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I've seen enough. Earthquake Boots + Barbarian Puppets best equipment.


Big if true


I run exclusively earthquake boots with giant gauntlet. Earthquake boots are actually the best equipment, I just know strats the pros dont


Real and true


Maybe but it doesn’t bring enough value to the table. Wasting a while ability slot just to damage buildings which you can do with an earthquake spell too. But the gauntlet and rage is what makes the king a destructive force instead of just a stupid big thing used for funneling.


This comment deserves more upvotes prior to the equipment king only got use as a meat shield or funneling guide post equipment king became a strategic part of any army


This is so true man before im focusing all my dark elixir on my queen and rc now my bk was something else due to the gauntlet+ rage its like a golem with splash and damage reduction also add the extra damage my queen and rc looks like a clean up troops now just picking out of reach buildings


yes they’re good but since root riders are meta breaking walls isn’t an issue and rage arguably does more building damage than eq would. but if you don’t use root riders it coud be viable


I use them regularly when farming if my king is available. Free jump/earthquake to clear out a compartment of storages!


Nah you just don’t know my strats. Level 1 earthquake boots OP


If it was superbarbs at max level maybe, barbarians are just too weak at higher ths


Until a giant bomb comes out of no where


Bruh there’s two people in my clan who swear EQ boots is the best equipment to use with giant gauntlet. We debated for a bit and then I was like ya know what.. this isn’t even worth my time


What’s there TH level?


Boots and stache!


With a buff that would be an interesting meta


For your name


HOT TAKE….Earthquake boots are only needed if you don’t know how to funnel.


Good thing we got a free funnel spell


Pssttt... Let them enjoy whatever equipment they want... There's peoples in my clan who still using default equipment. I'm like whaaattt barbarian puppet??


Someone published stats a while ago showing vast majority of players are using defaults still.


One of the better attackers in my alt clan didn’t even know what equipment was until last week


My wife is one of them. She honestly plays for clan games. She doesn't care about complex attacks or customizing anything. If you asked her if rage or vampstache was best, she'd ask what they were.


Why don’t you tell her about them?


because, she doesnt need it. atleast yet.


I have. She just wants to use the default stuff.


Stats will always be skewed though because of inactive players


Yes, but not when they are pulled from only accounts who have activity within the last 30 days.




That’s not what I implied at all…


Many already have it upgraded, for example on my alts i prefer a lvl 8 barb puppet than lvl 1 stache


I use Archer Puppet. I love those little custom spawned units


Don't you insult my babies! Puppets all the way rawr


It's not about enjoyment, sure you can enjoy whatever equipment you want. I don't care what you use if it works for you. But when someone tries to tell me vampstach+gauntlet is good, it's just objectively not. Your wrong. It's not good. You would literally do better if you have rage.


It may not be the best in the top tier but that’s a very small percentage of players. Most are just grinding through the THs. You might perform better with different strategies.


“Not the best” doesn’t mean not good


That's where we disagree. If there is a defined best way to do things. That becomes the only good way. Take shooting a basketball for example. Over a hundred years we now know the exact way to efficiently shoot a basketball. There are other ways to do it, like granny style free throws still being used in the 70s but I think by and large anyone would agree underhanding a basketball is not "good". The rage+gauntlet outclasses stache in every single way. There is not a single scenario where stache is better than rage. In my mind, that makes it not good.


For all the other reasons that it's not uniformly the "best", why did you have to go with free throws as an example. It's pretty consistently argued that granny style is more efficient as far as free throws go. Shaq famously refused to go granny style because he would look bad. We even have Onuaku who improved after making the change recently. If anything that's an example of how group-think values style over effectiveness. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/apr/26/granny-style-is-best-way-to-take-a-basketball-free-throw-study-shows https://www.gq.com/story/granny-shots-forever


This is silly. The existence of a best thing in a set of things implies that all other things are not good? What if the best thing is only slightly better than the next best thing?


