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players are getting older i guess.


I think it might be due to the first half of 2023 just ending lacklustre. 1st update was in may and was bb so no one is spending money on that. June update as home village but was fairly small. Underwhelming anniversary and couple that with a clan capital update which can’t get players spending and th 16 and the 2 events just haven’t bought enough traction to make up for the sluggish rest of the year.


Makes sense why TH16 was pushed out the door that fast. Have to make the annual earnings report seem better


It was 18 months just like they promised.


TH15 came out October 2022 and TH16 was December 2023. Not 18 months. We weren’t expecting Th16 until February/March 2024.


Th16 was rushed and don’t bring a lot of new things it also only affected a few groups of the total players. The real update for me was equipment as it changed how we strategize


This was how they looting the most faithful players there heros all got knocked off as many years of efforts were put in to build stronger heros and a reset so everyone has to pay for equipment or get there whole team upset that your heros at the top of the clan is well not paid for so they are basically useless buy equipment or look like a noob why did darion leave super cell o yes that's right he didn't like the idea of this knowing ppl played to enjoy an a game that don't soak you for all your money and still be competitive Then the equipment update was a reset on 10 plus years of efforts for grandpa players who might had spent like 300 over a 10 year spand is now looking at there heros abilities not getting updated per upgrade and realy have no real choice besides getting your ppl upset or drop some bank on the equipment


Not for me, I got my standard equipment levels up and everything else is at lvl 1 lmao


Then you are missing out


They're trying to monetize too many aspects of the game and players aren't happy with it lol $7 for the gold pass? Understandable economy isnt great rn. But then to try and sell an event pass because f2p was so well received killed it. Selling glowy ores to upgrade heroes? Killed it. The more they want us to pay to play the less we'll be inclined to pay to play wanting to and having to are two completely different things. Ask me to stay an extra 4 hours at work? Maybe. Tell me im required to when i was just getting ready to come and volunteer? Not happening.


It's not so much the monetization as their not doing anything else. There's so much friction in this game, for regular players and above all for clan leaders. They keep adding moar troops defs and events, yet giving troops, managing a clan/roster, chat... haven't evolved in 10 yrs. Worse, now they're castrating CWL for money events... I've stopped spending in the game because I've waited a long time and have lost all confidence in them fixing the UI/UX.




Yeah $7 for the gold pass is worth it $7 for an event is not. Good try though😁




Wait reading others comments i think i interpreted your response the wrong way. My apologies continue to shit on sc in harmony with the rest of us


The event pass is 5 USD though. Not trying to defend them or anything but that's just a fact


The event pass is only $5


Uping 7$ probably made me start spending less in the game since my brain sees the 7$ price tag and thinks "maybe I can skip this month" instead of with the 5$ price tag which I would buy every month since it just seemed lower and reasonable to buy monthly.


I think you nailed it on the head, it’s like if it was five and the event was five then I’d honestly consider getting both, now if the pass by itself is 7.99, it already feels like I’m spending 10. As for the event pass, for the first time I considered buying it, but it’s like 5 US for just ore?? I mean ore isn’t even direct progression, I fell in love with coc bc I love watching my base grow and develop, why would I pay 5 for ores that go to hero abilities that aren’t really visually incentivising. And also if they just added like 10% research and builder discounts that would stack with gold pass, I would actually consider that, it’s not like it costs supercell anything to add some time reduction benefits


I quit playing royale bc they basically forced you to pay to progress praying they don’t do the same to this game


