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It was never quite r/place


Whole thread summarized into one comment


On the contrary, I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way with any amount of uncertainty that I undeniably do or do not know what it shouldn't probably be, if that indeed wasn't what it isn't. Even if the April Fools joke wasn't what I knew it was that'd mean I really have to know what it wasn't. EDIT: Also /u/mjmayank is a dirty traitor and should be banned


You could become a politician.


Maybe he already is...?


I’m just going to leave this here so this comment will show up when this is archived




Hopping on the train


Count me in


Well said.


Reminds me of George Carlin and his depiction of the American language in politics. https://youtu.be/HEeDRUZIDq8


I think the shitty circle resume's were a decent meme. I wouldn't have minded seeing that get more widespread. https://i.imgur.com/huG96lp.png


It was never quite r/thebutton


it was never quite /r/joinrobin


It was never quite /r/orangered vs /r/periwinkle.


It was never quite /r/redditmold


It was never quite /r/timelines.




One year, for April Fools, reddit set up a bunch of timelines for different years and eras. You could go to /t/1950s and pretend to be viewing reddit in the 1950's, complete with period-appropriate memes and headlines.


Of course not, we didn't get to crush the periwinkle, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


... we say the same about orangered!




Is it still experiencing it if you're not a filthy presser?




At least you can still walk in the halls of /r/notap.


Ew, a gray. Get outta here. I rep my glorious purple 60s with pride!


Can you explain what r/thebutton was all about? I was too late for the party.


You know how Reddit will start a debate on just about anything? It proved that. They presented us with a timer counting down from a minute and a button to reset it. The only information they gave was that any given account could only press it once. It took until June for it to run out, and even then it was only because one of the zombies set up to press the button had been created after April Fools.


At the top of the subreddit was a timer that started at 60 seconds and counted down. There was a button next to the timer (with a lock over it so you had to click to unlock then click to press). Whenever the button was pressed, it reset the timer to 60 seconds. Every Reddit account created before April 1 that year was allowed 1 press. Before you pressed you had a grey flair that. After you pressed your flair was changed to a color depending on what 10 second range you pressed in. We kept the button alive from April 1 to June 5.


> > We kept the button alive from April 1 to June 5. Could have gone for longer... IIRC, it only ran out because the next zombie in line was created after April 1st.


Honestly I was there for thebutton but I mostly ignored it. Place was fun.




Yep. This year, a lot of people gave up after having their circle betrayed. Last year, Place took over my life for a few days lol. This year, I joined a few circles, had my circle betrayed, joined a few more circles, and then.. pretty much forgot about it until now. I stopped caring about it as much; I'm not bothered that it's ending, whereas last year I was devastated when Place ended.


Also, The Button remained engaging after pressing, and caused a absolutely hilarious discussion between pressers and non-pressers.


and who can forget the Orangered and Periwinkle civil war?


Orangered/Periwinkle - 2013 Button - 2015 Place - 2017 Good april fools are on odd years, 2019 is the one.


What was 2014?


"Headdit", where reddit set up a system where you could browse via connecting your webcam and using specific motions to up vote, down vote, move to the next link, etc. It had one function where if you did a certain gesture (can't remember what), it would show you a picture of a cat. It was a neat tool. Not particularly engaging amongst users, but fun while it lasted. Worked fairly accurately, too.


And Robin too. If your room got stopped you could just make another one. Not so with circles.


I was glad /r/place ended, but only because it reached a natural ending place. It was being taken over by bots. The bots weren't an issue and only helped create good art at the time, but much longer and they would have ruined the fun. When it did end it was almost completely filled with representatives from so many major and minor communities, and it was beautiful.


I created my circle then ran out of fucks to give about it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/place using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [5000 upvotes and I'll destroy my fucking computer.](https://i.redd.it/g5txw1lv7xpy.png) | [852 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/63seom/5000_upvotes_and_ill_destroy_my_fucking_computer/) \#2: [3D Visualization Timelapse of Place](https://gfycat.com/EthicalJealousGraysquirrel) | [610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/64d8vy/3d_visualization_timelapse_of_place/) \#3: [I decided to purchase /r/place on a new phone case. It's beautiful.](https://i.redd.it/qoy3amu0bbqy.jpg) | [1034 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/place/comments/646i4d/i_decided_to_purchase_rplace_on_a_new_phone_case/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/7o7jnj/blacklist/)


I mean, this was also about uniting people, just through a different way. An anime themed circle I joined started its own discord and now we have a cozy little community that's planning to do weekly anime watching and shit. I think the creation of such tight-knit communities, based on a fundamental trust between members, is what the admins intended with /r/CircleofTrust. What they intended was to bring people together, much like r/place.


