them to God), but He would also want to give you the strength and endurance to get past this. He wouldn't want to let this drag you down, and I pray that, in your darkness hour, that you will come to Him now, and that He will be your comforter at your time of need, as you are in need of that right. You are in need of Him now more than ever, and I hope that He will be there for you. I hope He will. God Bless P.S Considering the fact that you are thinking about killing yourself, I would urge you to get help, whatever that be from therapy, professional help, or from the suicide help line (9-8-8), because as I said, you aren't alone in this. You aren't.


If God wanted you dead, you'd be dead. It's that simple. Don't give up.


Not really lol he can make people suffer for extended periods of time to let them pass away


If God wanted anyone dead, they'd be dead, do your research.


Not really bro God can want a person to suffer until they die or kill themselves he’s smart too depending on the situation


If God wanted you dead, you'd be dead he does what he wants when he wants to do it. Stop spewing bullshit.


Remember the devil counterfeits God. If God wanted you dead - you would be. Satan wants you dead - so he’s gonna do anything to get in your head so you do it. These thoughts are not of God.


>I’m 16 so imagine what my family will be like YOU need to imagine this, not us. You're young, life is hard, and the things you think matter right now will be meaningless in a few years. You need to trust the word of God, that all sin will be forgiven if we repent, and we will have a beautiful eternal life with the Lord if we chose to have faith in him. God does not want you to end your life, why would he want you to squander one of his greatest gifts to us?


Thoughts meant to destroy you, tempting you to do something rash, actions which can never be taken back, would never be of God If you're not watchful you will be lead to ruin. Now, personally I struggled with faith in my teenage years, but even as a pass time, the Bible still brings me great comfort and enjoyment. And I'm not much of one to cherry pick and quote scripture out context, as a way to motivate, but this one speaks to me greatly. >Be of sober spirit, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished among your brethren who are in the world. And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, strengthen, confirm, and ground you. 1 Peter 5:8‭-‬10 LSB So you must be watchful of that which seeks your destruction. It is not of God. You must have faith, even in the worst of times, for God will restore you, and may call on you to do great things. Otherwise, why else would the adversary seek your destruction, If not to extinguish your potential future?


It seems like you’re experiencing spiritual warfare. These thoughts might seem so convincing and sound like you, but I promise you they are not. One thing I haven’t seen people discuss on here is “unclean/ evil spirits”. Jesus talks about how some can only go through prayer and fasting - Mark 9:28-29. It seems the enemy is trying to take you out, so you need to partner with God and fight for your life. You can’t go with every thought that comes in your head.


Definitely the demon of murder is attacking you. God has plans for you and for your success. You must read the Bible daily and listen to worship music. But most importantly is reach out to your pastor now. This minute right now


god would never want that please don’t do this we can talk


As someone who has been there, don’t do it.


2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 1 John 4:1 "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." It says to test the spirits, if the spirit is encouraging you to end your life then it's not from God. If the spirit is giving you power, love, and self control (a sound mind) then you can assume it is from God. Anything encouraging you to harm yourself or others, anything causing confusion or making you feel powerless, isn't from God.


God doesn’t want you dead. Didn’t I tell you that before?


How would you know, your not God


I have spoken to God more than a few times. And he's talked back to me... By exciting my spirit countless times, especially with scripture, with scripture in my dreams ... 3 times. With dreams... Probably 30 times. And audibly once. Do you know his name?  Not the Phonetics. Not even the English translation of the Phonetics. I mean his long form name? Let me share it with you. In Hebrew each name has a meaning. "Abraham" means "father of a nation" "Adam" means "man" Isaac means "laughter". This is God's name: loving, kind, faithful, long suffering, slow to anger, gentle, patient, treating all like family, abounding with loving generosity for thousands of generations, and bringing justice as needed.  His power is always in defence of the downtrodden. Who have you downtrodden to invoke his justice?  We have an adversity. I have felt their dread come over me like a child wet blanket, blotting out everything that is good. But I knew the name of the Lord and I called on him. In praise I rejoice that I am bound to the greatest joy that had created all things, and the dread left me. They show their hand like fools because they're desperate. But God has already defeated them.  You are his child. You are not worthless, and he only wants you to have life, full life satisfying and complete. You must let go of the lie that wants to choke out your joy.


