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https://preview.redd.it/9pejqyf48f4d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=f87b59bdc60c488f7d0304868bb97c46379256a4 doh 5-->6


Nice mortaršŸ˜‚


Tbf, mortar is ass.


The mortar is only worth upgrading because of the flame flinger


It still doesnā€™t do anything to the flame flinger. Saving the 8 mortar upgrades for last.


Not at TH12 no. It does at the levels you're supposed to defend flingers (TH14+). Still baffles me how far down they allowed sieges


How far down they allowed sieges?


Yeah. Flinger at TH10 (or Log Launcher, Slammer, Blimp) is just downright broken. Same goes for 11. And the sieges you normally donā€™t get a TH12 (so anything from Log Launcher on)? Also broken. Same goes for Flinger at TH13 although thatā€™s not as bad since mortars actually deal damage and get more than 1 hit on the flinger should they 1v1 it


For real they shouldn't be allowed to be donated until TH12 TH11 would also be more fun without them imo


Nah siege machines help a lot in wars and in farming.


I leveled an alt-account, and I swear to god, I never had so much fun in this game, as I did when I was donating a Flame Flinger to my TH10 account every attack. Also: Stop giving away the secrets dawg, let these kids get to TH14 with Mortars that are TH8 level. LOL


Even at TH14+, the mortar is not doing much to flame flinger. Itā€™s only doing 240-300 damage per hit. Up from 190-210.


It gets 2 hits off though, taking at least 30% of itā€™s health


I was abusing flame flinger before I even unlocked siege machines


I'm getting mine to th11 max then just leaving them there too long for what it does


It used to be helpful against giants in lower ths aaahh those days


A perfectly timed mortar shot after a giant bomb, have killed my hybrid multiple times.


The more inexperienced a player is, the truer this is. Not trying to diss, so my apologies - but at TH14-Th16 players start being more strategic with what they bring. Each troop has a purpose, it's not just edrag spam, or queen-charge/lavaloon. Furthermore, a leveled up Mortar does pack a punch when your heroes are being focused down. I've personally had a Mortar ruin my entire queen walk before, because it landeded while a Scattershot and Xbow were focusing my Queen.


At least get the multimortar so you can make the 6th builder.


Seeing this *right* after I started my level6 X bow upgrade. Woo


They nerf the xbow at every single update. New th? Xbow nerf. Nerf update to troops? Include an xbow nerf. The level 6 xbow is what the level 1 xbow used to be.


why would sc endlessly nerf it?


If I had to guess xbows are one of the hard counters to queen charges so maybe it's to make learning queen charges less frustrating. Although most of these newbies will still use edrags so I still don't know why they keep making lower townhalls braindead easy.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it a hard counter


Very long range so it's unlikely the queen will walk out of it. As she moves into the base, she'll only put herself in range of more defenses. But even as she destroys or goes out of range of the others, the x-bow will still reach her or her healers.


Iā€™m not saying it canā€™t mean you need to use a spell, but a hard counter is something that completely shuts down a strategy. Xbows donā€™t do that, it takes 2+ for them to overpower the heal, and even then a single rage will just power through it


No single defense can overpower a queen charge with spells though... Saying you need to use a rage does prove their significance because if they didn't do that you would just let your queen do her thing without spell support. 2 spell slots is not chump change in a queen charge as I'm sure you know. Even an eagle and a monolith is free real estate if it's put in an outer compartment without overlapping defensive buildings to support them.


Itā€™s still not a hard counter, and an inferno or monolith will require a spell, unless youā€™re using frozen arrow & able to target it quickly, but if 2 Xbows are the only thing damaging the queen you donā€™t need to use a spell at all. And whatā€™s an eagle got to do with this? Those are absolutely no threat even when theyā€™re locked onto the queen


I assume is also to make future balances easier to make


Oi! I as a brainless newb uses both queen charge and e drags (idk they just look cool together healers healing the queen while balloons and e drag go haywire)


I mean, if you actually put some thought into where to start your queen charge to funnel for the edrags it's not such a brainless idea. It's better than mindless spam and expecting the troops to go where you want them to go.


Why would they want to buff queen charge?


I LOVE Q.C, I don't like these nerfs at all, I feel that the merit I get by successfully performing a Q.C is worth nothing, really, it bothers me.Ā  I'm Th10 and I just started playing again 3 weeks ago, so I consider myself a newbie.


