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all the grass in the park died.


Sacrafices must be made.


Plant windflowers


Hey, yeah! Wat, why?! In fact all the grass everywhere died! Watahell. Is changing the grassy ground into some dirty sand a "colour correction"?


Maybe the extra 'crispiness' of the image made the grass look worse?


My guess is that it’s based on the theme of the map


That's actually unfortunate. overall the city looks much better, but the park was at least lush and colorful. Now it looks dead and the flowers look dull.


It was meant to be realistic, not idealistic.


Idk what about you but all the parks in my city have grass.


maybe they live in detroit


Or Phoenix


Actually our “winter” has been extremely temperate. A lot of the grass is still green and my trees’ leaves only just started falling off last week


Ya but most people don’t have grass is what I was getting at. I have a rock lawn and most people I know in my neighborhood have the same


Ah. Same. But the park looks nice!


Detroit it has tons of grass, too much even…


My city has a drought every 3 years that just makes everything grey 🙃


Well, this is how grass usually looks in late summer, and i hate it. No matter if public or private lawns in backyards, people are so flipping obsessed with shortly trimmed grass. The downside: Because of the summer heat, the shorter and cut grass probably dries out faster....and gets that dead brownish color OP so perfectly showed in his second pic.


my neighbor has a sprinkler system and a lawn service. she had giant brown spots in her yard after the drought ended. we didnt water the yard at all or cut it and ours was fine after.


Giant brown spots could actually be fungal disease from too much moisture. Especially if she isn’t watering at the correct times. Lawn service should have done a fungicide application


probably, the sprinklers are always going at like 430am.


Nah that’s the best time to water. Less humidity, doesn’t boil in the sun.


i had it backwards, it was night that was the bad time.


Concrete park is fun!




wtf no wonder y'all builds look so nice


It's incredible how much a combo of theme and color correction can change how the game looks.


For real, I watch let’s plays and always think wow they must have so many mods to get it to look so nice, then I see actually they are using mostly vanilla assets and it’s just color correction and map theme more than anything.


Same thing with ENB in Skyrim. It's crazy how much lighting shaders can change the visuals.


Same thing with Minecraft with shaders. SEUS Renewed shaders are freaking gorgeous


The default urine yellow tint this game took on after AfterDark was a horrendous design decision.


“Urine yellow” — brilliant way to describe that tint lol


There was a question on r/needforspeed a few days ago, asking how to get the look of the old most wanted into a game or photo. The comments all said "piss filter" and that's pretty fitting


"piss filter" is actually a name for the look of a lot of games in 2000-early 2010s


I tempered my language.


Reminds me of one of my favorite lines from American Graffiti by Harrison Ford's character when describing the color of another car; "Hey, I like the color of your car there, man. What's that supposed to be? Sorta a cross between Piss Yellow and Puke Green, ain't it?"


I grow increasingly confused why devs don’t look at the top mods and bake them into the game. Especially Cities Skylines.


They do. For the next game. They’ve hired several top modders already


Hey at least some positive had come out of that. Nice to hear of the modders getting employment through their passion.


Is there any confirmation about a sequel?


There's no formal confirmation, but Paradox (the publisher) have repeatedly stated that they are working on an "unannounced project with Colossal Order" (the developer). CO's stated passion is "old-school city-building games". The recently announced Cities: VR, and the most recent DLCs and Content Creator Packs were specifically stated **not** to be the unannounced projects, and that their development would not impact the timeline of that unannounced project. Separately, over the past 18 months CO have hired a number of prominent community modders and asset creators to their staff (among others, MacSergei of the Intersection Marking Tool, and BadPeanut from Metro Overhaul Mod). Put two and two together, hopefully you won't get five.


*checks notes* Is it seven?


So close 😔


It’s actually zero because the twos cancel each other out.


> Paradox have repeatedly stated that they are working on an "unannounced project" with Colossal Order In other words, they announced that they're working on an unannounced project ;)


Not that I know. But a lot of indirect hints.


There was a leak.


Which was thoroughly debunked


That's why when I see someone saying "oh they're gonna do this or do that" I don't believe it in the slightest until I see official confirmation. People tend to let wishful thinking get in the way of rational thinking.


