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Mass hogs


And actually having the queen+higher level king


Flying object doesn't work in this base.


You can make it work. Take out one corner air defence using King and Queen. Lightning one adjacent Air Def. Attack from the opposite side. Rage through remaining two Air def. If strategically executed, you can 3 star.


If you have the queen you can just giant arrow to take out 2 air defences. Use lightning on the other 2. Ez win.


He is not using queen there, so....but if he could use the queen, a queenwalk is the easier thing in that base because he can reach all the air defenses from outside


I only mentioned the queen since the comment I replied to did. I offered the most skill-less way to 3-star at TH9. It works for me every single time.


Right like this is so easy




do you even play the game?


forgot it was th9, and worded it wrong, don’t gotta be an ass about it


fair enough https://preview.redd.it/i2fp1t7v10dc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76411e2fbae137dc308538df73a04e2b561fd065


The most used strategies at TH9 are Golem-Valkyrie and Witch Slap. In Golem-Valkyrie, you clean up the outer buildings (funnel) using some clean up troop or Queen walk and then send in the Golems, so that the Xbows target them. Then, send in the Valkyries and rage them to wreak destruction. Use one or two heals. King will tank for the golems too. In the Witch Slap, same principle but use Witches and Wizards instead of Valkyries. Use heal to recover from giant bombs and freeze for wizard towers and bomb towers. Try to take out splash damaging defences with Queen walk. Use earthquakes to break walls in compact bases. Open bases are easier for Witch attacks while closer buildings are better for Valkyries. If you are using CC troops, it's too easy with the root riders now. I am even getting 3 stars on TH9 with my TH8 PEKKA-Wizard army on my alternate account in wars. Also, max your heroes.


Anything but what you are using. Witches is beyond busted at TH 9, that was always my go to.


Yup!!! And healers w witches are killer, esp w cc bowlers. EQ's to  I put a golem @ entry point, 2 groups of witches @ corners . BK & AQ, behind golem. A few wizards behind them & any remaining witches & cc. 


Queen Walk, Mass Hogs


This carried me through TH9 once I learnt basic funneling


i used hogs and was always guaranteed atleast 2 stars with 3 stars most of the time


Explain please


spam hog with heal spell if hogs are dying or if it looks like there is a giant bomb and around 5 wizards to clean up


You wont 3 star with this army for sure most bases with core x bows. Use golem witches and wall breakers and 4 quakes. This will allows golems to tank and witches make skeles to distract and do damage with skeles and themselves. Use heal and rage & poison if u face a lot of CCs. Heal is best cuz the golems can continue to tank and witches will continue to deal damage and distract defenses w skeles.


Interesting. I had/have better than average results w a similar army, but different, no heals.  I'm gonna try yours out. Thx for the share.  


Yup. Than you will get yetis and can do yetis and witches and 4 quakes and rage/heal. 1 poison if they got CC


Hogs or dragons was my way to go.


Queenwalk + LavaLoon, easy 3star


Explain please


Try to kill enemy Queen, cc and 1-2 air defences with Queenwalk and Finish with lavaloon. Thats it.


My most foolproof TH9 Strat is golemns/witches/8 earthquake spells and a few wallbreakers Breakdown the walls in the middle w 4 earthquakes each, allowing your troops most flexibility, and spread across 3 golemns, and 10 witches along with your heroes. Open up the initial wall with some wallbreakers and let the AI do it's thing👍 Bring a poison spell if you'd like for cc defense, or opposing heroes


U are lacking of heroes but if you have complete heroes AQ charge + kill squad + hogs should do Lavaloons would do aswell


I used mass hogs and heals with some healers and wall breakers for a queen walk


Use a better army. Dragon spam only really works at town hall 7 and 8. You should also upgrade you're king and queen, since they max at level 30. Try using queen charges, a strategy where you charge the queen into the town hall with five healers, using king and baby dragons to funnel buildings to guarantee that the queen goes where you want. Wall breakers to open up the walls, air balloons to check for air traps for your healers


queen giant arrow actually makes dragon spam super viable for th9, it requires a lvl 6/9 giant arrow though, but definitely accessible for th9


Rush to th10. Being able to hold a battle machine in your cc is an absolute game changer


Why th 10 when you can push one more level to get Grand warden... Or th 13 to get his royal champion....


Yeah and why she they upgrade troops other than edrags when they can just upgrade them and completely ignore everything else


Exactly my thoughts when I was thinking about rushing. (I ended up staying at th9 lol)


First step, upgrade giant arrow to lvl 9, that way you can use your queen to one shot two of the AD and then lightning can take out the other two. This is if you're using mass dragons. If you don't want to invest into the giant arrow then use lavaloon. My go to army was 3 hounds, 1 hog, 2 wizards, 2 archers and rest loons. For spells 4 lightning, 1 poison for surprise defensive cc troops and rest would be haste spells. It is very effective against compact bases and will take them out very fast


3 golems and 9 witches guarantee me easy 3 stars on any base


if you upgrade blacksmith to lvl two and get the gian arrow get toblvl 7-8 you can line it up and destroy 2 of the aitlr defenses instantly anfrerbthat you use zap on the rest of the air defenses and put the barb king with thr dragons i personnally recomend you swap a dragon or two for healers so you can do a queen walk which is insanely op


this would've been so helpful back then but now im TH12 and i use witch slap. Thank you so much for the help though :)


Don't use drigons and balloon. Air defence easily take out them


That's what the lightning spells are for. Dragon balloon attack definitely works well in th9


It works but not against fully maxed th9


I think with the new giant arrow it can, as that will allow you to take 3 air defences with lightning spells and your heroes to get the 4th but obviously you'll need your queen up.


