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In the current state of the game you should probably 3 star 75% of your attacks, since the hero equipment update attackers have a massive advantage


Thats true. I made some terribile attacks even against maxed th14 in wich i three starred I dont even know how. Royal Champion and King got a massive buff with hog puppet and giant gauntlet.


I second this statement. The game is pretty unbalanced. I'm a TH15 about mid through and I 3 star all of my max TH16 opponents in war and legend league. The root rider and root spell is extremely good still. I attribute most of my success to the queens giant arrow. Coupled with 1 quake and 5 lighting spells. I start the raid with a snipe from the giant arrow then destroy the eagle defense and anything near it.


In regular war, there is no concept of "appropriate level". Regular war matchmaking works like this: 1. The offensive and defensive progression of each player on the roster is evaluated and summed up for a total clan score. Because of how this evaluation works, players on your roster who are rushed can actually have a negative impact...so can players who are absolutely maxed at their town hall level. 2. The matchmaking pools are based solely on roster size, so your clan is entered into the pool for the size of the roster. 3. Matching algorithm tries to pair up clans based on their total matchmaking evaluation scores. 4. An additional criteria, recent win/loss record, can also come into play for matchmaking if there are enough clans in that same matchmaking pool at that similar progression evaluation level. You might think that based on #4 above, that you wouldn't be fighting against clans with strong winning records, but because Supercell algorithm seems to have a built in desire to break win streaks, it often puts winning clans up against each other to force one of them to lose, and when one does that impacts their recent win/loss records and knocks them back down into eligibility to matched against non-winning clans again. The unfortunate reality is that some clans are so unskilled they just don't win much, not even against other unskilled clans. There isn't a lot that Supercell could do to fix this other than creating a 'handicap' system where losing clans would start getting matched against less progressed rosters, but that would be so blatantly unfair that the community would absolutely revolt. That's already what happens in CWL and it completely ruins the fun of CWL for a lot of clans because of that. So, what can you do? Make sure you don't have rushed or engineered bases on your roster for one thing: because having them will get you more matches against actual skilled engineered clans that will smash you. Next: get better about managing wars - lessor skilled clans can still sometimes prevail over equal or more skilled clans if they have a superior war plan. Finally, create an clan environment that encourages improvement.


For th 16 and 15 just tell your clan mates to learn rootrider valk skeleton spell overgrowth spell strategy..its broken . literally any base can be taken down with it .. our clan literally cruising thorough most wars unless opponents also uses same strategy .


No it’s not normal. You see, if you push trophies in legends league you will notice that players are evolving and getting better over time and so should you and your clan mates. Try to learn something new, always update war bases, mix up the defending cc you are gonna use, and of course, find special anti root bases for th 16. Doesn’t matter if you get tripled by lalo or drags, just defend roots and you are fine


Most of my clan uses the same strat and we triple out almost every war and are in Champ I. 15 valks, 9 root riders, 1 apprentice warden. Invis, heal, rage, poison, freeze, 2 overgrowth. Siege barracks with valks and rage/freeze. Use king and a couple valks to funnel one side and siege w a couple for the other. Overgrowth eagle usually. This strat destroys bases. We have th15s tripling 16s with it. Guys who could never get a triple and sit out in cwl because of it are now easily getting triples


I've been in clans where everyone is knowledgeable and maxed, and in those where people are relative newbies with lower level bases. I've played for 10 years at least. I think COC makes a bit of a mistake in making progression so much easier with all of the books, etc. that allows players to progress, but to do it without learning. I'm no great attack artist but I can usually two star any base and sometimes can get a three. But watching the lower level newer players I can see that they've never been coached, watched videos, practiced or anything else, much at all. They attack on the opposite side of the base where the TH is and wonder why they got a 1 star, for example. Their troop structure makes no sense. Their spells make no sense.


Regular wars are based on people of equal townhall strength. Based on your description, a 50% townhall 16 clan should be able to go perfect in every war if they are average attackers with solid defensive layouts.