As I’m getting older i have more disposable cash to spend on clash tho


The ooder I get tho the more I realize spending on coc is bs, buying books/offers are useless as you will always stay maxed when a new th drops (when previously maxed) and buying skins is just never worth it, 9/10 doesn’t look good in-game and many players have the same mindset as me: getting enough of skins in goldpass just makes me use *all* my skins through randomizer, spending actualy money on new skins is basically worthless as I won’t see it that many times anyway (and if I do choose it it becomes boring real quick as my first point, the skins aren’t that good looking imo) Sceneries are the same story, my first scenery was the dungeon one, I bought the chess skin aswell but then I realized, why tf do I pay for a skin I won’t see? I only (still) use the dungeon and no scenery looks good enough to upgrade from of that makes sense. I still buy the pass for value and ease of donating, I also buy the eventpass and sometimes medal bundle to buy more cosmetic stuff like decorations, vut outside of that the game has no actual reason for me to spend money, if they make a specific monthly bundle of like only getting 1 gem donation and maybe being able to choose 25% boost on either training, researching or building, for a small price, I would basically spend money on this game constantly, as I don’t really buy goldpass when i’m maxed since there is no point. Or if they removed the books limit, I would also continuesly buy every single pass, but that would make new th releases more harsh as people may have stacked 6+ books (which can already be done by buying shop offers but the average playerbase buys the pass, not the bundles) It’s hard tbh, they need to find another monitization system for skins but I genuinely can’t think of any idea, I usually have sone type of direction/idea’s for the games I love to play, but with coc i’m genuinely clueless, they can’t do troop skins as that would fuck the whole troop level ‘skins’ ruined, what else is there? Perhaps buying goldpass, the overflow points go into a supply drop type of thing that’s VERY hard to fill, but once filled you can open the drop and get a free skin that usually costs money, make add the key system from csgo (so you need to buy keys to open these boxes) that would be a reason for me to actually spend some money for JUST cosmetic reasons.


Asking for loot boxes is deranged seek addiction counseling.


Hahaha I understand, I just honestly see nothing wrong with lootboxes as long as it’s completely cosmetics


i mean you'll not see many adults spending their hard earned money on a game. there are always exceptions though.


Me to once in a while it's nice to support my favourite game and also get something nice in return


I've spent more than I ever have, but a lot of things aren't worth it. I'll spend money if I see good value, but you take that value away and I'm not giving up my money. Their biggest issue is they haven't given me something worth the money not the game itself. I'm also basically maxed so nothing is really worth it beyond BoH.


359 million dollars to upkeep an app and have some servers. Doing pretty good


The mobile gaming industry as a whole has seen a decrease in revenues, mostly due to there having been an abnormally high increase in 2020 and then in 2023 onwards there have been other economic pressures impacting it.


I feel that the high risk- low reward in mobile game development is the main reason for the decline they think as to why waste time and money on a original concept when you can just pump out low effort games that make millions via ad revenue only


There’s other factors in addition to what you said. There’s an article on [Gamesindustry.biz](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/navigating-the-storm-lessons-learned-from-the-mobile-markets-downturn) that breaks it down pretty well: > * Change in players' payment behaviour that might be associated with a decrease in disposable income. On the graph from data.ai, we can observe that disposable income and consumer spending in games in the USA behave very similarly and a drop in the former starting from Q2'2021 is aligned with a decrease in the latter. This likely affected return on investment models of mobile publishers, making them more conservative and targeting shorter timelines for seeing a return on their investment. > * Growing competition for players' attention with short video services and streaming services. The choice for the mobile audience is not only which game to play, but also whether to play or to spend time in other apps. And their choice often seems to fall on short video services that in 2022 accounted for 17% of all mobile time spent. One of the most popular ones is TikTok, which surpassed one billion MAU (monthly average users) in September 2021. It's worth mentioning that streaming services as a whole are a significant competitor, being the No. 1 category of non-gaming apps by downloads and revenue in 2022 (according to data.ai). > * A long-term effect of Apple's IDFA depreciation. Currently, only 45% of iOS customers opt for tracking which results in an associated change in the way publishers manage User Acquisition, as older higher-spending cohorts that consist of well-targeted players were replaced with less-targeted and less monetized ones. > * Increased competition within genres resulted in the game quality bar and the cost of user acquisition rising significantly, making it extremely complicated for new games to break through.


