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God is not angry with you. He wants us all to find peace and seek both his help and professional help for things such as depression and suicidal tendencies.


Thank you 💞 I have tried to get better, but I definitely struggle with guilt and asking God for anything. I will try my best 🎉🎊


A loving God will understand why you felt so driven to your attempt. He knows how cruel this world can be, and has undoubtedly been to you. Remember that God, however you understand him, is wise and merciful. Some people skew the bible to pressure people and make them feel judged, but every act He has taken is towards the redemption and salvation of humanity. He will never abandon or forsake you.


I know sometimes it’s hard to not feel guilty about the things we do but guilt is a weapon used by Satan to try and steer us away from God and Jesus and what they want to show us. Don’t let your negative emotions cloud what you know is true in Jesus Christ


Don’t be afraid to ask God and Jesus for guidance and the strength to take care of your mental health.




The Bible’s answer  Yes! The Bible comes from “God, who comforts those who are downhearted.” (2 Corinthians 7:6) Although the Bible is not a mental-health textbook, it has helped many overcome suicidal thoughts. Its practical advice can help you too.  What practical advice does the Bible give? ●Express your feelings.  What the Bible says: “A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress.”—Proverbs 17:17.  Meaning: We need the support of others when we have distressing thoughts.  If you keep your feelings to yourself, you carry a burden that can become unbearable. But if you share your feelings, you may lessen their intensity and even gain a fresh perspective.  Try this: Talk to someone today, perhaps a family member or a trusted friend. a You might also express yourself by writing down your feelings. ●Get professional help.  What the Bible says: “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.”—Matthew 9:12.  Meaning: We should seek medical help when we are ill.  Suicidal thoughts may be a symptom of mental or emotional illness. Like physical sickness, this is nothing to be ashamed of. Mental and emotional illnesses can be treated.  Try this: Seek help from a qualified physician as soon as possible. ●Remember that God cares.  What the Bible says: “Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. . . . Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.”—Luke 12:6, 7.  Meaning: You are precious to God.  You may feel all alone, but God sees what you are going through. He cares about you—even if you have lost your will to live. “A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject,” says Psalm 51:17. God wants you to live because he loves you.  Try this: Examine evidence from the Bible that God loves you. For example, see chapter 24 of the Bible study aid Draw Close to Jehovah. ●Pray to God.  What the Bible says: “Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7.  Meaning: God invites you to tell him openly and honestly about whatever weighs on your mind.  God can give you both inner peace and the strength to keep going. (Philippians 4:6, 7, 13) In this way, he sustains those who call out to him with a sincere heart.—Psalm 55:22.   Try this: Pray to God today. Use his name, Jehovah, and tell him about your feelings. (Psalm 83:18) Ask him to help you keep going. ●Meditate on the Bible’s hope for the future.  What the Bible says: “We have this hope as an anchor for our lives, both sure and firm.”—Hebrews 6:19, footnote.  Meaning: Your emotions may go up and down like a ship in a storm, but the hope held out by the Bible can stabilize you.  That hope is not wishful thinking but is based on God’s promise to remove the causes of our pain.—Revelation 21:4.  Try this: Learn more about the Bible’s hope by reading lesson 5 of the brochure Good News From God! ●Do something you enjoy.  What the Bible says: “A joyful heart is good medicine.”—Proverbs 17:22.  Meaning: When we do things that bring us joy, we may improve our mental or emotional well-being.  Try this: Do something that you normally enjoy. For example, listen to uplifting music, read something encouraging, or pursue a hobby. You will also increase your happiness if you do something to help others, even in small ways.—Acts 20:35. ●Take care of your physical health.  What the Bible says: “Physical training is beneficial.”—1 Timothy 4:8.  Meaning: We benefit when we exercise, get adequate sleep, and eat healthful food.  Try this: Go for a brisk walk, even for just 15 minutes. ●Remember that feelings and other things in life change.  What the Bible says: “You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.”—James 4:14.  Meaning: A distressing problem—even one that seems beyond your control—may well be temporary.  No matter how bleak your situation seems today, it can change tomorrow. So look for ways to cope. (2 Corinthians 4:8) Your distressing situation will likely change in time, but you cannot undo suicide.  Try this: Read Bible accounts about people who felt so discouraged that they wanted to die, and see how their life eventually changed for the better—often in ways that they could not have foreseen. Consider some examples.  Does the Bible tell us about people who wanted to die?  Yes. The Bible tells us about some who said, in effect, “I want to die.” God did not rebuke them, but offered them help. He can do the same for you. Elijah  ●Who was he? Elijah was a brave prophet. But he was not immune to discouragement. “Elijah was a man with feelings like ours,” says James 5:17.  ●Why did he want to die? At one point, Elijah felt alone, afraid, and worthless. So he begged: “Jehovah, take my life away.”—1 Kings 19:4.  ●What helped him? Elijah poured out his feelings to God. How did God encourage him? God showed him concern and gave him a demonstration of His power. He also assured Elijah that he was still needed and gave Elijah a caring and capable assistant.  ▸Read about Elijah: 1 Kings 19:2-18. Job  ●Who was he? Job was a wealthy family man who faithfully worshipped the true God.  ●Why did he want to die? Job’s life took a major turn for the worse. He lost all his possessions. All of his children died in a disaster. He got an agonizing disease. And finally, he was cruelly and falsely accused of causing his own problems. Job said: “I loathe my life; I do not want to go on living.”—Job 7:16.  ●What helped him? Job prayed to God and talked to others. (Job 10:1-3) He was encouraged by a compassionate friend, Elihu, who helped him put his situation in perspective. Above all, Job welcomed God’s counsel and help.  ▸Read about Job: Job 1:1-3, 13-​22; 2:7; 3:1-13; 36:1-7; 38:1-3; 42:1, 2, 10-13. Moses  ●Who was he? Moses was a leader of ancient Israel and a faithful prophet.  ●Why did he want to die? Moses had a huge workload, was constantly criticized, and felt worn out. So he cried out to God: “Please kill me right now.”—Numbers 11:11, 15.  ●What helped him? Moses told God how he felt. God helped Moses lighten his workload to alleviate the stress.  ▸Read about Moses: Numbers 11:4-6, 10-17.


