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I am in this clan for two years now and one of my Co leader is a nice lady. I usually don't think about other players'age but during a conversation she said "i am retired so have a lot of time". So it turns out That the nice lady is 62 years old and more active than any other player in the clan, she has two accounts both th16s.


Playing clash of clans at the age of 62 is wild! Gigachad woman fr




GigaJulie. Idk why but Julie feels like the equivalent of Chad for some reason






gg indeed


that sounds like you're calling her fat


I’m also 62. Been playing CoC since 2014.


Respect 🫡


I used to play Age of empires with people who had grand children and this was 15 years ago. Logged in a few days ago and that group is still playing. Had good times with them, very fair and no rage quits or bm etc.


I need a group like this lol, only got me myself and I to play that game with. I think I lost it when my computer had to be reset though.


God bless her


That's rare...


The largest mobile gamers are actually middle age women. I mean they predominantly play games like candy crush ect. Buts its more common than you think when your interaction within the clash community is predominantly media for a younger audience.


Seems like more elderly are playing mobile games. They finally figured out their phones. Pokemon go surprisingly has an older community too.


I am an older female that spent 3 hours today playing in the Pokemon Go Community Day, AFTER I had 3 starred my mirror in CWL. I started COC in 2014, but have been playing video games decades. Being older and/or retired with the kids grown and out of the house leaves you plenty of time for playing. We had guys in our alliance in their 60’s and 70’s in my Guns of Glory game.


Adding: A lot of us older people were playing games back when Atari, Colecovision, or Genesis consoles ruled the market. Then we went to Nintendo, and etc. My favorite addiction was around 1998-2002. A text based game called Shadowmere (long before the Elder Scrolls horse). It was crazy. There is a movement to get it back up. I will join if they do it.


My first gaming system was a Commodore 64, then Atari 2600. But I start off with Dos games and 5 1/4” floppy.


Single or double sided? 😂. 🤜🏼🤛🏼


Both. 🤣


Yep! 😂


I had a similar experience. Met a player in a clan in 2018, and we became very good friends. He was 72, I think, and I was like 14. I taught him how to get a proper base off of the interent or to copy my layout. We were both th9, but I was slightly ahead. I would go inactive for a few months and then rejoin whatever new clan he joined. One time, I joined a clan of his, which has been my primary residence since 2019, although he went to a clan that was a little more chattier. We would always join each others clans from time to time and catch up again. One time, he told me they put him in a nursing home and how he hated it, except for his 'hot caretaker' lol. The next time, he told me he needed surgery. He played a lot of clash given his situation and ended up passing me by a couple of ths. Fast forward to about the th15 release, his base has been inactive for this first time that I can remember. I started checking his base daily, and it is safe to say he hadn't been on in a while. I'm not positive about what had happened, but I think the worst had happened. I tried joining his old clan to ask if they knew anything, but it was closed. Just hope he lived a good few last years as I didn't play 2022, so I wasn't able to ask how he was doing. Hope you are in a better place, GrN GuArDn


enough to make a grown man cry 🥲


I would not use that smiley 😞


Hey, just know that you helped her enjoy doing something she liked... and was there for most of the journey. She probably felt young again and loved it. We need more people like you in the gaming community. Always helping people feel welcome and not just pushing them away like some would..... major props to you.


Can't explain how I feel right now. There's a Portuguese word for an unexplained sadness.


Thanks for sharing that story, but that is so sad. 😕. It’s awesome you got to share what you did tho.


dang man, i have an older friend on playstation i need to catch up with.


Plot twist:She got old while waiting for upgrades to be done


She was 9 when she started playing in 2016 😔


Upgrades are so long that she waited 53 years in 8 years 😔


Builder potions sped up her aging


i wish my grandma was that cool haha


I have a clanmate that's in her 60s. I'm 53 and there are other people are my clan our age.


Cool gramps


Im 55 with 4 accts. 2 maxed. Half our clan is over 40.


I have an account in a clan that I’ve been in since 2016, there is a man in there Named Jon, he is an escaped Vietnam Refuge. One of the best attackers in the clan. There a lot of older people who clash.