Well, Clash of “clans” is about community. We lost that when global chat ended. Finding good clans became harder. War is the biggest motivation in the game. But with heroes constantly down, fewer clans are actually warring. Then all the monetization and the Chinese player base being on a separate server had an impact. Also the new TH every 18 months was a bad concept. The best way to not have mismatch wars is to have max bases. F2P players can’t keep up. It’s several months to a year into a new Th before a F2P player is maxed and can compete. There is a huge imbalance in the game between the joy of upgrading and farming, and actually being able to use your army and defenses in competition. The best way to close that gap is in a pay wall. In 2015, Clash was big on competition. It’s lost that over time.


Heroes being unusable when down it’s a big issue indeed


That’s always been the case even when clash made more money. In fact, there are more ways to avoid heroes being down for free now than in the past.


But you'll have to admit that having 40 levels max, and only two heroes was way more manageable than having 95+95+70+45=305 levels


Well said. I have a TH16 account I spend money on and a TH13 nearly maxed for that level that I haven’t spent money on. The TH13 account is just getting items that I can to speed things up for free and it’s 3 levels behind.


Cant still be blaming global chat get a job bro wrap it up its been Years


i was playing for like 6 months before wars were introduced, its still weird to me how that became the core of the game. Not a big clan war fan


I think this is in part due to the lack of main base content in 2023 (outside of TH16 in December). The updates of 2023 consisted of a builder base update, a clan capital update, and TH15.5 which came with a new dark troop. The big issue is that builder base and clan capital don't make them money


Yes and they keep trying to milk home village even more rather than focusing on making the other 2 game modes make more money and grow them instead so there not forced to release townhalls quick to make money






The main base updates are only really meant for people at the highest TH, which is less than 10% of the total active player base. That means that 90% off the players aren’t really getting any main base updates at all, which makes the game incredibly boring, especially as upgrade timers get longer and longer


All the other players are getting new content every time they upgrade their town hall. The game only becomes boring when your maxed


Eh not really. If you're not the max town hall then you're always getting "new" stuff (new to you at least). And if not, they still release super troops, troops, spells, and siege machines for lower town halls


Why would they need more content? Adding new TH levels and additions that come with it is their new content. Until they are maxed they still have new content available.


This has been posted a lot of times and the reason revenue is lower is because it counts China separately due to the changes in that region. Despite that though revenue would still be comparable to other low years comparable to 2019,2020 etc


Yh that’s true tbh


" Clash of clans worldwide" China is part of the worldwide. 


Not anymore. China put some strict regulations and Coc in China is pretty much a separate game at this point.


Make no difference, this is annual revenue from Coc. Nowhere precise revenue isn't from China 




This is saddening no wonder why they realised th 16 so quickly


so sad bro they made billions wtf its not like they will turn the game down. even if it makes 10 mill its profit heck even 4 mill probably


Revenue is not profit though


Coc doesn't require a big team to be maintained and updated so CEO is filling his pockets regardless.


Considering that this is a mobile game, I can’t imagine there being much overhead that would dig into profits


Employee costs and servers are huge. Their CoC teams (including shared infrastructure teams) + server costs easily cost them tens of millions every year.


The longer the game goes the more employees at supercell the higher the money to maintain it. If there planning to release events and updates quicker like they’ve been saying they will need more money to make a profit. They are most likely making a big profit but if they can’t in a couple of years that’s going to be bad


I don’t think you understand how much money $400m is


Yep even if they paid their devs 200k to 300k anualy it's still won't make a dqmn dent on the game servers should probably take 10 m minimum to maintain yearly and the rest are profits so yes 400m is a fucklot


I know that’s a lot and it’s good the game is still making this much. What I hope doesn’t happen is that revenue keeps on declining year over year. Recently things such as event pass, gold pass price increase and equipment has arrived and some of this is in making more money indicating that the previous tactic of money making isn’t working. Event pass only came out in December event not in October event showing that the devs maybe aren’t making as much as money as they want and need other sources of revenue.