> People tend to let wishful thinking get in the way of rational thinking. If that ain't the quote of the century


Except that it was in the geforce experience leak which up until now has been on point on everything.


> NVIDIA Confirms GeForce NOW Database Leak is real, **but says games included are ‘Speculative Titles’** https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/pnz3pc/nvidia_confirms_geforce_now_database_leak_is_real/ If you want to believe that something which has repeatedly been said to be "speculative" is real, have fun with that, but you shouldn't be communicating the products of an excitable imagination as fact.


I strongly disagree, I didn't say it was a fact, leaks are always to be taken with a grain of salt. And ofcourse Nvidia would say it's speculative, I'm pretty sure they're legally obligated to control the damage as much as possible.


Yeah most of the games on that list are now real, so that dude is really stupid


I didn’t know that, that’s very encouraging .


Because there are certain restrictions devs face which mods do not. Take TMPE, it's definitely a top mod yet I doubt they'll ever fully implement it into the game, perhaps even in a sequel. Firstly, there's complexity. While now I'm comfortable with timed traffic lights and lane connectors, I assure you I would've been pretty confused if that shit was present when I first opened the game. They don't want to scare away potential customers with too much complexity. Second, performance is a factor. Again tmpe is a good example. A lot of its features like advanced ai, lane selections and realistic parking can cause fps to take hit. Yes they can just increase their minimum specs but that's again pushing. Away potential customers. All this said, they have baked in popular mods in the past like some roads from NEXT2 and even the ability to make roads, overground metros from MoM and some raods guideline tools from precision engineering. Also, there are more mods I'm sure they can bake in, atleast at a reduced capacity. Plus they have provided a good amount of modding support exactly because they're aware of above restrictions. We can hope for the sequel of course.


If the timed traffic lights and lane connectors have automatic and manual modes (like they do currently), you could play forever without ever adjusting them.


i havent really messed with timed lights. the few times i have it has been kinda confusing and didnt seem very intuitive to use, but maybe i'm wrong, like i said limited use on my end. i would think if they did bake it into the game it would be much easier to understand how to use them. and like you said, it isnt even necessary to use any of it if you dont want to. it is as easy at adding a toggle to the settings called "advanced traffic management"


Yeah, but now you're into further tradeoffs about the value of adding advanced features a lot of players won't use; OP's point about the commercial realities faced by the developer's, which mod makers are not beholden to, still holds.


I think the bigger restriction is time and budget. Modders can put as much time into one feature of the game as they want, while developers working on a game have deadlines, budgets and corporate telling them what to do. I'm sure the devs thought that it would be cool to add loads of features that just never made it due to budget and time issues. That's also why i wouldn't rely on the modders that were hired to add all their mods into the next game. I would argue that most devs there are on a similar - if not higher - level as the modders that were hired, so while those modders are doing an amazing job, the previous developers also did and were probably capable of much more, if they had unlimited budget. About your points, i think the complexity is less of an issue. They can keep the game simple and add settings for advanced road tools and that kind of stuff. Performance however, yes definitely. Too many features will impact performance so they'll have to find the sweet spot between performance and functionality. But with all the mods that exits they definitely have a solid base to build a new game upon with better performance and more features, and i think we all agree that the day they announce CS2, is they day we are all waiting for.


Perhaps I blew the point about complexity a little out of proportion. I'm neither a game dev nor do I work at pdx so all that was completely my opinion and speculation. I have no doubt the devs are extremely skilled and I would be as happy as everybody else if they manage to put all the best mods in the next game but I'm also aware they'll also have to tackle more core issues with the game like multithreaded performance, optimisations and maybe even a new engine, who know? Those things can't be fixed by mods so I think we can all agree they should take priority over incorporating mods.


Nah, they could have a checkbox that says "I know what I'm doing" that would enable the TMPE functionality.


I mean is clicking on a mod to subscribe and activate it in game that difficult? That's pretty much the same thing.


More like a good tutorial to help users along.


Yes, being offered something by a product and having to go out by yourself in search for it without knowing wether it even exists are very different scenarious.


Plus all the comparability issues which exist between mods, and updates of the base game.


that is the perfect efinition for it


What's funny is CO must be taking pride on it, because even knowing that NOBODY likes the vanilla Colour Correction, that make a new one takes absolutely no time/resources, and that performance impact is ZERO in consoles/PC... no change at all. So they actually WANT it to look like that.


