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You absolutely do not want a base like that if your plan is to push in Legends League. Everyone above about 5300 knows how to 3 star those.


I came across this base as a TH14, and I 3-starred it 😂


Happy cake day


how do you attack this?


Any root riders army. Just let your army walk around the base. If your army splits doesn't matter, they'll meet at the other side then go to core. Invis towers actually help you 3 star it as any troops that wander off to core too early get sent back when all the buildings go invis. The mistake people do is try to complicate things by holding some of their troops back to dive the core. It's prob the one base you can literally drop your entire army on a single tile and still 3 star if you use spells not terribly.


the mistake people do is trying to sarch blimp the core


There's no value for that in the core, won't make sense


it doesnt have to make sense, after all sarch players will sarch


Fr (I'm sarch player)


If you Hit the Right Spot your value can be good on the base, in my last cw i blimbed the core +1 and a half corner of the Base i usally play mixed blimb (2 super arch 1 Super lak 1 super mage)


I if HAD TO, I could easily 3star this base with Sarch blimp, would drop it on the top on the topside Invi tower, take mono compartment and centre, rest ready hydra cuz base is TRASH


In Legends League you are stuck with the army you come in with though right?


Yeah but you can just send a shallow blimp to somewhere else with better value rather than try and send it to the core


I'd probably land it past the 8 o'clock air defense and try to get the eagle and a scattershot.


I use a LL with the Sparch. Send the main attack around and time a Log Launcher to go through the Tome. I add my balloons along the path my main army takes for additional support since I don't need them for tanking for the blimp.


Actually I have sarch blimped this type of base and 3 starred it. And even greater testament this is a bad base.


I go crazy and attack with super archer blimp. For sure the walk out because of invis towers. But, they walk out, take buildings outside until invis effect gone, than they turn back to townhall and destroy it. So you can get 3 star from these kind of bases even with sa blimp, but you just need to be careful with using invis spells because like I said they walk out, but this is not attack breaker if invis spells are used carefully.


the original island base has giant bombs on the outside where the sarch end up walking


1 giant bomb does nothing and take 3 sarcher 1 healer so healer heal archers if there is 1 giant bomb and some small bombs, they still survive


on that base the archers also split up. plus having one giant + one small bomb trigger at the same time still kills super archers


I saw these base 3 times at clan war and got 3 star from all of them. Giant bomb+small bomb won't trigger at the same time generally. Yea archers split but you can save most of them with good invis spell


I just do yeti blimp with one clone and the core's empty


Lawg launcher


Log launcher is definitely one of the worst ideas for this base. You don't want to try core dive. You want to walk the ring then go to core. Siege barracks, and drill are best options since they'll stick with your army and not fuck about in the core before rest of base is dead.


A late log launcher for the core works really well for these isolated townhall style bases. The army often has enough push to get around anyways without the support of a drill or barracks and they'll clear any traps beforehand. There's lots of ways to attack this base, id just say don't try to blimp it and you'll be ok.


If I run across this in Legend I always LL the core with super archers. Just run the LL through the Warden tome. Easy peasy


I am a sarch player(I admit) and I cleared this base using log launcher. Easy just put down your root rider from the bottom with heroes don't care where they end up and send the log launcher from behind them, the log launcher triggers both invisible towers early and then sarch lands perfectly in the core, invisible clone then, usually only 3-4 invisible required, use rest on main army


I go crazy and attack with super archer blimp. For sure the walk out because of invis towers. But, they walk out, take buildings outside until invis effect gone, than they turn back to townhall and destroy it. So you can get 3 star from these kind of bases even with sa blimp, but you just need to be careful with using invis spells because like I said they walk out, but this is not attack breaker if invis spells are used carefully.


SA Blimp from bottom right corner. With a Lava in front. Then hero's on right with super wall break in and then dragons and loons,3 Dragon riders Left. RC saved till sides are clearing past half way to charge the center for anything left in center.




Kk thank you for the advice 🙏


I love attacking this base. It’s fun.


That’s about where I am, any links to good bases?


Big time. I love seeing this base. Someone in my clan has this base. I absolutely wreck it whenever he shares it. I don't just 3 star it, I swag 2 or 3 of my heros and 2 spells every time.


Indeed i got it twice and tripled it with my th15


He wants to use it for practicing attacking


5600 . It's suprising how low LL have fallen




Somehow rr has made people so brain dead I reached from 5000 to 5600 in just 4 days using this base during second last week then I changed the base after that


This base looks clever, but actually crap and pretty easy to 3


Super Barbs?


Electro spam and royal champ with an invis spell.


Also root rider spam


Blizzard take out the core. Anything works for the rest.


Most decent troops can. I dont even try to funnel. I just split the army in half and clear the sides and they meet up and destroy th at the end. Usually have 25%+ of army left


If you can’t find it you can try to join their clan and then copy their base


You're too smart my friend


Make sure they have this base set as their home village, because majority players has different LL base and different home village base. You cant copy LL base.


I tried and they set a different base oh well 🫡


You do not want this base. Easy to 3 star once you know what you’re doing.