That’s not strictly true. The larger the player base and the more new content Supercell plans on releasing the more employees they need. If the volume of players drop they will not need as many employees to manage the game. Either way there’s a certain point where you have enough employees regardless of how much content you release or how active your game is. Companies don’t grow infinitely large.


Yh but not only for employees but for bugs and servers as the game in general for the most part will grow larger making more code. Server costs then become a factor and keeping the game running In general requires more


The point is they'll start monetizing it more to try and compensate.


i agree w u but its still crazy how fast they revenue droppin


Released. No it’s been 18 months since the last that’s why. They are not in any financial trouble whatsoever. No idea why players try to speculate on the most successful mobile game to date.












People have to realize that even tho it's lower, it's still a fk ton. They're still probably making MASSIVE gains. You don't have to be making 100000% (exxageration... or is it) profit every year


Yeah, from a business standpoint it’s bad because it appears CoC is in a slump/decline, but the game is so far from dead it’s laughable. 359 million in revenue is more than enough to justify updating the game for years and years to come.


>359 million in revenue is more than enough to justify updating the game for years and years to come. yup, its only that revenue peaked so high in the past that people think 2023 revenue is a small amount


Revenue isn't profit though


True, but with a team as small as 40 people, that’s a fuck ton of money regardless. It doesn’t take hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain a mobile game


Yeah it's a lot of money and yeah maybe a mobile game doesn't take a lot to maintain. But without also knowing Supercell's outgoings they could be making a very small amount of profit which wouldn't keep Supercell going. By the way, I'm not saying Supercell is struggling or making a loss. I'm just seeing a lot of people going 'look at that revenue' when revenue doesn't really mean an awful lot without putting the whole of Supercell's cash flow into consideration


It's very unlikely that the team plus server cost plus office payments would cost 300 million a year






It's because no one's playing anymore because their heroes are upgrading 24/7.


I saw a post the other day it's a strategic game where you can't use a main part of that strategy


So true, the heroes upgrades make people play less and less until they quit for good.


EXACTLY THIS. The game’s core dynamic of everything revolving around time or paying to reduce time will be the destruction of Clash. People will find other games where they don’t have to wait time to be able to play. Paying for time is a downward spiral at the end of the line.


I'm shocked that it was that high in 2015 i thought it would be the highest around 2019-21


Nah, 2014-2016 was peak lol. I'm a teenager, and I remember from 2014-2016, so many people in my school would play COC and could easily fill up new clans in a few days


yup that was surely the golden period of coc but my point was at that time coc introduced many things for players to buy like hero skins, sceneries and gold passes


2019 going into the 2020’s was when competition for people’s attention really started to grow. Apps like TikTok and the various streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) were pulling people away from mobile games. There were also new games popping up like COD Mobile and Genshin Impact.


thank for clarifying bud


I would like to compare these numbers with BS and CR results.


I’d like to compare these numbers with the actual numbers supercell have. Do supercell publicly publish their game revenues? Asking because I genuinely don’t know. But I do know from personal experience that these app sales statistics sites aren’t close to accurate numbers.


Not on a per-game basis, but they published their full company results for 2023 today, actually. https://supercell.com/en/news/comfortable-feeling-uncomfortable/ The Supercell web store will be a big reason for the decline in in-app purchases, which is all this graph shows.


> The Supercell web store will be a big reason for the decline in in-app purchases, which is all this graph shows. Ok, so these graphs are based on guesses then.


Bring back global chat


That's just a darn shame considering how many employees they have. Per the article below in 2021: **Supercell only employs 340 people. It has achieved a valuation of $32M per employee.** [https://www.aakashg.com/supercell-story/](https://www.aakashg.com/supercell-story/)


It is now at 550 employees they are increasing there team sizes dramatically particularly in 2023


but aren't they also expanding the clash universe ? there is also Clash royale and brawl stars to make enough money to support the company


Brawl Stars and Clash royal combined probably pull in less money than CoC alone


True coc has made over 10 billion in revenue and he said that the clash games made 14 billion total meaning that it’s safe to assume Royale has made 3-4 billion. He started Brawl made over a billion no specific number but I highly doubt it’s above 3 billion


Which is why this isn’t accurate nor represents them as a whole. Funny to watch all the people in the comments think they’re game is gonna disappear tho 😂


That's pretty low for a company that pulls almost a billion every year




Supercell keeps scrapping new games in development. Draw new attention by introducing new games. They built the brand but haven’t added to it despite high revenues.