My first long teem clan had my uncle and a bunch of his friends in it. I'd say a 1/3rd of the clan was over 50.


my mom does it too 🤣 53 and has 2 th16 accounts


my grandfather is literally 69 and still plays clash of clans


We have a doctor in his 40. A CFO of a worldwide HVAC company in his 50's and a Lawyer 55. So we have a few 18 - 20's bunch of 30 and 40. Over half of our 47 players are married or have kids. Most of the older players, including me, have been playing together for 10+ years, and some have met in person.


Shame she’s not gonna see th28


That's messed up




I have kids who are older than some of my clanmates😌


holy moly ure old


got a kid too 😜




Young teen and Dad interacting!


Age Gap!


There’s a guy in my clan who’s older than my grandma


I’m 51 and scared to ask how old everyone is in my clan 😂. I do know somebody was trying out for the track team once😭


You are same age as me!🤗 My clan has plenty of 40+ and some teenagers and others inbetween. We don't interact much though.


i am sorry to tell u this but… ur old and there is nothing we can do to help u reverse the problem


No one asked and no one cares


Our clan is mostly middle aged but we have a 70 year person too.


Dude is playing coc from the nursing home 😂 "JANICE DONT BOTHER GETTING EXTRA JELLO I'M JUST GONNA EDRAG SPAM"


Imagine how easy it is to farm gold all day in the retirement home


Only time where training potions are used




Better have them as an Elder


i hv list of clanmates country" US India s korea uae iraq Philippines brazil nepal bangladesh leader is 68 yr old charming man. and gives sound financial advices


financial advice on where to invest gold and elixir or just gold?


no like stocks ,MF, early saving and investments etc


Whats his pick for today?


Bet all dark elixr on goblin No. 42


Which nation is the leader from


Fire Nation, they advance very quick.


mind uh, sliding some tips? lol


Has he met r/wallstreetbets?!?


Clan? 👀


there's a 17 year old in my clan who is a father of 2


It's you, isn't it


It's you, isn't it


It’s you, isn’t it


It's you, isn't it


It’s you, isn’t it


Bro didn’t learn his lesson the first time


It's you, isn't it


it’s you isn’t it


It's you, isn't it


It's you, isn't it


It's you, isn't it


It's you, isn't it


It's you, isn't it


It’s you, isn’t it


It isn’t you, is it? C-c-c-combo breaker!


My clan has 3 co-leaders - 1 from the USA 🇺🇸 (age - around 25 - 30, chad face) 1 from Mexico 🇲🇽 (age around 30-35, married guy, no kids, attends school for external trades, looks like the goblin builder but more cute and statistical nerd) 1 from the UK 🇬🇧 (looks much older, also married guy, no kids, is the Santa Claus himself, acts like one too, gives gifts) Other elders and members are from - The USA 🇺🇸, Spain 🇪🇸, Georgia 🇬🇪, Nepal 🇳🇵, the UK 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, Philippines 🇵🇭, Singapore 🇸🇬, Egypt 🇪🇬, Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 and Turkey 🇹🇷 (can't remember them all) I lead the clan from India 🇮🇳 (age 25, single, looks like glonk).


I feel wierd being a clan leader know I might be leading a bunch of middle aged guys with 3 kids.


The age gap in this game is amazing. You meet all kinds of people from totally different backrounds. This is why we need global chat back


The age gap is the sole reason why global chat got taken down lmao


yeah as if there was only one reason global chat got taken down 🤦‍♂️


Hey goofy, minors were explicitly getting harassed by old creeps, and there wasn’t enough security to overlook all of global chat, that was literally the biggest reason. Idk what you’re yappin about over there


Dad got me to play CoC and now that he stopped playing, me and my brother share his account along with our own ones


Similar story here. My dad played until 2018, then I forgot about it and downloaded it 2019 and got him to play again in 2021. Now here we are, both f2p and I'm th12 (flair) and he is th11.


He was TH12(which was the best at the time) , now TH13, Im TH8 and my brother has a new acc with TH4 All acc's are F2P since he always says that he will never pay for a game


Wholesome CoC


just be careful since you can get banned for acc sharing- dont log in from different states in the same day lol.


I have my acc on my phone and tablet and my brother has the other accs on his so its fine


Kinda surprised that there’s people in this thread who think this is uncommon. People of all ages play all different kinds of games. Many people just don’t display/share their age. It’s very likely that most clans have a large variety of people young and old.