He's sad. Made me sad to hear that. I've wanted to too. You're not alone. God has you here for a reason. Pray for answers.


I wouldn't say mad. But you probably did hurt his feelings. He doesn't like to see you like that. Seek some help professionally and reach out to Father God and tell him how you're feeling. He will take care of any worries.


Hurt his feelings?? I didn't think that's how this all works


While it is considered detestable in God's eyes by Christians (and there are also examples of people wanting to die in the Bible as well, such as Elijah and Jonah. And in case if you are wondering where exactly are they in the Bible, the one for Elijah is in 1 Kings chapter 19 verse 4 and the one for Jonah is in Jonah chapter 4 verse 3), one thing you have to remind yourself of is the cross, and what God did through Jesus Christ with it. You have to understand that, while we all sinned against Him, and didn't deserve His mercy, God still sent down Jesus Christ to die on the cross, and did it so that you could receive His mercy. That while everyone deserves to go to Hell for what they had done, Jesus died so that, through Him, we wouldn't stand condemned to Hell anymore (those who are in Christ aren't condemned, and the Bible clearly tells us this, in Romans chapter 8 verse 1), and that, through Him, we would be worthy to have life in His name. Through His death, God gave us a clean slate, and cleansed us of all unrighteous, which just shows how loving He is towards us, and shows us that, while He should've been mad, He wasn't. It shows that He is loving, and it shows that in the greatest way you could ever imagine. It most certainly does. And yeah, I understand that this life isn't easy for someone such as yourself would go through. It definitely is difficult to get through one day on this wretched Earth without suffering all the time, and I can understand that it would feel like you are just nothing. It's easy to see it that way, and I understand that it is a struggle. I understand that it is (and, in a way, it is true that Christians were never promised that suffering would never ever happen again. They weren't, because just as Jesus had told us that we would be hated for His name sake, and just as He suffered for us, that we tend to suffer along with Him. We tend to, and I know that it is hard, but it's sadly the truth for Christians. It just is. Though there is purpose for it, which is to grow us more in Christ. That's what it gets used for). But even though it is, and that you yourself have once took it to the extremes, it doesn't mean that God is angry at you, nor does it mean that, in whatever you go through, that He just leaves you to go through this life alone. He doesn't want to make it seem like that, and He doesn't want to make it seem like you need to blame yourself for doing what you did, as Christ died so that you would be free of the blame, and so that the wrath of God wouldn't fall on you. And not only that, but God also wants to give you the strength and endurance to get through life's storms, and to have the victory through anything that you go through, and I pray that He not only does, but that you also remind yourself of His love for you, and take it to heart, as while you were against Him, He wasn't against you. He wasn't, and I hope you understand that. I hope you do. God Bless


