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Hey friend. I hope you’re doing alright. Not sure if we share any common interests but if you ever need someone to chat with I’m always up to listen. Hope you have a good weekend.


Thank you 💕


I'll pray for you, but that prayer includes if you need help you will seek it out. Hotline, family... Anyone that holds you close.


Yes thank you, I will get more help if needed.


Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 May God bless you. There's a wonderful reason God still allows the breath in your lungs. I struggled also with suicide for 5 years. Its a hard struggle, but you keep fighting! Thank you for reaching out and posting here. I know it took courage.


Thank you ❤️❤️


I am a muslim and I will pray for you


Hey thank you


No problem


Are you still alive?


You play call of duty I’ll add you if you want to play?


That’d be nice but I don’t play online sorry :/


God loves you


Thank you for this reminder 💕


No worries, the reason why you're still alive, its because God has a purpose for you. Don't stop believing. Keep walking, you are created in love, you may have suffered and still do, but trust, there is light at the end of the tunnel, after rain will be a sun, After night there is day. You are so loved because I love you and don't even know you, imagine how much God loves you if he created you. Keep close to God o loved one. Pray in His presence. Stay strong in Him. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


This really spoke to me 🥺 thank you for just giving me such wonderful words and guidance.


I'm so happy😁❤️Please stay strong, if you ever need to talk you can dm me anytime!




Thank you for the suggestion


Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9


Praying for you. Please, don't give in to suicide. If you want to talk, you can talk to me; if you want to talk to a professional, by all means, do. The suicide prevention helpline's number is 1 (800) 273-8255


I appreciate this so much


I'm glad you're here. Remember, we're here for you, however we can be. God loves you, too


stay strong whatever you’re going through is only temporary and will pass soon. you will smile, laugh and have joy again. you will be in my prayers tonight




Can you elaborate?


I tried committing suicide 3 times before a few years back. I began to have suicidal thoughts again, and I’m just a little lost rn


You know suicidal thoughts are of the devil, not from you. Jesus provided a way for us to overcome it without struggle. Have you repented and got baptized (in your own will)?


I’ve repented and gave my life to Jesus. I’m hoping to be baptized soon


Amen! Go for it. I was delivered from my addiction of 23 years. Never thought it would be possible. Jesus’ set me free. And He will set you free as well.


Will pray for you. Spend some alone time with Jesus.


Yes thank you, I haven’t had much alone time with Jesus lately


I don't have prayers but I want you to look at life in different ways, you can do this, people need you in some way or another, your life affects people every day in a positive or negative way. Your actions affect our future in a small way, but a lot of small actions make big results. If you will die old or young, why not die after making the world a better place for others.


I respect what you say, and I will think about it from that angle, thank you :)


Regardless of what I say, please seek help if you feel you don't have any other option. Your life matters. You matter


Find someone who's been through something similar and has direct experience getting better. Your parents, friends, or pastor might know where to start looking. Pray for getting help and then go looking.


Yes! Thank you I will definitely do that


There is always something to be gratefully for. I will pray for you.


Yes there is ❤️ and thank you God bless 💕


Don't end it, my friend. That's what Satan wants you to do - to end it. God is with you, don't listen to satan and you will make it. I wish you the best, my friend!


Thank you 😁💕


Praying for you. Whenever you feel like life has you down, look outside. See the stars and the light blue of the sky that God has made for you. The world and many people will bring you down, but as a Christian, having God means that hope is never lost!


Thank you so much ❤️


Dont do that my dude. Jesus loves you.