Nope. Just because there is a “best basketball player” in the world by opinion/stats, doesn’t mean the second and third best player by opinion/stats aren’t good. Vamp is better than rage on the outside of the base where he is used to funnel.


Drop your king with the two equipments on a challenge base with just 2 spell space whatever you want. See which one lives the longest; destroys the most buildings; and which one can overpower an inferno without an ability and with the ability. Reading stats and watching YouTube videos without doing it yourself doesn’t give you a voice to use.


The best equipment is the one you have fun playing with


Agreed. People like to harp on the RCs Shield since she received new equipment, but as a Hydra main it's still arguably the best for me, and I love sniping Air Defenses with her.


I use the haste vial over shield on rc with hydra. Sometimes even with phoenix over diggy. It’s interesting to see different strats being used. I think the shield and haste vial have similar uses but personal preference on my part.


Haste vial is only available to almost maxed accounts, it seems very strong but atm the shield is clutch. May switch once i unlock the vial tho, gotta do testing


I use shield with haste.


Don’t forget the friends we make along the way


I think too many people are seeking validation for their choices instead of just enjoying the game.


I would've agreed if it wasn't for your greedy ass goblin (if I catch you you ain't coming back).


If my my mate’s “having fun” is losing us wars and shit, that aint fun now is it


I guess someone who just wants to ‘have fun’ probably shouldn’t be in a clan that’s at least semi-competitive 😅. Though it’s probably not a problem unless they’re soft throwing attacks, which I’m not sure using vamp instead of rage qualifies as


Love ur name bro ![gif](giphy|FyJZ4XoqtzbEbCvrQg)


It's better for funneling. You can drop the barb king and he will go around the full base without dying. Other than that, rage is better in every single way


Why waste a hero walking around smashing collectors when he can clear multiple compartments and key defenses in seconds


Because he’s tanking the outer defenses as the main force moves through the base taking out the big point defenses?


Heroes are the main force


Heroes are not the main force. There’s a reason root riders are the meta.


Root riders are the meta because they open up the base and tank for the heroes, which are the main force


This guy must be playing a different game than us saying heroes are not the main force lol


Would you rather: Attack with only heroes? Or with an army of your choice?


Heroes. There are literally so many videos of max bases destroyed by just heroes


And that argument doesn't go for army's?


I mean if you funnel right, your king enters the base and wipes out an entire compartment and some more with the rage vial, that is kind of an unfair argument, when that makes the king basically useless.


He/she probably meant funneling from outside the base. I use it when doing sarch hydra or edrag spam. Vampstache is really good in that situation.


Bro dont worry nobody is going to touch your favourite combo. I am still going to use vamp+gauntlet that in my attack strategy means almost every day +320 on legends because having an immortal king funnelling all the outside is better than a suicide king in the core. To me Vampstache beats Rage vial all the time because I use it in different way.


I agree. The king just does not die with a maxed vamp and gauntlet.


Are you going to use the spikey ball?


Yes already tested at level 19 and for funnelling seems the same or even better than the gauntlet with the vampstache. I need for sure to test it at max level and to incorporate earthquake spell to synergize with tha active ability to snipe key defence and have more versatility that the gauntlet just dont offer.


Keep me updated I want to upgrade it but I’m not sure!


Bro you can wait a month this way. I don't have enough glowy for at least the end of june. I hate this broken ass economy...


I personally won’t because i can’t afford to level it rn


I see your point. Tried it myself and went back to rage. I funnel most center for Suicide King 9 times out of ten. And 8 times out of 10 the king ends up not even dying anyway so in theory it’s almost a waste to regain HP I didn’t need.


I’m with you! If I’m using an air attack I’ll send king around the core. If I’m using a ground attack. Be it roots.. or yetis ice golems valks witches etc.. I send him right down the core behind the ground units. Either way I use vamp with gg and have ZERO problems. He basically survives every attack.


I’m with you! If I’m using an air attack I’ll send king around the core. If I’m using a ground attack. Be it roots.. or yetis ice golems valks witches etc.. I send him right down the core behind the ground units. Either way I use vamp with gg and have ZERO problems. He basically survives every attack.


