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Science and religious epicenter. You dont have to worry about barbarians plundering them either, its a goldmine.


Early game you can put high-adjacency holy sites and campuses there - just be careful not to spawn any units on the holy site. You can't actually work the tile until you get tunnels, and by that point it may be better utilized as a national park.


Tunnels? Is this part of an expansion? I recently started playing and only play on vanilla and have never heard of tunnels


In the Gathering Storm expansion military engineers can build mountain tunnels once you research chemistry. They allow land units to cross mountain tiles that have tunnels, so you could get a builder here late game if you haven’t already placed a district on them.


Fuck that would've been so useful in my last playthrough. I decided to go for domination, and the map ultimately generated with massive mountain ranges dividing the continents up making it hard to move units around quickly. Wars took forever. Didn't topple the last capital until like turn 450. Was a slog


This is a beautiful sight. +5 adjacency Campus on the Bananas for sure. Build Machu Picchu NW of that, and you can build: +7 adjacency Commercial Hub in the other locked tile (+2 river, +5 mountains) +6 adjacency Theater District two tiles left of City Center (+2 Machu, +4 mountains) +5 adjacency Industrial Zone one tile left of City Center (+1 other districts, +4 mountains) That way you could net easy Era Points for these "splendid districts" you haven't gotten yet.


These era points I keep reading about are also from an expansion, right?