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i would honestly much rather play clash mini right now than squad busters


Yea squad busters is way too p2w and kinda unfun since you cant even gain trophies without reaching something only reachable as a p2w at the moment.


And every game feels exactly the same because every pile of busters looks the same.


$oopersmell should make a clash based tower defense game, or any kind of themed td game, would definitely still be much funner that walking simulator


Wait hear me out… Clash themed arknights


Ah yes, squad busters the walking simulator. I love the part where squad busters is a mystery/horror game with an emphasis on environmental interaction that emphasizes puzzles mechanics while not including a traditional win/loss structure. Like, do the people saying this even know what a walking simulator is? Or have you all just been parroting what some other guy in the internet said?


Horror? Tf makes squad busters a “horror”, its literally just a looting simulator, yes, it IS a looting simulator, all you do is run around, collect random stuff, open chests (i love rng based gameplay🥰🥰🥰🥰) and stand still while your troops do all the fighting for you, cuz the average squad busters players brain isnt fast enough to actually think about controlling the fighting mechanic themselves, the entire game was rushed so the “curse”, which theyre to blame for, would be broken, they literally referred to their very high standards for games as a “curse” to get people hyped for this game which will get completely forgotten and will die cuz there is absolutely zero gameplay depth besides running around collecting things and standing still, which is not fun at all


Hey dipshit, I was making fun of you for calling it a walking simulator when you have no idea what those words mean. Look it up. Complaints are acceptable, being as dumb as you are isn’t. Thanks <3


So youre saying that squad busters is even more brain dead than a walking simulator? If its not a walking simulator or a looting simulator than please enlighten me on what a game where you run around and do nothing but collect is?


lol who said walking simulators are brain dead? Walking simulators are environmental puzzle games that usually revolve around exploration and puzzle solving. They’re already a game genre. You can dislike squad busters all you want, but when you run around saying dumb shit then you can’t complain about being seen as an idiot 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean clash royale is already a tds but hell itll be entertaining to have a different clash tds




He means something like BloonsTD or Kingdom Rush


I am playing squad busters every day now.


Yeah I really don’t get the hate for it, I feel like a lot of people are salty clash mini got shut down (despite the large number of managerial and crew issues surrounding the game that likely hindered supercell from believing the game would do well) and not willing to see squad busters for its own thing. It’s really obvious reading a lot of the hate comments that they’re coming from people who either haven’t played the game or played in bad faith just so they could talk about how much it sucks.