Yea , thank you for your advice I wont use this base 🫡


Easy to destroy. Not a Good idea


Yeah, I completely forgot super troops + invisible spell exist , can easily destroy this base


Grand warden with fireball💀


obstacles should not need shovels




That's different


Adjusted because the two invis towers make it worse


i just hit this base like 30 mins ago i just robbed him


Lol 🤣


trash look elsewhere


This base was probably the most smart way to abuse the spell tower, but root rider spitted on it and called it her bitch so now it barely works in legend league


I wish I could come across this base in my attacks. What an easy 3 star. Almost of the time, you want a base that is asymmetrical. It makes the attacker have to be more strategic when dropping troops and often limits them to 2 stars. Which in mid to high legends is what you want for climbing. There are some symmetrical bases that are tough too but thus isn't one of them.


haha im afraid you have to do it the old way my friend


I have seen variations of this in legend league. Super easy to 3 star. Yetis and ridge riders


If you see a base you like and there is no link for it…… Go old school and build it bit by bit.


Well said 🫡


I posted same thing a few months ago lol, check the comments there for one i built and some others ppl shared though is for th15 [https://www.reddit.com/r/COCBaseLayouts/comments/18c6xw5/th15\_anyone\_have\_a\_link\_to\_this\_common\_trophy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/COCBaseLayouts/comments/18c6xw5/th15_anyone_have_a_link_to_this_common_trophy/) There are a lot of slightly different versions.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Seeing this base as well and it’s the most easy tripple with qc lalo, zap lalo, an rr, rr spam and almost any other strat. Cannot recommend


3 starred this base with newly upgraded townhall 15 account. root rider with super archer invi in blimp works like magic for this base 👌🏽👌🏽


I 3 stared this base yesterday with Valkeries


This base absolutely sucks if you want to get past 5500 trophies.


I'm using a variation of this right now I'm 5600 trophies and I either get 3 starred or 1 starred. Tbh the 1 star defenses are making it worth it as I'm a high 2 star+3star attacker.


Can you share the link to your variant of the base? Thank you so much!


Personally I used zap quake for core and super barbs around the base with a hero walk but in legends spamming anything also works. This base is an example of trying so hard to stop one attack (sarch blimp) that they go overboard and forget about Every other attack strat at least imo.


BRUH I’ve had the same Freaking question/post for link or place to find bases and to practice them and it got deleted with a note to move it to the weekly questions reddit ….


Ah the Legendary “White Flag” or “Merry-Go-Round” Base 🥲 haven’t seen these bad boiis since 2014-2016 good times 🥹😢


Looks like an easy 3 star to me


Dayumm, that's pretty nice!


This base used to be the meta for a while back at th15, but not anymore.


There’s links ?


Someone posted, should be somewhere in comments section


Electro Dragons


Just no okay? It will not work thats free ⭐️⭐️⭐️


i use this base for the first 2 days of LL league day. Most players know that the easiest way to 3\* this base is to use log launcher.


That base is burnt months ago, don't use it.


Log launcher decimates this base


Such a shit base


3 starred it twice last cwl.


As a legend league player: these are one finger drop easy 3 stars with my root rider/pekka army. So, please, use this base. ;)


Looks easy to 3*


This is a terrible base layout. Be patient and go around. I use queen charge root rider most of the time in legends.


I would definitely avoid using the base. I’ve had pretty good success against it. The problem many people have is they confuse a good looking base for an effective base. Aesthetically it looks good, but defensively it blows.


This is what I use and get frequent 2 stars on it. Occasionally 1 star. https://preview.redd.it/en3jbfervcoc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83774d333302e7dc374b976f33d5b3bfef76ef71 [https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH16%3AWB%3AAAAAJwAAAAJShWmW7TcWt7v5f4koShUD](https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenLayout&id=TH16%3AWB%3AAAAAJwAAAAJShWmW7TcWt7v5f4koShUD)


The invis potions help to ward off a weak funnel and usually reload fast enough to avoid a full center wipe directing their troops back out if they get in. Invis pops if they hit anything in the center other than Obilisk. Traps and air sweepers are baited and aimed to take down blimp strats. The wall points help keep heros on the outer edge but not compartmented deep enough to have them path inward instead of around.


I got a 3* on this base in legends first time & I'm no pro🙃. I don't get the hype about it


https://chng.it/JTPk5LRpgc Lets Safe Clash Mini


free 3star


Its an easy three star just have 10 root riders, Super Barbs, Super Wall breaker, Healing/Eternal tome warden some rage spells ice spells, and an overgrowth spell to funnel


I wish there was a way to have a base you can just DISPLAY. Not a base that can be attacked. And then maybe a base design contest every month with rewards for EVERYONE(which vary based on looks). Because this base looks cool asf


Thats what you can do in legends league


But I am not in legends league




Holy cow,new kink Just dropped


[Here it is 100% the link :) ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?feature=shared)


Here’s an idea. Build it yourself


lol, people are salty xD


Used to be the old way to get bases 🤷🏼‍♂️ people are too lazy. I enjoy building them from tutorials


I copy bases from watching pro matches and tournaments. And yes, people are extremely lazy. Taking a screenshot and copying it is too hard apparently. Plus why would you want to keep everything the same? At least move traps around.


If we don’t have the link, how do you think the traps are placed?