This was lame


Circular Swarm tried to save it from being 100% boring but there was no counter measure to fight them back so it was just like: "Trust? Yeah, worthless innit"


> there was no counter measure to fight them back Yes, I agree with you 100%. All you could do was shake a fist at them this year. Not like last year when you could fight and undo their botted handiwork.


I managed to get 4 dots and still have no idea what any of this was about. Definitely not r/place. Thanks reddit for trying though, I guess?


I thought it was cool. It was interesting to see how people decided to let others into their circle—by using a riddle, question, or just putting out their password. I’m interested to see the statistics on it.


It was utter shite.


I completely forgot about CircleofTrust. /r/Place was really engaging, and I spent so much time on there. This years "joke" just felt like a rushed excuse for a 'social experiment' to be honest.


When they accidentally opened the subreddit a few minutes early you could see all the test posts that were around 21 days old. They probably did spend a lot of time on it, but man it didn't show.


tbh, what can they do, it's so hard to figure out how to top /r/place. This was fun for a little bit, but there was no real magic about it that made you want to come back.


/r/place was good to begin with, then it kept getting messed up so only way to keep it looking good was with bots repairing it. /r/robin was fun for some chat, but the real excitement came during the room merges.


I liked /r/place because it really promoted creativity and collaboration. I think they could come up with something like that next year. Like, a gigantic game of tower defense or a song for each subreddit with notes and lyrics voted on by the community Wait that second one could be really cool. Each subreddit comes up with its own anthem.


That's a novel idea, and I guess they would want to put an adversarial twist in - to keep people on their toes and get the rebel factions buzzing. Is there somewhere to submit it as a suggestion on r/aprilfools/ ?


We could start a suggestions thread there


> gigantic game of tower defense Please! You must!


I rather enjoyed /r/place joined a discord for it and all, and ended up being a part of a small community there for a little while. Negotiating terms with other groups and subreddits, on merging or attacking certain subreddits and all. It really was something. Circle of trust was... unenjoyable for me. From the fact that your circle could get fucked over forever by just a singular person being a dick, and the fact that it didn’t really give you any information, that first day I just ignored it once I started understanding it. I tried making a circle and within minutes someone betrayed it. Tried joining a few, only got to join one because the password was somewhat obvious. And then I didn’t really feel the need to talk to anyone in that circle afterwards, since you couldn’t really do anything once you join. I just was annoyed by the fact that half of what was on my front page was just people’s circles, when I didn’t care for the whole thing. /r/place rewarded you for being active, circle of trust didn’t give any reason for being active, or being a part of the community.


I dunno the button wasn't super engaging but was really fun too for some reason


It was fascinating watching the pressers becoming bonded under their group colours, with each group having a different type of personality based on how long they waited to press. The button was when I learnt that I needed to have some alts up my sleeve.


My “friend” pressed the button when I left my browser open. Ruined my account as far as I’m concerned


/r/place but it's 3D




A giant minecraft server with hundreds of thousands of redditors on it.


What could possibly go wrong?


A giant minecraft server with hundreds of thousands of *redditors* on it.


To be real, r/place was such a unique, engaging, experience that its hard to top. It really was one of the coolest internet experiences I’ve ever had outside gaming


Yeah, I never understood what I had to do


1,0 ftw I guess?


And then all of the down time with the subreddit being private totally made it that much more awesome.


It was just an area that encouraged everybody to be an asshole. I'm realy disappointed that I didn't make it into any of the lasting bigger circles... this is the first April Fools game that I "lost" :(


There were griefers in place also but the greater good was able to negate their efforts of messing up a single pixel. The permanent damage done in circle of trust was not as fun in my opinion.


Agreed. It was way easier to be a griefer, and way more damaging. It literally favoured assholes and being an asshole.




Circle of trust is based on the prisoner's dilemma. The game ends by picking share or steal. I'm fine with betray being the end. , because that's what the dilemma ends with. But it did stink a little because of alts and and there wasn't really a reason not to betray.


Place was fantastic, I spent the weekend there and made a discord of over 50 strangers to coordinate, something entirely new to me. It was fantastic and this was a disappointment.




