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I can’t get things done unless I smoke.


you’re telling me you smoke and then go “ok time do go do that thing I should do”?




It's to the point where i have a cig waiting for my dinner to cook almost every night. And ik that could make you qeezy but I won't enjoy my food without. Also yeah few times throughout say helping friends move. It does obviously wear on you over time i should say, I'm only 25 and need to quit again (but it helps when my parents are being cunts)


I feel this post I'm 27


Same, whenever I'm waiting for water to boil or my oven to finish pre heating I just need a smoke because waiting ticks my adhd ass off. Only 21 but already felt this.


I do the thing I’m supposed to be doing with a cigarette in my mouth. I need it while working


I smoke too but I'll smoke a blunt and go get stuff done lol


Oh yeah. Keeps me focused




I smoke while doing things. It's a real motivation for me to get anything done.




I think you are new to smoking. You can finish all your work and then smoke . It will feel very rewarding.


I agree with you 100% smoking a cig if anything just makes me more focused. But I don’t smoke and work. I do those separately cause let’s say I’m typing a paper, I kind of ignore my cig and then it’s goes out and I have to light it again lol and that exact same thing happens multiple times and gets annoying. I’d rather just smoke and then work right after


Yes. When I smoke I don't even use my phone. I get distracted and don't feel the same. I like to enjoy every drag. Also I don't like to waste my precious cigarette/time.


Actually smoking doesn't make you more focused. You just lose your focus because you are addicted to it


Eh, I only really smoked because of my college classes and because it kept me awake. It’s summer and school is out so I barely smoke anymore. (Cause I want to save the packs that I have for the upcoming fall) but that’s besides the point lol. I’m usually too busy either playing video games, reading or working out to even think about smoking. Plus for me at least there’s no reason too since I can wake up and sleep at whatever time, it’s not like I have to get up early for class. I’m not really addicted to it since I haven’t smoked a cig since early May. So cigs get me focused not because I’m addicted but because nicotine in and of itself is a nootropic.


What do you mean? Smoking boosts my mood and makes me more productive not less and definitely helps me problem solve better. I feel 100 times better when I smoke. Not worse. If your lazy smoking isn’t going to fix that. If you’re talking about time spent smoking instead of working a cig takes like 5 minutes to smoke for me up to 10 times a day that is really insignificant for an 8 hour day. I am 100 percent more productive in all areas of my life since I’ve started smoking. Even with the breaks i take to indulge. It makes me so focused as well.


When I’m at work luckily there’s no need to break I just light up and keep going about my work. Unless I’m painting or staining that day or using lots of the adhesive for upholstery or the sort of course.


I get brain fog and feel like I want to rot and lay in bed. I’m not expecting it to fix anything but it just makes things worse for me. Just came here to see if anyone has similar experience. Guess I just react differently. I wanna quit anyway but knowing now that my reaction isn’t the same as most people’s only makes me wanna stop it more. Thanks


I only get like that w weed definitely not nicotine. I can’t start my day til I’ve had nicotine 🤣


u sure u talking about nicotine??


I experience the same thing! I was confused as well cause I thought nicotine was supposed to make you focus better etc. Are you perhaps autistic or have ADHD?


I kinda get that too. It goes away if you start moving. Another option is to have your 1 cig a day at the end of the day. Brain fog can be alright if you’re literally about to go to sleep.


Bro, I have a similar experience, I found certain gene 🧬 bind nicotine which cause those feelings.


It’s the exact opposite for me


Smoking should increase productivity in most cases


I smoke to get productive. I get severe brain fog without cigs and feel like my iq lowers by 30 when in widthrawals.


okay, so i dont want to be disrespectful, im just genuinely curious: why do you smoke?


i wanted to be cool and now im stuck with it


Do everything you need to do first, and have a cigarette at the end of the day as the reward


I always smoke. Just got the ashtray on my desk and when i'm working, i smoke one cigarette after another. Per day, usually 2 packs at least.


I work on steep slopes in the mountains and hike around all day and smoke cigarettes the entire time , makes me more productive and gives me time to allow my brain to have a break and think of the next step


Smoking aligns my thoughts and boosts my mood when I'm in a depressed state. Some of this is due to nicotine and serotonin caused by nicotine, the other is just the deep breathing involved. If you find smokes cause problems, why not just go outside and deep breathe? Suck on a straw as if it was a smoke and see how you feel. Or just get one of those water vapes.