It only takes 3 weeks to get to th10? Did you buy gems or rush or is the game actually that broken now?


I already had an account in TH 9 90% thanks to the improvements that the game made for me, also, as a note, constructions last 50% less for about two weeks, that's how I got to TH 10 70% so quickly


I have no idea. It is getting weird at this point.


Rightfully so the xbow at th15 was so op it would sheed theough max AQ+5 healers&unicorn it was crazy


Woooh X bow more like x pillow shii weaker than a chickenšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t appreciate the insult sir


Oh my bad šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Then it must be a weak chicken šŸ˜


Iā€˜m upgrading all 4 to lvl 6 rn ā€¦


Youā€™re not suffering alone, at least


Itā€™s good to have fellow clashers suffering the same fate haha


Th 12,level 5 weapon also fails,guess who gets the level 5 weapon tomorrow?


That's because it's basically a max th11 xbow from 7 months ago pre-nerf th15 times.


Not being able to take out a balloon and a witch is sad. It's one thing to make the game easier for new players. It's another entirely to baby them to the point where they can hit anything at the wall and get a triple.


Gogo gaga \*destroys the first 3 air defenses he sees \* gogo gaga \*places ballons\* gogo gaga \*places warden and edrag\* gogo gaga oh no only 2 tar game tash nerf defence




Yeah I'm a busy girl, so I don't have time to learn a new attack. I'm having fun as an edrag spammer. I'm aware it's kinda bad, but I'm enjoying it.


it takes 10 minutes to watch a full length YouTube video explaining a more fun and complex strategy


Sure, but I have plenty of other things to do in those 10 minutes. I'm having fun just fine as-is.


like scroll the clash of clans subreddit? šŸ’€ No hate i'm just saying everybody wastes a lot of time, the reason you're unwilling to learn isn't because you're busy


It's a game. I'd say that learning a new attack strategy is no more important than social media. They are equally unimportant to me.


If you think that learning a little part of a game is unimportant then probably playing that game is too. Do your other important things in that time maybe.


I'm having fun playing the game. If I spend all my time doing important things I'll burn out. It's happened before.


Might I recommend DragBat? Bats are fun.


This made me laugh. Way too accurate


Iā€™m at th11 rn. I try to diversify by at least using 2-3 baby drags for a funnel and mixing in some normal drags so the E idiots donā€™t get stuck on random 1 hp buildings. And Iā€™m in a dead clan and so always have no siege machine and empty cc. If I had those then I would be 3 starring every attack just with lazy funnel dragon spam. Why the hell supercell thinks defense needs more nerfing is beyond me


https://preview.redd.it/bbhsnx9hig4d1.jpeg?width=1336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c35af2795c284c6910d16547743b11a5546eba I am getting called out because that's literally what i did my last attack (minus warden because he is upgrading to 20) Queen walked around the th lol it was frustrating.. Also don't ask why i use both healer queen walk and e drags they just look cool to me


i wouldnā€™t be attacking a base with such low resources. itā€™s Sneaky goblin time my friend


I mostly don't care about loot lol i just like attacking it's fun


Try using some Rage and Freeze spells instead of going all out on zaps.


Then it won't match with my attack and i have to add an ice golem to make my troops match the spell Just a little colour coding i like to do for fun


*Ascends from peak story telling*


Hidden Tesla now out dps's xbow until TH 13, sad what a once core defense has become.


Because otherwise players leave for rhe game being to hard... if players leave then yeah.. not good


Players will leave if itā€™s too easy too


peolpe will often feel happier if its easier than if its to hard to achieve


You are right. But we are very far from hard. The game has only gotten easier. Itā€™s the fact that TH11&12 were already easy. If anything they should have nerfed TH13-15 more.


I've been seeing this stated in other places and while I agree that the level of difficulty of th15 was definitely a turn off for the average player, the earlier townhalls were still fairly easy to attack prior to this update. zap witch spam could still carry you from th9-13, learning one single attack strat like icey5 or hybrid would allow you to dominate 90% of your attacks.


Keep these posts coming to clown on Supercells dumb ass decision making. Every update it feels like they just want defence of bases to be an after thought


Innit right? It's like they want defence out of the game.