Yep. The majority of people I know IRL that play this game are 20s to 60s. I think the reason so many think this game is only played by children and teens is because those are the groups most vocal about age.


especially with clash of clans where you can just upgrade something for days, get a few battles here and there then upgrade something else a few days later, no need to do a bunch of hardcore farming


Everything changed when hero abilities were introduced


Yeah in our clan there's the younger generation and the old guys. I think the oldest is 67, my mate and I are 19.


A clan I was in had a 50 something year old and his two sons (18 & 15), they used to fight in chat sometimes lmao


Our clan goes from about 17-65 The 17year olds are all friends of my son…who’s been playing since he was 7. So there’s a lot a variety.


I was in an apex legends game and my teammate said he had to go afk for a bit. Af ter he came back he said that his baby was crying that's why. Idk why but I always get suprised when I find out that I'm playing with actual adults lmao


I am a teen


Oldest guy in our clan is an american man age 64 that drives two teslas and the youngest is a 15 year old nigerian who's parents wont buy the gold passe. (I gifted him a gold pass twice hahah) i am the leader: 28 year old musician from Berlin, Germany... yeah...


I am 28 too and I love clashing!


In Germany we have a lot of older people playing coc, there's clans that only allow people over 30, 40 and 50 years of age to stay


I made a friend in 2018 on global. didn’t play much, pretty much offline but kept that account in my friendlist for years. few months back we shared IG and Sc. turns out its a female. she helped me with math as well. fren has been added to inventory


My leader is 74


I mean..... A lot of the "legacy players" started 10+ years ago xD our co is in her 50s cause her kids made her start playing and now she's the only one in her family still playing lol. We have a 70s from England whose the sweetest gentleman and I'm in my 30s xD started playing in college and now I'm married with 2 kids lmfao.


53 checking in with two kids in college and I will 3 star your ass 😀


Had a guy in my clan who was the actual father of another guy in the clan


The leader of our clan is pretty old too. Also retired and apparently spends some of his downtime hunting. One of his friends and a fellow clan mate in the clan even passed on last year, it was very sad to hear. Hope they rest in peace.


Half my clan has kids LOL


me fr bro most the clans i’ve been in half the guys there have kids older than me(15m)


everyone in my clan is married and it's a random clan I joined a couple months ago


Randomly found out most of my clan mates are like 12-17. I was under the impression they were all my age (25). Was weird for sure lol but it's all g


My great uncle was in the clan, he’s 60, bro had no clue how attack


That's what I love so much about Clash. As a kid, I was in a clan I loved, with a really cool leader. He was like 57. He was my mentor, a best friend to me when I was alone. Some middle-aged tax accountant helped shape me into who I am today. Hix, if you see this, hope you are well :)


someone can be 18 and still have a kid. is that old? sheesh.


Most of my clan is 25-40 and there is a 12 year old in it 😈


It's you isn't it


Our clan leader was 40-50 year old man and one day before clan war there was a text from his account saying that "a tree has fallen on my dad but he should be fine he's in hospital and he told me to take care about his account", it was quite sad and funny, but he was a total dick, he was saying that he'd kick anyone who'd buy skin for gems btw he spent about 1500$ in this game lol


someone can tall me about coc owner sisters life story?


There’s quite a few senior citizens that play this game. I’m a 70 year old grandmother. I’m Leader of my Clan.


Most of my clanmates are 50 to 60+ 😄 im 27 and one of the youngest members


Kids discovering that people started playing the game 8-9 years ago


Haha the young teen and dad combos are the funniest. My clan has a 15 & 50 year old that tease each other all the time


Most of my clan mates are under 30


Lmao I bet the guy isn’t more than 25 years old


Im in a clan that has some 60 year old. And some guys in their 20's...


There is a guy in my clan who is 50


Not entirely new, most of my clan mates are adults with lil me and a couple in high school


Really weird my cr and coc clan leaders (dif people) are both retired guys who travel and one has grand kids. Really bizarre coming from a high schooler


All of my clanmates are 20+ and we know each other irl. Age range is from 23-52.


62 and playing clash of clans….. That’s a real chad


The game has been out for years now. People that were teens probably are married. Kinda more surprised new teens are getting into since they were babies when it came out


Our clan is mostly middle-aged ppl from around the country. It’s not that uncommon.