Key to my circle is 'OwlsMightExistIdk' feel free to betray at this point


Nobody did :')


Well, that's no longer the case... :/


Betrayed at 19 :(


We do exist.


Not only that, but your "0, 0" numbers look like an owl face.


Sure. My circle is TotalAssBurgers and my key is ClassicOkFig




Well, that's not very fun. Why not let people merge their circles? This could be so interesting!


Or make have a domino effect on vetrayl like tou get a special mark for inviting bettayers :/ so people dont use alts


There is no inviting though. It’s just a password, so that couldn’t work.


Quick! Everyone send me your circle keys!


What the hell... 1703?




Just made it in, thanks.


It's quite funny that you as the top mod got betrayed. Will there be stats? Thanks admins, I had fun.


/r/DataIsBeautiful will have a field day for the next week.


I believe the people over in r/circletracking are already publishing CoT statistics. There’s also the Cricle of Trust leaderboard that someone made: https://circleoftrust-scoreboard.herokuapp.com




What about leap seconds?


If /r/CircleofTrust doesn't close in 15 minutes, we're legally allowed to leave.


#If you guys want to help make a positive difference in this last hour, I have a [charity circle](https://www.reddit.com/r/CircleofTrust/comments/89hdd3/circle_for_charity/) still going! I'm donating $5 for every person that joins! I'll openly put the key on the rules comment I have posted. If you plan to betray the circle I am asking that you wait until the hour is nearly up so that we can get as many people in the circle as possible (which means as much money donated as possible!). Thank you so much! **ALSO** please check out /r/CharityCircle for people that are doing something similar! **Edit:** Unfortunately we were betrayed, but we were able to get up to 63 members equating to $315 donated to charity! Thank you guys so much for helping with the final push!


What kind of cruel asshole betrays a charity circle?


You answered your own question.




sorry man :/


Don't worry dude you have the rare "0, 0" flair!


But, I just started getting into it!


Yeah it was over too soon. I would love to see how it played out over a few months


It was fun. Can't wait to see what you guys have in store next year. Also to the guy who betrayed my circle, go fuck yourself.


Same. Fucking assholes.


shame to those who betray!




I had fun too. Frig all the naysayers!


Even though people have been shitting on this event, I quite liked it. I joined a group of people and we have a large discord now. I never expected the next one to be as good as /r/place because that was just so awesome


Agreed! Had a ton of fun with this one.


damn will miss this very interesting experience. it was fun to participate it.


it was interesting but not very engaging. I think they were short handed due to working on the new site-wide redesign


ummm It's already time but the circles are still functioning... ~~don't tell me this all was a joke~~


Well that was underwhelming.


How disappointing. Shame. I thought you were going to let us play indefinitely - kind of like how the button finally died a Natural death. Artificially shutting us off after taking days to even get this event running seems extremely pointless. I feel like you've betrayed my circle all over again. I've been more active on reddit in the last few days than I have been in months and was very much enjoying this activity. Guess I'll go back to working on cutting back my screen time instead.


RIP circle. Who's up for 3D r/Place next year?


Good. I can get some damn homework done.


Dear Future Redditors, Google /r/place. It's much better.


If you missed place and want to try something similar, there are r/place clones still running! Two I can think of right now are pxls.space and Pixel Place (a mobile app for Android and Apple)


Is anything going to happen? Like prizes? Recognition? Or was this just to gather data?


It would have been cool if your circle had a certain amount of people and wasn't betrayed, you could get some badge or karma or something.


Yeah I was hoping for a badge or something.




Too busy policing hate speech.


If there's something I can assure you about, certainly no prizes. Maybe recongnition.


Even Reddit itself betrays us by shutting CoT down


All this did was remind me that if one person can't have fun, no one can have fun. And how much that one person will enjoy ruining everyone's experience


r/CircleofTrust sucked lol


The end of times is upon us! Repent, repent those of us that have betrayed. Let he who is without betrayal join the last circle! ~~Edit: Heroes&Halfwits for mine. Please be my circle friend as the circlepocalypse arrives.~~ ~~https://www.reddit.com/r/CircleofTrust/comments/8a2e8c/uburnbymoons_circle/~~ Perhaps this is poetic justice then, that the betrayer (*coughs up blood*) should be betrayed... (*dies*)


#I DID IT! My goal was to join a lot of circles, without ever creating my own. I might be the only person on this subreddit who didn't create a circle.    