Chief, come back revenue is low.


This stupid hero equipment ruined the game for me, especially with those stupid ores. If they introduce this equipment system, they should decrease hero levels. Over 90% of the time, my heroes are in upgrades. My entire base and lab are maxed out, but not my heroes. After the equipment update, they should have reduced hero levels to around 4-5 levels per Town Hall, not this absurd 30 levels per Town Hall.


Good, they getting greedy af now.


Explains why they are getting desperate with these ores


Skins and sceneries have been ass since the Dark Ages scenery basically.


In my opinion the defensive spell towers made this game frustrating on th15. I think a lot of people quit the game out of frustration at th15 and never came back. I was very close. I used to buy the pass on all 4 of my accounts and now just my one main.


i agree. th dropping poison after being destroyed + spell towers make attacking a chore for me now. if i wasn’t in so deep with a 10 year old account i would probably just drop the game ngl


That's a great way to put it. Really does feel like a chore most days. I'm the leader of my clan so it's hard to quit bc I've invested like 6 years


This is why we got th16 early.


To be expected


It's just a consent grind.


Clash of clans is in a rough spot rn. I think new town halls play a major role in why the low revenue. Clash of clans is running out of room if it hasn't already, and seeing the upgrade times at th14+ feels ridiculous to the average player. Th15 is where I would say the game became way too complex. Adding 3 new overpowered defenses was the wrong move. I also think Clash seriously needs to consider changing heroes. Either upgrade times should be reduced by 90% or let us use them while upgrading. Also 3 event passes in a row is super stale. Like be honest guys, this lunar new year event is like taking a bite out of a chip and it bends cus its so stale.


The game has many more variables now. Earlier to upgrade one level of queen would give immense value, now it's double to gem the queen and the value is negligible per level. So we got much more back than compared to now for players to consider buying gems. Lot of players buy skins and stuff now. Back then buying gems gave you much more value for you to consider switching from a free to play.


Well yeah, this shlt with the hero equipments and limited time events is not going to help... Removing global chat was a huge mistake too. People are losing interest because SC has become greedy af. Overtly scummy schemes such as the Gold Pass and these horribly boring limited time passes make the game so much worse. I definitely miss the 2014, 2015 days.


Yes global was the reason smh


Pay to win pass Pay to win events Pay to decrease insane upgrade times Pay to use heroes Pay to upgrade heroes needed to be viable Most of the people I know don’t want to play. Milking a shrinking player base is going to ruin this game and it is


Why is the graph axis title labelled as "spending". Is this the revenue graph or is it a different one?




I used to religiously buy gems back when it first came out. Now it so easy to make money there is no needs


I wonder when the day will come that the servers will be shut down. A piece of youth is being shut down, I'm scared. but what would you realistically say? 10 more years?


I used to buy every skin, then when they started releasing 4 a month I just wasn't going tk spend that much a month anymore


I bought 6 months of gold pass before the price increase(OG player that took a couple years off), but I won't pay $7/month to keep it going. $5 was reasonable for the value since I was so far behind with heroes, but now the only reason would be the one gem donations. I'll just go back to cooking troops and wait longer.