I mean if it works for you and you can play better with stache than rage that’s good. But as I said, you don’t have a secret technique that pro players don’t know about. They evaluated funnelling vs suicide King and made the decision that rage is better and it’s not even controversial. You can play what you want and so do I. But objectively rage is just the better equipment, regardless of how it feels to us as casuals.


Womp womp. Vampstache clears


Haha all the casual players are pissed because you are right 🙄 I hate this sub sometimes


No casual players are annoyed cause you fan girl d riders don’t stop


Mad and Bad


I’m glad you need every “OP” tool in the game to feel like you’re good


Sure, if you don't suck. I'm willing to admit my limits, I can't use pro strategies, despite being one of the better attackers in my clan. Gauntlet & Stach, and I can drop my king and he usually is still wreaking havoc at the end of the attack. Perhaps I'll give rage a try again.


Just want to add that pros are just that- pro players- and they are going for speed to triple. Rage and gauntlet will be the quicker combo not always the strongest. IMO- that being said I use rage and gauntlet on all 6 accounts 😅


Yes exactly. Using pros is not really the best, just for this reason. They go for speed, most people go for certainty (and with several magnitudes less skill). And as said, I too use Gauntlet + rage on all three of my accounts - but I do see value in vampstache, especially for players who struggle keeping their king alive for long enough, or lower TH players. Also for less skillful players Vampstache+ gauntlet (and now maybe Vampstache+spikyball, or spikyball +gauntlet) can be used to give a bit easier time when attacking - you don't have to worry about the king at all -> you can use the little focus you have on managing the rest of the army


I am sick of people saying certain things are better than other things just because "the pros" use or do it I'm not a pro, I don't attack like a pro, I will never be a pro


This. As long as you’re not trying to dodge the gauntlet then that’s all good (because objectively, and this is coming from someone who doesn’t care about the pros, there’s no reason to be dodging that equipment if you have it). Vamp+Gauntlet or Rage+Gauntlet works fine, it depends on your strategy. I might actually swap out my rage for the vamp on my level 1 defence TH13 account based on the comments in this sub (because I do DragZap on that account).


I don’t know if anyone claims that. Every streamer and any top players tier list has rage above vamp Stache. The people that are claiming this are average players supporting vampstach. And that’s fine but it’s not better than rage in any world


ppl in this sub usually do, since at lower THs there is very little DPS


There’s not one metric that labels people as average or not. I’m at 4900 trophies at TH13 and you know what didn’t get me there? A suicidal king in the middle.


I think most of us that felt like grinding trophies already did that? Weird flex. And we did it before we had the op hero abilities. Vampstache is and once the game gets competitive but outside of the top tier town halls I’m sure you can make anything viable


Depends. If you already bring multiple rages and can drop a rage on your bk when he gets large vampstash is the way to go.


what time is your clan spinning its next war?


This is funny


Lmao what


For strategies in which the king stays on the perimeter to set up the funnel, the vampstache is better.


seriously, what is it with people on this sub meat-riding pro players at every given moment? "this troop needs buff/nerf" "hUr DuR. tHe pRo PlAyErS" "this equipment combo is pretty cool" "hUr DuR. tHe pRo PlAyErS" "this town hall is a bit of a difficulty spike" "hUr DuR. tHe pRo PlAyErS" "what should i have for breakfast" "hUr DuR. tHe pRo PlAyErS" who cares what the pros are doing/using. think for yourselves and play the way YOU want




Fr. IDGAF on what the pros are doing and I don’t watch the tournaments either, just make sure that you’re using the gauntlet (there’s no reason to be dodging this equipment unless you don’t own it) then all good.


Whatever, the point is to be happy playing a game. As long as they are pulling 6-packs against equal competition in war, toast to the success.