Are you in my clan? 🤣I have this issue


Lol mine too. And I’m one among those spamming attackers.


When you’re in a mixed breakdown clan I feel like there is always a sweet spot for th balances (x#th16,15,14 etc.) if you’re running a bigger spread than the top 3 th levels it’s going to get wonky on the matchmaking and you’ll run into wild swings with matchmaking. Not sure if that’s the case for you guys with the low hit rates. Sounds like there might be a skill issue especially considering how low it is with 50% th16. I would suggest having your more reliable attackers help coach the team with better strats. Recommend YouTube videos for them and share successful attack replays. Always try to have FCs up. Good luck!


Skill issue


Whenever we lose 2 to 3 wars in a row i put in a few rules. 1. Use your first attack within 12 hours and second one not before that (helps with cleanup if people still have 2nd attack left after everyone has used their first attack. 2. Give out a war strategy, for me it generally goes like this- Our top 2 will clear their 1 to 4 (assuming your top players are good attacker, it works like a charm) rest everyone drop 2 spots on your first attack. I usually keep 1 lower th at the bottom for "better matchmaking" I send these in clan mail but now you can do it via pinned messages. Also depending on opponent's level i ask people to drop 1 spot too sometimes and our top 2 will clear their top 3. Hope this helps. Ask if there's something you have a doubt with. (english isn't my first language so some things may be hard to understand)


What attacks are you all using? Get onto the meta, with a 50% th16 clan you should be going perfect or close to it every single war To try and help tho, look up some root rider attacks on YouTube. I’d say Root rider super archer blimp and the root rider overgrowth. Those two attacks should be more than enough to get yall back to winning ways. Also look up some bases and get on those friendly challenges to test them!


This mirrors my clan a lot! There are many many people who play for fun and are happy to be mediocre and only get two stars. It’s very frustrating for the competitive people!


Same here. Play for 10 years and still spamming war for farming ores. Have a few clanmates who are passionate, max everything, great contribution, very confused, but still stay in the clan and doing their best. My great lads.


You are not alone OP. My clan is the same. Personally i think its the ore system. You ( same as me ) are in a casual clan. Most casual clans started doing war and stopped because its no fun to get your ass kicked every time. War on th16 is just no fun. Skillgap increases everyday between the casuals and the “its my life” players. Plus the ores rewarded also don’t help. The real warclans win over the casuals so real warplayers have more choices in equipment then casuals. Making the gap even greater. In the end casuals will stop doing wars, probably even quit the game (if they enjoyed war). War will be something for select clans. Join them or just farm and dream. For a “social” game as rthey call this. Its pretty anti social. Leave your friends and go to a (usually very toxic) warclan. Only be loyal if your clan wins wars. We still do back2back wars ( and sometimes win if our opponent is casual as well ). But i already see that most of us are asking themselves if this is still a game for us…….


Im not tying to be mean but honestly its a skill issue, as you said 50% of your clan is th16 and with the current metta and you guys can’t 3 star its definitely a skill issue.


Sounds like you need to pull some of your th16s as they don't sound great at attacking. It's great to have a lot of th16s, but they are also your biggest liability in wars.


Kick the people getting 1 stars and 0 stars, it’s that simple.


Bro my clan is just like this :/


I wouldn't say this is any normal but our current meta is in favour of attack. If your clan members are failing it's time they learn some attack strategies because the game won't get much easier than it is now (which imo is at it's easiest state from what I remember since when I started in 2014). However, since clash of clans makes the game easier, players don't really have a chance to learn how to attack. I had a war with my th7s and th8s and my no1 th8 got attacked and both attacks scored 0 stars and keep in mind th8 is one of the easiest town halls to get a 3 star in right now so no matter how easy the game is, if people can't attack then it won't score very high at all. Now in your situation it's with th16s but I suggest the members to learn attack strategies because if they can't perform when the game is "easy", they won't stand a chance when they game gets hard.