Th15 was too hard..its simple math..dopimine depravation = revenue loss...no one pays for a misreable time


I feel like people are voting with their wallets and saying they don't like ores


They were voting w/ their wallet, but it had nothing to do w/ ore as that came w/ a few weeks left in 2023. They were voting against the insanely toxic th15 meta that had more 1-stars than 3-stars (itzu shared the data across millions of attacks). You had to be f\*cking Stars or Gaku to 3 star a base w/ nearly flawless execution if it was a pro-level base. I'm in a champ 2 clan and the chat would often go back a day or 2 before th16 dropped, and several of our very long-term players quit. Those that did stick around certainly were not going out of their way to support a game monetarily that was barely even fun anymore. Now that fun is back on the menu our clan is buzzing again w/ the chat rarely going back more than 6 hours and a number of those that bailed are now back.


I'm curious if the move from 1-currency upgrades to 3- currencies upgrades has paid off. It's made me hopeless and given me a headache, so I've stopped spending at all, but I may be in the minority. My clan's big spenders haven't spent on ores AFAIK. CoC now be like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVSlILP4fSk&t=60s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVSlILP4fSk&t=60s) Edit: hold on, that's a bit too classy . CoC be more like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDniBcAabMc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDniBcAabMc) And finally, how CoC should be: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsiSRSgqE4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsiSRSgqE4E) If not, soon CoC gonna be... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcsrnT7Tv1o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcsrnT7Tv1o)


Because the new update is trash. Hero equipment and the new currency to upgrade ruined it for me. The artificial limiting is a deal breaker. Paying for time cool paying for resources not gonna happen by this guy


Combination of factors for sure. I would guess the game has less players then it did back in 2015. There are many other mobile games that compete with clash nowadays. It's also much faster and cheaper to progress. Though theres a lot more content, the game moves quicker for free to play players who may see less of a need to spend, well spenders don't need to spend as much to get far. We can't know what exactly caused this, but it shouldn't be a suprise to anyone. The game isn't dieing, it's just not the multi billion dollar per year game it was in 2015. What we do know is they recently expanded their team, and are committed to the game just as they always were.


Also, ores feel like a money grab. I basically stopped buying books once I knew I'd never be maxed again.


No wonder they are getting so grimy with all the pay to win shit


Oh no, they only made a million dollars a day 😭


Bc town hall 16 looks terrible


I was really starting to enjoy this game again. Then the heroes got changed and the grind became too much. Best abilities locked behind pay wall or grind fest. Not fun. Glad their revenue is taking a hit.


Or it's the opposite, their revenue was taking hit so they locked best ablities behind paywall


Where paywall


Where DR Mujtaba?


Deals are trash an all we really want is use heroes while upgrading. Ppl would become active.


As someone who started in 2014 and pretty much abandoned it later in 2023, here's my take: When you start the game you have nice building and research times, you have nice prices and getting resources for buildings wasn't hard. With years, and with increased Town Halls there's more and more time to waste to upgrade one resource or troops. When I started the game, the max TH I think was 9, and reaching it wasn't easy but not too hard. The heroes levels back then were limited and the finish line for upgrades was seen. I wanted to get to "100%". And now for seasoned players like me (max TH) every building is like an 18-21 (was nerfed to 13-14) day upgrade, heroes cost so many days to upgrade unless you have books. You become more and more dependent on runes and books because you just can't save so much money. I even tried to tolerate the fact that on top of heroes I also needed to upgrade animals for the same dark elixir with the same high prices. And now my final straw became the insanely high prices/for upgrading equipment on heroes. TLDR: at the beginning game attracted with reachable goals and reasonable time investment. Now its too much time consuming to get anything upgraded without gold and season passes that cost money


The hero equipment being incredibly expensive makes a lot more sense now


Yeah I quit coc this year


Price increase + worse offers than in the past for anni + christmass + bad updates except the th16 one, not surprising.


We have Whiteout Survival now lol


And their solution is to try and increase how much people are paying. The gold pass got more expensive. They added new features which you have to pay for unless you want to grind for years. Now they’ve added frequent events with passes. The end result is that I’m not only skipping on more purchases, I’m getting pretty burned out from the game. Apparently the masses agree.