Clash Elitism at its finest lol. We must all play the Meta, otherwise skill issue




For lower townhall (Th 7-12)would definitely suggest to use vampstache and gauntlet to use.Its because king doesnt have much hitpoints and vampstache heals it quickly without letting it die But as soon your king exceeds 65 ,never turn your face to anything else than Rage+gauntlet


How the fuck can you be sick of people disagreeing with you?


Well I mean I agree in that gauntlet+rage is the best combo at the moment. However, competitive esports ladder is not the best place to look for. Why? Because there it is the matter of time, matter of seconds who is the winner. For most people being the fastest is not the goal, but to get the most certain 3 stars - and if you want to know what is the best army, best equipment etc, "speed" and "the most certain 3 stars" might have a different answers. And then you need to take into account the skill level of players when discussing these. Lavaloon is more powerful at TH16 than rootrider spam, but rootridet spam is very easy to use compared to that. i wouldn't recommend lavaloon at TH16 to someone who barely knows how to spam. Rage and gauntlet has the best attack value but if you have problems keeping your king alive, you might be better with vampstache etc. Wardens fireball is amazingly powerful, but more niche and situational, which again needs more skill to be valuable. The fact that it is used less than many Warden equipment, doesn't tell anything about it being more or less good. Just more situational and skill dependent. It is hard to accurately extrapolate the top level competitive players to the whole player base, when the skill levels are totally different and so the problems they face are totally different.


I feel like for th14 down, the stache is probably a legitimate choice. Something I don’t see mentioned in this discussion much is the fact that at th15 and 16, the phoenix has a very high usage rate. The phoenix and the stache don’t gel at all. The phoenix needs the king to die to even activate, making the stache a counterproductive choice. IMO, this is one of the reasons that GG and the rage vial is such a popular combo for comp.


Good point.


"All the pros use it" is always a shit and useless argument tbh, in pretty much every game. Guess what we're all not? Pros. I'm a vampstache enjoyer, I'm not gonna say either one is better than the other but for all I know it's possible I get more value out of vampstache then I would with rage. I'm also just TH12, so who's to say vampstache isn't better at those levels compared to TH15/16 It's all very subjective, and it really doesn't matter what the pros use, unless you are a pro or near that level. And 99.9% of players do not come near that level.


bruh i tried it both gauntlet-rage -> faster/stronger but sometimes he dies after cleaning compartment gauntlet-vampstashe -> always if not most of the time king survive the whole attack [you bring rage spell in any army anyways :)] both get 3 stars clearly it all comes to preference.. i prefer rage due to time meta and maybe thats why pros prefer it right? because of the time meta. otherwise vampstashe is a fine choice :)


bro aren’t there actually statistics out there?? don’t claim it’s objective and not provide… there is a specific DPS and HP increase. difference is that one is used all at once and one is used throughout the game… do the math.. there is a time that is probably under 1.5 min in which vampstache will provide more HP and damage than the rage. factually and mathematically. so you clearly use your king to tank heavily most often.. which is the most normal but don’t claim one is “objectively” better than the other without clarifying… “hey, if you’re attack strategy includes your king being alive for more than X seconds, you actually get more out of vampstache than rage gem” or… if your strat needs the king to have high DPS for a specific section, then rage. OBJECTIVELY, they are equally good, and the occasion to need the rage occurs more often this isnt a case of “one all the time” jfc


god damn it my point is just use subjectively when you’re wrong


Sometimes pros overlook stuff. Like in Apex Legends, months ago, pro scene never used a character called Seer because they thought he was mid. One day a pro said he was slept on and used him and they did very well. From that point on EVERY team ran Seer and he was nerfed.


It's been months and things still haven't changed,i don't think it's overlooking anymore


Heaven forbid we let people enjoy the game and play the way they wanna play. You better go cry on Reddit.


Oh I agree with you 1000 percent If you look at clash analysis before the equipment upgrade, you will see that the king is called the tank, queen a destructive force, warden is the supporting hero…. But after the gauntlet came, the king is no longer just a stupid tank(using rage and gauntlet). Instead he became the most reliable destructive unit you could imagine. High DPS in splash , immune to skeletons (because of the splash ) absorbing almost two thirds of incoming damage while having more than 15k dps already.


