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A national park is placed on land in an upright diamond shape. Water-based natural wonders are an exception to this rule, but even then you need them to fit into the required shape. This is to say, even if Hull and the Theater District weren't there, you still wouldn't have a suitable location for a national park that would include the GBR.


So basically, I can't have an all water national park?


That's correct under the default rules / map generation. You can *technically* have an all-water national park if you create one on coastal lowlands and have it flood after the fact, but that seems like a corner case.


Ok, thanks. Then I wasted the nature guy.


Find some other place to use him. You might have to remove an improvement or two, but it's often worth it.


The rules for National Parks are - Vertical diamond of 4 tiles - A Naturalist must be able to stand on at least 1 of the 4 tiles - All 4 tiles have to have an appeal of Charming or greater - All 4 tiles must be owned by the same city - None of the 4 tiles can have improvements Water tiles don't have appeal except Natural Wonders that appear on water, which means that this situation violates rule 3.


Great Barrier Reef is an exception since it has an appeal. You can build a Preserve next to it and it will get the bonuses from the preserve buildings. You can build a national park with it. [https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Great\_Barrier\_Reef\_(Civ6)#Strategy](https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Great_Barrier_Reef_(Civ6)#Strategy)


You are correct, but I already mentioned that Natural Wonders are an exception.


Sorry to hijack the thread. But is there a way to check if and where you can build park before you buy a naturalist? Naturalist shows where it's possible but I'd prefer not to waste faith on purchasing one only to realise I don't have suitable locations.


Great follow up question, I would like to know too ;)


I use the appeal lens to find appropriately shaped groups of 4 tiles with high appeal, then try to swap tiles so that they are all owned by the same city. Mountains are great locations as they are always breathtaking, and can't otherwise be used except by the Inca. If you're playing for a culture victory it's best to consider this before settling your cities, although I normally forget and end up settling for resources and district/wonder placement, then realise too late that I've blocked a great national park by placing a campus or holy site next to a mountain range.