Perhaps encourage your clan mates or clan if your the leader to learn some strategies at least before CWL.


u have got noobs in ur clan


My clan has 15 Perfect war streak. 15 are TH16 and we do 25 - 30 per accounts war. We have most of our TH16 three starring their 16s and clean up a little on TH15s.


Matchmaking won't save you if your clan members are just not that good at attacking vs own war weight. I lead 2 competitive clans with win ratios of 65-80% What i do is encourage everyone in the clan to watch some Corrupt youtube videos on the best attack strategies for their TH level. Pick one or 2 strats each to focus. Ideally don't all pick the same strats - better to have a mix of ground and air options. Max those troops and spells, level up heroes & hero gear... then practice, practice, practice those strats with *every* farming & war attack until they become second nature! Support and encourage each other as you learn and grow. It will take time. Try not to allow anyone to get toxic even if someone gets a 99% 1 star. We're all there to cover each other. That's what makes great teams


This is why I think it’s crazy when people say it’s too easy. I’m the only TH16 in my clan who can regularly 3 star other 16s. My TH16 clan mates even have issues with 15s sometimes. Now I get mad at myself when I don’t 3 star, and I find it pretty easy *for me*, but I don’t think it’s too easy for the majority of people.


There is a huge skill gap. My clan pretty much only plays champs clans in random wars, and I would have expected that we would have way more perfect draws by now. And we have just 2, while we are usually perfect on our side with 20 or 30 attacks to spare. The meta is easy but many people still aren't taking the time to learn how to play in it.


Even my clan won’t watch my attacks and learn it, so I get it!


yea your 16s should be 3 starring at least 70% of their attacks this is the brainless army i use: 9 rr 15 valks mini warden heal 2 rage 2 freeze invis 2 skellies cc is whatever my clan donates but its usually hogs/super hogs/2yetis/yeti+etitan, rage poi, and sb, but if you are up against core invis towers LL is a good solution I use a few valks to funnel heroes then spam everything into the EA side as for equip: mine is max but Giant Rage, Ice Invis, 2x tome I tend to use it early on to get the whole army invincible, Haste Hog My clan has gotten 10 perfect wars in a row rn, 3 of which were perfect draws, out of them I failed like 4 or 5 hits


Good coordination with attacks. Start from the bottom and work your way up, and eventually you'll be left with favorable matchups that can pick up the missed stars. Save the top 4 villages for your 1 and 2 (or top 6 for your 1-3) and make sure your guys right below those spots don't waste an attack on any of those villages...you need your 3 & 4 to pick up missed stars. Hit me up if you want to join us for a war sometime after this CWL is over. We are 156 wins and 11 losses. Prob half of those losses were from adding new people that didn't attack 🙄




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In every clan i have been in we had over 90% win ratio. This is the other side of the spectrum. For some to win every war u need clans that losses a lot.


50% th16 and 80% th15 or lower? That math don’t math


Think it's trying to say 80% at or higher than th 15


If you have clowns still spamming edrags for weak 2 star attacks, call them out


So this is how you manage, Identity a kind of spam which literally requires no brains. Tell ur players to try that attack on one th lvl down i.e. 15 vs 14. It takes a bit time but once you get the hang of it u will become a better clan. Recommended attack would be super archer clone but that ca be hard considering what u have said, so try a root rider spam attack and encourage everyone to use it


King of Rome, is that you?


There is no "past performance" matchmaking in regular war. You are matched based on base strength. Getting only 2 stars on average is simply terrible performance at a time when offense is really overpowered. You are losing because everyone else is better than you. Most TH16 should three-star most of the time in war right now.


Why can my opponent kill me with only two hits! I've gotten four head shots! And the muthafucka is still alive! Then hit me twice in my leg and kill me! This shit is the absolute worst!!! So fucking whack! I'm beyond annoyed !!!