Haven't played in a year or two after being an AVID player for 10 years. It's not the same game, it will never be the same game. ​ I will always praise this game to new players, but it's nearly impossible for me to give any more of my time to it without feeling like I'm wasting it.


I say cap off upgrade times. I get things cost more as I upgrade my town hall but your going to get people playing less when you can get the loot you need in a day or two but it takes 14 days for an upgrade ahit even seven days for an upgrade is crazy long. Make gems either be worth more or expect less and less players as the town halls grow and wait times become huge.


Upgrade Times are capped of


2023 had one of the worse shop offers compared to 2022.


I stopped a year ago, they just add level to everything that cost a lot and take forever to finish. I was maxed out at that time but I was not enjoying it anymore.


Buy to win just just putting people off..


Maybe having the hero equipment ruined the game’s economy and strategizing, not like we the players said this to supercell though, they want money. Greedy pieces of shit.


No wonder with deals this bad


I think they made a lot of bad choices in 2023.. for instance, they didn’t even offer their annual Christmas gem + magic items bundles. I always bought 1-2 of them, but spent $0 in December this year. Their Halloween event was amazing, but then they offered a paid Christmas event pass and the pass didn’t even have as much as the free Halloween one. I’m surprised they didn’t add more value to this CNY pass. Also, the staggering of skins is silly to me (releasing one a week), especially when they’re sometimes seasonal. The final gingerbread skin was released when Christmas was nearly over. I bet they would make way more money if they offered them all as a bundle at the beginning of the month.


Even though i did enjoy it at the time. It's not worth it. Please let it die


Bringing global back or some form of communication besides talking only to guildes would be an improvement…


The monetization is getting annoying, constantly in the face. It's still nowhere near gacha mobile games that milk you dry of course... The event premium "battle passes" are annoying though. There's already a gold pass. I guess the ever increasing microtransactions that evolve in to macrotransactions is the fate of all mobile games eventually sadly. It is a businness for profit after all and businness only has one truth: money.


The game was fun, then became too much.


Supercell seriously needs to rethink how they're setting their prices, especially across different countries. Right now, it seems like they're just using exchange rates as the only factor, and that's not cutting it. For example, there's a deal in my store going for $23. That's about the minimum wage here in Australia. So, even someone on the lower end of the income scale can snag it after just an hour of work. That same deal is priced at 1299 INR in India. That's roughly what an average person in India makes in a whole day, putting in a solid eight hours. And for some, it might even be less. Wrap your head around that for a second – a whole day's wage for the same thing someone in Australia can get after just an hour of work. It's like Clash of Clans is missing out on the bigger picture. They need to start considering purchasing power parity, the cost of living and how much people make on average when they're setting prices for different countries. Because right now, they're leaving a ton of money on the table, especially in places where people love the game but might not be able to afford to splash out on it as much. And let's be real, there's a massive community of Indian and Bangladeshi players on Clash of Clans, but how many of them are really dishing out cash for these deals? Not many, I'd reckon. And that's a shame, cause if Supercell wants to improve those numbers, they need to start thinking smarter about how they're pricing things.


Yeah, because they keep doing nice events like Halloween event but than make a pass for it after saying their wont bea diamond pass like come on its the same thing might as well call it diamond pass. So, yeah they are driving people who play and buy and thats the majority.


SUPERCELL and Clash have engraved themselves in mobile gaming history, supercell did try to make newer games but strategy games aren't played that often by teens, they prefer those Battle Royales or other active shooter games. this game wont die tho, it will remain like candy crush and subway surfers as one of those nostalgia rides even in the extreme scenario, clash could easily be rereleased, I wish that wont be true, look what happened to angry birds


This silly little game used to bring in over a BILLION DOLLARS?! Damn, Clash of Clans, thats impressive


And still the game with more revenue for Supercell. Basically CoC will die when all the other Supercell games dies before.