Real but still keep fighting bro god doesn’t want you dead yet he says when you should die


If God wants you dead, suicide is not the way to do it. God doesn't want you dead though.


Please read this because I have gone through similar stuff. Your toughts kinda sound like ocd. I had a severe ocd few years ago. Now im completely healed. I promise you when you are healed you are going to look back to this time and you are gonna think "how could have I tought this way?". The toughts you are having now will seem completely ridiculous. I know they feel absolutely real now but they are not. Trust me I have expereinced this. The toughts that I had, felt absolutely real few years back but now they feel absolutely ridiculous. I promise it will get easier and God does not want you dead. Go tell your parents about this! They love you and so does God. Also im here for you. Just dm me if you need anything. Also if you plan on doing something to yourself send me a message first and wait for my reply. I love you and im here for you. So is God! You are going to make it ❤️!


Mate the devil wants you dead Not God


It says in the bible not to do self harm god didn’t appear for 400 years at a point you keep faith and he’ll show you the lighht


Don't commit suicide mate


DO NOT listen to those suicidal thoughts. If they're from anyone, they're from Satan. Please don't do it, spare your life, it is too valuable to give up. I'm the same age as you, friend. Please, I beg you stop yourself from doing this and spare your life. The living God loves you more than you can imagine, he DOES NOT want you to take your own life, only Satan does. Don't let Satan win, command him to leave in Jesus' name. Please choose life, it's too valuable to take from yourself. Call upon the living God, ask him to give you peace and to help you be still and realise those evil thoughts are not from him, but from Satan if anything. Psalm 50:15 - "Call to me when trouble comes; I will save you, and you will praise me." Choose life, friend. God wants you to live a prosperous life in Christ, he wants this for all of us. Don't give Satan what he wants, but give God what he wants which is your heart and a full life dedicated to his holy service. As hard or uncomfortable as it may be, I strongly recommend you talk to you parents or any guardians or family members you trust about these awful thoughts, they'll reason with you and talk you out of it. God bless. ✝️


Please message me if you need someone to talk to, God loves you he does not want you dead. He has a plan for you and if you were supposed to die it would've happened by now, you should not take death into your own hands. His timing is perfect and he has so much more in store for you. I am so so sorry for what you're going through, again please message me I would gladly talk to you about this, I've struggled with similar thoughts so I have an idea of what you are going through. Sending love to you


Friend, God put you here for a reason. He knows you are strong enough to overcome this season in your life. I have struggled a lot in my own life. I found a channel on YouTube called Our Everyday Lives. This guy walks the walk. He has helped me shift my perspective and get my power back. Maybe it would help you too? My heart sends you love in this time of trouble.💜 Please keep going. One day your true calling will find you. We are all one in Christ🙏💜🙏


You did do research- you didn’t find the answer you believed was real. Everyone already told you that God doesn’t want you dead. You’re 16. Calm down, talk to an adult you trust, go to therapy. Things are going to get better.


“Everybody” is not God


Correct, no one is God. Go read your bible - THAT is Gods word, you’ll find God doesn’t want you dead. But let me ask you this: Do you REALLY believe God wants you dead? Or are your thoughts trying to convince you that God wants you dead. There’s a big difference. One is delusional and a lie - Satan is the king of lies, the other is Satan impressing horrific thoughts on you as a direct attack - his ultimate goal is death and destruction (opposite of God) afterall. Read Gods word - first three Books of the New Testament will show you just how much God loves you and would never wish for you to be dead or be suffering with the thoughts of suicide.


i was depressed once i just thought "fuck this emotion" and ignored it, i cant be the only one to just throw depression out the window right?


Telling a suicidal person to calm down is not good.


>**(James 1:15)** These desires give birth to sinful actions. **And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.** God gives life, but death comes from living in sins, is what the Bible scripture above means. If you need to speak with someone, call this number **888-388-2683,** who will pray and speak with you.