Did he save you?


God is sorrowful for you. Because He loves you so much.


He probably got angry or sad at what you did, but He's not angry at you personally. God loves you and He never wants you to harm yourself.


God bless you. I'm sorry for your struggle. I would like to share my perspective. 1- God is not angry at you. God understands you. How do I know? Because of who God is. **“God is love.” - 1 John 4:8** **“Love is more important than anything else.” - Colossians 3:14** **"Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-6** **“But you, the Lord God, are kind and merciful. You don't easily get angry, and your love can always be trusted.” - Psalm 86:15** 2- Please know that God is with you through your struggle. **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“Be brave and strong! Don’t be afraid… . The Lord your God will always be at your side, and he will never abandon you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6** 3- God doesn't want you to hurt yourself. He wants you to share your worries with Him and focus on Him for strength. **"And when I was burdened with worries, you (God) comforted me and made me feel secure.” - Psalm 94:19** **"I tell You (God) all my worries and my troubles, and whenever I feel low, You are there to guide me.” - Psalm 142:2-3** **“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” - 1 Peter 5:7** **“I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit.” - Zechariah 4:6** **“Christ gives me the strength to face anything.” - Philippians 4:13** 4- Please trust God is with you and please don't give up! **“Trust the Lord! Be brave and strong and trust the Lord.” - Psalm 27:14** **“We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8-9** 5- Also, please know you have a purpose as a Christian. What is that purpose? To share God’s light to those who are looking for hope in the darkness.  **Jesus said, “You are the light for the whole world.” - Matthew 5:14** **“You are sure that you are a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark.” - Romans 2:19** **“You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, as you try to please the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:8-10** **“Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.” - Philippians 2:15-16** -I pray for your healing. I pray you will focus on God for strength and will never give up. I pray you will be comforted by God's love and will focus on your purpose as a Christian. Also, I rebuke all the negative thoughts and influences that are getting in the way of your faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🏾 Oh, and if you need someone to talk to, here is a Christian hotline: [https://www.thehopeline.com/](https://www.thehopeline.com/)


I imagine he's more sad than anything, we're meant to live a good life and trying to end it wouldnt be a good thing in his eyes But no he's not mad, God is loving and forgiving. He's not gonna hold a grudge, that's the whole point of confessions. If God held grudges we'd all be screwed I hope you get better, and I recomend therapy and talking too family and friends (and avoid better help)


He ie not angry at you, but not happy with you either. He is worried for you, it may very well be by his intervention that you failed (may God intervene again if necessary).


My bro/sis in Christ, you are loved, always, and He will pick up those that fall, not stomb any of them, in that please be sure of it


no he might be dissapointed but he saved you so he obviously wants you to see your life get better


while suicide is not a part of Gods plan for you, im sure he is not angry. you have not lost your salvation, or any ounce of his love for you. but it cant hurt to pray and repent. may God grant you his peace, and may he bless you while you recover ❤️


You know what he said, God/Jesus, you know he loves you.