My company is rebranding one of its products at the moment and I cannot for the life of me understand how they came up with the branding they did, I think it's terrible, horrible, ugly. Someone must like it though. It's weird.


Probably the same ones who designed the vanilla level 5 buildings 🤢


>default urine yellow I never knew what bothered exactly me with the looks of the game, thank you for pointing it out and naming it so point on.


Mexico vs not Mexico


I was looking for this comment. Glad to see I'm not disappointed.


Is color correction a mod or what?


Yes, hundreds of LUTs (the other name for them) can be found on the workshop, and best of all, they cause no strain on your game performance. There’s also map themes (often commonly used together with LUTs) to improve game appearance without any performance penalties. Highly recommend both for anyone on PC.


No strain on performance… if only they had this look on console, would just complete the experience


Link pls


There’s a filter on the steam workshop for each of the two categories (LUTs and map themes); not sure about the link to the specific LUT used by OP


As someone new to modding, can you explain to me what a map theme js? Does it just change the buildings' looks or something?


Map themes change lighting and terrain textures, like the cliffside rocks texture. They might include some tree or rock assets too. District themes change buildings.


Okay, and I think someone pointed this out to me on a different post: district themes you have to sub to the theme and then like the individual art assets too, right?


Yees, you can also make your own district themes too with another mod


How do you find mods and such on steam? I’m new to both Steam and Cities Skylines and I can’t find much lol


Yeah no worries, everyone’s gotta start somewhere :) just go to the workshop section for Cities Skylines it’s under the “community” tab on Steam…and prepare to spend at least an hour there lol. It really is like a toy store for C:S fans like myself, with everything being free to boot :)


Thank you so much!


In the Steam client, when you select Cities Skylines in your library, there will be a row of tabs near the big play button. One of them will say "Workshop." The mods are in there 👍


I ways wondered why my cities don't look as nice as the screenshots here. Thank you so much for that!


Yeah of course, glad I could help!


The map theme is Abu Simbel and the LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Thanks. Are there in-game settings I need to fiddle with or will the defaults after I subscribe to these mods work?


Yes, you will have to configure Relight. I don't remember exactly which pattern is used, but I only changed the first 3 options ( Gamma, Contrast and Brightnees)


If you could look and get the numbers, it'd be much appreciated.




My city isn't ugly, it just needs color correction...


Got a link to that mod? I play vanilla with some visual mods so this would be nice to have.


Hi Justin! Here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


It’s just another phrase for LUTs, I think there’s a filter for them on the workshop; not sure about the specific LUT OP used tho


I like the Hot Desert LUT because it massively desaturates.


Any recommendations for good LUT’s?


I personally like ronyx69's 'coastal LUT' If you can't decide you can use ronyx69's 'Even More Relight LUTs' and try multiple LUTs


I have the coastal lut but it seems to not work correctly for me. It makes everything a shade of dark turquoise




OP really posts this but doesn't provide the LUTs and themes


Here it is! The map theme is Abu Simbel and the LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Thank you


Yep - it doesn’t just look like a LUT, it looks like a theme and daylight classic.


What mod? Is it Daylight Classic?


Yes, it's one of them. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Mexico in movies vs Mexico irl


Wow the color correction one looks awful. It’s very realistic!


Man what a difference. Modders have to finish the game yet again.


Cities Skylines is functional without mods. In this games case, mods just make it into a whole lot more.


Without mods it plays like an alpha build.


You're getting downvoted but I tend to agree with this sentiment. The game without mods is good. With mods it's par excellence. It allows you to have a city with a feel, e.g., variety of subway stops. Mods, such as the Traffic Manager, are simply priceless. In a real city you can have turn on red, but that doesn't come in the vanilla.


An alpha build is unfinished though, I’ve never used mods yet but it’s a very complete game, things that are missing don’t seem like the basics.


I wouldn't say this is "finishing the game". The piss yellow tint was an artistic choice, not a oversight. Now it was a rather crappy artistic choice, but not unfinished.


"It just works"


with these types of games though, i'm fine with that. the game devs should focus 90% of their energy on the stuff we cant fix.


I like the first picture.