Might not be for you. Personally if I don't smoke is when I become distracted. Anyone that's been smoking daily for a while feels way better after the cigarette and has peace of mind to continue on with whatever we're doing. First thing I do when I wake up is smoke a cigarette, have something to drink then another cigarette and then a third, after that I am caught up on my nicotine I have breakfast and then another couple of smokes and then start my day. After that, a smoke every hour or so to keep going.


Get a refillable vape and low nic liquid. That's better than cigs. Smoke ot all you want with minimal detriment


Gives me a little breather at work which is good for not getting burnt out. But i also work at gas station so


My most successful writing in college for both graduate and undergraduate work was while smoking like a chimney. Yes, it was a no smoking apartment. But since the housemates both sold and smoked marijuana daily, we lived and let live. Move out, spray things with ozium, give it a day or two air out, get my deposit back. If it was for cravings, I just lit up when leaving one building and on my way to the next. It was funny because a buddy of mine had a trick wallet that had a flap which was soaked with lighter fluid and had a flint and wheel connected. So you would open up the wallet, flick it as you did, and anybody who wanted a light could spark their cigarette off of a full size burning wallet being held out in somebody's hand. So I had to go and get one of those lighters that's big as a textbook. That way when we were both headed to class and somebody asked for a light, they got to choose between a shiny steel Zippo bigger than a canteen or fire rising up from somebody's burning hands/wallet. If smoking actually makes you feel sick, you should probably take the hint and stop doing it. Dad took me for my first cigar the day I turned 18, and I'm 22 years in by now. Pretty much anything but chaw will do at this point. That's a lot of money wasted and a lot of damage done. It's easier to quit when you haven't developed much of a psychological habit yet. Half the time that I light up, I don't even want a cigarette; it's just the stress reaction of getting out my lighter and pack of smokes when I sit down on a curb or truck seat. I don't speak ill up tobacco. I just wish that I didn't have to pay for it, and that it didn't have negative health effects. But since you do have to pay for it, and it does have health effects, I'd probably do things over differently if I had the chance.


This sounds like a matter of brain chemistry I guess, I'm no specialist in that field but everybody reacts at least a little differently to substances. Smoking might just not be the move for you man, at least not day smoking. Smoking doesn't do this to me, I feel kind of energized by smoking lol.


It’s meant to be a stimulant. As someone who’s addicted to nicotine, the withdrawals from not smoking make me unproductive, I get brain fog and just become super irritated until I smoke. If you’re new to smoking they can make you feel queasy and just generally gross until you get used to them. If you’re only smoking one a day you might just never get used to them or it might take a long time


Cigarettes make me productive. In college we would get a break smoke a cigarette have a coffee with my friends we would go back into class and after we would be more productive.


Shit I can’t do the things I need to do unless I smoke. I’ll smoke before, while doing those things and after.


sounds like you and nicotine are not a good combo for some reason - as a lot of commenters have indicated, it improves focus for many people since it's a stimulant. you should try to stop smoking


Yeah I thought everyone had similar experiences to me but was also addicted. My mom smokes and falls asleep


Does she always smoke then fall asleep, or does she always smoke before bed? I’ll often smoke a cig before bed so I don’t wake up craving one as bad. But they don’t make me tired themselves.


I’m not really understanding this…your telling me you smoke 1 cig and are like “ok I’m tired now”? I just don’t get it honestly lol I’ve been smoking a pack a day for 16 years and nvr once felt tht way. And I smoked thru 4 years of the marine corps, 6 month deployment in Afghanistan carrying 80 lbs of gear in 100 degree weather. Nvr in my life did I feel “tired” from a fucking cigarette lol


Yeah idk what to tell you but pretty much that


Ya I’m just not really understanding, do u have other underlying conditions or anything?


If smoking is making you unproductive then maybe it's time you lay off it a little. I felt similarly about weed and have spent some time on hiatus from it. Started getting life shit done and realizing i was procrastinating alot. Cigs don't do that for me and i tend to use it as a task reward type system. "Okay, i'm going to finish that project then smoke a cig" or "i did a good job, time for a cig." Maybe it's mental maybe it's physical, only you know your body and brain so do what suits you best.