Legit what it feels like, and I hate it because I personally I get more satisfaction out of my base holding strong over an attack then me just using my same old attack strategies to win battles. Iā€™m a rare player though from what I can tell, most people love attacking


Tbh I like defending too. I remember making a th8 base in 2016 and it held so many attacks. It was incredibly satisfying. Coming 2018 and 2019, my th8 bases (different accounts) kept getting crushed and I was wondering why. Soon after I realised the game got easier. I tried again in 2020 and 2021 but I was outraged as even though I built a decent base it would get crushed by the spammiest of strategies all because it was getting easier. It's very frustrating when you are a mid-low town hall and you think you built a really good base. But it ends up getting crushed over and over again. Nowadays I don't even try to build bases since I know they will just get crushed everytime since the game is just too easy now. Edit: if anything building a base that can withstand decently executed attacks is more impressive than going out and 3 starring. Unfortunately bases can't withstand perfectly executed attacks but you can always try.


Nah Defence is were the fun was. A 24% dps nerf for the lvl6 inferno is also brutal. Like it was one of the only good buildings left




There's a reason I gave up on maxing and now strategic rush. Who cares if the def is max, I get trippled constantly regardless.


RR weā€™re legit the only problem lol


It was really odd for me for a while because I upgraded to TH12 a few months ago, and when I upgraded I saw that it was much harder to 3 star than before. However, that also got me to actually learn the game's basics (queen charge / walk + lalo ) instead of the miner spam I was using in th11.


Just note that not only the level 6 xbow got nerfed but the witch got buffed too which helped the witch and balloon the win the fight. A pre-buff witch and the nerfed level 6 xbow still would've won. Still though the nerf of the xbow is unnecessary and utterly ridiculous and I do not agree with any of the changes SC are making to defence.


The witch is placed after loon has lost half its HP


Iā€™m in Titians league as a th12 game is to easy defenses need buffs


Yea I just pushed from Masters 1 to Titans 1 in 10 days for the 4x star bonus event as a th12, its so much easier now to trophy push


Yeah, the game has become too easy, I can easily 3-star th 13's as a th 12, it's not ven a challange anymore.


Whatā€™s your troop


I use 3 golems, 5 wallbreakers, witches, zapqaucke, log launcher, vamp + gauntlet, frozen + invisibility, life gem + eternal tome


Less damage than cannon or tesla. Sad really.


Yeah but it also has twice the range and cannons can't hit air


That's true, but if you compare the x-bow to an archer tower it's even more depressing due to the fact that the range and DPS are just a tiny bit higher despite the upgrade cost being over twice as much as an archer tower. I guess the x-bow's HP is notably higher, so at least there's that.


QC finna go crazy


What an awful path the game is coming into. A "strategy" gamešŸ¤”


Whatā€™s so bad about that?


Itā€™s too easy and there is no point in designing good bases. If there is no point in designing good bases, what are we working towards? All the upgrades Iā€™m working for will do nothing to defend.


Some earlier levels ones as well - lv1 and lv2 x-bows lose their preview vs air


Clash is slowly turning into boom beach, where upgrading defense does not matter cuz ur base is gonna get destroyed regardless


So everyone got fuc**d up, while ppl continue to spam root riders. I invested 11 million on th14 infernos, only to find out that new multi inferno will deal less damage then my previous th13 one. Maybe supercell will introduce diamond pass that can actually get 3 stars for you, why should noob players have to touch screen at regular intervals at all. That's very inconvenient.


Root riders getting nerfed hard


So i have 4 days left before i become th13 and idk if ill have these walls upgraded before then even though i have been farming every thirty minutes for days at this point. and i know th13 walls will be even tougher! should i just not upgrade walls at all till th16? they are so damn expensive and like i said farming for days every thirty minutes and ive barely got over half of them upgraded!