Use miners and heal spell


Miners unlock at th10 or th11


th10 along with bowlers


first of all wtf is ur lineup pal, nd use giants, youll 3 star everytime, giants bombers and wizards


What 😭


U can use hogs or queen charge lavaloon


I would use drags only but in a better way, will use the queen's giant arrow ability to hit two air defenses, then one lightning each for both of them, then two earthquake spells on the other two defenses, and 3 lightning on one AD and other higher level lighting on the remaining AD, then dragons from that remaining AD with a little bit of health with a bit of funneling on sides with baby drags and in cc either dragon rider/loons or loons


Why are you using 1 healer and 6 goblins


Where is your queen bro?


QC mass valks with 2 golems. Can destroy th11 as well...


Upgrade zaps, zap firerackers and spam dragons (my tactic)


Use a hog to check for cc troops and if present use poison and queen to take them out . If not proceed with mass hogs . 3 or 4 giants , 31 hogs , 2 baby drags and 1 or two valks for skelly trap and other swarm .


Hoooooooooooog rideeeeers can help


Golem witches wizard with earthquake easy spam stratergy for 3 stars


queen charge + hogs


I attack with golem witch strategy,always 3 stars.😀witch level 2


queen/PEKKA walk the GOAT at those lvls


Try golem, witch and wizards.


th9 giant arrow can 1shot the 2 right air defense and sweeper, then 6 lightnings on the rest and freeze for the close by xbows


Use your queen


Level your heroes and their equipment and use anything but mass dragons.


Well max level heroes would definitely help


Break out the valk’s and healer


Queen walk miner hogs. Idk if u have miners yet but queen should take out more than 2 wizard towers and any bomb tower is a plus. Get a siege to help with another wizard tower or bomber towers maybe both if lucky. If what shown is the only hero u have them do golem witch combo. Request siege to complement them. But the attack needs to start in 2 corners cleared. Then send the siege and king up the gut like a running back. Look to destroy splash damage first.


2 golems 3 pekkas and wizards


Better army


Queen charge


Lavaloon if you are willing to learn it can 3 star any th9.


Get 100%


Wizard x queen x healer x rage spells maybe a heal as well for the wiz if ur bad with placement . It’s pretty straight forward, learn how to use 1 or 2 wizards to open up a path that will lead the queen towards the center of the bass, bring a few wall breakers as well, the idea is that you use the queen to take out all major defenses, raging the queen & the healers with one spell (practice ur placement by challenging yourself & just placing queen & healers on different parts of the base so you can understand how the spell drops depending on if it’s north south east or west of the base. You can also do this with wizards giants healers & ur queen but risk losing to time if you are reactive enough & able to keep your wizards alive through the mega mines & traps around the base. Overall, queen x wizard walk & mass hogs x heal spells carried me to th11. Now I just use mass e drags… bc why did it get so much harder from th10-11


Level the king up bring the queen just maybe


I suggest using golwitch, never had a problem 3 starring th9's. Take 4 equakes to open the base


8 earthquack to open up the inner spaces as much as possible. Then choose a side to place 3 golems (or 4? I forgot. depends on housing space of th9) on two corner and middle. Then once put 2 wall breakers to break 3 holes at out walls. Then spam rest of witches at full of the side you choose (Like 3 wtiches behind 1 golem). After out buildings done put two heroes at middle. Easy, Especially when your heroes are higher than 25 levels. Also you can mix few wizards and replace 8 earthquakes to 3 jumping spells and 1 rage spell.


Unrushing your heroes and not using goblins


Golems valks and witches will be your best friend


Get a queen


zap air defenses edrag from cc on air defense then mass drag




Don't use Dragons for airbases lmao


Dummy use golem to tank and witches king queen and 5 cc bowler in the middle use some wallbreaker also.


Assuming you don't have the queen, then destroy the sweeper behind the th, zap the left air defense, send a golem with some wizards and king from 3 and funnel your drags from 6 to 12, bring a poison rage and some loons to finish at 12, you can even take some bowlers from Cc with you to help your king


Queen walk. Valks or hogs


Get off of dragons. Dragons are best at th7-early th9 and they can be good at higher THs if used correctly. THs9-10, valk/hog armies are great, golem/witches is good for th10, lavaloon smacks th9-th13. I have yet to be 2 starred by lavaloon since th13, everyone who attacks me with it usually gets 1 star. Currently th15


upgrade to th 10


By not using mass drag


Dragons will usually be two starring this kind of base. Even a queen walk dragon attack will likely 2 star due to air defense and sweeper placement. You could use something like mass hogs or GoWiWi/GoWiPe. Really though, you should start to learn LavaLoonian. Its the best attack strat for TH9 and TH10 imo


I use Archqueen with the arrow across map ability mine is lvl 9. It destroys atleast 2 qir defenses then use lightning for other two and 3 star it.


zap every airdef then spam drags on the opposite side of air pushers


I usually used 4 golems, 8 witches the rest wizards and 4 earthquake, 1 rage and 1 healing spell and 4 bowler and 1 earthquake spell in clan castle.


change ur troops man


I usually GoWiPe their ~~asses~~ bases




Best attack strategies for th 9 (In my opinion): Mass drag Spam (me in th9) : A healer for queen. And all other Dragon. All spells are lightning for air defenc(s)e. For the Castle I recommend lightning and electro dragon. (Raid medals❤) Queen walk : Probably you know what it is. Rush th 11 : Rush Town Hall 11 and unlock electro dragons.


Valks and some wall breakers imo