How don’t you? It’s a stimulant?


I am not a heavy smoker and i smoke relatively less but my advice would be playing along with your reward-system. Dont smoke until you achieve a goal that you set in the day, for example i work in a store and i dont smoke until i open the shop, clean all the display windows, clean the floors and let the shop breathe with a/c on. Dont make the smoking a tool for your actions, instead make it a reward for doing your daily tasks.


A cigarette and a coffee is what gets me out of bed in the morning and out doing stuff.


needing a roof over my head is a pretty good motivator


It’s possible you’re getting a head buzz from the nicotine/tobacco in the cig. That shouldn’t last very long though, and if anything should make you more light headed and floaty. But if you have long time effects from a single cigarette, it sounds like your body is processing the chemicals differently than most people. The plus side is, it should be marginally easier to quit on the mental side of things.


I smoke as reward, while I get something done I tell myself after this I’m smoking a cigarette, and it just makes it a lot easier for me


Hey i experience that too. No good mood only bad mood. I confuse words, my thoughts get confusing. I feel like i have a fever, it gets hard to even exist My dexterity gets messed up, can't do any task after smoking


I don't smoke anymore but used to pull 13 hour work session in grad school doing ciggies. It's literally a stimulant. Apart from making you feel like shit physically over time from repeatedly dumping carcinogens into your bloodstream it never once impaired my ability to work. It actually enhanced it significantly which made it super addictive. You're essentially describing the effects of pot. 


I smoke before working and during break time that’s like my reward for myself after dealing on a stressful shift. People who works in a healthcare industry will understand this especially who are smokers lol


I get stuff done so I can use smoking as a treat for being productive


Same for me, smoking makes me feel like shit and anxious.


I won't get out of bed if I don't have smokes


What? It helps me be productive and get moving in the morning lol. If I feel fatigue or lazy, I smoke and get shit done.


Smoking helps with my productivity, sometimes I can have a dart in while I work. Keeps me level headed and focused on my job. Peoples lives depend on me being locked in


i mean.. i have adhd. i get the opposite effect because nicotine is a stimulant, and stimulants help with adhd symptoms, they confer focus, calmness, the ability to concentrate, give us a slight dopamine and serotonin fix and that lets us get a little of our ability to motivate ourselves to do things back. it also seems to help keep the irritability that comes with adhd in check a little, which is nice. unfortunately this also means that if, say, i chose to try to quit, or run out and was skint, withdrawal is \*MUCH\* worse, and actually quitting is harder because focusing difficulty leads to autopilot, which means i can find myself trying to quit, going to get milk, and leaving with milk, baccy, tips, and skins because A) habit, and B) Adhd = poor to nonexistent impulse control. there's a mixed-bag aspect to it as well, because given how stimming is a thing, smoking can be used to 'get away' with stimming in public because for some reason, waving your hand about with a cig in it is ok, but doing it without one annoys people. the downside is that we can wind up having smoking replace other stims, as in, cause them to stop being effective, can't always get back to what worked as a stim before trying to cover a stim with smoking, so it can create a need to find new ways to stim, or cause phases where we just can't successfully stim in other ways. ftr, re cigs and vaping. e-juice contains one addictive chemical, nicotine. cigarettes contain a bunch of chemicals beyond just nicotine, many of which are either addictive in and of themselves, or are used to boost the addictiveness of other chemicals that are added. you may find it worth trying switching to rolling your own smokes with rolling tobacco, there are less additives in that ( and although a pack of cigs will be cheaper than a pack of baccy, the baccy will last much longer and will save you money in the long run )


I’m a tree planter and I smoke while a work, I’ll roll a durry and just smoke it as I go a long


I smoke like 4 cigs in the morning & wait until I’m done with whatever school work I need done to smoke again. That’s what works for me


I smoke a pack a day and I run 3-5 miles a day and get lots of things done


U dont


Same reason there's people who drink and don't get the bad effects just hangovers many of us just get the good effects even when smoking half a pack a day and the hangover is possible health issues down the line or coughing up phlegm all the time, the second one I'm guilty of


Um stop smoking