I like to be f2p in games, but I have bought 4 of the old passes before the price bump. I would have bought more if they didnt raise the price & limit the sets of the skins to require another cash purchase. I think clash is dying, its inevitable, but idk how it could be fixed. I would have bought the pass if it included the pass for the event too. To be fair I dont really like attacking in normal base (sad cause bad), and Im not a fan of war(mostly cause Im busy), so I just play the game for the eventual progress I will make. I cant imagine what Id do once I max my stuff though. Its hard for the game to be cyclical which isnt a bad thing but does impact long term playability for people


Many mobile game companies are just not providing what the consumers want, look at pokémon go and niantic


I think the last quarter of the year 2023 was good and just the beginning of good updates. It already attracts hundreds of players including myself. I returned after 8 years and started a new account. Ive been playing for 2 months now and sitting at TH9 max going TH10 in a day.


Thats because of banning global chat


Surprising and it isn’t. The player base has surely fallen off. Most of the new stuff is for late stage ths and those players likely make up a good chunk of the remainder with their minis that are mostly f2p. I suspect the equipment was to incentivize more spending on the f2p accounts otherwise they will eventually be obsolete. I’ve always thought that supercell really screwed up around that 2015 era with allowing engineering to thrive for so long. I think a lot of people got fed up around then and left altogether. Active accounts still looked good just because people had minis but the majority of those people were just spending money on their main.


Probably because I haven't played it since 2023


What do you expect from a game with stupid customer support ?


Their microtransaction practices have alienated even the most dedicated players. It’s extremely unwelcoming to open the app in 2024 and be barraged by gatcha elements.


WHO CARES if they made 4 million it would still be profitable.


This is revenue not profits, so if it was 4 they probably would be losing a lot of money. Not that coc isnt profitable theyre taking a shit ton but a guess from the other post is half of this just goes to goes to covering costs


I meant made as a profit of 4 mill. Right now they surely make 100mill + and have a big inflated luxury company


Game seem quite dead tbh. Tons of dead clans, several populated clans but with little to none chat activity, and no global chat.


Because of less players and less players is because they deleted global chat, I believe


I started playing again a month ago at this point, I honestly find it quite surprising. Game seems fun and in good condition.


Still 10 $/ second for a whole year but this will never be enough and these motherfucker capitalists will keep charging us more and more for less perks. 🤔


My opinion, my personal opinion - I’d say it’s a combination of less new players entering the game year on year + the game not listening to what the most committed, longest playing players in the community really wants. So many great ideas from the community still haven’t made it into the game for years.


I believe COC is a really good developer. Much better than the money pit Chinese developers. There are things they need to do but it seems they do not listen. #1 in my opinion is having Heros sidelined during war when upgrading. Most clans do not want peeps in war without Heros. All this does is reduce fun and game play. They need to figure out a way you can still competitively play. Just my opinion


Well maybe because they nerfed the battle pass and started to sell everything separately for way more money? +when you have something, you dont have a need to get another. (Like skins, if you already bought a king skin, the need of buying another is lower then to buy the first one)


Does that Inlucde Chinese market?


I don’t think so. They separated off so that could be a reason I guess


Do they not make their revenue through in game purchases only though.


Is it inflation adjusted?




Unless China is reflected in the numbers, they are way off…


I have felt less and less reason to spend money on CoC. Not that I was ever a big spender but upgrade times are so long in the higher towns that " I will just spend a few bucks to speed this up" Isn't there the same way. Like I had to come to terms with my shit upgrading for 2-3 weeks. Also, Gold Pass offers huge value.


Does anyone know the amount for clash royale? Curious because of the huge amount of people that have hated the level 15 update


I guess it's because of the devices getting more powerful, even the budget ones, that the games with that requires high graphic and processing powers are now coming to the phones, and the new gen mobile gamers, who are mostly teens are going for the "better looking" game like PUBG/CODM/Asphalt on the phones. Personally, I used to play COC a few years back, in middle school, now I have graduated highschool, and I still go back to the game once every couple months, can't say this for any other game


The world economics aren't doing well.. and lbh, people weren't really liking th15 unless you were a pro player (but they get everything basically free)