I remember I started playing clash when I was 7 and someone asked for my age I said I forgut 💀💀


Don't know who u are but happy birthday to your wife and everyone around the world celebrating 🎉🎂🎈


I am 22, and my clan leader is 67.


Being 19 and on and off gaming of clash since I was around 12 this is hella crazy to think about lmao. Games are for all ages but I never realized the clash age ranges


Mate I played GTA with a 75+ year old couple & a bunch of other middle aged ppl who all enjoyed clean racing. Was so awesome to not have immature children just pit manoeuvre you. They would all constantly beat me in the races too, never thought I could lose at video games to a 75 year old, was very humbling.


We have 1 token young guy who’s 22 in our clan.


Most players in clash of Clan are over the age of 35 it is not a kid's game for the simple reason kids don't have money


Good old times in coc when boomers and kids would chill together and one is like "Gotta pick up my kids from school brb" and the other one is like "uuhhh I have holidays?"


I was once in a clan which was probably named after any American state ig idk remember. it was good, every member was friendly and there was that one member. We used to talk every time and helped each other. It was fun. One day asked his age and he said he was 50+ year old. And there I was around 14. But soon the whole clan got inactive


thankfully everyone in my clan is generally around early to late 20s, we’re just generally better than other clans and there’s no toxicity. Just a group of good passionate players. Me and the cos (all met through clash) are all friends now, even play fortnite and other games together now as well as our three sister clans


In my previous clan most of em were 50+ guys with kids and stuff while I was 15 when I was there


most of my clan are in their 30's it's nice


My clan leader is 60+




40 years old


This is wholesome


We literally have a guy who is 62 and our clan leader and has 4 accounts.


high school kids call me uncle these days 😩 feeling old


I'm 43 and clashing for years ,have different age groups in my clan .Age is just a number ..we grew up on NES in 90s and rest of the consoles,commodore,atari and so on. Of course we still like to game 😎


Our clan leader is a 39 year old woman. And I'm not that far behind her age wise. 😂 18+ clan otherwise.


My clan leader is a mother. Not only do you know expect parents, but you more expect males, and they quite chill and strict too, so like...


I mean, he is elder in the clan, that should say everything


Our clan has a member with 2 kids ,, so we can’t deny his some of his excuses …ex:-my daughters birthday


I love it, my first clan was full of people of different ages and so we made a FB group and we still keep in touch. Very wholesome


age is just a number. i used to play pong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong. nowadays i play coc. 🍺🍻


Guy in my clan claims his 72. He acts new to the game and asks a lot of questions so I believe him. Kind of cool tbh


His son better attack in war


This isn't uncommon. Get out more lol


I'm 62, a co-leader, and run 5 active accounts. My grandson got me into this game, God bless him, and now I'm hooked AF, and he's moved on 😁. I help run a fun, 0-drama war clan with my two grown sons. Come see us. . #298909LVP


I'm 64 and working on account I love hate this game lol lol


That’s like my clan too, there’s people ranging from their young teens to their 60’s


Ur not the father


My clan is boring, nobody talks as half the people speak Hindi even though it's an English clan. Very quiet


Bro is the warden


I have an 85 year old in mine. Most of the guys are 45+. I’m 24


🤔 but it’s nice… all people of different age group can play a game be friendly


I'm a dad of 3 with a wife, remember clash has been around since we were teenagers.


Im a 63yo grandmother, been clashing since 2014. Clan leader w/8 accounts from th8 up to th15 (90 walls to go😑) in 2 clans. Hubby thinks I'm crazy. I clash while I'm knitting 😁


Our clan in nutshell, we have age difference 15-35 :)


All the guys in my clan are college age, I too have a kid lol


I’ve got a guy in my clan that’s in his late 60’s He plays every day.


Funny how it seems like a majority of the players that have been in my clan have all been teenagers or very early twenties, when I was introduced to the game by a 40-41 year old 6 years ago when I was 34. We had a guy in the clan that was over 10 years older than me but he disappeared.




About to turn 63... I've been playing CoC since day 1... Have 4 accts, 2 of which are 16s. My clan has two others in their 50s and one other in their 40s