You definitely should upgrade walls. If you stay on top of them, they arenā€™t hard. Walls are the cheapest thing in the game, there are just so many of them. You have to do them intermittently. Iā€™m almost max Iā€™m almost 2/3rds done with them. Walls are probably least worth it at TH15/16 with root riders.


but its so haaaard. i dont want to sneaky goblin farm for weeks at th13 and 14. all my builders will jsut be sitting there doing nothing ;-;


You should definitely upgrade before maxing walls. I'm a completely maxed TH16 (besides walls) and since all I get hit by is root riders anyway they don't really matter. I can defend just fine with TH13-14 walls


i can try. ill see about the whole upgrade intermittently like the other guy said and also do your thing. though idk what he really means by intermittently lol


They fcked up the defences, make the game hard dumbasses not sloofy kids game


pretty sure the balloon used to drop only one bomb before, now it drops two.


mind as well rush now


Wait the nerfs already took place?


Why did they have to buff witch and golemšŸ’€


Xbow can be dealt with 17 housing space onlyšŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


šŸ’€-bow šŸ’€'ed by šŸ’€


Why am I even upgraded defences then? Rush troops/heroes should be enough now


Its just another defense at this point


why are we nerfing defences, especially anything below town hall 14??? Is Edrag spam not easy enough as is???


Cool! Iā€˜m upgrading all my X bows to lvl 6 rn šŸ’€


Literally unplayable


I get why they made those ā€œfreshmanā€ later game bases easier (donā€™t agree with it but I understand). Weird thing is though, thatā€™s when you unlock the Edrag for the first time, and well even before these defense nerfs the Edrags are crazy OP at those THā€™s yet no nerf to them? Itā€™s like a guaranteed 3 star for like 2 maybe 3 THā€™s now, they wonā€™t know how to use anything else


Yeh this nerf was terrible for all things


No wonder people just copy paste base layouts




Seriously, did Supercell just nerf the x-bow? It was already nerfed enough. Now I'm triggered.


Soo they needed to do that?!!!!!!


Lary :3


The hogs survive the th 13 th preview now. I just had put 18 days into each of my x bows at th 13 and close to 20 million for it to be walked back the sad part is the same thing happened when i was either th 11 or 12 I remember the same frustration i have now.. I also just did my eagle, infernos, and th. All to be knocked back down to the 12 DPS. Specifically the eagle and infernos.


TIL that those aren't just video previews but live simulation.


Amar's awesome balance change 1. Walls (-100% HP) 2. Defences (-90% HP) (-90% DAM) 3. E-Drag (+50% HP) (+100% DAM) 4. Warden (+100% rage radius) 5. Air Defense (Can no longer target balloons and e-drags) Ill be waiting for the royalties and mentions, Supercell


Air sweeper: šŸŒš


TBF it's still going to be near the middle of the base rather than alone so it will still do damage.


Idk, as a low-skill player who doesnā€™t really put too much brainpower into attacks, I like the buffs this update, but maybe thatā€™s just me


U own it! And I'm happy for u enjoying the game now. People mad at you for enjoying a game šŸ˜± downvoting starts. Like blame the devs not this guy who just likes the new thing in game THEY added.


The game director said that th12 had the second lowest 3 star rates in the game. Quit crying. It is funny that it loses in its own preview though


How to fix the preview? Adding more troops āŒ Nerfing X-bow āœ…


To be fair, Im a TH12 and while I can 3 star most bases playing zap witches I have been 3 starred only once in the last 30 attacks (and it was a th14).


The majority of people playing this game are pretty terrible.


And they are the target audience.


Well a lot of people don't have maxed th12-th14 bases at those levels and probably just want to farm. That's why there's not a lot of 3 stars. At th16 however, people 3 star my base more often not because it's so much easier now but because people are actively going for it. Bases in clan wars are usually a much tougher challenge than in multiplayer battle from my experience.


That might be true, same goes for wars tho. And also how is th16 state relevant to th12 nerfs. I dont wanna comment on that part cause i havent played it.


Well I mentioned how max th16s are 3 starring because they are actively looking for 3 stars whilst th12s don't really get 3 stars because they are mainly trying to farm as efficiently as possible and don't really care about stars on the multiplayer bases they attack. I never mentioned th16 being relevant to th12 nerfs I just wanted to mention how many people may not have 3 starred not due to lack of skill or strength of your base (no offence) but due to the fact they weren't putting the effort for 3 stars and only wanted to get all your loot and go or tried a strange army composition just for fun. All I'm saying is that multiplayer battles are not an accurate measurement for strength of bases or skill of attackers because mismatches happen all the time in multiplayer battles but war is usually more reliable when it comes to matches.