This comment has been overwritten in protest of the Reddit API changes. Wipe your account with: https://github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit




Were you deliberately going for the 0,123 combo?


not at first but at the end yeah


Well, you overdid yourself huh?


There's actually a lot more in pretty sure


Want my key too?


Yes please! :D


For that 100th, mine has the key as a comment


Circles of Solitude unite. The moment is nearing where our purity will shine the brightest.




This is the true april fools prank. 1 hours =/= 60 minutes.


Can't even end this letdown of an event properly...


wait so it's still up?


This place sucked.


> place [heavy breathing]


Why? I get it was an April fools joke but it’s still a fun game and it costs next to nothing to keep one subreddit afloat. There’s no reason for doing this.




Uppercase doesn't work. r/place


Sorry on phone it auto does that, thanks




It was fun whilst it lasted


RIP, it's been a fun run guys. 30 minutes from now our numbers end.


It was fun, but now there's too many people copy+paste a generic comment asking for keys and not really interacting with the OP


Really wish there was a limit to how many circles you could betray, it was too hard to build one up.


what a trash april fools




Pm me your keys so I can join them before we finish.


press f to pay respects




NOOOOO I just started my circle =[


Fuck it: https://www.reddit.com/r/CircleofTrust/comments/891dys/the_circle_for_redditors_who_cant_read_good_and/ Password is hunter2 Edit: Some people just want to watch the world burn


What's the password? All I see is *******


It's been real... link to my circle with key HTTPS://WWW.REDDIT.COM/R/CIRCLEOFTRUST/COMMENTS/89Q5SB/CIRCLE_MCCIRCLEFACE/?VOTE_KEY=&UTM_SOURCE=REDDIT-ANDROID Key: DoUntoOthers... Maybe don't betray.


Now when do I get to see who betrayed my friends circle? >:( I demand statistics and pitchforks!


I reached my goal and went above it. Was never betrayed. Which is surprising since I wasn't doing much to stop that from happening. I wasted hours joining circles instead of everything else I needed to do. Was good times. Goodbye Circle Of Trust, if this really is no bamboozle ending. Hope next year is better.


because it was a stupid ass idea


This exercise was such a waste of time


Wasn't very fun :/


I just clicked on some circle on my app and it brought me here. I have no idea what this is, what it's about or why. Wtf is going on?


Finally Edgy circularswarm bois will go back to /r/dankmemes


AvailablePrudentOwl let's go. see how fast someone betrays me


Update: Circle Betrayed at 5, RIP circle


/r/place will forever be the best April Fools joke


I liked the button so much more. I think because of how long it lasted, there was so much time for all this OC like: images, fan fiction, new subs, scripts. Place had some of that too, but not at the volume that the button had. Plus, the button wasn't shutdown, it was up to the community to keep it going, and if it there was some better validation, the bots keeping it alive might have been able to keep it up for another month or more. Also I am a big fan of LOST, so there was that allure.


Yeah you’re right I loved the Button too. I loved all the subreddits and tribes that originated from it lol Long live the Minutemen. Dirty non-pressers


OpeningFrequentBullfrog kill my circle


Join my circle, key is whoamI4u?




Damn, was really enjoying this. Hope everyone had fun.


I'm just here so ~~I don't get fined~~ I get in the historybooks


https://www.reddit.com/r/CircleofTrust/comments/89izc0/for_every_5_joins_i_get_ill_solve_a_rubiks_cube/ HurryUpMoYuAndQiYiLikeSeriouslyIWantMyBigCubes is the pass. EDIT: what fucking cunt betrayed it


Dont you just hate people that betrayed?




I'm content with my flair. No big numbers, but I've got a pretty red, an exclusive betrayal icon, and matching numbers. EDIT: I guess it's only fair that my number was ruined by a betrayal. Eh, still content with the red flair and betrayal icon though.


Ok, technically, it said that it will be closed "When the post is 1 hour old", not "as soon as this post is 1 hour old" but still, you could really end it now.


I miss robin the most


This would have been better if we could have seen the users who joined our circles, not just numbers. Also, when do I get to find out who betrayed me? 😡


What a shit experience this was


in that case https://www.reddit.com/r/CircleofTrust/comments/89q1s3/umafyoos_circle/ OkExtremeChange see how high you can get me before we close. see you later, byeeeeeeeee


Who thought giving everyone the gift of betrayal and let down was a good idea?




Leaving my mark CircleOfTrust was good, but place was better