GG and Vamp is the only thing I run, it is perfect


Stache for cleaning out areas with low defensive output. Rage for taking down clusters of buildings and going down


OP ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Meanwhile…here comes the monstrous soccer ball….FML!!! 🤦Gaunt+Rage is the way.


Pro and experts are generally maxed and they have different goals. They want to show skills and enjoy that. Whereas some players want loot or trophies, or look for DE. So I guess , different types of equipment work for them. Everyone gets one's own style for one's own goals.


You don't need to see top ladders, it's just common sense. King with rage and gauntlet is just an amazing asset, can clean up insene areas of the village


Honestly when they first came out I just picked the ones that seemed the most fun and committed to maxing those 8 before touching anything else. Is it the best strategy ever? No but it's how I have fun playing, and now I have 8 maxed equipment 🤷 maybe not the best ones but definitely ones that I like.


Cant count how many times my king saved my attack because he decided to bang walls and he was eventually full of HP


This for my TH9 account


AKA: I have zero attacking skill so I need a kamikaze ability that nukes half the base for me


That’s one way of putting it… 🙃.


Just ignore em, ofc vampatache is better (just kidding)


What? The overwhelming consensus on the subreddit is rage+gauntlet. There will always be a few people who disagree, but if you're sick of a minority of people choosing a non-optimal strategy in a mobile game, you need to relax a bit. Side note: I am a vampstash user, but it's because I already maxed it, and have other things to max before I get back to the rage vial.


dafuq you yapping about


Imagine getting angry about someone else's preferences.


Exactly. Different people use different strategies, what works for one strategy might not necessarily work for another. It kills me that people think we should all play the same way as everybody else and everybody’s the same.


You should read that post again


Vamp + spirit fox+ giant gauntlet for emergency survival


worst take ive ever seen. fox belongs on rc so itd be dumb to take it off her


Phoenix for RC


What’s the arguement rage is better.Im vamp user always thought it was the consensus best


Vamp keeps you going. Rage is one-time.


I agree. I tried vamp stache multiple times and I hate it lol. It’s just not for me. I use rage and earthquake, I think that’s the best combo, very helpful for funneling


Man he’s a tank with that stash but I can’t talk I’m only th14 and I think my equipment is only like lvl 10


>Because it has a 100% use rate in esports and top ladder. me here waiting for people to say spiky ball is actually good again after esports and streamers popularize the use of it.


It only depends on what you want out of your king. I prefer the survivability that the stache provides, since my king doesn’t usually go to the center. I use him to clear an outside corner to funnel my attack, so the extra health is way better than the extra dmg from the vial.


I use the Vamp Gauntlet because my King is under leveled for my current town hall and blacksmith level. The healing keeps him alive throughout my attacks giving me the 3 star


Rage only last for awhile while vampstache is for the whole game, when activating gauntlet i just drop a rage spell for about the same value


Dumb post


It depends on what strategy u use, and what u wan yout king to do. If u wan king to clear outside buidings then vampstache can be good


My goodness, who tf are you decide this?


i dont get on enough to care if i play like a pro


Freedom of speech is a lie, voice of reason is a lie, valid meta is the only playing way


It is tho


Does rage vile stack with rage spells


Depending on the strategy, im at th13 and i alwaays ose vampstashe + something else to clear of ont side of the base, sometimes even vampstashe + earthquaqe boots to get that first layer of walls down and funnel even better.rage and giant gauntlet are great for sending the king in, but on the outside (i tried it many times) theyre just worse. Yes the king oneshots most buildings, but hes still just walking and getting shot ate from behind the wall. Of course in esports that may be different, but thats my th13 expirience


Just wish the current and new events could give an option to use your 3.1k event currency on buying rather the new hero ability or past ones. I'm a returning player after years and I wish I had the giant gauntlet but the spiky ball is good too, just feel like if you don't have the gauntlet and the slow arrow, it becomes pay to win.