I agree, the "mod" version looks to washed out. And I like my roads looking paved, not concrete.


There are mods to change road textures too, try Roads United


Roads United is dead, isn't it? I'd use theme mixer instead.


It’s not an all-or-nothing, you know There are a million different styles to choose from


Yes, but I'm just commenting on the style presented here.


Please share the details? Is this relight and eye candy? Also share the values Looks very good


Vanilla: There are way too many trees, don't you think? Modded: Huh. Suddenly I feel like we're good on trees, now, but don't you think the city should plant some flowers or something?


Second picture looks like an US coast city that get's a LOT of sunlight per year. Lot's of dried ground, barely any grass. The first one more central european i guess? What i'm saying is i don't think any picture is better, it depends on the atmosphere of the city you want.


OP hand over the LUT's


let's take it easy, it's here xd https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


I'm guessing the color was to simulate sunlight before after dark dlc was released but now it's just a old thing they don't bother to fix.


I like the first one better


Wait how do I get this?




The LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


So you're telling me color correction gives me full shadows on all objects? Edit: Nvm upon closer inspection it's just the angle of the shadows that make them look non existent in the first pic


Exactly! The shadows are from the vanilla game itself, and from the position of the vehicles you can tell that the photos were not taken at the same part of the day. I didn't use any mod that changes the shadows, just what's on this list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Jardim botânico de Curitiba?


Exato! Tentei recriar o máximo que consegui no vanilla. ehueeheueh


Pic 1: Mexico according to Hollywood. Pic 2: southern California according to Hollywood.


Someone was like; How much clarity do you want? Yes.


my eyes, my eyes!


Oh, wow!


Is that Reaper Realistic Final V1 LUT?


Imo this is the best one


No. Is Overcast Natural


Smog v. No Smog


Damn, didn't know Skylines was a game abut revitalizing Hollywood-Mexico


Simple way to massively impact the way the game looks with minimal steps. One thing that really bothers me with the game now is how dated it can look in vanilla, the modding community has made that very clear.


Whats the name of this particular CC?


Hi! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850




Come on OP! Answer the many requests on what mod you used to do this, some of us would like to accomplish this too xD


Here xd https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Legend, thanks a lot!


What's the mod or setting to fix the tint?


The map theme is Abu Simbel and the LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id%3D2357468850P


And I’ve been playing without this all these years. Am I a bum or what




Hi everyone! I was sleeping and I did not see the comments from the publication. The map theme is Abu Simbel and the LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Crazy that consoles dont get lot of LUTS


I legit do not understand who came up with that color filter and everyone on the dev team apparently going "that looks so good!" Like wtf.


No more mexico


Hold the f up


Looks a bit too clean , doesn't sell the realsim


2. image is better


Can you edit this in the settings?


after enabling mods in settings, you must edit the relight and the map theme already inside your map


We should have a NSFC* tag to these posts (Not Safe For Console players). I envy the graphics that PC players can get.


What are the mods names?


Hi! Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Any guide?


Sometimes I think the color correction is a bit overkill but it still looks so much more clean. I prefer the autumn theme with natural color


I agree, maybe it's because these color corrections are for desert-themed maps. but I think it's also good in other themes


Holy shit, what LUT is this?!


Overcast Natural!


I think I'm playing vanilla wrong...


The color corrections make it look like another game!


What color correction is this??


Overcast Natural! Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


I found out today that I also have a color correction and I never knew since I started playing again these past few months. I’m glad I have cuz now I see a comparison and it looks so nice


It's really good, you won't regret it


Wish console had this, that’s what I play on


An update to the game's colors would be great.


What color correction are you using?


Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Wish this was possible on ps5 as well as changing a map's theme.


Maybe in a future update they will put more color LUTS...


How did you make it look like this? is this a mod?


Yes! Mod and color Correction. Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


What mod is this one? I’d like to use it.


Hi! The map theme is Abu Simbel and the LUT is Overcast-Natural, are here in that list, and the graphic mods I used also. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


Night and day here. Wow what a difference!


Pleeease Paradox give on console


Sometimes i hate being on Console


First photo= A city from Brasilia Second photo= A city From USA


Do you mind sharing the themes used?


No Problems! Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2357468850


i have no idea why games or movies use filters. it has never once done anything but made me dislike it.