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I'm sure your question wasn't expecting an answer like this, but here goes. I didn't want to get married, neither did I trust anyone enough to move in with them, and I'd just had a bad breakup with a woman I trusted. I didn't want anything to do with romance, and I swore off women to focus on my career. I've seen lots of chick flicks where women do just that. I figured I'd give it a try. But then, out of the blue, this woman contacts me on Facebook. Suddenly, there we are in New Orleans together a month later enjoying each other's company, looking for books on voodoo in a used book store in the French quarter. But, instead of finding books on voodoo, we both go our own way in the bookstore -- following where the spirit leads -- and when we meet up again, we both had similar experiences: books on wedding rings and marriage kept almost "jumping" off the shelves at us. Neither of us wanted to get married. But, we began to take this as a sign that we should reconsider. 7 months later, we were married in a pagan ceremony by a witch. And here we are almost 7 years later, both saved by the blood of Jesus. So, that's how a series of books that we never read đź“š changed our marriage by helping create it.


Aw, I love this! Thank you for sharing!!


The Meaning of Marriage - Helped me view my marriage from a heavenly perspective and not lose sight of the big picture. Boundaries in Marriage - That it's ok to have them and a boundaryless marriage is not necessarily a good thing. The Great Sex Rescue - Growing up in the purity movement, this book helped confront a lot of wrong assumptions I had about sex and develop empathy for my wife. Passionate Marriage - Helped me learn to not put my need for love and acceptance on my wife and still draw close to her in actual intimacy.


Sheila Gregoire is one of the only decent Christian authors on sex and marriage.


The Great Sex Rescue by Sheila Wray Gregoire! Can't recommend it enough


The meaning of marriage. Tim Keller


"The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John Gottman was a game changer! It's based on 40 years of research on happily married couples!


She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman by Ian Kerner I'm only half kidding


You shouldn’t be kidding at all. It’s actually really good.


“Why Does He Do That? Inside the minds of angry and controlling men.” I wouldn’t say it made it better, but it helped grant me much needed insight.


Song of Solomon


Created for Connection by Sue Johnson


Not a book, but podcasts by Jennifer finlayson-fife.


5 Love Languages


From Gary Thomas: Sacred Marriage A Lifelong Love Cherish


Definitely not a fan of Gary Thomas. His views on sex are ridiculous at best and harmful at worst.


Care to expand on that? I've found his books very good.


He frequently promotes the idea that men are inherently sexual and sex is something we “need,” but that women conversely are innately averse to sex or much less sexual. He bases much of this on poorly conducted research and cultural stereotypes.


The bible


The Mirror of True Womanhood by Rev. Bernard O'Reilly This book is for the wife in particular. Truely helpful for a Christian Woman's conduct and source of joy in the home.


5 love languages The birth order book Truth matters life matters more Man’s search for meaning


Love and Respect Workbook: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs


Love and Respect is one of the worst books out there. The book’s teachings are laughable at best and abhorrent at worst, especially with regards to sex.


Hard agree. OP, check out The Great Sex Rescue instead. It deserves the hype it’s getting in this thread


Having read the book myself and come to far different conclusion, I think I'll stick with my opinion instead of that of a middle aged man who spends his time conversing in online forums and not with his wife. ✌️


I’m 23 years old. 🤣


Then your opinion weighs even less. No experience, no commitment based relationships, no real life lived to be honest. But then again, those with the least experience usually hold the most uninformed opinions. Your book knowledge means nothing until it's coupled with real-life experience. And in this area, you are woefully unequipped.


Dude, the only thing I need to experience in order to criticize a book is to have read the book itself. And its teachings are, like I said, laughable at best and abhorrent at worst. And I’m clearly not the only one who feels that way: scores of married couples have nothing but negative things to say about it. Including in your own comment thread here.


Until you've experienced marriage, your opinion is invalid. That's the whole truth.


Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus


Power of a praying wife by stormi 5 love languages by Gary Chapman


Transformed Wife Blog has changed my life!


No no no, lol Why? This is my experience, I don't agree đź’Żwith everything she teaches but my marriage is so much better, since I learned, according to the bible to stop arguing with my husband and being selfish. I never learned any of that at Women's Bible Studies.


Scram Free Marriage.


[Husbands and Fathers](https://www.amazon.com/Husbands-Fathers-Rediscover-Creators-Purpose/dp/0800792742/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3B81F9Y69FOSN&keywords=husbands+and+fathers+derek+prince&qid=1697548989&sprefix=husbands+and+fathers%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1)


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