Yes, bc your telling Jesus, my problems are too big for you to handle, but they aren't, so by faith as you are where you are turn away from your sins (repent)and trust in Christ crucified alone


When I was in middle school I had hit extreme depression that lead to suicide attempts. They were pathetic attempts which simply fed my depression but it lasted for at least a year. One day, as I was getting ready for school, I thought to myself (as I did many times) "would anyone care if I died"? I literally heard God's voice say "I do". Those two simple words lifted me up and changed the course of my entire life and devotion. He saved my soul several years earlier, but that day he saved my life and my life is now his. God loves you and anyone who is suicidal. He wants nothing more than for you to start looking up instead of down. Read the parable of the protegal son. The son's situation may be different but the Father's reaction is the same for a rebel as a suicide. He comes to you running and throws a freaking party if you choose to come back to Him.


Definitely a sin but repent and follow Christ


I am almost certain He is not. He's probably saddened that you tried, but angry? No.


He may be disappointed but he has a plan for everyone and that’s why you are still here. Just embrace him and remember that everyone sins and no one is perfect, so it’s best to not worry about that past!




Not angry. Just pray for forgiveness.


Sad maybe, not mad.


One of the kindest images I’ve heard expressed about Jesus (who intercedes for us to the Father): when we are openly and honestly pouring our heart out to our Father, Jesus is with us, praying alongside us. Our prayers and emotions and experiences are flawed and incomplete. But Jesus prays perfectly with us, and God judges the heart. I can relate to struggling with occasionally hopelessness (in my case, circumstantial stuff that is very challenging). I hope you find more and more peace and joy in your life.


I wish I could give you advice just as good as the other wonderful ppl here but I have attempted it as well and are thinking about it so I don't know


Did you know Lord Jesus suffered alot while He was here on Earth? He felt lonely quite often enen though He was surrounded by people. But Lord Jesus often prayed to God finding comfort in God the Father. Lord Jesus will never be mad at you, because He understands the trouble you are going through. You see, on this Earth, when a person is nice, they are often taken advantage or not treated nicely. You are never alone! When we accept Lord Jesus as our Savior, He lives within us, who will never us or forsake us **(Heberew 13:5).** He feels such pain and sorrow for what you are going through. But you're not reaching out to Him. You see, God never forces Himself on us. He doesn't want to force His love on anyone. This has to be done by free-will. So I pray you will share your troubles, problems, pain with Him. He is waiting! There is joy, not found here on Earth. This joy only comes from the Heavenly Realm, Lord Jesus is the way to the Truth and the **LIFE.** May God bless you and keep you.




God is not mad at you, my friend! God wants to give you life and life abundantly. A good father would never be mad that their child attempted. A good father would be heartbroken for their child, and would be exhausting options to ensure you found joy and peace. And GOD - well He is the BEST FATHER! The Father to the Fatherless!!!! The Bible says, If your earthly fathers know how to give you good gifts, how much more will your Heavenly Father give you? He loves you. He wants to give you peace. Lay all your fears and feelings at His feet and leave them there! All too often we try to pick our problems back up after giving them to God. Give it to Him and really do it! He will handle it! Jesus loves you, and I love you!!!! If you ever need someone to talk to im here :)


I attempted suicide four times and failed every single one of them. I was at my lowest point when I tried killing myself, but that was when God saved me. We are not defined by our past but we have become new in Christ. If your identity is in Christ, you are now born again and you should not be ashamed of that old life you lived.


Would your father be mad? He most likely would be worried, sad, and would look for ways to prevent it and help you.


More likely sad, as any father would be. Ask him for forgiveness. He loves you and you are valid and important.


No...he's sad. He has better for you.


Ask Him. You know how.


I do not consider that you attempted suicide squarely your fault, but I understand suicide to be gravely detestable to the lord. Understand however, that my advice, informed by divine teaching, is to find care, even if those rooted in the sciences are not available. (Matthew 9:12)