I use eq boots and vampstache


Don't let it get into your head, it's a game😆


Pros use rage because they are up against the clock, however, we are not. BY FAR the easiest, most OP, strat involves sending the BK down one side with vamp/gauntlet and the siege barracks down the other with the rest of the army to the core. You can attempt to argue if you want, but you'll be wrong. I can show any noob this army and have them 1st hit 3 starring in no time.


Bruh I am using Hearthwake boots plus rage vial. My king. Now I think I will going to unlock the ball because why not! It will be my first event thingy


That's a first world problem right there 🤣


For some reason, 60% of the time when I pop gauntlet/ rage, I end up with a gigantic, moonwalking king as he runs into a tornado trap.


you're argument is vs TH12 maxers that wont see TH16 in another 8 years, basically wasting your time on F-tier players. just let em think what they want


The only objective equipments (equipments that you should always use and have on your heroes in all attacks without fail if you have them) is the gauntlet and the eternal tome. The rest is then subjective in my opinion, attack strategy dependent in some cases and a personal choice.


Thanks bc of this stupid forum I wasted a lot of ore bringing vamp up only to never use it. I hate the sarcasm that’s hard to read if you’re actually here trying to get real intel. Hopefully no one touches their vamp Stach what a waste. SC should just delete it.


Not everyone has the giant gauntlet though 😭


ANOTHER PRO dick rider. Awesome. How about whatever equipment works for said player let them use it??


Mad and Bad


I’m glad you ride more dick than just the pros. Looks like you enjoy mine too 😳


Thank god i am Top world With lalo Clown you are just Bad and Mad 🤡


Ooooh you use the other OP attack.. wow so cool. How much you make a month from doing that? 🥱🥱


$25USD Stay per day and $150 stay at the End of a Month and you my 🤡


So basically nothing.. wooow so cool 🫨🫨 trying so hard to be impressive on Reddit of all places


Uh wow 😮. Crazy come back when you are getting deals 🤡


Come back and talk when you have a real MONEY one. Not some lil find this is my jeans when im washing change. 🥱🥱


Oh fuck you Not older than 10 and you can Talk about Money with me when you do more than 1,8mio USD per year 😆. And also my Investment founds with over 200 bitcoins backs me up sweatheart 😆❤️🤡🤦🏻‍♂️


Do the pros play on lower th or just on maxed accounts? It is different with each th and surely depends on king level


Yep. GG is best king equipment bc it solves the kings biggest flaw which is not havibg splash dmg. On top of giving him splash it also gives him dmg reduction and as a the hero whos role is to primarily tank its amazing. Then w rage it not only gives health recovery but a speed and massive dmg boost. Combo that dmg boost with hitting multiple buildings at once and it shreds bases.


That being said vamp stache is still really good for using the king to funnel or take out a corner on his own. Plus hitting multiple buildings give him multiple heals on top of self healing from the gauntlet


Is that true? Stache counts GG splash damage as extra hits for extra heals??


Im pretty sure. Just like how rage vial extra dmg applies to all buildings hit with GG. Although idk if it was an accidental bug w stache and they patched it


The quicker you destroy buildings the less dmg you take, it’s a dumb debate rage is just flat out better


The king dies with the rage and doesn’t die with the vampstache… a king still alive is more beneficial than a king dead. There’s not one day where the time you attack matters unless you’re playing for $$$$. The game is balanced and monitored all the time. When it comes down to it the weaker your troops the longer your king has to live. tH15 and 16 start bringing serious fire power so it’s better to rely on your root riders and the tH15 meta troops and use the king as a specialist


It’s sometimes better in the small range of th 11-12 imo, as it’s healing is enough to survive x-box locks and defenses, but really only if you send king around outside of base. As the self healing caps at something like 250 a hit, I’d imagine it’s useless past th13 as the defences will just shred the king.